Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , July 22, 1898, p. 1

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The Era gives more home news every week than any two othepapers in North combined and will be sent to new subscribers till January for 40 cents cash J NORTH YORK INTELI AND ADVERTISER m th liberty to know utter and to freely according to conscience all othor No paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advanco Vol XLV1I No Single Copies Cents Each J Newmarket Ont Friday July 22 1898 per annum if paid in advanco PRESERVING SEASON Calls for Good Composed by Luck died on the of July In If you want the best made ask for DIAMOND WARE It satisfies it will not chip off with using You will find our Prices in the Goods as cheap as on Common Granite Ware See Assortment in our North Show Window Give it a Trial HARDWARE Paints Oils Glass A Repairing Promptly Done Stc NEWMARKET JP Bummer Vests and Blouses Hosiery and gloves Custom Made Suits I nothing how to fear Since my journeys end near Jesus keeps mo by His power Haves and cleanses every hour When our friends in heaven wait Standing at the pearly gate To receive us in that home Where there dwells the pure alone Tin so sweet to have the Saviour with us on the way can cheer the brokenhearted Who with loved ones here have parted In an English Cat Hereupon occurred a strange thing Zona who had never before felt a fear Zona was making the travelling ocean to recall all her tour her education was j Mothers stoma with which she was finished and she and her mother had j fortify her of the spent last two years in travel danger of travelling in compartment Zonas mother was a wealthy Pure Paris Green A Machine Oil Preserving Kettles and Choice Family groceries B VILLI A IN GASH FR TO EVERY FAMILY IN NEWMARKET AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY When purchasing goods from any of the following merchants for CASH COUPONS and when your Coupon Book is filled with from them take it to and in cash and another book You do not needto take the book to the store with you when making just for the CASH COUPONS If MA I DOCK Dry Goods W LEHMAN It A SMITH Groceries A Butcher J MILLARD Furniture ATKINSON CO N Tailor NEWMARKET LAUNDRY GRAHAM Photographer If you did not get of the COUPON BOOKS you can et one FREE from any of the above merchants widow and Zona wan an only child Her reading and culture had given to hor travels and she had under stood as well as Been important subject under dis cussion on the October morning which brings them to our notice is an invita tion to be present at a wedding in the north of England But her was a Mrs Sheldon was bo indisposed as to be unlit for the journey yet she did not wish Zona to stay at home Unhap pily among other ideas perhaps a eronoouH Mrs Sheldon had a firm belief that it was a perilous un dertaking to travel in a compartment car unless there were so many passengers that there was no possible danger of assault I dont want you to consider me at all Zona said mother I am not ill onlyjust indisposed enough not to feel able to take such a journey You know Mrs will take good care of me If you will only promise not to go an empty compartment think I can rest easy Very well mother I will promise you that said Zona Morning saw our heroine at the Kings Cross station anxiously scan ning the carriages to make sure of one well filled and at least one or two ladies in it At last she saw one that met her requirements and slipping a coin into the hand of the guard she entered train steamed out of station and Zona took a survey of her fellow- travellers There was a family father mother and three children an elderly lady two business men and in one corner a man whom she did not particularly notice She took out her fountain pen and a sheet of paper and wrote All safe compartment full At the first stopping place she gavo it to guard and the busy wires carried it to her mother setting at rest her fears And now Zona who was a good traveller settled down to enjoy her self For a while she looked out of the window admiring the flying So trade Cheap Store For a moment Zona was possessed with an insano desire to scream and only by a strong effort controlled her self The man in tho corner who up to this time had not moved from his scat all day now rose and walked to the other end of the car Zona trem bled with fear He reached under the seat and took out a small satchell which he opened Was he going to get a revolver No it would he a knife a revolver would make too much noise She watched him with fascinated eye lie took out something small and slipped it into the pocket of bis coat Soon he rose and sauntered to the far end of the car He lit a taper bent down and was engaged with somethingwhat was it Zona put her hand to the window and made a desperate effort to open it that she might be ready to call the guard The man heard and turned he came quickly forward Allow me he said politely Oh no thank you said Zona hastily She felt sure ho had designed her purpose and that there was a covert in his tone Ho settled down in the corner again and Zona cast furtive glances at him and always when she looked he withdrew his gaze from her What a powerfully built fellow he is went her thoughts What a villainous countenance can see he is a desperate fellow How foolish I to let my watch and ring he seen I am sure he is looking at my ring Nov the ring was a very beautiful diamond given to Zona by her moth er and Zona with a disregard for conventionality wore it on the finger which is usually set apart to carry the signal of engagement Therefore his thoughts were Engaged Well I dont wonder she surely is the love liest girl I ever saw I wonder who the happy fellow is What can be the matter with though She doesnt look a bit like she did the first of the day Ive a notion to scape Then she produced a to her an American girl isnt and began to read likely to bo so squeamish as a native Anon a new sensation stirred within ere goes her she drew out her dainty I your pardon he said a- watch ana looked at it Twelve look weaned Do you oclock and twenty minutes Two hours since she had started She laid down the book and opened her little lunch basket then she drew off her gloves ihem in the pocket of go much farther An Englishman wouldnt speak without an introduction thought Zona if lie hadnt some design It was some time before the now country her jacket and began to eat The was answered for she was making man the corner took this opportu nity to read the title of her book a calculation whether if she should tell him that her journeys end was Papers I know shes an American can see it from tho tip beat of his time and attack her I didnt know before that eat ing was one of the fine arts We can safely say we have latest in PRINTS everything Our BOOTS and SHOES are of best manufactures in the Then wb have a full I line of CROCKERY in fact wo have everything Zona all of his scrutiny finished dinner returned to her book and I must admit foil asleep for awhile She did not know when some of the other occupants of the compartment got out and about that is to be found in a firstclass general PRINTS to suit the most fastidious Our TWEEDS for summer are very nobby GENTS FURNISHINGS aro tho very latest showing great value in FLAN ALETTES and sales every Saturday SEEDS and PARIS Green constantly on hand We are after y Give us a trial Sow Goods in kinds Produce pa Cash Cash paid- for of her nose to tho toe of her little I lately or whether ho might per haps abandon altogether that as said some time had elapsed in the uncertainty when she said I dont know sir You have never been in this part of country before he said ten tatively She answered in brief monosyllables were strained to catch any sound of motion her companion All at had a sharp sting and a shriek from her mingled with tho yell of the as it vent to its joy at emerging into tho daylight again man wan at her Bide I beg pardon for intruding are you hurt he asked anxiously Zona thought his anxiety was caused by fear lest the guard might heard her scream At the same time sbo became conscious that the pain was in her right eye A cinder from the open window had lodged in it If you would let me said the stranger producing from his pocket a handkerchief Chloroform I hashed through Zonas brain and shrieked out No dont come near- me Poor thought the would be Samaritan She must suffer dreadfully Then aloud I am sure if you would only No tell you said Zona ve hemently with a stamp of her foot The man subsided into his corner and Zona with her eye fast swelling bitterly repented her temerity in tak ing the journey Ill never travel again Oh dear I dont suppose Ill ever travel at all again I have laughed at dear mamma and thought her fussy ought to have considered that she know the world better than I And then a long whistle The man in the corner rose snatching up his satchel the guard unlocked the door- Newcastle rnaam youre at your journeys end and he picked up her valise Will Zona Sheldon ever again know such a sense of relief or will any other face ever bo so welcome to her as was that of the burly guard as he made this announcement to her She was safely on the platform and a coachman narrowly watching the passengers stepped up to her saying Mr Mowbrays carriage for Miss Sheldon I am she she said in a voice which her mother would not have re cognized Let me have your then said the coachman extending his hand He opened the door and Zona stepping into the carriage sunk back on the cushions and burst into hyster ical tears The man who had been in the corn er standing with his satchel in his hand gave a low whistle as the sight met his gaze through the window Walking forward to the coachman he said Give me a lift Riley I guess Ill ride with you Hall right sir So that is the travelling young lady who is to be bridesmaid tomor row and stand up with me If Im not much mistaken she will be in no condition to stand up He swung himself lightly down at the gate The carriage was driven up to the hall Zona was helped out and warmly greeted by her friend Louise while Riley to avoid answer ing questions drove away The first greeting over Louise look ed about her Where is Didnt cousin Would she recognize tho do you asked Dr who had listen with much interest to LouiseS recital I dont know indeed Louise She fifty he a tall powerful fellow very sinister looking You had better let me her eye at all events said her cousin If you dont will not be fit for duty tomorrow Zona said Louise as she came in after dinner Cousin John thinks you had belter Jet him examine your eye He says it is dangerous to let the inflammation run on and he thinks it will quite well tomorrow if you get a good nights rest Well if you wish it I dont want to spoil your wedding after t Miss Sheldon my cousin Dr said Louise as she ushered in the doctor Zona whose vision was much impaired by the sore eye did not recognize as the man in the corner He merely A clean pocket handkerchief Louise he said cheerily At the sound of his voice Zona look ed up quickly A twinkle shone in John blue eyes Now Miss Sheldon one moment and it is out he said What instant relief exclaimed Zona Thank you doctor You are quite welcome he re plied tomorrow I hope you will have quite forgotten it There was little sleep that night for Zona Sheldon What a little idiot I have been How could have imagined such things of him He is tall and power fulthat was right Hut dark and murderouslooking Why he is fair er than I What blue eyes and what a pleasant smile Oh how can I meet him in the morning Louise had not told him Hut sleep came at last and Zona awoke radiant as ever She dressed and went into the park to settle how she should meet Dr Hut it was settled for her a sudden turn of the path brought her face to face with him A moment of confusion a flush that died her whole face and then the smile on his Income contagious and she burst into a peal of merry laughter which he echoed Dr she said I hope you will be merciful and keep my secret I am not likely to tell a secret so much to my disadvantage What was it Please doctor she implored I did not notice your at ail I had parted with my senses Very well then he said It is a compact Let us go back to the house for breakfast and say no more it Had not the whole household been absorbed in the wedding they must have seen that there was a secret un derstanding between the compatriots which quickly ripened into intimacy And Zona to go back to Lon don under your escort John said Louise Provided she is not afraid to travel with me he said with a Here her auditors glanced at each other and burst into uncontrollable laughter Mr Sheldon looked amazed Thereby hangs a talc mother said Zona when she had recovered her voice and she related story Miss Zona lias omitted the sequel said Dr Pierpont gravely which is that I have won from her a consent subject to your approval to be her protector and yours too for the rest of our lives To- say that Mrs Sheldon was astonished would be putting it mildly but I am happy to say that neither she nor they ever had reason to regret that they travelled in the The at Bowie oclock she was aroused by hearing to this and other remarks and he the mother of tho family say- Wake upTilliel Wake up I We get out at the next station Zona looked about with a start to see the October day darkening down and realized that when family perfore relapsed into silence Ho wants to me talk and throw mo off my guard thought Zona again attempting to open the window and this time with success Boon darkness increased and the party should leave train and hollow rumbling told that tho train the man in the comer would bo the had entered a tunnel With echoes only occupants of the compartment thundering in ears Zonas nerves John come I thought maybe he- would come with you he went down to London a few days ago No there was no ono with me only a horrid and hero hysterics again threatened her My dear Zona said Louise no ticing her agitation let me take you in you are positively trembling with cold Oh yes do let me get upstairs awhile I bad a dreadful time Ill tell you all about it And in Louises snug room the prospective bridesmaid recounted her woes and was pitied and comforted and assured that she should not be allowed to go back alone Cousin John Pierpont who is going to be best man is going down and he will see you safely back Yon know he is an American a graduate in medicine and has been studying in Edinburgh He is going to spend winter in London hospitals and I know you will him I hear a bustle now I believe he has come Will you excuse me till I go down and see Of course Zona would and Louise soon ran up again Yea it is Tie and now dear din ner is ready Let me help you Oh Louise dear you must ex cuse mo from dinner I cant go down with this horrible black eye Thus Louise went down alone to dinner alio related in full the sad journey which her friend had said out side me It laughing to Zona A smile was her answer They were seated the sole occu pants of a compartment Will you tell me one thing Zona What was it you took of your satchel and put in your pocket So you dont wholly trust even yet he said with a was a mirror You looked at me with such a horrified face that thought there must be something wrong with my looks Now will you answer me a question Had you made up your mind what to do if worst came to worst Yes she said laughing I was going to take oil my watch and ring and them to you as well as my purse I fancied you looked at my ring particularly I did he said after a pause be cause you know the finger you wear it on May I ask Miss Sheldon if is any particular significance in it It was given me by my mother said simply Then ho said will you give me the right to put one on that finger I am very grateful indeed Dr said Mrs Sheldon in the evening sat in her parlor that my daughter has had your company I never feel have a lady travel in a compart Abbreviated from the Examiner train and boat that came in up till noon helped to make a crowd of visitors which numbered at least eight thousand The streets were thronged The hotels and were taxed to fullest capacity The procession was one of the finest ever seen in the district and far ex ceeded the very successful demonstra tion held here several years ago It took just thirty minutes for the eleven hundred the march to pass a given point Craig vale won the set of pictures for their lodge room as they had the biggest turnout Probably the oldest member present was McClure of Bradford who has been a member for years He is an honorary member of the Su preme Grand Lodge The merchants report a good days business Herbert Lennox marched with Aurora lodge Newmarket and bands had drum majors The T IX Fold tickets for on Tuesday Among the speakers were Rev Messrs Hudson of and Fish of Mr Procter of Aurora Rev Mr a Swiss was for 11 years a Franciscian Father W J of Mioland Treas urer of the Grand Lodge showed the progress of the order which now stretches from ocean to ocean and numbers 250000 in Canada and of its increase in respectability at the same time also how much it had done for Protestants by the work of its loyal members He touched on the Mani toba school question and expressed the hope that the day would soon come when there would be no Separate schools so thatCatbolics and Protes tants would be brought up together Some Old Country peoples know ledge of the geography of this vast Dominion of Canada is something ap palling A in England has a son in this country residing a short distance west of Winnipeg Manitoba The other day he wrote to a Kingston lawyer and requested him to invite his son in to dinner occasionally A bit of home surgery practised a splinter is driven into a childs hand particularly deep is its extrac tion by steam A little with a sufficiently wide mouth is filled two- thirds with very hot water and the mouth is placed under the injured spot The suction draws the down when a little pressure is used and the steam in a moment or two extracts inflammation and splinter be sides This is very efficacious when the offending substance has been in for several hours long enough to have started some of its evil consequences to Nature makes the cures after all Now and then she gets into a tight place and needs helping out Thingr get started in the wrong direction Something is needed to check disease and start the system the right direction toward health Scotts Emulsion of Cod- Oil with hypophos- can do just this It strengthens the nerves feeds famished tissues and makes rich blood SCOTT

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