Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 24, 1898, p. 3

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W J ERA FRIDAY JUNE Weeks flews WHAT IB ON ABOUT TOWN The High and Leaving begin next Good Sidewalk AH way to the Party Friday at Mr Silas opposite Industrial Homo will be provided for thoso who dont want to walk flnothot Rooldcnoc Mr has purchased that fine lot on Fork Ave Kaet of shed nod will a at day morning to will bo utilized a Room Wanted branch Mr Donnes business la to thai ho finds it to another storehouse- building will bo CO foot at vacant lot Wilsons Men aro now boring for on lot and down or CO foot Mr to a good How at about foot deep votinj in St Ward loot Monday to nil vacanoy on Hoard was with enthu siasm and resulted In tho of Dr Campbell by a it considered that no voto in this matter largo num- ber of shows that nearly available voio was polled count giving Campbell and Hunter pot and Hughes is right place to buy Church Hoard of boon iiato In scouring Mr Art as organist and choirleader commoncing 1st of July Mr Olivor is an adopt at and is coming homo from tho Academy of Ohio whoro has per fecting himself in that line Tho Key tow next Sunday afternoon is to bo taken up by Messrs A Davidson and Key Mr Rodger of Scotland is expected to preach on Sunday evening i Guilty January a man- named or of King Township was arrested charge burning about tone of hay on Holland Marsh trial took place at Barrio bet wock and continued from Wednesday morning till Saturday whon the jury a verdict of Not Guilty evidence was all stantial but Mr Lennox and Constable not only succeeded in breaking chain but also proyed an alibi There was a largo attendance at Court and case created interest Worthy Act On Toeday evening on the way homo the Garden Party at Mr Elder tho part of good Sa maritan the life of a stranger discovered on the near the House and from Elder got the man into bis buggy and brought him home A doctor was called in who administered to bis relief He proved to bo an Armenian pedlar and was sufficiently recovered to lake his departure next morning Had the man laid out doors all night without aid be would probably have been dead in the morning Good match Macros Match afternoon bo- OrilHa end will be of ho beat hero this will from to order to an opportunity to game Go over and glvo tho a chcir Church A very a lor loo took last Friday when at of an ad- droea four promoters of the of the presented with a badge and by Father Morris In presonceof a good of people- are now Bands of tble in Ohuroh each with a full 1 members Gospel Temperonoe The Royal Templars provided a splendid program last Sunday Mr Lehman and Mies Low organist Miss a reading and Lily contributrd solo f droas by and did address by Mr Johnson of His thomo was tho Higher development of tbo physical nature and relation of tho material to torial In presenting tbo subject he an Chart to good advantage He pointed out that there two powers con tending for each human life Evil Spirit and the Holy His strongest point was that tho works through appetite and its potent agency alcohol roault was contrasted with work of Holy Spirit and tho gift of Mr Johnson whs listened to with much interest The meeting next Sunday is in of T poise Report It has been reported all around Lake that the Steamer is a condemned which canaoa more or uneasiness in minds of publio We a refurnished with this information which contradicts the rumor very positively Enterprise was on the of Juno by tho Government In spectors Evans and Johnson who pronounce her bull and equipments in first order and have allowed her as many paosonpore if was a now boat and say sho is tho boat on Lake for and comfort and further more sho ie good for a long number of sea sons yot Cant Marsh owner also owns a number of otber boats at and is sparing no expense to make old favorite steamer a pleasure and profit to those Societies who charter for day Our old friend Mr E of Sutton has appointed travelling Agent and he hopes to patrons of this boat in every way Ho is now book ing excursions day and reports good progress and masons transform lug the of Mr Starr by Mr Grift will bo divided by a partition with sliding doors put will bo used for groceries fruit an rear will mako an roitaUrant A largo mtdo between Book Form Produce bolter and about the price was a big drop In pota toes on markot last Saturday There were not than or bags offered and had slow ealo at bag grown strawborrles three boxes for a quarter and Grocery under which Church desk is to bo located Mr Starr expects next Sunday by Rev J H to hayrovorything In good shape Moor0 ft roan MXlX who after Tho enormous growth of his here some ago with great demands more room on- pastor Mat will not- In any way with South Store Robertsons old stand has been Invited to assist at the dedtoation of Methodist Church at But Not are no to their Party the of the to obargo of so as en on their will not with them spaoloas lawn of Mr Silas Armltago will bo beauti fully lighted and good time Free busses from church to Tracking a Burglar Last Friday night burglars entered of Hon J Davis at and took 930 in cash and a few private of Toronto passed through Town on after thief paper belonging to Callum Estate of which Mr Davis is an executor ore Thoy of no yaluo outside the Estate and have prob ably been thrown Into some ditch on tho road side- A will bo given for their return to Etu office s ft WHIT in Ladies Summer Vests in Ladies Blouses in Parasols we are the leaders in Gloves and Hosiery St Pauls Festival Tho of St Pauls Church had a fiapHle Cheese delightful for their Strawberry Festival Friday and Grounds were well illuminated ioooroam was export Town Band was exceptionally good and Mr Wrights worked to perfection During the evening Mrs Bristol of ren- a ftio and took port In a with Mtssrs and Hodge Notwithstanding the that lined up the and took ad VrtnUjo of program without con tributing the ladies cleared Good for on the Lake Shore will bo well served tbo coming season Mr Starr in tends to continue his three times a Van expects to run two trips a weok and Davisons grocery and fruit wagon will ron two trips a week The Undies Ties With the usual number of butchers and I And Belts are at Hughes On Thursday of week boxes of cheese wore offered from Newmarket and ml sold There were four proa iiul though from Liverpool that morning was shilling and sixpence than on date of sale ohceso sold a of a cent higher the pneo being Ono other factory got price but the rest were all lower Board adjourned till Thursday Juno Through the Secretary of Board Mr OK of Now market a per owt on through diary produce in carload lots to Montreal baa been obtained which is quite a the part of the T The rate applied to and as well as cheese A The best Cakes are always made with Baking Powder CORNER STOR local yona7rathore is no likeli hood of campers going hungry Reach will bo m holiday attire weok Rev Mr Addison goes to day for tho season and families go next week and in fine trim for yachting and all waiting patiently for tho of Skylark next weok whioh is expected to When you intend buying Clothes you naturally want We have the largest and a a pair of Shoes or a large stock to select from largo and attractive an nouncing Celebration of Dominion Day in Newmarket fail to draw a big crowd here next Friday The Matoh for a Silver Cup is one of tbe in teresting features that will please every- Buy this week as it is the week to buy for preserving We have bad nearly this week and a lot of more ex pected for Saturday at old Stand and Starrs Book Store Cones Factory A good big contract from Toronto was this week for doors staircases and other interior work which will keep the department busy for a while as smaller orders are constantly on the move About the middle of next month the entire system of lighting the factory if to be changed to the Incandescent System Tho latter more suitable and economical as the light can then be turned on when where required With tbe other if one detriment was working overtime entire had to be light- Court of The adjourned meeting of the Court took place on Tuesday evening Presents Mayor Reeve Deputy and Councillor The appeal toaaaesa for per sonal property was not sustained The name of Mre Davison toted for J Davison Martin Robinson was entered as tenant of Geo Clinton Geo Max Weight and Norman were entered under Peter was changed to tenant of Mrs Simpson Susan West changed to Cockerill to tenant of Millard Ave- to be tenant of Gould tf Scott Alex Fletcher John fc till Jul at p Dentist Opposite Bakery Open everyday Painless extraction- Bells Thursdays of last week following notice of tho wedding of Mr cousin of S and a former resident of Newmarket evening a very pretty wedding took place in Street Congregational Church wheu Inez twin daughter of Mr and Mrs James McPherson Carlton street and grand daughter of the fate David 1 was married to Mr Robt Corson John Taylor A Co The bride wore a pretty gown of ivory white satin en train trimmed with with veil and orange blossoma and carried a shower bouquet of rosea The bridesmaids were Mies Isabel twin sister of the bride and Nora and Eva Gage of the bride Dr Dr the bride and Mr Bert brother of the groom acted as while the ushers were Messrs Bert Baker Dr J Taylor and V Robinson Rev Morgan Wood performed the ceremony while Mr A officiated at the organ after which a short reld at the home of tbe brides parents Carlton street Mr and Mrs Corson left on the train for an extended tour through the Maritime Provinces after whioh they intend residing Toronto most complete stock of Boots and Shoes Clothing Gents Furnishing and Hats and Caps in North York Mens Good Tweed Suits in a variety of colors worth 600 for 375 Mens Fine Tweed Suits in checks worth 700 for 400 24 Boys Good Strong Tweed Suits worth 2 for 125 Boys all wool Serge Suits worth 200 for 150 Mens Strong Laced Boots worth 125 for Boys Strong Laced Boots worth 100 for 65c Mens Fine Laced Boots worth 125 for 95c Ladies Kid Low Shoes worth for Ladies Fine Kid Low Shoes worth 150 for 100 We Lead in Low Prices and Good Goods Come and look through our Stock body Old Orchards Toronto are giio a good account of herself at the to play against the and wheu it on Dominion Day known that thoy beat tho Stars last it that the Newmarket- Bradford will have to to keep laurels Two prices each are offered for horseraces and a good Quadrille Band wilt be in attendance Many other special attrac- I lions will be announced on smell bills Father is very popular and we have no doubt the will be a great success Reduction Postponed Over were withdrawn from Post Office Savings Bank daring the month of May presumably it was announced that the rate of interest would bo reduced from to per cent after the 1st of July Word comes from Ottawa this week that the reduction will not take effect until the 1st of on of the condition of tho money mar owing to the war rf Excurfl t0 If the reduotion is made in then arrangements will be mode to provide a per cent investment for of small 111 I North Yorks depositors may deairo to avail them selves of the privilege For this pu there will bo issued a Dominion per cent in soma of and thereof Suoh stock will run for a period of live years and will be redeemable to the de positors at any time on one months notice It will be to those having or less in the savings bank florid School The report of Inspector Davidson re garding the schools in North York was at County Council meet ing last week dealt with the Model school at Newmarket and in this connection con- tained the following statement The Model school session of on ly weeke and much too short for the students to acquire an adequate tralniog These from the High schools boys and girls with very Imperfect Ideas of the duties of a teacher To initiate suoh into a rational conception of the of a and to them practice to enable them to express their theoretical instruction with any degree of confidence and freedom in weeks is an impossibility These boys and girls with little experience little Judg ment and with little knowledge of eohool management take of our schools and ply their prentice hands Were required age of teachers raited to and were a year spent in preparation for their work there would be of teachers and the cbaraoter of work would be improved Until our thirdclass teachers receive a better preparation for their work we need not look for any improvement in the management and teaching of oar rural schools indications point strongly to wards an extended Model term in the near In They have the Urges stock and variety in Town flgoin The Volunteers got back from Camp on the one oolock train last Saturday They apparently stood drill well and enjoyed outing Company to the Market Square where they were addressed by Col Lloyd men then gave three rousing cheers for Lloyd Allan and Paymaster and dis banded We that at Niagara was very orderly and The ofticera had a big time when tbe general orders ar rived with Lloyd and the other officers who got a raise join ed together Banquet on Tues day evening All the staff officers and the Cols of all regiments in Camp were present singing and speeches kept things lively until after midnight Major Hillary and deserve special mention for the felloitons manner In which arrangements were carried out The volunteers were well pleased with the new rifles They are sighted for yards The did good work at target shooting until the camp was struok with a rata storm They were not allowed to atop ao tho score was lowered and the men were No Co Allan was one the most orderly and beet drilled in Camp and a to New market The Battalion mined with the York Rangers on Friday evening before breaking up Camp In Indian War Dance around a big camp fire tinging band music etc soon away the time till orders were given for lights out when they all dispersed and went quietly to their tents As an instance of the of the Americans towards the Canadian Volun teers we might mention that Private Brooks of was one fin who went across river in a row boat and attended a Garden Party the other shore they called out Hurrah for Sam and the American soldiers responded by singing God Save the The Volunteers were treated bridge week the that place says There were and they were a reapectable of people all behaved well and went away The boats steamed slowly up the river and the scenery which just now is at beat a revelation to those who were making trip for firat time Oar oitizens did all could to make the visitors wel come but it not a holiday and tbey did not Town in gala attire If North York will come here next year and the council will give a civic holiday for tbe flame day then our citizens be better able to entertain the visitors The of the Newmarket bras band was much appreciated Our seniors were beaten by the NewmarketBradford club They knew they had to face a strong combina tion and no to be beaten by such men Our seniors would make it interesting for a home team of either Newmarket or Bradford What do you say Newmarket What is your opinion Bradford FRIDAY AN It will pay the readers of this paper to watch for Advertisement weekly every line of it and take note of the Goods and Prices Advertised our Hose Reduced From to 46o at Hughes I Review Sunday Next Lords Day is Review Sunday in connection with the International Lessons and especially opportune for parents and others to visit the school By their pres ence they encourage both pupils in their good work the study of the Bible Review Day is the most delightful day the Quarter in the Methodist Sunday Bohool Following Is the program and the poblio are most cordially invited to come end Okxino min 1 Hymn Standing on the Promises 2 Prayer Assist Song Giving Thanks Primary Class Men each years from Adam to Christ Orchestra Collection for School Purposes A Love Thoughts 35 Lessons I to Wilson Duett Mies Cane and Miss Lush Lessons to Mr J Stephens Solo Miss IX to Mr J Action Song Primary Secretarys Report for Quarter Mr J Montgomery MENS The Latest in Hats Linen Crowns and Straw Rim in Navy and Brown extra nice goods Linen Bicycle Caps Childrens Linen Sailor Hats Straw Hats a full range from 100 to Wear Clothing Boys Wash Suits Nice New Stylish Garments 75c 100 135 Boys Navy Sailor Suits 100 Mens and Youths Tweed and Worsted Suits 275 5- 6 and All worth more money Judge for yourself Mens Pants worth Coats 175 and 200 -35C- 40C and 25c and 50c 11 Mens Odd Tweed Mens Odd Vests Boys Odd Vests Boys Pants Solo aod Never Bay GoodBye la Heaven Announcements and with attention I Tweeds 15c 45c 50c and 75c per yard all worth from half as much more to double what they arc marked 1 A Snap in Mens Low Shoes Tan and Black worth from 150 to 250 Your choice for WOMENS Special yds Checked Ginghams yd were Dress Goods pieces Fancy Henrietta Dress Goods yd Fancy Colored Dress Goods worth and for Roman Stripe Silks yd were Fancy Dress Muslins yd worth Ladies Shoe Special for Saturday w offer a line of Ladies Fine Dongola Oxfords Patent 1 or Self Tip flexiable turn sole worth to 200 for Also a oi Womens Glove Grain Strong Laced Boots worth 125 for 1 Bargain Baskets of Bools arid Shoes and 95c Hardware Basement Insect Powder Pepper Box Tins Pure Paris Green Guaranteed lb Hay f Horse Pokes Putty lb- Screen Doors 70c complete Screen Windows and Bargain Tables of Tin and Granite Ware 7cand These have been a great success We are adding New Goods to them every week SOBD Go

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