Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 24, 1898, p. 6

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JUNE lite to Prop Best Advertising York County AovKitTiaiNO cento per Nonpareil lino for Insertion cents per lino for subsequent Insertion contract SPAO Inched Inches Inch JJHO 1200 MO unaccompanied with writ ten Instructions Inserted until forbid find accordingly Advertisements will bo changed once each month If desired For than each month composition must bo paid for At regular rales Change for contract Advertisements must bo In office by noon on Wednesdays for farms to Kent Article Lost and Found etc liny Shnd or when no bo Inserted ire la taken will be chawed rule A reading will shed or No exception to Society where potters or when no for rcollectloii around the flub WHAT AMI COR WORTHY TO HOLLAND LANDING Rather cool nights lately We hear Homo corn got nipped Mind I- Luck of Toronto is home owing lo illness of Pinter Mrs Smith of Toronto and Mrs Mrs Smith and child of Barrio of Mrs Lloyd on Mon day last remains of Mrs formerly of this place lately of interred in Christ Church cemetery Monday afternoon last where a large number of friends followed the funer al cortege to the grave The of of Sut ton West formerly of this place took place on Wednesday last at Christ Church cemetery hero Deceased had only boon ill a short lime and died at Toronto while in the Asylum Wo noticed the following gentlemen from Sutton Rev Rutherford who at funeral Mr James Bailey Doily and Geo Taylor Birch Amos Millard and sever al others VIRGINIA Mrs Trout is visiting with daughter Mrs Three young ladies wish it distinct ly understood that to the Sutton Herald was wrong in his or hor references to them as young men did not come that Sunday Mr Oliver did an excellent job of grading in front of diet Church last Saturday It was our pleasure to listen to a sermon delivered in Sutton last Sun day before Foresters by Powell minister un sparingly denounced the lack of sym pathy and brotherly in churches which made such societies necessary Ho also dealt a hammer at the prosont in too many of our churches and demonstrated that fraternal soci eties doing practical port of Christianity so often neglected by church mil AM Otto jr filled tho Methodist pulpit on Sunday Ellis culls his new ferry boat Vivid Surely the people may ox- a rapid crossing over the hay this season On Saturday last the wedding bells rang out for nuptials of John Cut- lie of this place and Miss Maggie of the Seventh Line Rev Mr of was the offici ating clergyman About the young people of and vicinity drove over to Belle on Satur day morning hist and there look steamer Queen for Morton Park where they spent the day in various amusements returning about pm All report having spoilt a very enjoy able day MARKET are so many moving out of our vicinity that everything is very quiet Mr has raised his barn on a wall and intends fitting his underground stables in an style North Horse- trainers Association moots two weeks on tho practice traok Last Tuesday evening was a matched running race between Archibalds bay and Yorks for small purse Thero was considerable ex- hut the race was too much onesided and the bay won easily Mr J of Egypt has mov ed into the house recently vacated by John Thompson BALDWIN BREEZES ROACHS NT Mr and friends from arc visiting among their friends Last Sunday Mr addressed Deer Park Sabbath School Mr J Ferris from the city is spend ing a few days at the Pt Mr If has got his buggy freshly painted simply fine Mr Geo Yates accompanied by his sister Eugene tho guests of Mr Wood last week Great improvements are being made in here especially on Rain St Mr Ed Brown of Toronto paid a flying visit at Mr Fords last Sunday ice cream parlor which Mr Boyd has newly started is a Very refreshing corner to drop in sometimes Ive been there Miss Mario Purdy is visiting with friends in Mt Albert for a couple of weeks The residence of Mr P Young has been lately repaired also new verandah hut its not finished yet just wait Bona KESWICK Dr Greenwood hat moved to Sut ton West hut he still has an hero Billy our as sessor bus improved his residence by adding a now roof putting in a new foundation etc Youll understand mo when I remark that Billy has several fine daughters and nothing sets off a fine bird so well as a handsome Excursions and garden parties on deck nearly every day about here and Albert turned out en masso last Friday and to Bat He Such crowds of women and men too have boon calling to BOO baby that the Owl jined the procession paid his respects to the little autocrat She is indeed a lassje a sweet little thing just like her maw Several of our stopped off at Toronto from tho excursion and had a time They came homo as sober as a judge Charlie and Leslie Crittenden purchased each a wheel A large number of wheelmen about here now Let see theres Will Cameron our champion racer Charlie Park Geo Joe Mitchell Charlie Less Crittenden Geo Nelson Joe Miller Master Riddel and oh I cant toll who all Ah yes our lay- Mr Julius Caesar hasnt he got a stunning cycling suit You bet am led to understand that Mrs has invested in an icecream freezer ancl makes an article equal to a professional But I cant say from personal experience An Owls mouth is not supposed to be tho right stamp to sample icecream If looks sharp ho will probably secure a contract to tie a mystic knot Signs are very promis ing around hero Cant a fellow put in a jolly big days work now Up in Klondike the day is about twentytwo hours long A comical sight The Owl observed on Sunday afternoon a couple roost very lovingly on Their conversat was equally loving The rooster was Andy our stone t ither one was a fine buxom Wednesday at the residence- of Mr country lass who shall be Anon After the business por- ladies highly appreciate the was over tea wits provided for alt Breezes They say paper was SHARON Wo thought that your correspondent hero would write- a glowing account of procession from Sharon section in connection with Union of the rigs and horses surpassed anything over scon in these parts before and if no other mention is made teacher Mr J Turn er deserves great praise for tho trouble and ho wont to in his determination that Sharon should win KING CITY King City football team organized on Tuesday last and intend playing at Garden Party on Friday night English Churoh Sunday hold their at Bonds Lake on Wednesday They nil seem ed to enjoy themselves Some of thomombors of King City Division Sons of Temporanco were out visiting Division on Tuesday night to a strawberry feed On Tuesday next Ordination of Rev A will take place at Baptist Church Visitors Miss A Lloyd at Mrs J Lloyds Miss Archor at Mr Halls Mr at Mr A Car- leys Mr Barnes Mies Haines Miss Rosa Stephenson of Sharon at T Wo special attention to tho approaching Summer Trade Our Stock is equipped with fresh Canned GoodB the best prepared foods for the table Wholesome and desirable Teas with strength and flavor Coffees with their of aroma Cocoa pure and I I Canned Finnan Thistle Brand v Sliced Smoked Beef 25o a tin Chicken- Tongue Cooked Corn Beef and Canned Lobsters R B Noble Brand y a tin- Tomato Catsup Aylmer Brand a tin- Tea at- ABE Blended Tea RELIABLE I Davisons Blended Tea ID- Finest Java and Coffee ground freah at 40c lb Pure Rio Coffee special at 25o lb Cowans finest Cocoa bulk lb ftrVWVWWVwirVVV Teas and Coffees are the finest flavors they are the best DAVISON GO Fine Grocers MAIN STREET The delightful fine weather has had a wonderful effect on the crops and they are making rapid growth The fanners in this vicinity say the wheat crop is above the average and the spring grain is very promising Mr Mrs Clancy of New market have been spending a few days in the village this week They arc accompanied by their son Hoy Mr Gilpin returned homo on Monday after spending a few days at Mr B Peregrine of spent Sunday at Mr A Mr V Van Norman of Keswick will address the Christian Endeavor next Sunday evening Mrs Draper is this week with her brother Mr J Richardson If P P in Where are you going on Dominion Day There are so many attractions it is a difficult matter to decide hut Morton Park will have its quota The T U held a meeting on GLENVILLE A few of farmers of this vicinity have commenced baying The Garden Party hold under tho auspxos of the Sons of Temperance on Tuesday evening last week was a grand success The Concert held by Mr Blake Hewitt on Thursday was also a grand success The extensive rains tho past week have much improved the appearance of the spring crops The shingle mill in Mr Armitages Cedar swamp is doing a largo busi ness Mr and Mrs were tending Christian Conference the past week The annual Sunday school was largely attended last Saturday afternoon Among the visitors from a distance were Miss Cora and Bessie Stephens of the Mission Corners Miss Annie Andrews Miss and Mis3 Nellie of New market What people would like to know Why the huckster from Aurora is so attentive to our little village Where was the string band that was adver tised to be in attendance at garden party Where is our former s pendent has he gone to Klondike Where the new boggles all sprung from Mr Robert has returned his rail fence to the city after spending several days among friends WhoWhooWhoo Rev Mr Webster preached his fare well sermon in the Mefhddist Church last Sunday morning Rev Mr Leonard farewells next Sunday even ing an address to the Epworth League of Christian Endeavor The Methodist School here has completed arrangements for their an excursion about usual date on the of July and will bo run to Bay Point and This Excursion has for years been one of the most popular Excursions of the season and doubtless this year will be no exception to the rule Farmers in this vicinity are busy this week at their clover hay and it is being got in in excellent condition Mrs John still con tinues in very poor health not much hope entertained of her recovery Mrs Ed King is down with an at tack of inflammation of bowels Rev Mr of the Montreal Methodist Conference with his family arrived at her fathers Mr P last week Mrs expects to spend a couple of months at her old home Quarterly Meeting in the Keswick Christian next Sunday Fel lowship meeting on Saturday at after which the ordinance of baptism is expected to be administered present and a very social evening was spent Tl is Union will visit Sutton Union on Sunday afternoon and assist in a Gospel Temperance Meeting held at the Methodist Church A portion of the Bel haven Amusement Co will accompany them and furnish selec tions on the program Mr Walker returned on Tuesday from Drayton where he has been attending Christian Conference Mr David Davidson is home from The road through the village was very bad this Spring and although it was at times very dangerous it was decider to pave it with sand and gravel and the job was completed this week New fence in front of the brick store property We understand Mr intends selling his shop here and moving to Manitoba Only another weeks school and then A large from here attended the Methodist Church in Sutton on Sunday evening when Mr Powell de liverer a very eloquent sermon to the The beekeepers say this season has M very poor for honey making as there were no blossoms out in tho early part of month Although we live over fifty miles from Toronto wo can indulge in some of the advantages they have in the city The celebrated Globe cartoonist is coming to Sutton on Do minion Day and will give one of his comic entertainments in the evening We are pleased to note rapid change that is coming over the farm ers of this Province during the last few years They Incoming edu cated to the that they must pro tect their own markets avoid dealing with combined manufacturers as far as possible and encourage home in- confusion of American and dustry Notice an example of this railway signs at Niagara quite the large amount of resulted in a collision and Canadian Binder Twino sold in the death of Engineer George Jack of neighborhood while the America the Railway ftre mftr worth reading It always is my dear madam These cool evenings are for sure One needs plenty of Two of our old residents whose heads are fa6t blossoming for the grave and who nave been on had terms for nigh on to twenty years met some time ago shook hands let bygones be bygones and are on the best of terms now am truly glad to hear of it What glorious good cake Mrs John Kay of Virginia can make Girls when you get married get her to make the wedding cake I have sampled it It cant be eat Us country folks enjoy many things that town and city folks do not We see nature in all her beauty hear many forest songsters and see many sights that to town folks So townspeople do not have all the good things of life There is every probability of an abundance of game about here this fall Several pair of wild ducks aro breeding near here this aeason A Brunton attention At one time this part of Ontario was home of vast numbers of that interesting little game bird the quail Now there are none I believe They are still plentiful in Western Ontario where they afford sportsmen much pleasure Now W A you are a genuine sport and have abundant means to gratify your tastes you take the lead others will soon join in and re introduce the quail What say you Say now do thats a good fellow Rain on Monday did an immenso deal of good Wo regret to learn of the death of Dr Hes gone but not forgotten is going on under Tomlinson Hes doing a good hit of work same as ha always does I guess Prof Campbell could get a few pointers on from Ben Sharon school I see won the silver cup at tho school pionio at Morton Park for beat turnout But seems to me with all their expense for Band etc they paid dear for their is visiting in MOUNT ALBERT Smith dentist will be hero Tuesday June Mr Munns of Toronto is spending several weeks with friends Mr John Paisley Dr Frank Forrest and Mr Alex Graham both of Uxbridgo were here on Tuesday Miss Sanderson has returned from a weeks visit spent in vicinity of Mr J agent this week for some well earned holidays He to Marquette Mich Mr John Fisher left Monday for camp at Niagara along with the Battalion Rev Mr McFadgen reports con siderable success in his special meet ings Mr Ben Ramsden of Toronto spent last Sunday here Mr J is attending Grand Lodge at Gait this week Mr is D S for this district The Jacksons Point express made its first run of the season Saturday afternoon It reaches here about oclock Mr Arthur Last is adding a wing to his residence Our progress will soon reach a town The of Church hold a monster for themselves and friends on July 1st at Mr Thos Watts and no garden party will be held this year as the pastor is opposed to such schemes in order to raise church funds A concert will be held hereon even ing of July 1st at which an elocution ist and other talent will Some went on the Farmers Excursion to from this station and report a good time Mr and Mrs J of Good- wood and Mr and J Ross ofBaldwin spent Sunday at Mr Longs Miss who teaches the town line school east of here is leaving at the holidays in order to go to Nor mal the coming term A vacanoy for some one COLLEGE CORNERS A goodly number from this com munity to last week and report one of best ex cursions over attended Some of our people have tried to raise strawberries but owing to weeds pronounced it a tedious job Since the article in last weeks on a new barrel plan of cultivating thm some have decided to adopt it but I could not prefer any letter way of raising them than with a spoon Tlio Free Methodist CampMeeting at Orillia is over and all back soundly converted Our statute labor and grant is all used up and as far as it went it was declared by Mr our worthy councillor that job was done far superior than anticipated His success will be continued by our influence and support Tlio Messrs Watson have com pleted Mr J McMillan stone wall under kitchen and otherwise and will commence at Mr K Youngs wall for pig pen Several are building castles and placing furniture therein for the bees who will fill them with honey Mr A has also one of those famous wire fences Mr Ben and coadjutor are at renewing friendships Mr Thos who went down r to the hospital at Toronto is doing well He was troubled with and an operation was neces sary Some time time ago a person bor rowed the road scrapir that belongs to tins heat and it could not be found when wanted Anyone knowing its whcrealxHits please speak out Sunday School at Dry town is still flourishing It would le more inter esting if some of the older folks would set an example to get up earlier Hello Mr Scarecrow I approciate your presence very much Your ser vices were very much needed But say dont go away cause the engineer of the Breezes thinks he has me in pickle Mr and wife were the guests of Mr Ed their son The special attraction was a little in truder which after awhile will call him Pa and say when can I The Joker and Mr A Rose take a trip to Brown Hill Wood ville and this week for the general benefit of our health Mr John raising was wel patronized by a large crowd After all was completed the ladies had two very long tables with delicious eatables and the hungry men proved themselves good feeders There is a woman hero who has so man chickens turkeys and ducks that she has killed several by stepping on them they arc so thick Mr John Fen ton our southern end mail man has invested in a new cart Mr Smart of Mount Albert is put ting in his summer months at Mr Roses Be careful hell make a hay seed of you The young men around College Corners are taking subscriptions for a divided into three prizes for a green bicycle racoon 1st of July A meeting of all interested will take place at Keswick next Tues day night to arrange matters It is proposed to have the race on the Base line and run four miles into Sutton Joker H P We keep only the Best Quality and supply them at the same price as adulterated goods Next to the Post Office TO BLOCK OF FOR SALS Thai desirable properly known the H estate on Lake Sim- For particulars apply to E Sutton FOR SIS Situated on John St Apply to JOS MEADS Newmarket RESIDENCE FOR A LB OK TO RENT Hon Cameron Lieutenant- Governor of the Northwest Territories was and presented with an address by Goderich friends DESIRABLE RESIDENCE Centrally looaled Market on St Good veil stable and other convenience of Occupied by Dr Scott on Queen St at Era Office FOB SALE Bread down to 9c Coal Oil down to 18c HOWARD Of Landing will deliver In Newmar ket on Thursdays and at above prices Part Of Lot 3rd Con King Would exchange for smaller farm AVE Toronto of I desire to take method of exprefiln inythanka to the family of Mr Michael Cain for their kindness and generosity In he care of my daughter at the time of the recent railway accidental crossing MATTHEW MORTSOKJf TO RENT half of lot con 3 King Good buildings good orchard good fences acres fallow Fall plowing to be done acres seeded Well watered good soli about acres cleared miles P Rent moderate to a good man terms apply to George Ramsey next lot south of farm Kettlcby P or to J Staf orth Ont Returned to Newmarket MARTIN ROBINSON tuts leased the premise opposite K el mans old stand where no be pleased to attend to the wants of old customers and many new ones Orders work execut ed with satisfaction and dono very cheaply CO sire doors south of Blacksmith Town Carting DAVID Cor Main Ontario market Ansuietr that Your correspondence will be at tended to more promptness keep a of station ery on hand Wo can giro you Note Heads Letter Head and Envelopes printed to your fancy at prices that will sur prise you Call at Office and see sample L Kit A

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