Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 10, 1898, p. 4

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J THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JUNE to AdlH FRIENDS PREVAILED A Toronto Woman Walked Floor Night for at a Makos TORONTO ONT I with It was for mo to and if cmo over mo during tho night I had to got up and walk floor for hours ft My Wood vory poor and I to bilious attache My feet would my own work I treated with two of tho best but only received for a time I day a called and advised mo to try Hoods I laughed at but I was upon and pro cured bottle Roforo I used It all I began to feel hotter I took aovoral bot tles and boxes of Pills Now I can eat and drink heartily and soundly Hoods has entirely mo also mood that I now do all my own work I cheerfully recommend Hoods florflapa- to all sufferers from nervousness weakness or general debility MflBIL St Ill IS cents Last during the of at Ottawa of Ontario a to Grand Muster Clarke Wallace of silver dinner and tea of 900 pieces en- cloned in a bountiful cabinet Public Accounts down at Ottawa has reported that the charges of frHiirl and corruption connected with purchase of the County Hall way was all wind and liven Mr of Canal notoriety con fiidcred there was no foundation for chargHmadu by a disappointed section of tbo Montreal Hon Mr vindication of the mailer 1q complete The United States in the Hoot to r Best Advertising Medium In York County incuts cents per Nonpareil line Tor llrat cents per line lor Insertion lKIUOlib mm Am Am Inches Inches Inch AdvcuUeuuiits iiiiHceompaiiiwt with writ- ten until forbid una he once each month For Ihiin once each month the composition must lie paid feral regular rates Changes bo In by noon on for Executor Notices farms to Kent Articles Lost and Found etc A nolle- will he inserted roc for any Church Gaiety where poters are fur- when no Item collection taken titty cents will exception to this rule ft bill which the last week in the Commons tho age limit of County Court Judges is fixed at when superannuation must follow At present there is an instance a County Is over ninety and another over eighty but not to superannuate they ill hold on to the ollico This measure will result in making a chance without special action of parlia ment Our recent acquisition of the Philip pines may mean more to us than a weakening of power of Spain during the present war In order to preserve tho advantage so gloriously won by Dewey and his men it is obvious that island must ho Ik- Id and their retention if only tem porary by the United States is likely to involve us in all the intricacies of the Eastern Question so long tireless the ponce of mind of British and European diplomatists The introduction of the new Ameri can factor in the delicate adjustment of the balance of power in the East is already viewed with growing con cern by and Russia France Czars People it is liter ary result of on extended tour in Rus sia which Mr Ralph recently complet ed and his remarks upon the industrial and governmental features of the country are particularly pertin ent and seasonable The Czars pen as seen by a widoawake American reveal many characteristics especially suggestive at this period of our own national life The steady progression by Russia towards the gateway of marvel lous East is one of the striking facts commented upon by Mr Ralph An enormous system of military railroads brings her nearer day to the borders of China and India An up and Germany and position in the- complement to Mr Ralphs Do you think of has been passed by the Ontario Government directing re moval of murderer J Hammond who was in goal to coal at Barrio This action has been taken on account or ftti attempt to rescue prisoner tome before trial Now that ho is awaiting execution it is foared a second effort at rescue bo made Ho will however bo taken back to for execution Tub parliament be rccalcd from Ottawa by their constituents and other men pent in their places Why should vote extra indemnity The net is more than of could at home in a year or If an oxtra is vod because the soseion isoxtended a few days overtime tho racket of will bo worked whenever tho members have a depleted pocketbook What He Has Done For ilian READ WHAT THEY SAY Rheumatism Catarrh Dyspepsia and Other Ailments Cured by the Use of His Wonderful Little Pellets Mr J Minor bicycle roster with A Co works and at ICO street Toronto On- Canada suffered pain for nearly year from dyspepsia and constipation accompanied by a long train of Creasing symptoms lmd no a fcour stomach was anil nerrous I not sleep there vsb emaciation month ago I decided to try THIS SUMMER If you do write 1 1111 Oil LIMITED NEWMARKET And yet prices of Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows IND ALL AT OS RAILWAY The Tree Pest of spruce tree Chennes tiUiclUB of bulletin issued by the Otiturio Department of Agri culture states that the trees already attacked in Ontario arc the European the or black spruce the white spruce and the balsam fir It is also stated that the insect may be found on the hemlock We are told this insect is a native to Northern Europe and was introduced into the United States on imported spruce trees thence into Ontario or it have been introduced here direct from Europe as for many years there lias been an annual importation of young European spruce trees into Ontario The galls are usually irregularly spherical and often more than half an inch in diameter The insect emerges from a bout the 1st of August On emerging they are slightly imper fect but in one day ample wings are developed which enables them to fly long distances After distribution the female settles on a spruce leaf and lays about eggs and then dies resting on the eggs In ten days the young sixfooted larvju are hatched They crawl around and find immature buds into which they burrow and remain during the winter but in the following their presence in the bud causes it to Toronto has a report that the election petitions the return of the nil tine members for North Bruce A- North to bo withdrawn thin report if true is a sawoff between Liberal and Mr Boyd With all this political among and the of prope privileges we have no sympathy can- lor their committed prohibited acts they ought to be brought to tank matter must call into play all article is furnished in this c skill care at the command of our The mighty and insidious influence of watchful and warlike Russia or puzzling political problems constantly presented by the complications of Chinese with other nations are likely to perplex legislators at Washington quite as much as for years the same questions have worried the parliament of Westminister The national spirit and ambition of the Slave and of the Oriental are to be AngloSaxon mind always mysterious strange and inexplicable Artistic Effects connection by a paper in the saute periodical on Situation in China contribut ed by an eminent English diplomat who conceals his identity under the now plume Cathay Chin the nearest neighbor to our Phi possessions in tin Pacific has certain ly acquired a new interest for all Americans at this time and the ex perience of Great Britain in with this strange empire wliose motto is closed doors against the world has its valuable lessons for all concern ed with our public affairs The ob servations of Cathay are made from the inside and it is not best way of reaching a correct throw a strong and upon Chinese If as many with the neeeity of making radical q bo regretted that some well qua- tied for the of Lieut Governor of the Territories could not have been selected outa ranks of members of parliament If the plums of to to the pooplos reprosenta- lives in House the country will soon have Commons filled with a lot of time- servers men ready to do tho subservient bidding of the Administration of the day instead of faithful of public interests Men looking for soft and easy places in the gift of the Government are apt to look upon the acts and suggestions of in power through colored glasses that they estimate of the characteristics and tendencies of any is hy and method of actual and l wo to he confronted with therefore of timely to note two articles on this in the lnuchin ii isuc of 1IUULH to note and Mr Julian Ralph whoe long experience as a traveller and res- in 1ms made him a Iteen and in- future in the Ia observer contributes the lead- ing articlo of the number entitled The Telegram paragraph maken this trenchant remark This Grit Act which the Senate to cuv and carve is a good deal fairer than Tory Act which the Senate swallowed without amendment into all iusttNul of a nor mal twig The lice in the alls give birth to other living lice so that about thirty individuals are found under each scale of the gall When growing they are of a yellowish given color but during winter assume a reddish brown tint As these insects in the feeding stage are within the gall and the gall perfectly water tight no can penetrate so that poison ing is the question The only safe remedy therefore is clip off the galls as soon as they noticed in June and immediately burn them up When a tree is too much infested to be dealt with in this way it should cut down and churned at once In purchasing nursery stock of this class farmers and others should be specially careful to Jice that the young tiees are perfectly free from this insect pest A lodge of the Canadian Order of Chosen Friends has been organized at prohibition plebiscite workers of County will meet in con vention at JJarrie on June and will hold a mass meeting in the Ottawa June Mr Hector Mc- Wakefield was struck by and instantly killed At the time of accident he was shoe ing tome horses for Charles Stevens He bad just leaned back against the doorpost when the lightning struck it near the top and running down killed Mr on the spot report of the Commission appointed to investigate alleged Illtreatment of laborors employed in the construction of the Crows Nest Pass road was laid on the table of Parliament last week That the men were lured by false promises and mid- representations appears to be borne oat by the elicited by the commiefiion Once having entered upon the work no matter how harsh the treatment afterwards or bow ill the faro men find it almost impossible to return blame rests somewhere but the reportseemeto indicate there is such a shifting of responsibility it is dillioult to place It on anyone The work is being constructed in in turn are let to but the men are bound by their engage the Company and to tip with extreme hardships- MoKtnloy is to be given the unique distinction of haying a number of a womans named for him and prepared in his honor The July issue of The Ladies Home Journal is to be called The Presidents Number It will show the on horseback on the cover with the Presidents new fighting flag lyiun over him a new march by Victor Herbert called The Presidents March the State Department allow ed magazine to make a direct photo graph of the original parchment of of Independence while the Presidents own friends and Intimates combined to tell some twenty now and un published stories and anecdotes about him which will show him In a manner not be fore done- The cover will bo printed in the National colors to the World there is an un dercurrent of dissatisfaction in conserva tive circles in parliament and it is now hinted that Hon Clarke Wallace aspires to the party leadership- The- Junction Tribune referring to this fact observes The intellectual strata of the party must bo thin indeed if the leadership of Clarke Wallace has become a possi bility is Globes list of some of the partisan sins of the political infirmary culled the Canadian Senate The Inter extension bill the bicycles as ino bill the Yukon railway bill the Hone of England insurance bill tho franchise bill This is a list of some of the measure killed or mutilated in the Senate during the last two sessions When people- get a chance at it the Senate will be killed j too Mutilation is not enough Remedies and after using two bottles of the cure I was completely cured and today In the enjoyment of excel lent health and spirits I to cat anything I consider cure most won derful and cannot too highly to curt In a feu Price Curo cure ill and lluojono Coid Cure up a cold la a few hoars Pike Cough Cure stops and apccdlly belli price Core BredliT curt or and alj forma Price Core builds the ifiteni Price Headache Cure topi Price Pile dill forma of Price Cure Miod Price a to ell lluDo5a Catarrh fall Cure price eradicate tit dUuo from the tad teat Vltalltor a tonic A core for each At all etna W a rial to Prof Btreit Oat anmirtdVlto adflea for Sunpounded by English men How the of the seat of War which are now issuing from all the London publishing oflices like ants from a rotten beam of wood must make the Little squirm If he looks at the Atlantic Ocean map he sees that with the ex ception of Culm and Porto Rico all the itnpoitunt islands are British If he turns for relief to the Pacific he sees that the Philippines are merely sprinkled as it were be tween British Hong Kong and North Borneo The witty Spaniard who once defined an island as a piece of land entirely surrounded by Englishmen was very near the truth in Inside Woodwork Largest Factory in Canada for of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc LESS We construct and Repair all kinds on short notice The Wm Cane Sons Co CiIUlTRD NEWMARKET ONT YE CHANGE The loading Opposition organ at Toron to for months past been striving to discount Hon Mr Tar to but without avail A peculiarity of its criticism is the snrmiaed methods which it presents to its readers as facts regarding Hon mans manner of doing business presum ably based on lines vnich obtained Conservatives hat control Referring to this a Jheee gentlemen owned the earth so many years that it causes surprise when an honest man claims a chance to pasture on it are inclined to think that a of the Ontario press which seem disposed to the pro position to establish a Dead Letter Office at Toronto instead sending all this of mall matter to Ottawa are not wise in their criticism If It bo true that Toronto tends letters annually to Dead Letter we quite agree with the Saturday Night in urging that the business of properly disposing of the game should bo attended to in that oily Don goes on to say There is no why secrecy should not bo maintained in Toronto and Montreal and with regard to contents of these letters as at Ottawa and attention to local wants in this matter deserves anything but somo of the attacks made by the Opposition upon his proposal It is satisfactory to know that a majority of tho House approves of his policy The Tweed News in the County of upon the year existence last week and tho publisher Mr Taylor celebrated the event changing its form to an eight page sheet thereby considerably enlarging us residing matter While keeping abreast with gener al news it also devotes largo attention to local intelligence Wo pleased to note of oar pros perity and trust manifested will meet with a corresponding apprecia by the community it serves A and interesting article about Manila and the life there has written for The Youths Companion for of June by Charles Howard who lately passed some years in the Philip pines and familiarized himself with the characteristics of tho natives and of the Chinee and Europeans who monopolize the business and of the islands Those of The Companion who re member Mr Howards story of Manila boy What He Did and What Ho Stole which appeared in ono of the JDuary numbers will look forward to this fresh contribution from his pen with the keenest anticipation Klondike Gold for Poultry Raisers of our readers will gold from keeping poultry right than from Klon dike Thousands of aro making a good living from poultry and it can be doue but to do it requires experience and benefit and experience of others latter is found lit The Poultry Keetir of Pa a very attractive monthly with its covor printed in colors The name of its editor P Jacobs is known to all successful poultry raisers as authority on subject Price cents per annum Sample copy free telling about free seeds etc Mr Jacobs also prepared four great books covering every subject on which a poultry raiser wants in formation They are Poultry Keepers Illustrator No 1 over Illustrations in regard to poultry houses brood- ere coops eto cunts Poultry Keener Illustrator No over illustrations etc about artificial incubation raiting upon the civil history of the chicks testing eggs etc cents to a youth of twentytwo who had Keeper Illustrator No poultry dis- years in his grave Is moulting eating ably unexampled in literature The entire cents Poultry Keeper Illustrator No manuscript of this articlo is perhaps the 4 judging description of breeds most precious of many rare autographs mating 25 cents Every poul- by the publishers of The Youths heso Companion Hall am was friend in The Spanish American war has done more towards information re garding Spanish colonies in tho past fev weeks than commerce has dona in the past quarter of a century A correspon dent his furnished following particu lars from the Philippine Islands Wages of farm male laborers there is about five cents per day and each man is required to pay an annual tax of from to Much of this tax goes to church it is churoh officials whocollect it all archbishop forbids the sale of farm pro ducts but requires them to simply ex changed There is a tax for the of on animals when killed for food on shops milis and oil presses and a particularly tax on cocktights which national pastime for the people since Tiie The last finished literary work of Wil liam Gladstone his eloquent and tender tribute to tbo of Arthur Henry the friend of his school days The article was the last of five which Mr Gladstone ilmos written expressly for The Youths Compan ion and appeared recently The final re vision of the in the venerable states mans own handwriting was concluded in November a tribute from a man of whose statesmanship has made a profound and enduring whose memory Tennyson wrote that poem Benson was Canal at Hamilton CURB VOURPAinS WITH A Chest In Itsolf Staple end Cera for DIARRHOEA G0UQU5 GOLDS NEURALGIA OF IMITATIONS- BUY ONLY THE GENUINE PERRY As age advances a gradual Change in Sight takes place This Change necessitates compensating aid Glasses properly ground and adjusted replace the loss of eye power We understand this work particularly well Try us ATKINSON CO OPTICIANS EH Now look out for Bargains in Dry Goods Boots and Shoes Groceries an I Crockery AH to be sold at a tremendous sacrifice as follows NEWMARKET WORKS LATESTDESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Before Elsewhere Allan Money to Loan At per cent on Security Farm David for taking Heal Es tate Agent Conveyancer of Marriage Licenses Etc Also Agent for the following Fire Insurance Companies Queen of London Engfj Gore District Mutual established In aleo and Liverpool England Montreal DRY GOOD Cottons per yd 15 per yd Prints 10c per yd Flannelette 10c per yd Ginghams per yd Cotton Bats 10c per lb Tweeds per yd One lot Fancy Shirts GROCERIES lbs Dry Apples lbs Japan Tea Currants cans Corn 25c Packages Corn Starch 25c Tapioca per lb lbs Rice American Oil Canadian Oil 19c BOOTS SHOE Mens Dong- Oxfords 75c 1 Mens Dong Ladies Dong Turns Ladies Dong Buttoned 1 Misses Shoes 90c Youths Shoes 1 Job lot Boys Oil Tan 75c A Full Stock of Paints and Oils constantly in Stock Highest market prices for all kinds of Produce for tho Confederation Life To ronto Opwcb Old Ofllce Corner of Main and Lot StrectsNcwiriHrket Have you any taken lately It not give the artful sitting you will delighted the result Courteous atten tion Satisfactory Photographs Priced reasonable Call today This Just cults Peppiatfs Art Gallery North of Hotel Are the leading machines and ued in every and grass growing country ibe world over Canadian machines made by Canadian workmen Over workmen are on the pay roll at the and are working over time 110000 being manufac tured for the trade of Over Binders and Mowers Wen sent to Europe for this season acrop All kinds Seed Unions Main New market Cement kept In stock Roller and Ball Bearing binder Mower front and rear cot hi and Combined also Shoe Drills and Cultivators Hay Tedd I lio Celebrated Wilkinson and Steel Land Rollers THE STEEL BAIN AND SPEIGHT WAGONS Warehouse East side Market Square Newmarket SMITH J a i

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