Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 24, 1898, p. 1

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t i- Era gives more borne news every week than any two other papers in North York combined and will be sent to new subscribers till January for 46 cents cash A- NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER PAGE mo liberty to know to and to according to conscience above all liberty Vol XliVH No Single Copies I No paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance Newmarket Qnt Friday June 24 per annum if paid in advance Ob DAY oil I am very proud of myself because say I stand head of my class in Canada I am beauty in I have an selflocking wick I do not kick up a big smoke or smell My oil tank holds nearly gallon is made of solid brass with self indicator that tolls you when I had plenty My oven bakes perfectly is largo and ventilated I will do all your cooking for per If you wish to see me call at A and enquire for Miss Blue Flame I want to go and livo in your homo will guarantee to keep you cool your pies puddings and cakes I promise to servo you faithfully until death doth part A Desperate Battle 24 filled and 75 Wounded The Spanish Guns Dismounted living at A am NEWMARKET Not how CHEAP but how GOOD Wo handle LI For GROCERIES Fresh and Bright DRY GOODS Fancy AN D APS OILS PAINTS wXll paper brooms and brushes BOOTS SHOES RUBBERS Please REM EMBER Stock is New and in every particular Wo only want you to call and make comparisons us for anything in our line We want to do business with you Wo arc here for that purpose We pay tie HIGHEST MARKET PRICE for all kinds of Good Farm Produce J PRE IN CASH TO EVERY FAMILY IN NEWMARKET AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY When purchasing from any of the following merchants for CASH COUPONS and when your Coupon Book is filled with Coupon collected from them LEHMAN Druggist and get 3 in cash and another book You do not need to lake the book to the store with you when making just ask for the CASH COUPONS E Dry Goods LEHMAN Druggist A SMITH Groceries A Hardware Butcher J MILLARD Furniture ATKINSON CO Jewelers McDOUGALL Tailor NEWMARKET LAUNDRY O- GRAHAM Photographer It you did not get one of the COUPON BOOKS you can get one FREE from any of the above So is trade at the Noted Cheap Store Wo can safely say we have the in PRINTS everything new Out BOOTS and SHOES are of the best manufactures in country Then wohavo a full lino of CROCKERY in fact wo have everything that is to be found in a firstclass general store PRINTS to the most fastidious OurTWEEDS for summer are very nobby Our GENTS FURNISHINGS aro the very latest We showing great value in and SHIRTINGS Special sales every Saturday SEEDS and PARIS constantly on hand We are after your trade Give us a trial Our Now in Daily All kinds of Farm Produce taken as and Cash paid for Eggs J QUEENSVILLE June 17 flcofc bombarded San tiago badly wrecking the western batteries destroying one of thorn and dismounting numerous guns Most of theBpanish guns were after a while deserted Not a ship nor a man injured on tho American side Admirals ordinance export had given directions to reduce charges and to the guns so as to shorten tho trajectory and thus secure a plunging fire As the stalls in preceding bombard ments dropped with the almost straight trajectories of projectiles with full charges it was almost impossible to plant them They would shoot into tne air the batteries owing to tho high elevation and fall far oyer fortifications effect of the reduced charge was marvellous In fifteen minutes ono western bat tery was wrecked The Massachusetts tore a gaping in emplacement with a thousand- pound projectile and the Texas I a into the powder magazine explosion wrought terrible havoc frame was sides wore blown out and a shower of debris in direction One timber carried out of aide of the battery went tumbling down the bill The loss of life must have been great Tho batteries on the east of were harder to get at but New Orleans crossed bows of tho New York to within yards of the shore and played a tattoo with her long eight inch rifles hitting them repeat edly striking a gun squarely on the muzzle lifting it off its trunnions and sending it in sweeping somersaults high in the air A secoKO ATTACK Bay June Ad miral Sampson yesterday sent the Texas and Suwanee to prevent the passage of a number of Spaniards across the inlet whereupon these vessels opened fire at a range of yards being answered by tho forts the gunboats with their cargoes of troops meantime getting out of range The fort at entrance to harbor was completely demolish- ed While the engagement was in pro gress the enemy began firing from south of the bay near and the immediately an swered silencing the batteries in short order the bombardment lasting an hour and a half A Spaniard surrendered to the mari ners at Camp yesterday and told an story He had been hours without food or water There was little food for the soldiers and they were badly treated and were paid no wages HOT BATTLE AT MANILA New June 17 The Journal has the following from Hong Kong The most severe and important battle since Admiral Deweys annihilation of the Spanish fleet has occurred at Manila One thousand insurgents attacked Spanish inflicting heavy losses and almost forcing the entrance to the city The foreign residents have fled to the ships Admirail and GovernorGeneral Augus- ti placed the women children and the priests in the forts for safety A Spanish prisoner was caught try ing to assassinate When plot was discovered he attempted to escape but was shot dead The success of insurgents is wonderful The Spaniards taken prisoners in the two weeks campaign aggregate including sol diers of the regular army Prominent among them are Generals Garcia and Cordoba The Governors of Pro vinces of and were also made prisoners Two mil lion rounds of cartridges were seized in the fortified of old Tho large garrison of old has surrendered thus giving tho insur gents command of the shore of the entire bay All inferior sources of supplies are now out off from Spanish forces in Manila A great fire is raging north of Man ila The insurgents have captured waterworks on the supply of the depends General Augusti has issued orders declaring that all males above the ago of shall join the army and do military duty The shoitage of food at Manila a serious matter On June the Spanish troops had been hours without food Havana Cuba June Captain- General Blanco has refused to jtain a proposition to exchange the Merrimac prisoners Tampa June A stampede in which several lives may have been lost occurred here tonight among the mules belonging to the army corralled near the camp The stampedo started from about 10 oclock More than three thousand mules and horses made a wild dash breaking the fences of their corral and charging through the camp Most of the men were in bed and before they could receive the slightest warning many were undr of animals The soldiers attempted to break stampede by firing a volley of shots but this only made matters worse The camps of tho regiments were destroyed unablo to withstand onslaught tho landing party were pressed back in great disorder down the gully many of and pistoled Ho far battle had been entirely with the defending force The battle Indiana and other vessels of the convoying fleet had stood in to within two miles of tho shore but to tho proximity of two contending parties had not dared to open fire for fear of decimating her own men With the retreat of the latter towards the boats Spaniards were exposed and the battleship planted several well- directed shells in their midst doing such damage that they retired rapidly towards brushwood in the rear which could not bo seen from the sea their battery going with them THE Over two hours had now passed since the first landing and had now about of bis troops ashore With the disappearance of cavalry he moved them as rapidly as he could to the top of the eminence Indiana still keeping up a fire to prevent interruption By seven oclock men and a couple of guns con vcyed with the utmost labor were stationed on the plateau at the top of the cliffs But the fight was not oyer From the west came 1500 troops of the Santiago garrison under General Pablo who had taken train for raguasito immediately upon the alarm being given while from eight miles to the left an additional under Colonel arrived on the scene and effected a junction with them This small army marched forward and attacked the Americans with sur prising bravery bringing into action three guns brought with them while cavalry and the field guns issued from the thickets in front A wclldirectedartillery fire followed by a second cavalry charge which the shells of the two American guns this time failed to stop began to demora lize the American troops who were now under General himself rough to Hong Kong by despatch Wit from Manila brings news that delighted the here and has put heart into the Spanish ad ministration A special mooting of tlits Cabinet was called today and the news was read in the presence of the Queen Regent- It is to effect that German officer have partially taken up the cause of the Spaniards us their own and that specific promises have been sent from German war ships to GovernorGeneral Augusti that Spain may relp upon the support of Germany and her ships should the United States transport now on their way to Manila attempt to capture the island An official report from the commander at intercept ed by Americans shows that in the recent engagement at the Spanish forces were practically help less The soldiers arc on half rations and these will be exhausted by the end of the month James Gate wood General Lees private secretary was struck dead by lightning while bath ing at Jacksonville London June pub lished here this morning say that a division of General army of invasion numbering men appear ed before Juraguasito twenty miles east of Santiago last evening in four teen transports under convoy of sever al war vessels and that at daylight this morning they effected a landing and established a camp after one of the most desperate engagements on record Juraguasito was chosen as the land ing place because of its good anchor- it was fi pitched engagement I Ottawa June 17 Louis of Lower aged was drowned in the Ottawa river at the foot of the Calumet rapids while bath ing last evening He is supposed to have taken cramps and sunk before his companions could save him June The fire which broke out at midnight last night in the armour packing house was under control at two oclock this morning The loss is estimated at prin cipally in the tin room Three hun dred men were at work on government contracts when the fire broke out and were driven out in a panic- June The earlier reports that the Turks bad resumed the work of burning villages are fully confirmed In the Be tune district of Albania seven hundred age its connection with Santiago by I and numbers of them went down under Servian Christian of a light railway and it the Spanish cannon and rifles and the mVe most entire luck of strong defensive batteries Relying upon the precipi tous nature of the coast the Spaniards thought it unnecessary to erect forti fications and this oversight cost them the position General feat in placing his men ashore resembles closely that of General Wolfe at Quebec Prior to sailing he hod been informed by officers of the Survey department that the coast around was exceedingly precipitous with on ly opening which was almost im practicable as a landing place He determined however to examine this opening for himself and as soon as it was dusk went out to recoriuoitre Returning to the ships he sent out for the boats to held in readiness to embark troops at four oclock next morning Punctually at that hour every -boat- in the fleet was in the water loaded to the gunwales with men With muffled oars they proceeded silently and a party of picked men climbed the gully after great difficulty and established them selves at its head Unfortunately they were stumbled upon by one of the patrols which CaptainGeneral Blanco has established around the coast of Cuba and the shots exchang ed gave notice to tho occupants of heliograph station who immediately lighted a huge beacon fire to warn the garrisons of Santiago and the neigh boring towns It had been Shatters intention so soon as a party had been landed to hold the head of the gully to quietly surround the heliograph station and capture those in charge so as to pre vent such a contingency Seeing however that this plan had miscar ried he hurried his men rapidly up the declivity which was over a mile in length and in about an hour 700 of them had taken up a strong on the level ground at the sum mit THE AROUSED Meanwhile country had been aroused and 400 Spanish cavalry stationed at Juraguasito itself is situated five miles inland with a light field battery came up at the gallop It was now sufficiently light for the situation of affairs to be seen i field guns look up a posi tion close to the heliograph station and opened fire working great havoc with American infantry in a few minutes The cavalry thereupon charged in splendid order and being Spanish cannon ami ana of cavalrymen were I 8 and two women nave murdered once more being forced down the gully preventing the advance of their comrades still landing from the boats The Spanish infantry were advancing at the double to complete the deteat which seemed inevitable CUBANS TO THE At this moment however a wel come diversion was created by over a thousand Cuban insurgents under who came up through the in tear Spaniards This completely turned the tables taken between fires their only shelter occupied by- the rebels the Spanish troops began to waver and the American landing party rallied and moved forward again Bewilder ed by the new course of events the Spanishartillery and fire was ineffective and the cavalry galloped off to the right with many empty saddles The two American guns be gan to do deadly work in front while the Remingtons of the Cuban did likewise in the rear Presently the latter drew their machetes and issuing from the thickets fell upon the rear of their traditional enemies and the Americans following their example at tacked them in front reinforcements all the while pouring up the gully from the WON The battle was lost to the Spaniards The landing hag effected Pablo and drew off their men or those of them they could get away from Cubans in disorder leaving the field to their opponents who did not deem it advisable to follow them for fear of entanglements inland By ten oclock the whole of division had been landed and lished in a position which rendered further attack impossible unless with a larger force than that at the com mand of the Spanish Upon plateau bodies of dead and wounded Spaniards were found while the American losses were killed and wounded June Robert a welltodo farmer and reeve of Township was gored by a shorthorn bull this morning A neighbor a Mr Jeremiah Wright who was with him at the time was thrown by the bull but not injured Mr is now in the General Hospital from a very badly dislocated knee It is feared that the leg will have to be amputated Madrid June The Spanish papers publish a manifesto in favor of peace do Cuba Juno Tho Spanish steamer which sailed from Kingston about oclock Thursday morning with food and sup plies for Spanish troops and gold has arrived here Salem Out June This after noon about oclock the large barn of exreeve of was struck by lightning and burn ed to ground together with the con tents 20 pigs tons of hay a quan tity of new wagon implements etc insured loss about 2000 With great dilfiiculty the horse was saved Mr and Mrs Gordon and man were away when it happened June The most disastrous fire this town has known for years early this morn ing and Hawkshaws large Hour mil together with all the con tents and about cords of wood were totally consumed The mill was recently remodelled and with new and imjnoved machinery Two thousand bushels of wheat and about the same quantity of Hour ready for shipment are a total loss There is S4500 insurance on the building and machinery Thin in flesh Perhaps its natural If perfectly well this is probably the case But are suffering from frequent colds nervous debility pallor and a hun dred aches and pains simply because they are not fleshy enough Scotts Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil with strengthens the diges tion- gives new force to the nerves and makes rich red blood It is a food in itself joe til The Bravest peed A group of old solders both Con federate and were recently swapping of the Civil War Afc last they fell to the great- eat acta of that each had known and a Southerner told the following story It was j hot July day in and General Grant was after ua Our men hud hurriedly dug riflepits to protect themselves from the Federal sharpshooters and dead and dying Feds were lying up io the vtry edge of those pits In one of the pits was on ungain ly raw redbeaded boy Ha was a retiring lad green as grass a re liable fighter We never paid much attention to him one waf The wounded had been lying for hours unattended re the pits the sun was getting hotter and hotter They were suffering horribly from pain and thirst Not fifteen feet away outside the rillepit lay a mortally wounded officer who was our enemy As the heat grew more intolerable this officers cries for water increased He was evidently dyiug hard and his appeals were the most piteous nature The redheaded boy found it hard to bear them He had just join ed the regiment and was not yet callous to suffering At last with his grimy face he cried out I cant statid it no longer boys I Im goin to take that poor feller my For answer to this foolhardy speech one of us stuck a cap on a ram rod and hoisted it above the pit it was pierced by a dozen bullets To venture outside a step was the maddest suicide And all the while we could hear the officers moans Water water Ttist one drop for Gods sake somebody Only one drop tender- hearted boy could stand the appeal no longer Once twice in spite of our ut most remonstrance he tried fully to clear the pit At last he gave a desperate leap over the embankment and once on the other aide threw himself flat upon me ground and crawled toward bis dying foe He could not get close to him because of the terrible fire he broke a sumac bush tied to the stick his precious canteen and landed it in the sufferers trembling hands You never heard such gratitude in your life Perhaps there was never any like it before The officer was for tying his gold watch on the stick and sending it back as a slight return for the disinterested act But this the boy would not allow He only smiled happily ami returned as he had gone crawling amid a hailstorm of bullets When he reached the edge of pit be called out to his comrades to clear the way for him and with a mighty leap he was among us once more He was not even scratched He took our congratulations calm ly We said it was the bravest deed we had seen during the war He did not answer His eyes bad a soft musing look How could you do it I asked in a whisper later when the crack of the rifles ceased for a moment It was something thought said simply Something my mother used to say to me teas thirsty and ye gave me drink she said She read it to me out of the Bible she taught it to mo until I never could forget it When I heard that man crying for water I remember ed it The words I still in my head I couldnt get rid of em So thought they meant me and I went Thats all This was the reason why the boy was ready to sacrifice his life for an enemy And it was reason enough added the soldier with a quavering voice Youths Companion June Information cott bowks Toront I Three men were killed by a ex plosion and fire at Asbestos works near Danville Quebec missing T clerk named Hurst of department Mont real is accused of forgery Cracow Austrian Juno situation in district of in connection with anti- Semitic excesses ia of the most character Bands of from districts have reinforced the petroleumworkers and peasants of and attacking plundering and burning public buildings They have attacked the towns of and winch to bo defended by troops

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