Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 24, 1898, p. 5

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J THE NEWMARKFT JUNE BAM REST President Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH A Banking Business Interest Allowed on Deposits AT COMIENT DRAFTS ISSUED AT POINTS Sterling and American bought and Kotos Discounted promptly attended to ROSS j Dp IW Campbell I A tf opposite Christian I to J and to pm AT Church a Formerly at Chelsea Hospital London England Tor Diseases of Women of Hospital Tor Sick Toronto OrriOE Central Pharmacy to and 10 Dp Alfited ttiebb Newmarket Dr Honors first doorBoutli of Post OrriCB to am pp J Wesley Surgeon and Coroner Mnlnt Telephone Communication INSURANCE j Joseph A Cody Oonfoloration I also Insurance at heat Good Farms for Halo At Town Clerks Office next to Fire liall Newmarket Always in J A Agent for and AMurnuce tiompnute Money to Loaninterest at Current Kates OrriCEAtiiioPoBtomccNowmarkct AGENT Canada Ixiie flssufarwe Co INSURANCE RISKS AT LOWEST RATES Money to I A A Ramsay Fire Insurance Agent Low on Farm and Isolated Town Property Hodges Tin Shop Newmarket DENTAL A I Dentist Post Ooe Block opposite the Methodist Church I Vitalised Air for Satisfaction Guaranteed Dp J Dentist Aurora Successor to the late Robinson E8IDENCDr Robinsons late residence Street Aurora MARRIAGE LICENSES of MARRIAGE LICENSES 1 At the Office Newmarket Office Private Papers Issued at private residence If desired Have you bad any taken lately If not give the artist a sitting and will bo delighted with the result Courteous atten tion Satisfactory Photographs Prices reasonable Call today This weather just suits Peppiatts Art Gallery North of Royal Hotel And Stackers always on band J 413 Holland Landing County Crowded out fast Mr school Inspec tor for North York presented a report making a comparison of attendance with ten yea re ago showing a of land strongly recommending an Model term i defining tho duties of the County the rules for the management of Industrial Home introduced DAY A communication was read from the of Ontario County regarding tbo maintenance of the over tho Rouge in Township and an informal talk followed York Council had written offering to put bridge in repair and then hand it over all together it lies in Pick ering Township The Ontario Coun cil however will not to this but offer to pay half the maintenance un der certain conditions County Treasurer J submitted estimates for the cur rent year The levy for general pur poses is and the amount for the Industrial Homo SB The first amount includes a lovy of on debt for York roads This debt is over and the proposal is to spread tho payment of tho amount over a period of 4 years general will be of a mill on the dollar and of a mill for the homo It will be necessary to borrow to meet un til tho taxes come in A representing the County Magistrates appeared to ask that uni forms bo purchased for county con stables who are officers of the County Courts matter was referred to a committee composed of Messrs Evans and Davidson On motion of Councillor Woodcock it was decided to the On tario Government to repeal a section of of tho statutes defining tho eli gible inmates for industrial homes Tho section to made it pos sible for two Magistrates to send any irresponsible or insane person or a porson who frequents public houses to the detriment of his family to such a homo Mr Woodcock pointed out that this laid too much on Buch homos and would make them houses of THIRD DAY bylaw defining the duties of of ficials at the Industrial Home was finally passed No change was made in the olViccrs but J in view of the increased duties he is now expected to perform will receive 125 instead of James Kavanagh caretaker is to receive and Kavanagh matron Just whether matron should have a baud in purchasing supplies for the institution was discussed by the Council Councillor Evans intimating that such delicacies as maple syrup lamb lemons Sardines onions and turkey to be found on their bill of faro Councillor Woodcock admit ted that matron had treated the County Commissioners to a wellpre pared menu whenever they visited the Home and it was not surprising that such delicacies appeared in the bills of the institution In view of these facts it was resolved that the purchase of supplies for the Industrial Home should be taken out of the bands of the matron J Wesley was appointed physi cian to the house at a salary of The special committee re Kingston road in Pickering Township reported that they havemet the representatives of Pickering and Ontario Co but uld not come to terms A bylaw to govern proceedings of the Council was read a third time and passed A bylaw to appoint school inspec tors was read a third time and passed and the following gentlemen were ap pointed inspectors A Davidson for the northern district and for the southern with a salary of per annum for every teacher in their district together with travelling expenses In the afternoon the members of the Council the new and wero shown around the building by Lennox FOURTH DAY A deputation from the Toronto Junction High School waited upon the Educational Committee asking for a readjustment of the amount due to the school The amount claimed is The auditors presented their report which showed the indebtedness of the county to Against this amount were available assets of un paid taxes from various municipalities amounting to all of which has since been paid except that of York Township amounting to The auditors reported that new cash book made compulsory by the Provincial Government has been open ed by the Treasurer and simplifies ac counts for reference They recom mend that a general ledger be provid ed in which all accounts be closed at the end of each month in such a way to show at a glance the exact assets and liabilities of county report of tho Commissioners on County Property recommended that a now steel bridge be erected between York and Peel that the eastern he bridge at Islington be re placed by a new one and that ten bridges on the boundary lino between York and Ontario counties bo repaired at a of to Among tho minor matters of tho day was tho passing of a bylaw to ex tend time for taking tbo assess ment in Township of York the granting of towards ropairing the Newmarket lookup burned by J Arthur an inmate of Industrial Home and passing of a bylaw to pay members of the County Council per day during sessions in committee and per to and from their residences A bylaw was passed authorizing the leasing of vacant rooms in tho Court after the officials move to their now buildings until tho old build ing is sold and an was made to tho bylaw providing for the election of warden whereby proceed ings shall common co do novo after five votes are taken and thereafter the receiving the least number of votes shall bo dropped until the bo- lection be made At oclock council adjourned DAY The business was largely yesterday by the absence of County Solicitor whose opinion was wanted before the were finally passed Tho Bylaw and Legislation Com mittee was instructed to prepare a petition to Ontario Legislature asking them to legislate against any but duly appointed county constables doing service at the courts The Committee on Assessment re ported that municipalities that had been asked whether they thought it advisable to change the lime for taking the assessment or not had without exception recommended no change A bylaw relating to and pedlars received its third reading pro viding for a license fee of 1 for a person on foot with basket for a push carl for a horse rig for a two- horse rig and for a steamboat This bylaw is subject to the statutes which provide that no is necessary for selling indige nous fruits or goods manufactured by tho individual or manufactured in Canada and sold by appointed agent On motion of Councillor Woodcock it was decided to petition Legisla ture to make more explicit tho crimi nal code in reference to tho conviction of persons who have committed petty larceny The Council wish the clause relative to the power of magistrates to imprison or line to be made much clearer than at present On motion of Councillor Gibson a grant of was made for tho re pairing of stone culverts at Toronto Junction The report of tho Standing Com mittee on which was adopted recommended that the Council join with other Councils in a petition to the Dominion Government to increase tho pay of the militia during drill by twentyfive cents per day SIXTH DAY The York County Council brought their June session to a close on Satur day Tho special committee of the County Council appointed to consider the question of purchasing uniforms for constables attending court presented their report Saturday They recommended the laying over of the matter until the removal to the new House as then the matter will be within the jurisdiction of the city and will be subject to their ex pense The report was adopted The estimates us prepared by the Treasurer were taken up In the bud get which followed the levy for general purposes was cut down from 435G555 to and for the Industrial- Home from to The rate for gen eral purposes will therefore be mill on the dollar and 310 of a mill for Industrial Home A bylaw was passed authorizing the Warden and Treasurer to borrow to meet the expenses of the county until the taxes are collected The Educational Committee recom mended that the claim of of the Toronto Junction High School be re ferred to tho County Judge to decide on validity of the claim but the Council took it upon themselves to judge and allowed them 18083 No asked for a grant to wards a continuation class according to the School Act of but de partment not having apportioned any money for the purpose the request was not granted The following halfyearly grants were made to High Schools No Weston 389 No No Newmarket No Aurora Model Schools Newmarket Toronto Junction 175 On motion of Councillors Hall and Woodcock the grant of 100 to the Prisoners Aid Association was reduc ed to and 75 was voted to the Sick Childrens Hospital This with voted at the last session will en title the county to a cot for one year The Warden and Commissioners were given power to take such steps as they deem necessary to compel Township of York to pay over the several amounts due to the county if not paid Wore July The Adelaide street pavement matter is also referred to the Warden and Commissioners THE BUR Of Sickness and the Shadow of Graver Things BEING For he Eta From Thousands of In Canada Mr J brakeman on Grand Trunk residing at 211 ave nue Toronto Canada My experience Willi treatment for dyspepsia baa been most I wan In a condition when I con Halt eel was to In fact with and I never expected to Sot better The pains In my bend nearly rove mo wild and was compelled to walk the floor for I had so badly my atomach was swollen frightfully that I suf fered the greatest agony I nil medicine in the effort to got relief but I kept worse fllnro I began Dyspepsia Cure I have never felt In better health I can cat almost anything and feel no bad after repnlts am now In splendid health and attribute It all treatment and am dally these Price wonderful Modtoqs re- neve la to hours curt In a r Cure cures of luiilgcitlD and Irtce fciiiayotfi Cure up a cold la a ten boor Cough Cure stops and heals Price 25o Kidney Cure speedily cures in luck Solas or sll lonat ct kidney Price Nerve Cure op the system Price Headache Cure atopa to Price Pile caret forms of idles Price Blood Care eradicates alt lbs Mood Price Ferns Remedies are a boon to ell women Catarrh remedies never fall Toft Cute price radicals the dlewto from system and Cstsrrb sod Asthma Remedies relieve to minutes snd Price Vltatlicr a Brest tonic lad vital t weak people A separata care for At ill flats cents a vial litters to Prof Albert Ton Mo Ont with advice for soy Jacoh Hoover of Toronto Junc tion put in a bill for the wire of an in fant which his daughter found aban doned in a pool of water under the UK track in York Township The township authorities have no means for dealing with such cases and the county constabulary refused to take the child off his hands The Council concluded that they were not respon sible and refused to commend pay ment The Township of York owes the county something over On motion of Mr the Warden and County Commissioners were in that unless it was paid by July they should take steps to col lect it The Council passed a resolution in structing the Commissioners not to pay anything toward the cost of the asphalt pavement on Adelaide street The Council concluded its business at few minutes to one and adjourned until In memory Gladstone Englands Grand Old IIan The solemn toll of earthly bells proclaim last sad rites that man can give to man That he who the name For honest purpose in each Godlike plan Has passed the of time where ring Heavens joyous to give him welcoming The nations of earth in mourn In mental sackcloth hows each stately head That from tho ranks of living men is borne The pride of Britain to the talent dead Whoso every hour of life was nobly spent To bless world who now for him lament Though hushed voice that thrilled with eloquence No more to fall upon the raptured car For ages will his potent influence Still shed a on his grand career His words will echo down the centuries And mould the minds of men of all degrees The world impoverished will still move on Deprived of all his counsels will sustain A lots few can supply a leader gone A blank in many ways will long remain This land will feel the gap in history Filled with his deeds throughout this country The most distinguished statesman of the age Possessing powers of rare ability With intellect to cope with every stage Of public favor or Who sought no praise of men nor feared his foes Pursued his course though many should oppose From early youth he loved the word of God An earnest student of the sacred lore Imbibed its holy truths so dep and broad Was by its precepts led till life was oer This was the secret of his lifes He honored Joel all he did possess Who can compute how much his tongue and pen Have wrought to keep in check unrighteousness Ho much he did the giant prince of men Ills to alleviate the poor to bless To change the current of the public mind And break the shackles of the wrongs that bind He filled the measure of the Godly man Sought not his own but lived to tatter make The world of human taints in each plan Led by his God he seldom made mistake His name will shine with lustre on the page Of history in each succeeding age gracious Majesty our honored Queen of him in her note of condolence As the distinguished Statesman of her reign Who shared alike her trust and confidence Where kindred virtues shine in royalty As in his life of matchless loyalty A model left for man to emulate For all who would in public work engage To benefit the world the church or state Against prevailing evils war to wage Like him whose honor and integrity Were to the world that- all could see Pure Paris Green Sulphate of Copper SPRAYING PURPOSES Pharmacy Lehmans Drug Store i Turnip Seed stock of all the Standard Seeds The latest Hartleys Bronze Top in stock WilmolvE Lehman Chemist and Druggist of THE BEST VARIETIES RED COB MAMMOTH SOUTHERN SWEET EARLY LEAMING LONGFELLOW EARLY ANGLE OF MIDNIGHT GERMAN MILET HUNGARIAN AND TURNIP SEED Huron Street Do you Think of Visiting Toronto Richmond Him- May P WAIT THE An Explanation The for the popularity of Hoods lies in fact that medicine positively cares It Americas Greatest Medicine and the American people have an abiding con fidence in its merits They boy and take it for simple as well as serious ailments confident that it will do them good JULY AT THE- Newmarket Cemetery All kinds Seed Onions Etc Main St Newmarket Cement kept in Methodist Sunday School XOURSION On Wednesday July 1898 Procession will leave at p in headed by the NEWMARKET BAND The different orders of the Town and all In terred are Invited to attend The Mayor and resident Clergy have been to deliver short appropriate addresses Hoods Pills cure all liver ills Mailed for 25c by I Hood Co Lowell Mass Sneak thieves stole a hive of bees from Mrs at Karls Clover Root Tea for Constipation the and if after using it you dont so return the package and get your money Sold by Lehman At Kingston a vicious Newfound land dog attacked the youngest son of Lieut Col and tore the flesh from his face and jaw To Cure a Cold In One Day Laxative Tablets AH refund the money if it fails to cure One death from smallpox has among the immigrants quaran tined at Winnipeg What Dr A- Salter Says From my per- knowledge gained in observing the effect of your Cure in of ad vanced Consumption I am prepared to say it is the most remarkable Remedy that has ever been brought to my attention certainty saved many from Consumption Bold by E Lehman Louis a laborer years old was choked to death at station while eating meat Catarrh Cared A clear bead and sweet breath secured with Catarrh Rem- sold on a guarantee Nasal injector free Sold by Lehman Hugh Cameron living near Chat ham had his skull fractured and re ceived probably fatal injuries through the kick of a June John Eddy orderly to Greer of the was last night kicked by charger and had his thigh bono broken Invited to dell BJACKSON President M Secretary J A Grounds Com Jacksons Point Steam Saw Mills a By Old House WANTED aigh Grade Man or Wo man of Church standing 10 net Manager here and do office work and corn their home Business as here and do office work and their home Business already built up and established here Salary stamped envelope for our terms to A P Elder General Manager Irt Michigan Ave Chicago Bill Stuff Cut to Order Shingles for Sale These Just Persons con templating building can have all Kinds of Mil stun Cut to Order on order On band now a large quantity of Well Seasoned Lengths fourteen foot McDonald Proprietor Sutton West A SPECIAL TRAIN Nearly Ten Hours the City TICKETS from Newmarket and Aurora only Children lor the Hound Trip From Bradford Holland Landing Kiugoc Same price to Centre Island Cheapest Excursion of the Season Big crowd going and lots of FirstClass Coach es engaged to Loan AtperceutonnrfitclnFK farm and village property by Davidson Commissioner for taking If Conveyancer and Ileal Folate Agent Ac Agent for the following reliable Insurance and and Companies Li verpppl and Lontion Norwich Union Midland and Eco nomical Also for the Standard Life Assur ance Co and Northern Life Assurance CO Office Brooks Block Mount Albert FARMERS LOOS TO INTERESTS AND SEETHE Its Practical Advantages Wo challenge any fence that has ever been to show as practi cal scientific points in its or ns this one for the price and there Is not a cheaper fence on advantaged of the Fence over all other renew arc these Wo arc enabled to keep wires tight by means of springs at end posts each being attached to a ratchet on back of spilngplauk One set of these Is sufficient for over one hundred rods of wire We use long staples and them In Just close enough for the wire to work freely through them on middle Our arc fastened to the wire We not only and con traction which has been the drawback to ail wire fences nut we add tenfold and durability of resisting any one wire being nearly to resisting the whole number of for any great strain to come upon one without being distri buted to all and when any great strain comes Unexcelled I Saving of post one being needed every thirtythree Our cannot bo U Iro IS Our fence Is so simple that any vile ran animals shoves It lateral i J v i it through the tighter It holds the lr together They are easily Turns all kinds of Mock nnd readily put on and durable no- It does not between snow will not it nor strain to come one without being and when any great strain noon any part of stretch it is not simply up- wire between tbe two post where the strain comes as would bo the It were stapled tight to posts but the si rain lb through the whole retch back to springs at end post thing to rust or break we Claim far I The anchoring of our end post has no equal Our ratchet or wire made and are appreciated by all who see the in Our springs allow for contraction and take up the expansion of the wire posts wind or will It collect drifts It Is made of the best wire and not only durable but handsome appear ance It will permit cultivation right up to the fence and by this means you- can your fence rows clean For general purposes fence has no tan P any height with any number of wires Our slay Is the Best and cheapest and holds the win vires together The public are warned Un1nt using any on this patent WIRES AND STAYS- PER ROD A or Sale by J

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