Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 24, 1898, p. 8

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I v THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JUNE to Take to Operate feature peculiar I said You never Know you over I Hood Co Proprietors Lowell Maw only to take with Hood HEAD OFFICE Paid up Capital Kind Wtf00OT Total Asset nearly A of Is established BRADFORD WJicro received of ll current rati Discounting Farmers Holes And LOWEST RATES for further apply to JOHN Aucut WIDEAWAKE COlt- FIND WORTHY TO A big time usual will bo hold at Jacksons Point on July 1st Dr Greenwood who resided at Keswick in now a resident of thin place Fortyone tickets woro flold bore on Monday for the excursion OAK RIDGES A foundation is being put un der the church and other improve ments may Ik expected ill near future A held Saturday when a lot of work was done Mr and Mr Can of Toronto paid visit at the residence of their Hon at Wilcoxs Iiku a week or two and while the and highly es teemed their Wedding 1lm Assembly was largo consisting of children grand children near relatives and a few other friends to the of over The congratulations were express ed and it happy afternoon and evening spent Murray FLORIDA WATER TUB SWEETEST MOST FRAGRANT MOST REFRESHING AND ENDURING OF ALL PERFUMES FOR TUB HANDKERCHIEF TOILET OR BATH AIL DRUGGISTS PERFUMERS GEHERAL DEALERS AURORA- Hon Mulook sold his Iwrd of fiftyeight head of fat cattle on Wednesday to Mr J of this place AW I m A football match won played in the park here between and tho High School teams game re sulted in favor of Aurora by five On Friday night at tho Mansion Iiouho there assembled last night a representation of tho business men of as well a a number from Goodwood and other places in honor of Mr Brent manager of the Standard Hank who is leaving here to charge of agency in Brussels During his stay of three yearn here Mr made many warm friends and a pleasing feature of the evening waa a presentation of a diamond ring by oxWarden Handera on behalf of the citizens of A thunder storm passed over this section of country a few days ago The lightning struck a fat steer be longing to Air Thos IK and killed the animal Mr Bingham of Aurora occupied pulpit in the Methodist Church on Sunday A number of our citizens drove and wheeled out to Bonds Luke on Hun- day afternoon to the evangelistic vices In Camp at Tampa Down hero wo day and night with the thermometer in shade Nobody daroa complain for fear of appearing unpatriotic Still it will do us no harm to hear a little of the truth for this affair is turning out just as of regular array foreseen Hero thirty days after the declaration of war and not a regiment in yet equipped with uniforms suitable for hot wcathor Cuban patriots and other cigarmakers look happy in their big Panama hats and loose linen trousers hut United States troops sweat and day in their cowhide boot thick flannel shirts and winter In addition to ibis they wear a tunic at inspections a piece of No met on Friday evening and furthered the work of pre paration for the coming of July celebration Among visiting were Bros Hare Campbell and Gregg Uxbridgo After clos ing lodge the brethren had a sort of social evening among themselves listening to speeches from tho visitang brethren and the Worshipful Master The special meeting arranged for the had to be called oft on account of the County Lodge meeting that day in Canntugton Ho no meeting will be held till Saturday July I fc Quite a number from hero attended The choir of the Methodist church the excursion to the Model Farm on was assisted on Sunday by Miss Lewis Monday of Richmond Hill and Miss Carr Some of the farmers of this section White Hose have commenced haying Tho friends in connection with tho Our Beef Ring commenced opera- new church purpose holding their tious last week with choice animal annual Garden Party on Friday June for the start on the beautiful grounds of J is attending the Mr Smith A sumptuous tea tarie Christian Conference at Drayton with strawberries will be provided by the ladies Arrangements are made as a delegate from here The childrens service in for a football tournament After tea Christian church was very largely a program by special talent will be given Richmond Hill Band will be present GRAHAMS m Art Studio If you want your picture taken dont bo satisfied with old method of years but it produced in ibe luteal style and bo uptodate with your city friends Platino Work A Specialty We giving excellent satisfac tion in our work Call and specimens and you will bo con vinced the at tended Tho collections for Home missions amounting O T GRAHAM JONES OLD STAND NEWMARKET ft THE PUTTER MADE- All At David Irvine a noted burglar was sentence to fourteen years in the Kingston Penitentiary RELIEVED IN I DAY Dl MASKS OHO OP DR OINTMENT a for All u6ttm nod disfiguring as tottor fiJotobot of 111 akin on It oft WJB Shortly eight oclock on Monday evening the Mr Marshall and family were taken by surprise when about forty of the members and friends of Wesley Church drove up in front of his palatial residence The object of their visit was to show how much they appreciated services of Miss A Marshall who has so kindly and unfailingly filled place as Or ganist duringquite a number of years by presenting her with a very nice ad dress followed by a handsome silver tea set valued at twenty three dollars After a spicy program consisting of songs reading etc had been render ed Mrs Hoys read the address Marshall responded very nice ly after which Mr Harvey was called upon for a speech which he gave in his usual fluent manner sever al of bis pithy remarks causing the smile which had been on every lace during the former part of the evening to grow into very large dimensions Mr John Love filled the chair and be is just the man for the place A rich repast was then spread out by the of which all partook and retired more than satisfied with the evenings entertainment f Mr Joe Brown killed a large snake in his yard last Sunday The reptile was making for one of the children when Joe cut it in two with a spade Among the list of ministers ordain ed in St Cathedral Toronto on Sunday morning last we noticeI name of Mr J Hand of College Mr Hand will take charge of the parish and the members of St Mary Magdalene Church gladly welcoming him A sudden gush of wind raised up Mr awning on Tuesday even ing and scared Mr horse which was tied in front of Kitch ens hardware store The animal started around the post turned the buggy upside down and smashed the cover off Linton school picnic took place on Saturday afternoon on the beauti ful grounds of Mr Rout ninth line The weather being very wet prevented a large attendance Several swings were erected for the occasion brass band hail scarcely time to rentier a few selections in open air before the rain fell in tor rents and a rush was made for shelter Big preparations for gathering here on 1st of July Mr James Albin who cut arm while surveying with a party on the new Railway is making rapid improvement Reports ft NO JJ OWIUIMJlUUV MAY VAMKS IN OK V- Guy Morton Fred Mor ton Ida Shaw Aggie Shaw Carl Morton Nina Rose Jr IV Nellie May Reed Charlie Lena Roy Fred Fairburn III Gerald Cronin Harlan Huntley Bert Hannah Reed Jr III Morrison Willie Murrell Glen Shaw Gertie Vera Cole II Arthur Arskey Wellington Jr Sarah Wilkinson Mary Wilkinson Leslie Rose Willie Part Lizzie Grant Blanche Reed Allen Tab Mary Jane Stan ley Eva May Rye Harry Sennett Minnie John IS THE ELECTRIC MOTOR OP THE SYSTEM ITS CURRENT MUST NOT STOP The Dr Toronto It gives me plea- to endorse Dr Wards Blood and Nerve Pills For years I have of the heart and my nerves were I was irritable worried easily alarmed and suf fered greatly at times but since taking your Blood and Nerve Pills have felt splen did liy nerves are strong and am free from have had no trouble my heart since using your and Nerve Pills I gladly recommend these pills to all those who suffer from any heart or nerve trouble Signed MISS BURNS v St TORONTO Out Price oc per hex boxes for at or If not at your ale4 on of price by the WARD St To- Book of The poor men have to sleep on the ground in heavy dirty Their sweaty clothing picks it up and their food is full of it Every whiff of hot air blows fine about and horse cart or oven pressing adds discomfort to men already miser able How little it would coat to the camp sprinkled or twice a day I at least the government might provided rough boards from which tho men could sawed themselves a few feet of flooring We are in the habit of pitying the soldier of Europo as hardly treated For downright neglect I seen nothing to beat the way the American is treated by Uncle Bam In this hot climate we yearn for fresh fruit and vegetables for any thing that will quench thirst and at the same cool blood Meat and all heating things we try to avoid by wise instinct The troops how- over supplied with only that which is laost unseasonable greasy pork and beans of that brown quality that ready to spend rest of day in a watermelonpatch I found with nothing but these rations because tho commissary had nothing else but they could not afford to fund for other things from the town Is it a wonder that men de velop abnormal thirst and rush off to satisfy this craving as best they can some with plain water some with milkshakes some with beer some with other compounds The result is that already camp doctors are busy every morning with men and of ficers suffering from varying degrees of dysentery hush this up as well as we can but to do so altogether is impossible The war is thirty days in It took less time than that for Ger many to put half a million welltrain ed men on the French frontier in Today we look in vain for a single regiment fit to Held We hear much in the political of throwing fifty thousand men over into Cuba and taking Havana yet we are drilling recruits and waiting for regi ments to fill up The strength of a regiment is nominally men As a matter of fact the average number is less than Who is responsible Every day raw recruits art dumped down here out of an incoming train and they arc taken out into deep sand and made to move their legs up and down until exhausted nature cries out for rest Drill sergeants ami recruits soon lose their taste for calisthenics in the masting pine bartons of Tampa The ordinary man ask- why were not these recruits licked into shape up in the cool North and sent down pro perly clothed and aimed Who is re sponsible If the invasion should take place tomorrow half the men would bo in civilian dress raw recruits who probably never before had a gun in their hands Tampa is a seaport town and there fore one might have expected that our superheated troops would have been so located as to enjoy a saltwater bath at least once a day One or two regiments near Port Tampa have managed to locate near the beach but the bulk of the troops are so far from tho water that the journey to and fro robs them of any benefit they might otherwise derive from a swim In parenthesis let me explain that the fine dusty sand of Tampa is im pregnated with charcoal dust owing no doubt to the pine barrens of this neighlorhood having been burned over Thus our men in camp perspire streaks of black down their faces and necks The government provides them no bathhouses not even a trough at which they may takebaths by instal ments far weather has been oppressively hot and dry It will a miracle if disease does not break out when the rains begin These matters are obvious even to layman They arc not necessitat ed by the present state of war While Uncle Sums boys parching for fresh food and vegetables trainloads are leaving Florida filled with the suc culent fruit for Northon markets Weekly When 111 When the loved one is sick when it brow fevered its pulse rapid features pinched with pain Mid there are bine circles under its eyes mother the bedside and with anxious eyes tries to read the meaning of every ex pression upon the physicians face A woman may herself almost all of this about children If she will but take proper care of her womanly health during the period of gestation A child born of a mother who is thoroughly healthy in a womanly way will almost be healthy ana robust Pierces Favorite Prescription acts directly on the delicate and Important organs that bear the burdens of maternity makes them well strong and vigorous It heals all Internal ulceration and inflammation It stops debilitating drains It fits for motherhood and insures a healthy child Thousands of happy mothers have testified to its merits No honest dealer will urge you to take an inferior substitute for the little added profit it may afford him A lady told me Or Pierces Prescription lotike when with child writes Mrs Annie Simpson of No Chelms ford Street I was terrible pains mid to get about Ihe house without being in misery I began taking Dr Pierces and the first bottle greatly relieved me I took three bottles before my baby was born at which time I suf fered very little The baby has been healthy since birth Is now three months old and weighs pounds When my older child was born I terribly I dont know how to Pierce They dont simply give temporary relief but are a permanent curt Or Pierces Pleasant Pellets for constipation They never gripe One little Pellet Is a gentle laxative and two a mild AND BEAUTY We cannot all be- beautiful but we can at least be graceful ana in wheeling is an accomplishment all can by riding a Cleve land the Worlds Greatest The handsomest in design and finish Tho best in material ana workmanship most in its lines and bearings m 30inch wheel Model Agents Everywhere A Write For Catalogues BOLE REPRESENTATIVE INNS A CO Factory- TORONTO JUNCTION Souse to Let six rooms and cellar garden attached Apply at the Kit A Office TWO TOWN On Street Desirably near old Woollen Factory For on Easy Terms Apply to JACKSON Ileal Are the leading machines and are ued in every grain and grass growing country the world over Canadian machine made by Canadian workmen Over workmen are on pay roll at tho Co a Works and are working overtime machines are being lured for trade of 1808 Over Binders and Mowers been sent to Europe or this crop ate v House and For flu It Cheap Corner of Superior and for year Apply to J WOODCOCK TO RENT For the months the partly rnlfhod of the luto St George near Oak on hike and with grounds Terms moderate Apply to Solicitor Trader Hank Toronto Roller and Ball Bearing lenders Mower front and rear cut Cutters Drills Single and Combined also Shoe Drills Plows and Disk Harrows A- Tiger Hay Tedders 1 to Celebrated Wilkinson Plows Scrapers Wheelbarrows Land Rollers THE STEEL WIND MILLS BAIN AND SPEIGHT WAGONS Aent for Co Plain and Traction Engines Peerless and Rusher Separators and Powers A full stock of samples on hand at Warehouse East side Market Square Newmarket J MONEY TO Private on Kami Property rut nly JACKSON James Yale is in West York buy ing horses and cattle for Premier- Green faun in Manitoba BO EXPERIENCE me remind you that I am prepared to cut worn axle and moke old Buggies like Hew Ones or 03 per set Satisfaction Guaranteed J J id St Newmarket Notice to Creditors HANNAH FERGUSON deceased A heavy tbundrr and wind storm has done untold damage to the in Tilbury West and Rochester Town ships Essex County build ings wore struck by lightning A Mitchell of Kings ton partook of some sliced cucumbers which caused such violerjt illness that she hurst a blood vcxsoV and died of hemorrhage to statutes of Ontario Cap creditors and other persons having estate of Ferguson late or the Township of widow deceased who died on about the 3rd day of May A are required to to F Knowlcs of the own of New market Solicitor for the undersigned tor on or before the day of July their christian and surnames addresses and description and full Against said deceased a of ac counts and a memorandum of their securities And immediately after the said of July the of said deceased will he distributed among the parties entitled thereto regard being had only to the claims of which the said Solicitor shall then have had notice And the undersigned Executor will not be responsible for the said estate or any part thereof to any person whoso claim shall not have been Hied as aforesaid at the period of distribution All persons indebted to the said entitle lire hereby notltled the same on or before the said date SINGLETON BROWN F KNOWLE- Newmarket Executor for Executor MEN AND WOMEN Who ncei to make money can do so with out rUk or capital by soliciting orders for our memorial edit of The Life of Glad stone by Hopkins with Introduction by honorable the Minister of Education Ross This book is a Canadian classic The story of his life is told with thrilling In terest His death and imposing national will both he described and Illustrated A Trade Marks C tnrone sending a and may quickly ascertain oar opinion free whether an is probably patentable confidential Handbook on lent free- Oldest agency lor securing palem taken toronub Mann Co RELIEVES IN of A The most pronounced symptoms heart are palpitation or flattering of the heart shortness of breath weak or lrregulur pulse smothering spells at night In region of heart The brain may a congested catalog headaches or vertigo In abort wbenerer heart flatters or palpitates It U diseased and If life Is valued treatment must taken Dr Core for the Heart Is the only remedy yet discovered which will In 0 tain- and cure absolutely LEHMAN Agent Newmarket not In the Scientific American A weekly dr any a year months Sold by nil Hew York V St TANDARD GO ESTABLISHED Writ for our Interesting books Invent- How us a rough or model of your you are swindled us a rough or mod I of your invention or Improvement will tell PROGRESS The new assurance carried through by Standard Office lor the last nine periods have been as follows YEARS 18501855 18601865 18651870 18801885 SUMS ASSURED 12132542 29485872 you our to it la probably We a Ppeclulty of applications rejected In other Highest references furnished ft PATENT SOLICITORS EXPERTS Clrll Mechanical Grariuttf of School cf EiigtntrriD In A pp led ymLfii Works Water Work P Ateoc Society of Ctfil ICES AL CAJL wish FOR TWENTYSEVEN YEARS nil THECOOKS BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA ItuKC quarto cent binding profusely cents Liberal rtclAll It measures 18001895 Since 1805 the progress has been equally satisfactory Investments in Canada 13500000 Profits to policy holders pectus CO Off Honest energetic young farmers sons and others who admirers of Mr Gladstone and would to spend next Ihrco months In telling match lees story or We teach you how and guarantee From S day sure There Is no of fail ure and it will be enjoyable work Particu lars furnished free OLD sale at per lb In lota over Ramsay Manager J Balfour of Agencies Charles Hunter Chief Agent Ontario GEO M HUNT District Inspector J A Agent Golden Whit HEWITT 1 Cor The Light of the Worltl OR OUR SAVIOUR IN ART an Si Contains uearly our Saviour by the Great It is not a life of Christ but an exhibit pui- breti The book so beautiful ftready iMxs day and night A perusal of picture of this- 5ii5SJ K the VANTBDJor he greatest Limited Toronto

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