Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 10, 1898, p. 5

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THE NEWMAUKKT JUNE BANE CAPITAL BEST HEAR OVriUK TORONTO It President General BRANCH A General Banking Business Interest Allowed on Deposits AT CDIllKKT DRAFTS ISSUED lAYAUM AT AM and American aold inert Note- promptly attended to MEDICAL I Campbell A Christian to mid to pm at opposite A Formerly at Chela Hospital London for or Women or Hospital for Hick Children Toronto Central Pharmacy to a to mid to p m School Wesson Jojug Crucified Juno Matt Text Christ died for our bins according to the 1 Cor After trial high priest J had been for several hours to and ridicule of Jewish after scourging before Pilate ho was delivered into the hands of cruel Roman soldier who took delight in tormenting their victim At length tho journey to the cross along the now known its Die Via began At first Jesus carried his cross as did all who were condemned to crucifixion but the terrible suffering of the night had exhausted hid physical strength and he staggered beneath the load They then seized one passing an African named Simon and compelled him to aid Jesus in bearing the cross mother of Jesus and many weeping women were in the throng winch followed him Two also condemned to be crucified with their attendant soldiers were in the procession Before nine oclock Gol gotha the place of execution was reached From a Grateful Man Celery Compound Saved His Life Physicians and Springs Failed Him In His Time of The other A Prominent Druggist Vouches for the Truth of Every Statement Dp Alfred of rout Dp J Wesley Mid Coroner North Telephone Communication INSURANCE Joseph R Cody AGENT also at best r Good for Hale next Mull Newmarket Always In on Saturdays J fl Audit for Mr Money to at Current No scene in the history of the world has touched the heart of human ity as that enacted on Calvary How many like these soldiers with and utter un consciousness of the fact scenes that are shaping their eternal destinies One theif resents those who be lieve mid are saved the other those who revile Him and are lost Many a saying of Jesus appeals ridiculous because by its true meaning is lost came not to save Himself but We are Christlike when we live and die if need to save others Trust in God does not always bring us what unbelievers would call Simply does not make righteous The worst are sometimes fearfully wicked Darkness spiritual still settles up on those who would crucify the Not every one who feels forsaken of God is really so at such times he may nearest and Strengthened THIS TKRM AN OTTAWA LADY TO WILLIAMS PINK PILLS T flesuttonee Co INSURANCE RISKS AT WEST RATES Money fl A Ramsay Insurance Agent on Farm and Town Property OrriceOverHodKcBTIn Shop A I Dentist Ofllcc opposite the Methodist Church Air for Satisfaction Dp J Rogers Dentist Aurora Successor to the late Dr and late Street Aurora Among many in Ottawa and the vicinity who have been benefitted one or another the use of Dr Will- Pink Pills for Pale People the Journal has learned of the case of Mrs Gilchrist wife of Mr Gilchrist of Mr Gilchrist keeps it grocery at the corner of Fourth Ave and Cedar street and is well known to a great many people in Ottawa as well as to the villagers of this suburb of the Capital Mr Gilchrist states that while in a run down condition during the spring of she was greatly strengthened and built up by the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills Speaking of the matter to a Journal reporter she stated that while able to go about at the time she was far from well her blood was poor she was subject to headaches and felt tired after the slightest exertion She had read at different times of cures effected by the use of Dr Will iams Pink Pills and decided to try them She was benefitted by the first and continued their use un til she had taken five boxes when she considered herself recovered Mrs Gilchrist says that she always strongly recommends Dr Williams Pink Pills as a builder and when any of her friends arc weak t Co J think it my duty without solicitation from any one to write in the interests of other and give you a testimonial in favor of your to me almost miraculous re medy Celery Compound more than a year I was suffering from the agonizing pains of sciatica and after trying all that medical skill could devise and using many remedies patent and otherwise I concluded to try the Hot Springs at Han A look the treatment thoroughly and care fully for six weeks and came home at the end of that time racked with pain and weighing pounds less At this juncture when hope had almost fled I of Paines Celery Compound It seemed suited to my case and I sent to my druggist Mr J of this place and asked about it He recommended it to me and took bottle I soon to feel better and after taking the second bottle was a cured man and threw away my crutches I keep a bottle on hand in ease of any return of the complaint I am now oK years old and I feel as spry as I ever did in my life I was in Norfolk England and came to Canada when only J years old I was brought up in the township of Cornwall Ontario and came to Man itoba eight years ago Have always been a farmer and am as able to do hard work now as ever I was With a heart full of gratitude for the benefits derived from the use of your remedy and a wish to influence others who may suffer gladly and freelv indite this letter Yours gratefully Mr J W the suc cessful and extremely popular druggist of Virden vouches for Mr tons statements as follows I have known Mr for two years or more and can confirm what he says in regard to his cure by Paines Celery Compound Ever since his erne he has been sounding its praises and he is a perfect enthusiast on the subject of Com pound I him to be thorough ly reliable J Druggist Constables AURORA Davis Joseph J Albert Dennis Taylor Win EAST Curtis Charles QuccukviIIo Hill William Kavunagh Win OucciirvUIo Newmarket Pegu Newmarket Steeper Parish Mount Albert Nereid Mount Albert Turner William Robert Sutton West Ego Andrew Virginia Ifuvao Sutton McNeill Joseph Jacksons Point Park Henry Vachell Alex IMora LANDING- Murphy William Evans Jus KING Win Newmarket Hamilton We- ley Jennings Jeffrey Kuvanagli James Newmarket Ratter King Kettleby William Win NEWMARKET Anderson J Ravage John Hell Cain Michael Geo Edmund NORTH Emeu Draper James Glover Joseph Raven Mann Keawick Win Ferry Charles Thou J Reynolds William Nindiek Joseph John James BUTTON WEST Grunt Peter W McClelhui Peter WHITCHURCH James Pine Orchard Campbell Vivian Lehman W George Ringwood James Rallantrae Win Vandorf Jan Albeit Newmarket WeUh Arthur Vandorf AND SEETHE J Its Practical Advantages We fence that ever Inverted to show as many p and points In i rn TKMl points In Its this one for the price and tutre Is not j- a cheaper fence on the market Tlio chief of the Fence over nil other fences are these We nrc to keep wires tight by means end posts each being to ratchet on back of of these vg Is for over one hundred rods of wire Wo use long Ma pita mid In Just close enough for the wire work freely through them on the middle posts 371 Inexcellel Having- of posts one only being needed 1 111 i every thirtythree feet Our stay a cannot be excelled more an r our fuiva It Inter ally in once Is so simple thai any one can liUlIfl It r to pet the lighter It holds the horizontal together They easily all of Is not readily put on strong no- thing to rust or break Mff Qf Fence will not alftet It nor will it collect The anchoring of our no tlinil the wire and t is not only durable hut in appear- Our ratchet or permit cultivation right up to and by thin unking you can your fence rows dean I- or general purposes between thohoJoi where the our allow contraction and the fence has no can put up any corner would tip thecal If l take up the expansion of the wire height with any number of wires Our are fastened llriuty to the wires We not only and con traction which 1ms been the drawback to nil wire fences but we add tenfold and durability of fiald fenctvthe resisting power of any one wire being nearly to the resisting power of the whole number it for any fttntln to come one without being dlstrl- M liuttd to all and when any strain cornea upon any part Is not up- on the wire strain were tight to posts but the strain re by all who bee fence and you Keep to hut no through the wholehtreteh hack t end post and The public are warned against tiding any Infringement on patent or ailing T Somefvilles Fire Hall Main Street of House ai Main Street filled By The Y June P J Hardy who was examined under rays at Sanitarium a few months ago and who claimed that hie flesh skin and internal organ were shrivelled the exposure ip dead He was confined to his bed and brought suit for against sanitarium Three weeks ago he was removed to the county almshouse where he died The Church at trae is being put into a good state of repair raised a new roof and stone foundation Linton school picnic which long been a very successful annual af fair and an attraction for young people quarters will be held this year June 11th on the grounds of Mr Band will be present to furnish the music A prominent citizen of King township stated the other day that the proposed and Aurora Rail way will hot be built difficulty having been experienced in securing funds He also stated that work on the new branch would begin at Klein- burg in a few days County Engineer in spected the new steel bridge on the 10th con of week The piling and work was found to be satisfactory but the Bridge Co who had the contract for the steel superstructure had not complied with the specifications and he refused to pass their work until this was done Economist A certain professor of a law de partment is credited with saying that per cent of all divorces granted are on the ground of cruelty and de sertion but I have never known a single such decree when the woman concerned was a good cook and house- But great difficulty with most women is that they dont warn to he cooks and housekeepers Hope MISCELLANEOUS Simpson Main St lata Fancy Goods miss a prepared to do at ri Perfect lit Til all latest Newmarket PO will receive fl of nd Toner of IManos and all String Srosb Miioh And always on Holland Another Avalanche Vakcouvkh June JJ The Copper sold discoveries are a myth Dr E Koitright of New York says peoplo are trying to overcome insurmountable obstacles There is no gold in tho country thousands have been cruelly deceived On May 1 a second terrible avalanche occured on the summit of Glacier which buried people and caused of people camped on the summit who escaped once to dig out unfor tunates Twenty were taken out two of them dead Ten are still buried What Dr A Salter Says- Gents From my per- knowledge in observing the of your Cure in cases of ad vanced Consumption I am prepared to say It is tho remarkable Remedy that has ever been brought to my attention It baa certainly saved many from Consumption Hold by Lehman The Templar Publishing Co of Hamilton has decided to wind up its and dispose of paper To Cure a Cold in One- Bay Take Laxative Quinine Tablets All Druggist rufumi the money if it fails cure on Many a Threshold But South Kidney Cure Spirits Away in a Trice- Mrs J of Berlin writes I was a groat sufferer for months from kidney disease The pains were so severe as to cause faint ing spells and I could not be left alone was restless and sleepless at night no remedy or doctor seemed able to give mo any help I was advised to try South American Kidney Cure After a few doses I was greatly bene fitted and two bottles took every trace of kidney trouble from mo Sold by E Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket The Meiinonito Church on the con of struck by light ning lost week and the ceiling and walls badly damaged Catarrh Cured A clear head and breath with Catarrh Rem edy sold on a Nasal injector free Sold by Liftman the schooner Jan Gray which sailed from Seattle for Sound with persons on board foundered about miles west of Cape Flattery while lying to in a moderate gale Thirtyfour passengers were drowned Clover Tea for Constipation and if after usin it you dont tay o return package and your money Bold by Lehman Do You Read What people are saying aNnt coring the worst caeea of and of blood diacafie and It Riving strength weak end tired women Why you to it is doing bo much for others Pills are the family cathar- tio and liver tonic Gentle reliable sure The police all over Ontario are looking for a man who gives his name as J Wilson and to he buying horses He gets his board free is shown every bor rows small sums of money and issues bogus cheques on which he realizes from fifty cents to one dollar He started in at Windsor and his first victim seems to have been Detective Wheeler from whom he bought a horse for six dollars and a half giving a cheque for seven dollars in payment He got ten dollars ahead of the De troit Exchange Hotel and then he went to when he de frauded J Stokes butcher of three dollars He is believed to have swindled numbers of persons in other places The Provincial police sent out a circular describing him as a man of fifty or sixty years of age five feet seven inches in height weighs one hundred and fortyfive pounds ban a moustache and chin de fect in fool very neatly dressed and always talking about the- war Our May Is the ltct mid cheapest the wires irmly together WIRES AND STAYS PER ROD For Sale by of magistrates in f4opfch March John Armstiong Arthur Lloyd town Keswick Armstrong Thomas May Nelson Pine Orchard Ay 1 ward II McCiure William Newmarket linker Michael Udora McCordick Robert Roachs Point I Jell James Lloyd town McConnick Robert Vivian Bennett Willard McDonald Donald Sutton West Peter Kettleby Millard Joseph Newmarket J Morton John Keswick Brown David Sutton West Morton Neil Button Newbury Norman Robert J Sutton West Cane William Newmarket Park Samuel A King Holland Landing Cherry James Pearson James J Newmarket Cole W P Sutton West Fetch John Aurora Vandorf Coiner Henry Pefferlaw Porter William James Powell Geo Henry Dal ton Richard Sutton West Proctor William William Newmarket Pressor Elijah Keswick James Mt Luke David Wilfrid Graham David Sutton West r Humbly Edwin Noble toii A Vachell Roach Martin Hopkins John Alex Holt Sander W Howard Stephen Newmarket Scott Thomas Sutton West Hughes A J Sharon Ellis lielhaven Hunter James J Edmund Albert Jackson Newmarket Stewart George Johnson teorge Stokes James K frig Johnson Hiram Henry Sutton West Johnson D Aurora Richard Keswick Lloyd Thomas Aurora Widdifield James Newmarket Lloyd Newmarket Willoughbv David Holland Landing Love Alfred Aurora Willson Charles Charles Newmarket Wright George D Aurora Yates John Newmarket Young William Mnlloy Neil A Las ay Yule Andrew Aurora Council of the County of York WARDEN Esq Maple CLERK Jons A Ramsukx Esq Court district I York Richmond Hill Markham 6 King Alex James Chester Rolxfrt Gibson I John Fisher J D Evans I RJ Bull Win I George High Reesor W Hall P A DDK ESS Bendale Toronto Islington Richmond Hill Maple Cedar Grove Jacksons Point team Saw Mills Bill Stuff Cut to Order Shingles for Sale J C Stokes Norman King Lot Aurora I Seneca Baker T J Woodcock Newmarket John Ravenshoe Sharon J Davidson Johnson Mills are have nil kinds of bill fatulf Cut jii riliurt t hand a of Well Seasoned Lengths ten to feel D McDonald Proprietor Sutton West Do you Think of Visiting Toronto WAIT FOR THE Methodist Sunday School EXCURSION On Wednesday July NORTH YORK CORONERS Win J Forrest W M I Sylvester M Lloyd Andrew D Alex Scott Stuart M D Wesley J M D Mount Albert Newmarket Newmarket The present membership of Sutton Method st Church is being seventy Judge McGibbon of Brampton sentenced a man by the name of ftU ftnd ham to five years collections are in K ft ftt of last It is expected that the missionary collections will bo of Mr Robert Robinson a far mer living near here for dinner and was refused He to the barn al most directly and shortly after it was more than double what they were last year in flames and was completely with any other troyed weekly for homo A TRAIN Ten Hour In tin- City TICKETS from Newmarket and Aurora only Children for I Hound Trip from Holland SI I KiiiKic 1utk Cheapest ami of the Ill crowd to At per cent on rtratclrtK Turin vllhiu property by Davidson J ami Heal tor Midland and iioiiiktli Also for I lie Standard mid Mounl Albeit-

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