Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 24, 1898, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JUNE Advertisements Bargains Co Pans Green Scotts Pharmacy Residence for Hale Dennis Farm to Kent J- Farm for Bale Residence for Sale or Kent- Card of Thanks jr GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY TIME Tub Ontario la in Ottawa thfe week holding another with Louie respecting tho Id Inland waters of tuts Province Oar Column personal PARAGRAPHED Sri If I- At Hall on Monday last a was filled against Con candidate for Boutb Perth at elections It anticipated In political circles for A P a a n o TO HO is CO OT CO CD J iJ K CO a 10 I On te JS Co A camlxorau states that tho Hawaiian Government granted the Co an from Island to Japan It said the Provincial Government fa a for taking oyer entiro control of The management want Pro vinolM aid and the Government believe they can more efficiently and economically than a nominally charitable Board of to It ie understood that the bill of last of now tfrda for tea will not Into force till the let of January This con cession has been granted in response to a from a deputation of a 5 Wit te up I AMD IHflUR alt FRIDAY JUNE 24 m Postage Tint death of Do who appointed to that body for Division of La flalle Quebec In la announced Ho was Conservatives poHtice There are now four vaoanoieg in Senate for Government to 111 one in each of the province Ontario Quebec Prince Edward Island and Mani toba It in that the perpetrator of bank robbery Dominion flank tell or of hie confederates arc at Part the ppnjJa in the robbery waa the past days a number of these have been cironlatot In Ottawa with signature of the manager of the bank at Napanee Mr Brines forged During last session of Parliament an Act was passed postal rates on letters forth that tho within tho Dominion of Canada shall bo two cents per instead of three the reduction however only to into force when proclaimed by tho GovornorinCouncil Looking forward to the postal conference soon to be hold in London and to which Hon Mr PostmasterGener al of Canada has appointed an accredited representative from this Dominion tho statute above alluded to was passed so as to enable this coun try to tako advantage of any proposi tion the conference might entertain in mail facilities adoption of that legislation too demonstrated that the present Government was one of reform one of advancement and ready to act in harmony with the pro gressive spirit of age It further demonstrates that we have a Reform with something to reform and ready to assist the activities of trade and intercommunication by af fording facilities which their predeces sors had not the courage or foresight to offer The Opposition organ at Toronto however cannot refrain from grumbling It appears the legislation was all this no fault is found but it does grumble because the Gov ernment has not authorized the im mediate issue of a proclamation to put Act in forceand this too when its own correspondent at the Capitol had stated while parliament was in session that the passage of the bill was a means to an end something to be attained in the future Notwith standing this fact the Mail now de clares The twocent rate be given without delay or the public must know the reason why The public does know the reason why so does our cotoraporary but it wants to show it is agin the govern ment any way and therefore con veniently ignores the understood pur pose of parliament in passing the sta tute referred to in order to have a backhanded thrust at the Administra tion For nearly a score of years Opposition whom the Mail supports had it in their power to make a change in postal rates as now proposed but our did not then complain about the rate paid or demand a re duction now however that its opponents are in power the of an immediate reduction as sumes large importance to the people Wonderful discovery I though who remembers these things but will estimate the grumble at its true worth On Monday Hon and Sir Richard arrived at To ronto and afternoon at the Board of Trade in conference with one ness men The Oatmeal Millers Annota tion complained that the law reoppptlne tho oatmol from the not atrictly enforced as American meal being sold at a price below cost even aft duty added The ministers promised at tent ion cimes from Toronto that the ram- or given to by a Toronto evening paper effect that Mr Gorman member for was about to reaien hie spat in Local in order to fur- a constituency for Hon without foundation The Ron Com- miasioner of Crown Lands is calmly await ing decision in the election courts to afford him opportunity not only to furnish him a seat in the House but to displace an Op positionist It is semi officially announced that Mr James P Lister has been ap pointed a Judge of the Court of Appeals of Ontario For all we know ho may make a very competent Judge but we cannot com mend the practice of Dominating members of Parliament to positions of emolument in the country This potting a premium up for members to support any particular Government for the sake of what that will bring is not in the best interests the country and we hope Sir Wilfrid and bis colleagues will stop it The practice is hurtful to public morals and should be discontinued If a man ac cepts the position of representative let bim serve his time out Coati Trade journal speaking of a new industry butter makes Anew Is developing as the peanut butter industry becomes letter understood This of the peanut answers in place of ordinary butter for table use and is said to be excellent for shortening purposes and for gravies sauces In point of purity it is superior to the best dairy butter It is well designed for the use of the vege tarians who strenuously object to any thing animal There is already a demand for this butter substitute and it very probable there will be an enlarged market for nuts At present the of United States is about bags annually and that of the world is 600000- Nine cows were killed by light ning near Alley and wife an aged couple were burned to death at Hali fax Because he could not go to a Johnnie Powell a thirteenyearold boy living near Winnipeg and killed Charlie Wheeler the son of his employer and then committed suicide 7 The Grand Trunk station at Burlington slightly damaged through fire last night by spurts from Colemans planing factory which was completely destroyed entailing loss igniting the station house roof and for a timo the building was threatened with destruction The citizens rendered yeomen service in assisting the local trainmen in the removal of several cars of lumber and fruit The Grand Trunk to Juno A most tressing accident occurred this morn ing on the Richmond Quebec line of Grand Trunk As the train was St the en gineer was horrified seeing a little child of about three years playing ori the track in front of the He made every mTor to stop train but was unable to dp so in time and the engine passed over the little victim completely severing the from the body Mrs Martin Robinson is back from To ronto Mr Geo Simpson spent Sunday In tho Mr Lehman spent Sunday In Amos of Aurora was in town on Monday Miss of visiting with and Percy of were in Towu on Tuesday Mrs Atkinson Is spending a month with her at Stayner Gertie Is visiting at Col- for a of weeks Mr P Lee of Toronto spent Sunday with in Town Percy Fletcher bore a of day Well and David of Toronto wore in Town Sunday Georgia and little Hone epent over Sunday at Bradford Miss Smith of has been guest of Mrs IX Smith past week Mr Caldwell lately out from Scotland was vielting in Town last Satur day Mrs daughter Mr James is home from Michigan a viBit Mr Bell was at Sandford on Sunday on account of tbo Illness of bis father Mr Ernie Hughes Is in Fer gus for a couplo of acting as a sub- Mrs left last week for to visit relatives and friends Mr Toronto con ducted the sorvico in St Pauls last Sunday of Huntsville is spending a month with Misses on Street Mr J Johnson of spent over Sunday in Town guest of Mr Isaiah Johnson Mies Millard of Newmarket been spending a few days with friends and relatives at Miss who has been engaged in Kindergarten work over in Michigan home for vaoatiou Miis of Toronto is spending a couple of weeks with her brother at the Christian parsonage Mr ot the Wtit- minster was in Town on Tuesday and gave Era a fraternal call Mum L Tiffin and Mies Suate Blanch- ar of Toronto have been visiting with Mrs Batty of Mr Bert Cane attended closing exeroibea of Whitby College on Wednesday afternoon and evening Mr Frank took a day off week and hooked a fine lunge also some line bass on Cooks Bay Lake Mr A son of the Post master here has been promoted to agent of the Bank of Hamilton at Ont Mr J Mader is spending this week with his family previous to leaving for Now York where a situation awaits his ar rival r Libbie who has been residing with her brother Mr Thos Mo- Gee at is home for a few weeks Mr E Jackson spent over Sunday with his daughter at Perth Mrs J who was there for three weeks returned with him on Tuesday Mr and Mrs Gould of were at Alderman last Sunday They left next morning to spend a week at A medical consultation on Tuesday gave ho hope for Mr Alex re covery and the intimation has been con veyed to his friends Mr J mathematical maeterof the High School has been ap pointed to preside at the Entrance Exams at next week Mr and Mrs Finley of Norwood were guests at over Sunday Mrs expects to remain a few weeks to visit old friends Mrs McCordlokand Harvey of Point were the guest of Mr H Brimeon yesterday We are pleased to learn that Squire is able to be around again Very Dean of Fath er Morris Newmarket and Father of will take a holiday in Ireland this summer Toronto World June Miss Mattle Watson and Mies Louie Richardson returned from College at St Catharines on Tuesday The Misses Drydsn of Gait accompanied them on a visit here Richmond Hill and Mrs Hooper of Newmarket spent Sunday hero Hooper is remaining for a couple of weeks to visit her parents hero and friends In Toronto i Mr and Mrs Angus Williams and Mr Wakefield Howard were in Whitby this week attending the Commencement of College MIbs Millie Howard passed examination entitling to write her name They all to bo homo today Dr Webb got a letter from Mr Nor- man Boxers on Wednesday and he writes that the heat is something from to the day after day Farmers were catting wheat last Week and it ie ex ceptionally good He and his mother are enjoying themselves notwithstanding the weather Ottawa CitittH of June Mr Danford Roche who is well known In the largest Canadian cities successful mer cantile man has returned to city after a short absence Mr Roche has been suc cessful in securing three immense bank rupt stocks of dry goods and he will offer to the Ottawa public During business career Mr Roche baa won the reputation of being an unusually shrewd buyer and the stock he offers la al ways dependable The dry stock contains a good deal of high goods and is being Bold at low price Our Toronto Letter Mooney threoyearold girl living at Morse street- fell into a and was so badly burned that it is thought she will die At the meeting of the Toronto cesan Synod last week Bishop Sweat- man announced his intention of re signing his office but ho was pressed to continue At tho Ontario Wind Engine Cos Works Saturday morning a piece of cold iron slipped into a pot containing a mo tat galvanizing mix- turn causing it to explode and shower the boiling metal over room aged 18 one of at tendants received several splashes in the face and in turning away from pot received a large splash on the and legs The metal stunk to his clothing burning his back arms and legs severely He was taken to the Hospital Ho is danger ously injured and may lose the sight of bis eyes Twenty men are to be added to the police force of the city on and after the 1st of July- A large number of candidates were examined by Chief of Police this week Mr Rogers grandson of Mr John Rogers is occupying responsible place of Conductor on Street System Premier Hardy is at Ottawa this week on Government business The County volunteers pass ed through the on Tuesday on their way to camp at Niagara Changes in tho Inland Revenue de partment here are said to bo in con templation- but nothing definite is known much and much pro secuted newspaper man of Quebec was at the Queens this week and in company with another editor of the Ancient City visited the Pro vincial Buildings in Queens Park Tuesday Edmund Preston charged with stealing account books from the Stand ard Fuel Co was committed for trial on Tuesday The Bank teller at the Junc tion branch Ed has been missing over since last Thursday His absence is a mystery So far the in spector has been unable to discover any shortage books His fam ily greatly alarmed about him as poison was found in his desk and the bank revolver is missing Wellands was popular with other clerks and was soon to have been transferred Lfo another branch The Speaker of the Commons Sir James Edgar accompanied by Lady Edgar and the Misses Edgar returned to this city last Friday from Ottawa The many friends of County Treas urer will be glad to learn that he has greatly improved in health during the past two weeks On Tuesday afternoon in the pre sence of thousands of people a new steel ship named Toronto was launch ed near the western gap of the harbor As the vessel splashed into tho water the crowd cheered and bands played The new steamer will ply between Toronto and Montreal- She has HO staterooms and altogether is 278 feet in length There has been no sign of Spanish troops in the neighborhood of Camp for several days It is esti mated that over have been killed or wounded since the landing Fifty- eight bodies were found yesterday The Spaniards seem satisfied that they cannot dislodge the Americans and have withdrawn The upper bay is to be occupied immediately Lieut with an expedition is hard at work removing mines from the river connecting the upper and lower bays JVhen this is clear the ships will move up the channel and take the town of whose forte were demol ished by the Texas last Friday Advices continue to come to hand of the demoralization of the Spanish forces in the Philippines the insur gents having achieved several striking successes We commence on Th A IGANTIC OUT PRIG AND BOYS CLOTHING Every garment we offer in this list is new of reliable materials by the best tailors but bought by us during the past week at prices away below their worth The manufacturers needed the cash and by buying a tremendous quantity we secured a bargain that no other house North of Toronto can equal If you live thirty miles away it will you to come for these LOT NO I 50 pair Mens Tweed Pants well made worth 150 at 98c r NO 15 only Mens good Tweed Suits well made and well lined all sizes worth 500 at 375 LOT NO Mens Fine all Wool Tweed Suits best linings latest styles made equal to ordered goods would be cheap at 1000 to go at NO Mens good all Wool Tweed Suits worth up to odd sizes only goat T LOT Mens very nobby fine Tweed Suits best linings latest styles all sizes other stores would ask 1 00 to go at 795 The above fine lots only represent a portion of the good Clothing we have to offer at this sale it would take to much space to mention all If you want to save money attend this sale We will be glad to wait on you and guarantee to show twice as big a stock as any store in Newmarket The strike at Rockland is over Mr Edwards agreeing to the mens re quests Ten hours will constitute a working day and the men will be paid fortnightly and in cash While wheeling on the P coal dock at Owen Sound Frederick aged seventeen fell into the water and was drowned A special session of the Dominion Exchequer Court is in progress at Peterboro where Chief Justice Ar mour is suing the Dominion for damages for cutting the Trent Valley Canal through his farm During the launohing of the new British firstclass battleship Albion the displacement of water caused an immense mass of water to rise on all sides completely submerging one of The people of thin place have finished working on the road and we hope to have a good one sum of one hundred dollars ought to make a difference Mr Case was commis sioner A good number turned out to the picnic on Saturday afternoon in spite of the rain A much nicer spot than Mr Starrs grove could not be found The children enjoyed the swings also candies bananas and ice cream The teachers kindly treated each member of their classes with a dish of ice cream which it is needless to say was much enjoyed We noticed quite a number from Newmarket in attend ance 8trong Bakers Hungarian Ogilvies Pastry Best Ontario and Manitoba wheat Flonr for Family Use Feed of all Kinds the lower stages of the yard and The annual Garden Party on hundreds of people Thirty day evening at Mr was a four bodiee have been recovered and it is estimated that persons were drowned Tho landing of the Shafter expedi tion was accomplished Wednesday at a few miles cast of Santiago There was very little resistance roadways to Santiago have been strongly fortified by the Span iards and the Cubans expect it will bo to hold out for ten days or two weeks against the American army hut Shatter thinks it will reduced sooner An addition costing a quarter of a million will be made to the Windsor station Montreal The Cradle At Rat Portage on Monday June to Mr and Mra of a bod WuDtnLt In Town on the mat the wife of Esq barrister a daughter Sutton In on Saturday the wife Mr J of the Queens hotel of a daughter Leading Furniture and Undertaking House great success Mr A and wife of New market spent a day visiting here last week Mr health is some what improved we are glad to say Mrs Defoe from Dundee is spend ing holidays at her fathers Mr Stevens Dunning is also with her Miss Randall also one of our visitors Mr and Mrs F Starr have been away attending meeting at Pickering Miss Haight had a very severe attack of rheumatism but is improv ing Mr is carrying on quite an extensive business and will soon be on the market with tomatoes cauli flower and other things too to mention Mr J Drury has been so unfortun ate as to lose another cow this being the second within a month Miss F Simpson of Eversley is staying at Mr W for a few days Mrs Smith sister of Mr Drury has been visiting with friends here for a few weeks Our post office is booming but we wonder why some people are so long making use of it It is certainly a great convenience LUND PLS pads There is in furniture fads bat tbe expense has hitherto been too great to permit of It We have beeo able to se lect of the very ice things of late furniture fashions through the urgent need the manufacturer to realize These came to at a bargain and will go to you the same way Or MILLARD Opposite Hotel Newmarket and A SPECIALTY Night cells attended to at Albert Webber a Hamilton street car conductor fell from a car and is suffering from concussion of the brain Charles Hoffman proprietor of Plattsville stove factory caught in pulley and received fatal injuries A car of fresh ground American Gray best fertilizers for Clover and Grass LIME The very best Grey Lime 13 cents per bushel J WiLLSON Storehoi a a a a a a a use Cor Main and Huron June- flour per barrel V W a White Wheat per bushel a Wheat Goose Wheat per bushel Buckwheat Barley per bushel per bushel bushel Bran per ton CO Short per ton Butter per lb Butter tub per lb It Potatoes per baa- Apples per Sheepskins Wool per lb Hay per ton new Fork per live- Pork per lb Chickens per pair Duck per pan Turkeys per lb live Turkeys per lb dreeaed per bushel per bushel 50 Timothy Seed per bushel OK 0M a CO a a a a a a a a 050 100 015 a a a a OK a 060 a 203 Toronto Markets The Tomb In June Donald aged years and months fit J Main St North 125 Street residence Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention TObowto June Wheat per bushel 61 si White Wheat per bushel Wheat per bushel Buckwheat per bushel Barley per bushel 34 per bushel bushel Bye per bushel Butter roll per lb Potatoes per 00 wooi per Hay per ton v J Beef fore qra Sw I I Chlckcoa per pair Turkeys per lb 0 34 14 a CO a 800 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a

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