Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 10, 1898, p. 1

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Most Popular Paper Boot Advertising Median in North York 7 i I J YORK INTELLIGENCEE AND 8 PA to know to utter and to freely according to conscience above all other liberty No paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance Vol No Single Copies Each J Newmarket Ont Friday June Terms annum if paid in advance DAY AM the New Process BLUE FLUE OIL STOVE I am very proud of myself because people say I stand head of my class in Canada I am a beauty in design I have an automatic selflocking wick I do not kick up a big or smell My oil tank holds nearly ono gallon is made of solid brass with self indicator that tolls you when have had plenty My oven bakes perfectly is largo and ventilated I will do all your cooking for 25c week If you wish to see me call at A and enquire for Miss Blue Flame I want to go and live in your homo will guarantee to keep you cool while baking your pies puddings and cakes I promise to serve you faithfully until death doth part At present I living at A am 9 NEWMARKET Not bow CHEAP but how GOOD We handle For Everyday Needs GROCERIES Fresh and Bright DRY GOODS Staple and Fancy HATS AND CAPS OILS aw and Boiled MIXED PAINTS WALL PAPER BROOMS AND BRUSHES BOOTS SHOES RUBBERS Please REMEMBER out Stock is New and UptoDate in every particular only want you to call and make comparisons Ask us for anything in our line We want to do business with you We are here for that purpose We pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE for all kinds of Good Farm Produce on J QUEENSVILLE Thos J Notary Public Street Newmarket SO to Loan on good Farm security Barrister Solicitor etc Solicitor for Township of King Money to Loan Division Court Newmar ket I I I I J I p Conveyancer etc Late with Lou Marsh Cameron c Toronto Estates carefully uianaye4 and collections promptly made tar Money to loan at lowest rates fiaxtona Block St Newmarket I DUNK Dunn Solicitors ManolDjc Arcade Klny West Auctioneer for York Co Farm and Chattel Salts will receive special attention 93 Main St or Box Newmarket PO Toronto to Reformer Block Money to Jackson Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Era Newmarket private Papers Issued at private residence If desired Duncan Licensed Auctioneer for the Co of York sold on commission Terms reason able- Farm Sales attended to A trial solicited Residence Si in Street Newmarket Coughs and colds need not be endured they can be cured and that quickly Many mixtures are tem porary in effect but Scotts Emulsion of Codliver Oil with is a permanent remedy The oil feeds the blood and warms the body the hypophosphites- tone up the nerves the glycerine soothes the inflamed throat and lungs The combination cures This may prevent lung troubles serious and all SCOTT A Toronto Facts about Pot to Area square miles and it is across and 107 mi in length A chain of mountains tra verse the oast and went high can bo seen miles at sea There are streams Forty- seven of these an A railroad has been partially built and a fairly good telegraphic service is maintained roads are little than cattle tracks Negroes and number in proportion than in in any of the nciirhhoring islands Exports in 1807 were valued at imports A variety of highland rice requiring no floHling is the staple food of the laborer coffee tobacco cotton corn and point are the market crops Grazing is quite an industry fresh meat slnpcd to St Thomas Gold iron copper coal and are found A plant growing there the has a purple flownr a yard long mosquitoes outclass those of Now Jersey Fever and dysentery kill off the for eigners hurricanes the north coast are the terror of sailors A Governor appointed by Crown manages affairs His palaeo is in San Juan the capi tal a town of Almost all of inhabitants are Roman Catholics Education is a matter of little con cern Spanish is language The giboros arc the small land holders of mixed Spanish and Indian stock San Juan harbor is one of the best in the West Indies Leons palace built in is one of the curiosities of the town Some of islands near by send to Rico for water Visitors are ready to that every man on the island gambles Hospitality greets tho traveller on every hand and a tender of money grieves the peasant Every man no matter how poor owns a horse and three or four game cocks Warm clothing is found comfort able at night surf that breaks on the north coast is one of the strongest known Houses in the towns have flat roofs to catch water and for recreative pur poses In the country the houses are built ten feet from the ground on piles This is to avoid the dampness Xivjro is how the small planter is known He loves his sweetheart his game cock his cigar his guitar his hammock and his horse He is quick to sneer and quick to forgive He is not of work Men and women ride horseback alike Wicker baskets with handles are hang on either aide of the horses shouldera This carries provisions Back of the basket but in front of his shoulders the rider sits and swings his feet The traveller on horseback never feels dressed up unless he carries a baskethandle sword a yard and a quarter long Strange as it may seem there are no stenches in the town as in other tropical There the Spanish custom of im prisoning debtors and murderers in the same compartment obtains The trees are always green in Porto Rico There are no snakes no beasts of prey no noxious birds nor insects to terrorize the field laborer There is a strange scarcity of birds there a lew parrots and water fowls seeming to cover the list Monkeys and rabbits are unknown on the island Enormous rats how ever abound and devastate the crops Longevity among the natives is of common occurrence death at 100 years of age not being rare San Juan to he the Mecca adventurers and fugitives from jus tice A mans attire is generally a broad- brimmed straw hat a clean shirt and check pantaloons Ind June The town of in this county was visited by lire Wednesday night which almost completely destroyed its busi ness portion Tho loss is very heavy but detailed figures cannot be secured At least twentyfive stores and build ings were destroyed orhbairdment of Santia flmerican Vessel Sunk by a Torpedo Eight of the Captured Caws June It is reported hero that two American fleets under Sampson and Schley re- by the United States being exceeded I that there will bo a repetition of the only by the Alexander recently pur New Orleans affair of some yearn ago chased and was the largest collier spectively effected a junction off San- in above service had a coal- de Cuba on Wednesday evening J carrying capacity of thousand tons and that they are now making an at tack upon the defences of Santiago which appears to have been only slight ly injured in the of the other day It is said that tho shelling was begun at oclock yesterday morn ing by warships and that the in surgents to tlie of or more cooperated by attacking the city from the land side It is reported that the first of the two expeditions for Santiago de Cuba has already embarked on six trans ports at Tampa and consists of men It is expected they will have all Beady for an attack by the time of the arrival of the second contingent The advance party contains a brigade of efficient engineers heavy artillery and a force of infantry The forcs will establish themselves on the hills overlooking Santiago and erect earth works upon which will be mounted lis to secure a large fan and hide heavy guns which will be directed some outoftheway corner where his and a gross tonnage of Jeffer son of New York sold her to the United States Port Au Prince June It is rumored here that the bombard ment of Santiago de Cuba was resum ed yesterday and that the Cuban in surgents acting in conjunction with the American fleet attacked the city There was a hot engagement with the Spanish garrison which resulted in a drawn battle The insurgents are now said- to be encamped outside the city The Spanish squadron suffered from the shells of the American war ships Tampa May 28 It is only before has made its appearance or after it has gone to bed that one lives in Florida While the big King Orb is about the best thing for one to do in if General does not remove these troops at once and the general is at his wits end to know what to do Further details of the bombardment of Santiago show that the battleships Iowa and Massachusetts and the cruiser New Orleans were engaged on the American side and for engaged the Colon Admir- squadron and the batter ies defending the entrance to Santiago with the result that three of the four batteries were silenced after shots bad been fired considerable damage being inflicted upon the Spanish flag ship The Spanish artillerymen a owed a surprising accuracy of aim Several of their shells burst over the Iowa and three fell dangerously near the New Orleans One dropped and ex ploded just in front of the but did no damage After the cannonading had lasted thirty minutes the firiug from three of the Spanish batteries two on the east side of the entrance and one on THE One of Sampsons squadron and is the greatest of the American steel battleships She is commanded by Fighting Bob Evans and at one discharge of her guns can throw pounds against Cervera fleet in the bay be low majesty cannot get his hot eye on you Smith Cay were silenced the fortifi and remain there quietly The soldier His reported that rebels are now follow this program very careful in the neighborhood of Santiago dopy The likewise have made their hours of leisure coincide with the hot hours of the day and consequent ly the men are only drilled in the early morning and at about in the afternoon During the balance of the time they lie within the shady shelter of their tents and take things Cuba the residents of which are in a panic expecting an attack momenta rily A report from Washington says it has been decided to invade Porto Rico before the general invasion of Cuba begins The battleship Indiana has been as- I but after supper when the signed to the duty of convoying to cool oft and the ships which are bearing troops to dewy night breezes tome up fiorn the Cuba together with other vessels sen they steal out of their canvass The British Government has homes and make merry structed the British Consul at j to see that imprisoned British war The Twentyfourth Colored Infantry correspondents receive their rights as stationed at Ybor City is still causing British subjects trouble and it seems as if The United States flag was planted Shatter is going to be forced to move cations having been practically de molished Five minutes later the ships ceased firing For twenty min utes longer the Cristobal Colon and the battery on the western shore kept up a weak fire but their shots were harmless The battle lasted for fifty- five minutes One of the shots from the Iowa which struck the Christobal Colon apparently set her on fire for smoke was seen ascending from her that did not come from her guns If she was on fire the flames were quick ly extinguished The Colon fired the last shot and this fact it is supposed will lead the Spaniards after their customary manner to claim that the Americans were driven off Geofgina Council Baldwin May Council met this day members all present Owing to Robert having met with a severe loss by being burnt out lot con he was exempted from taxes for the current year Satisfactory evidence having been produced that the dogs to Win John John Neil and Win ben destroyed struck off the roll and the same and adopted In taking up general business the following communications were read from requesting that a meeting of Council be held in the northern side of the and suggesting Tire Briars as a place of meeting from the Clerk of asking the cooperation of Council to wards building a Lock- Up from Clerk of North Toronto re of County Council to obtain possession of all railway franchise over county roads One dollar dog tax was refunded- to Alice Lake error in assessment of John Lebar was allowed to occupy a portion of the Con line until such times as it may be required for public use for the sum of per year Henry Corner was appointed arbi- trator re alterations in Union No Donald Chapman was appointed overseer of highways in Division No in place of James Chapman and Charles in Division in place of Joseph Laviolette The following grants were made to improve the highways in the respect ive road Divisions in Div No 25 No No No No 20 No No No 89 So 15 No No No No 14 No No No to assist in building sidewalks in DeputyReeve Corner and Council lor Moore were appointed commission ers to oversee all expenditure on roads and bridges east of the be tween lots 12 and and Councillors Kay and Snooks all west of said side- road The leading to Point was detached from Road Divi sion No 7 and attached to No and the sideroad between lots and 13 Con from No and attached to No The following payments were order Alonzo Draper repairs to road 3rd con Alfred sheep claim John sheep claim Geo Johnston goods furnished Ed Hour furnished Dafoe James Cornwall services re of W attending Court of Re vision and equalizing Corporation of Sutton share Court House rent for and Council adjourned to meet at Briars on Saturday August 27th at one p Fop the vine is a Rich Deep Health Foun tain and Never Fails Nervous exhaustion bad digestion impoverished blood are the diseases rowing was re uvea threatened to take his life in pay- ago de Cuba this morning- The Insult to their American fleet opened fire on the forts ftml lhe in- of Santiago this morning After a two weeks ago by the gunboat them and if that doe not prove And Emaciated South American an island off Cardenas harbor and effective disband the regiment It is has been flying there ever since most probable that the latter course will be adopted Because the sheriff I of arrested one of the drunken the Twentyfourth the faJSaW a brow South lowing was re hero from Mmkm llia American Nervine has a marvellous power as a nerve tonic a blood builder and stimulator Tones the system clears regulates and dispels depres sion and restores the good spirits sential to good health George Web ster of Forest writes For years I Spaniards let her pass the first line of torpedoes but when she got to the ambiance the sheriff was found vousness muscles and secoTd line a torpedo was sent against near City on the railroad pita ion All remedies failed bu her and she was sunk officer dead His body was simply Sou American Nervine The first engineer and six sailors were made perforated with gun and volver J bottle greatly helped and five bottles prisoners The number of victims is and horribly mutilated tie cured me- J feel I owe my life to it unknown The was a big absence of any reasonable motive for Sold by K Lehman steam collier an auxiliary cruiser murder of the visiting banker it Pharmacy Newmarket She was commanded by Command- is supposed that the- remarkable James Miller whoso last duty between him and the sheriff led A monster gathering of Sons was at the Brooklyn navy yard She murderer to suppose that they of Scotland will be held in on was the second largest collier owned had their victim The citizens claim July 1st Ankle Deep in Pain Sinking in MireSouth American Rheumatic Cure was the Saving StroDg Ann W Beggs Vancouver B says Five years ago I was afflicted with a very acute form of rheumatism causing great pain in my ankles and feet I tried everything I could read or hear of and consulted many physi cians and a Toronto specialist with out receiving any benefit was in- try South American Rheu matic Cure The first dose gave me relief the first bottle greatly helped and two bottles brought mo a com plete cure Sold by Wilmot Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket Henry of has assigned Miss Mary Ireland while visiting her brother at White Rose died after a very short illness Last Thursday evening forking hay out of a mow Mr Jos Sawyer of Gilford met with a serious accident Ho was at time in act of lifting what he supposed was a fork full of hay but unfortunately in the twilight ho had placed fork in the hay the wrong way and fell wards to floor a of about twelve feet 1

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