Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 10, 1898, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY- JUNE to Bummer A Clothing and A Jlinns Judo Jobbing SB Free Coupons Decoration M Wanted A Davidson Card of GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY TIME a A J a en I 5 c 1 en If I x 2 0 li 15 CM fe 10 o W It I The Mail lime n- that of Bar rio will probably bo to fill vacancy In tho by loath of Mr McCarthy and also Intimated that aro talking of running Lieut- to tho by Mail Barrio very talk to candidates of respective parlies though a of of conjecture JJcsldea Mr namea of and candldatoB Hut whoever may bo candidates will ho no walk Our Toronto Letter Oar Column c a She UP I T WITH The all at Home FRIDAY JUNK The by Hon for the before law of tho Crown in the Belgian and German treaties not standing In way of the Canadian tariff was hundred 2C50 Hon Kdward values his talk very last being seventh of thedomt60 of the Mens LiberalConserv ative Clubs of Toronto fittingly celobrated the occasion for the fir time by bedeck- the reeled hie uioinory In the s Park with tributes Besides a lartjo of the 48ih were present the Mm Thorpe of Toronto is of Mrs Miss was vinitiiiK in villo week Miss is homo from city for vacation Mm of is visiting her J Morris is making preparations for a trip to Ireland next month Two bisters from Toronto spent oyer with Mr 13 Martin Mm of Toronto is visiting her noico Mre this week Mr Alex baker of at Mr Mre Goo and daughter Of arc guests at tho Inspector is making visits to schools in Township this Montgomery of Stay nor spent last Friday with her sister Mrs Mr Hughes loft yesterday on a vieit and for a month or Mr was In Whitby last attending funeral of hie mother brother and son aro ibis with her sister Mies Wilson at Mr Olivers Miss Klva York leaves week to visit at and for two or throe weeks Elder and wife of villo of Mr Geo while in Town on Wednesday Mia Welder of Albert formerly Mrs Kales Newmarket was visiting friends week A prohibition convention is being arranged to bo held in this on July Mr J es timates that there will bo more than a delegates in attendance County Council of York will convene for the midsummer session next Monday The Wardens ex cursion across tho on she It is about time the Council this yearly frolic and cut down the Wardens salary sum usually expended on this holiday outing at peoples expense The decoration ceremonies at tho and in the Queens Park last Thursday of than usual intercut Ad dresses were delivered by Lieut Sir Oliver also Lieut Col and Hon Minister of Education Mr Alex author of Maplo Leaf also took part the proceed ings sorious accidents have occurred during the past A col lar bono was broken in one instance and a leg in another The scoruhor will have to come under the penalty of manslaughter before the iniquity ceases in large cities Whore streets filled with pedes trians is criminally wicked many friends Mr J Mac- donald both in the city county will regret to hear of his being con fined to his bed Ho has been indis posed for somo weeks A short time ago he visited the Preston Minora Springs but did not find relief an ticipated For many years ho has been the County Treasuror of York and general manager of Confedera tion Life natives easily win at every stop with their slashing knives Admiral Dewey officially reports that insurgents in Philippines have scored victories over the Spanish and have taken prisoners fifty officers and men regarding the military oc cupation of Santiago are conflicting but on the whole seems reason to believe that United States troops have effected landing in vicinity of the city Jamaica Juno a terrific fire by the whole Ameri- Camp can fleet a Spanish torpedo do st supposed to be the Terror was shattered and sunk she was trying to sneak into Santiago harbour last night destruction wom accomplished in a few minutes o terrible was the fusiiado from tfie American ships The American licet this morning engaged Spanish batteries de fending the entrance of harbour of Santiago Cuba and after a three hours bombardment silenced nearly all the forts destroyed several earth works and rendered the and batteries the two principal forti fications useless The battle of on May after six hours fighting fell to Cuban arms A column of Spaniards strong was surprised by insur gents and compelled to surrender The Spanish loss was killed in cluding 13 officers Cuban loss killed including officers and wounded The Cubans recovered a large quantity of arms and ammunition from the deserted Spanish camp to gether with provisions and supply wagons which the enemy had compelled to leave behind Whitchurch Council We have just closed the best Mays business we have ever had The month of June must be a record breaker and every week will be offered New Goods at prices that will please economical buyers This week we offer Ladies Stylish Blouses at Ladies New Checked Blouses the kind you pay for in Toronto at New Blouse Prints in Fancy Checks at Beautiful Figured Dress Muslins at New Organdie Muslins at Another lot just opened of our wonderful 100 Parasols Good Strong Summer Corsets regular at Si Very Fine Black Figured Dress Goods worth special at All Wool plain Black Henrietta 4 Inches wide at One more lot this week ten pieces Fancy Figured Dress Goods and inches wide at Special Lot all Wool Serges 36 inches wide at Sh selling at by these such Foil many years past it has tho prac tice to each member of the Dominion Parliament at the of a a email trunk filled with stationery On Saturday Mr Speaker announced that vote for trunks to members had ex pired Government has not pro- posed ft renewal of tbe vote trunk business is now an end No doubt a certain amount of necessary stationery will be placed on each members desk the commencement of a session but minus the trunk Tub returns of revenue and expendi ture of Canada for the eleven end ing May show the total receipts to been an over the corresponding period last year of expenditure for the period was less than it wai in The ex- on capital an in crease of 1200000 which is accounted lor almost entirely by subsidies to the Neat Iaes and payments for Lawrence Canal improvements Canadas net debt on May was Ik a lool municipality of county a difference of opinion has arisen between the chairman of court of oviion and the respecting what constitutes tbe assessable income of a professional man the former wants to assess the in come and the consider certain re ductions should be made therefrom We are asked to decide and in doing so we consider that fuel and ether expenses of this character should bo ducted from the gross income and the ftnee assessed and if party bo a physician the office boys salary and keep of a horse would come within range of deductions before the net Income standing and relationship of the College Of Physicians and flurgeona to the body politic of this Province Ib inviting criticism through the press A physician way have his college he may he a goldmedalist in his acquirements yet he is not to practice bis pro fession unless he becomes a member of this close doles out a mone consideration for the privilege which membership connection therewith confers This close corporation has certain fixed rules which the must he governed whether he liked them or not and these are so framed to favor the mysteries that a byegone age associated with the healing art The vio of any one of even in the mV of advertising his profession hiru to the inquisition of a secret commit- who may to be in- famous and In their estima tion and the to extreme pea- It is time the legislature took this out it band of the Doctors end lined up the College rules with freedom end senee Mr wae visiting in City on He down Mr Norman Williams of Fennel Tp of West eon of Mr Addison Williams in Town last Saturday Miss Winnie Belfry who was the guest of Nellie at Brad ford returned after a weeks visit Mr of North went to the City Hospital thie week to undergo an operation for Appendicitis Bradford Witness Miss has returned home After spending several with friends in Toronto and New market Miss Mary Lloyd of Buffalo returned homo Friday and left Tuesday morning having accepted a situation in a New York hospital Mrs Jos Belfry of daughter of Inspector is home on a visit- Mr Belfry accompanied by a friend was also here over Sunday Wilson Model School Teacher Bent in her resignation She intends to further pursue her studies end qualify herself as high school teacher Mr of Aurora was in Town on Wednesday bidding goodbye to his friends before leaving for Chicago where he has secured A situation Mrs Hayes of Detroit end daughter Mrs -of- Denver Mrs Woods of Newton Brook are visiting Mrs Wm this week Mr If Widdifield of Pino Orchard has been requested by Hid Percy to take of the At Churchill line of Whitchurch next Sunday evening Mr Marshall of was in Town over Sunday visiting with relatives Mrs Joseph Pros Ave and Miss Smith at Cedars Mr Elliott editor of the Bar lington Rttord gave the a friendly call last week while passing through Town on a visit to his grandmother Mrs of Mr Arthur Belfry nephew of J Belfry of this Town was married on Wednesday morning fast to Miss Bucket of The Town boys wilt wish him success Mr Jos Cain Pullman car conductor of the at the Depot who has been laid two or three week on of feet expects to goon duty again the latter part of next week Mrs Conductor Martin of Toronto sister of Mrs Alex Moffat was here on a visit on Tuesday We regret to say that Mr Moffat is quite low again this week the heat being greatly Againat him Geo Webber of Toronto former ly pastor of the Church here was presented with a one even ing last week as a token of esteem by members of Queen St East An invitation to attend the Commence ment the University of Ohio is hereby acknowledged It Is printed exceedingly tasty tho graduates In music we notice name of Mr Arthur Oliver of this Town who we care will do Canada credit Special to the Era Tho reached hero Niagara on the Lake at oue pm on Tuesday and marched into camp led by Band men showed up well in regard to and the was up to its full strength men Lieut Col Lloyd of is in command and his staff consist of Major Thompson Major Leslie Surgeon Major Hillary and Gillies in addition On arriving At camp the Jin J Of ficer formed up in column and ad the men asking em give him the same support and assist ance they had to their late Col He hoped that tho would surplus all pro- yious records as to drill and efficiency The Bait goes to the Butt for target practice today and will no doubt keep up the grand reputation they always fa vo had as a shooting regiment The Daily until the id as follows when at Prac tice am taken from Bugler of Guard Duty Band play down the lines Issue of Rations Bread and meat Roll call on Regimental Pa rades Breakfast Sick Parades Report to PM O at Am Drill until noon Guard Mounting Main Guard Application for Leave and 1200 noon Commandant at Brigade Of fice 1230 pm Dinner Court of Revision and Council Meet ing Pursuant to adjournment and ad vertisement Council met at Hills Hall on the of May and organiz ed as a Court of Revision The Clerk presented the following appeals J brothers real estate assessed too high Alfred Ireland do do The Rev A P Brace appealed for exemption of assessment for the ho occupied The assessment of Alfred Ireland was reduced We sell as many Shoes here as any shoestore in and very close margins we should sell still more Test the stock Ladies Fine Oxford Shoes siz 2 to at 65c Ladies Fine Kid Self tip Oxford with twobutton strap worth atr25 Ladies Fine Kid Button Hoots sizes 2 to at 125 Mens Strong Lace Hoots regular 125 at 98c Mens Fine Hoots regular 225 at 175 ANOTHER BARGAIN Hoys Very Fine Halifax Tweed twopiece Suits regular 250 at Mens Very Neat Tweed Suits well made special 475 Look at the Fine Tailormade Suits we sell at 1000 A special lot of very neat stripe good Tweed Pants this week at 98c A twoyearold son of Mrs Wru Kemp Kingston fell into a tub of par- at a neighbors and died 1 i in a couple of hours Elvira fouryearold daughter of Thomas London died after appeals of Rev A P J race eating canned salmon A few days 1100 11 Drill pm Tea Retreat Picket Parade Duty down the lines Post Doty Band down the lines and at camp headquarters until lost Post Post Tattoo Band plays National Anthem Lights out Odd Fred son of Mr Frank of Toronto was drowned in the Grand River at Cayuga Admiral Sampson has re ported that the Collier was deliberately sunk in Santiago harbor with a view to blocking the exit of ra At Madid tho winking of the is being celebrated as a Span ish Governor Blanco has announced that all newspaper correspondents who full into hands of the Spanish in Cuba will bo treated as Spies which means probably they will shot Gridley of the United States is dead Pout Juno The Spaniards have blown up the sunken collier Merrimac It in said they have since at work clearing the channel so ivi in all probability to permit Admiral fleet to put to sea in the possibility of the Cadiz squad ron under Admiral arriving in Cuban water to block aded ships Manila May via Hong Kong June The Spanish outpost have been driven in all along the line simul taneously by the insurgents with great slaughter It is said that over a thousand have been killed There has been fierce hand to hand ting for seventy hours despite the typhoon which is raging The violent winds and torrents of rain render the rifles and Brothers not entertain The Clerk was instructed to erase from the Boll dogs assessed to the following parties said dogs having been destroyed since being assessed Brown one dog Daniel flail Geo Noble one dog Law one dog Win McDonald one bitob The Roll as amended was passed by Court as finally revised and the Court adjourned sine die Communication from Crown Lands Department informing the Council that the survey of side line between lots and 16 Con made in by P Gibson had been confirmed A Petition was presented by the ratepayers in the vicinity of asking for a grant on 3rd con line opposite lot 81 and on side line between lota and con A grant of was made for said pur pose provided tho ratepayers in the vicinity expended an equal amount gratuitously said work to be done under tho supervision of Councillor Case A was presented by the rate payer on 10th con lino for a grant on said con opposite lots and Deputy Baker was to 70 as petitioned provided ratepayers in vicinity expended an equal amount gratuitously The Treasurer was ordered to pay the following hills D Nelson rep road machine Braund wrench and oil 1 P sawed and round cedar was appropriated to be expend ed by Deputy Powell on the con line at lot 15 and on side line between lots 15 and con Deputy Baker was authorized to open ditch on con line opposite lot No The Reeve and Councillor Clark were empowered to repair hill on con lino at lot No Jas Knott was appointed Pathmas- tor in No Town Line north in lieu of Trench removed A ByLaw was passed opening west end of side lino between lots and 10 con Council adjourned to meet at Hills If ail on Wednesday tho of June ago Mr little son drank carbolic acid with fatal results Out June About oclock lost night the School House was discovered to be fire in the basement The building which was brick clad and contents were en tirely consumed Loss insured for Cause of fire unknown The MiSTKtiS At Toronto Junction on the 2nd of June the wife of Mr Walter tern baker of a eon On Tuesday May the wife of Mr Billiard of the line of King of a daughter King on Wednesday May the wife of J of a On Monday May at wife of A holder of a daughter AfcHTONAt fitoaffville on May Slat the wife of Alvery of a eon Tuesday June I at at the wife of Rev J P of a eon on May wife of Hugh Fockler of a Leading tannine and Undertaking of the Spanish troops una vailing It is an old saying that it is not what a man earns but what his wife eaves that makes him wealthy Ottawa June A freight train loaded with grain went through a trestle bridge on the Ottawa Arnprior and Parry Sound railway near Bride Lake milts from here Tbe train crew escaped mishap with the exception of the engineer who is re ported to be seriously injured London June The Kinc of has issued the following singular de cree My Minister is from this day relieved of his functions and all his orders and marks of rank are withdrawn Furthermore his beard shall be shaved Lastly seven days after this operation he shall be charged with supplying bay to the sacred elephants and shall be em ployed at this task to the day of his death Bajirik June a small village nine north of here nar rowly escaped being destroyed by fire yesterday While the congregations were in church Joseph Orchards dwelling was noticed to be on fire It was burned to the ground also the stables to the rear and adjoining barns and belonging to Alfred Armstrong Luckily the wind sud denly veered thus giving the fire fighters a chance to stay tho flames fromspeading further Mr Orchafd saved of his furniture In the house was stored most of the furni ture of F Batten teacher who has been in Los Angeles California re cuperating his health since his wife died It was also destroyed Mr Orchards insurance amounts to J B Johnstons stock in a neighbor- store was much damaged by hasty re moval and also the furniture of John Young Glenora Strong Bakers Hungarian Ogilvies Pastry Best Ontario anil Manitoba wheat Flour for Family Use Feed of all Kinds A car of fresh ground American Gray best fertilizers for Clover and Grass LIME I The very best Grey Lime cents per bushel IV J Storehouse Cor Main and Huron IK GLENVILLE J The of will hold Garden Party next Tuesday evening String band in attendance A first class concert will be given in Temperance Hall on Thursday evening Juno by Blake Hewitt Humorous Vocalist as sisted by other Talent from a distance John of Chatham was fatally kicked by a horse The filtoi Gbeeb Weight At the residence of on morn ing of May Albert to Emma Wright of Whitchurch by Rev Lee On Wednesday June 1st by Rev Peter at the residence of the mother Mr Charles Duke of to Frances Tomb In Harris on the 3rd of Jane Arthur Wilkin bis year At on May Benjamin Leathers ton of Fred the re 20 and months At Hamilton on Hay Mary Ann daughter of the late David of ville aged year a a a a a a a a a a a a Elegance and Grace Where the buyer of furniture today finds a great advantage is in broad range of from which to the great amount of from the novelties ftnd iho elegance of the goods Here correct styles at prices that are interesting A and graceful line for your taste to consider J Opposite Royal Hotel Newmarket A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at Order will Careful and Prompt Attention Turkeys per lb J Main St North Keymarket- Flour per barrel V Wheat per bushel fted Wheat Goose Wheat per bushel Buckwheat Barley per bushel Oats per bushel S3 Peas per bushel 0 DO Shorts per ton CO CO Butter roll per lb Butter tub per lb OH Potatoes perbajr Apples per Sheepskins Wool per lb CO w live CO Pork per dressed Getaoper lb Cnlckensper pair 0 Turkeys per live Turkeys per lb dressed per 3co AlsikeSetd per bushel w Tim Seed bus el Wheat per bushel dm a to W White Wheat per bushel om a 000 0 0 a CO 0 100 a a CO CO ICO 0 a a a i a CO M 12 SCO a a a a Goose Wheat per bushel P2 a Buckwheat per bushel 00 a Barley per bushel per bushel Peas per bushel per bushel Cutler roll per lb Sheepskins Wool per lb Boer Mod chicken pair mil 1 50 loo to a i a a a a a a a a a a a a a to fl5 a 0 060 on

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