Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , May 27, 1898, p. 7

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CHINA 1898 GROCERY DEPT Wo have received a Very Lino of California Prunes to Wo also the finest quality of ovaporatcd Apricots Oranges and Lemons finest quality for Marmalade or BAKING POWDER To reduco our stook wo will soil a Glass Jar for quality good as you can ask Something in Hams Breakfast Bacon Rolls CANNED GOODS Corn Peas Tomatoes cans Best Salmon lbs of good Japan Tea for Coffee per Fresh ground BOOTS SHOES Mens Long Boots at worth Our Spring will soon bo in CHINA AND CROCKERY When looking for a Dinner Sot it will nay you well to see our stock Largest in variety and Lowest in Price In Toilet Sets wo can suit both In taste and pocket Leading Grocery Wo like to got a living profit on all g but wo positively will not be under- A The Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts Coming Drop in and see what Tlm NEWMARKKT ERA FRIDAY MAY Has in Spring Suitings a fine Assortment of and Overcoatings At Right Prices W did Stand Get a Move On Spring work and should bo to book your order Painting Etc in all its branches Having the Best North of Toronto wo can icuaranttfo best of in that Try us Wo can you Head of CburchSt Weeks toed Jleais WHAT IS OH IN A ABOUT TOWN Birthday About only in Town Tues day was Match on tho Fair Grounds between Juniors and There was only a email attendance of spcotatora but it was a very good game evenly matched boom good team play took place- and was free- from roughness Mr Acted Referee stood to In favor of New- if Old Bonk Yesterday while Mr Frank Stewart was strolling through Skating Rink ho pick ed up a bank bill On examination it turned out to bo a on Colonial Bank of Canada Capital I bears date Toronto April Hopkins Presi dent Tho No and other particulars wo are not At liberty to as Identifica tion may bo needed from a The owner can call upon Mr Stewart fl Bad Last a young man Fred Bon of Mr A Stephens of and brother of Dr of this Town received a bad in face loading a young to pra- tiire Fortunately were no shoos or bis Injuries would have more serious When found ho was unoon- and remained so or No bones were broken and ho Is doing nicely His face is badly swollen but will not be Cemetery flowers are very pretty around residence and on the whole Cemetery is looking very nice A great many people either cutting grass regularly or having It out which Is one thing above all others that away forsaken look of so many burial grounds In this country- There are also those who renew cut flowers the whole season through every Saturday afternoon or evening add ing beauty to the City of the Dead and showing a touching for de parted which cannot help but develope a heavenly in the hearts of those exorcised thereby Largo numbers visited the Cemetery lest and were sur prised by the monuments that have recently been erected In addition to those already mentioned this season there are handsome granite monuments to the memory of Clark He rimer Edward Fisher Dr Rogers the Brown and Dennis families Fisher monument is striking for its oddity representing a large tree with the bark on and the inscription has the appearance of being on a soroll nailed to the tree The design of monument to the late Dr is new and beautiful being in the form of a sarcophagus No doubt now that warm or weather is setting in the visitors to the Cemetery next Sunday will be numerous The liberel use the paint brash has brightened the front of Mr A J residence On Thursday evening of lest week two of our Town boys who were roaming In the on the of East chased and killed a porcupine The Christian Sunday School is prepar ing for Childrens Day on the second Sun day in A new coat has greatly improved the premises Of Mrs Moore opposite the Mr A is putting a stone foundation under his residence on Queen street Mr leased Lawyer Lloyds new house on Queen street and will remove next month Mr Fred Sexton has had ft nice piece of sodding done at his residence A number of cottagers spent Queens Birthday fixing op their premises along the Lake Shore The to the Lake at this time of the year is lovely the only thing to mar the beauty of the landscape is tho shame ful havoo that worms are allowed to work in the fruit trees Millards warerooms sent a big load of furniture to on Wednesday Surely we are going to have early harvest Mr has ft oats on street that are heading out Mr son of Mr Rave his hand a bad gash with a bread knife last Monday The large flag staff on the grounds of exMayor Cane looks better for its new coat An agent had quite sale of oil paintings in Town last week The are putting tho roof on Mr A new bouse Mr won two 1st prizes at Richmond Hill on the 24lh one for Saddle Horse and another on a colt Mr Fred won 2nd In a Race There was a audience at the show on Wednesday night The mesmerism was good Mr James Penning out his thumb badly while doing some carving yesterday PttogPGBQ the May event of the clay at the Navy Depart ment vis the despatch of order to Monterey to proceed to to reinforce squadron Monterey is tower of herself and her addition to Ad miral Deweys force together with despatch of thousands of troops to Manilla is ample evidence that Administration has aeumcl no half hearted towards Philip pine question and is determined to take no chances of dispossession until such time as United States arranged for disposition of islands The Monterey is probably most formidable monitor in world yet combines with tho enormous of fensive and defensive features of the monitor typo a seaworthiness that is almost phenomenal West May Lieut Carl commanding the tug arrived hero today Imving in his possession threefoot coil of cable cut from a point about one and onequarter miles from tho to Santiago do Cuba and also bringing with them evidence in- the of an undamaged craft to disprove rumors that had been sunk by Spanish shells Santiago cable- was cut by auxiliary cruiser St under the direction of Chief Officer during the afternoon on May was also there and both vessels were under ire for fifty minutes Not a shot struck either of United States ships The Louis however with its rapidfire guns silenced guns of Morro United States vessels were within 2500 or yards of Monos guns when the Spanish opened fire For GO minutes the engagement continued tho guns of being supplemented by a battery of 8inch molars on Cosher point inside Santiago harbour the gunners of the motor bat tery had got range of the American ships however the had finished the work and retired out of tho danger line still throwing shells as she withdrew May noon A des- received hero from Havana says Secret orders have been given to Admiral as to what course to pursue in event of Ameri cans attempting to cut communications between Cuba and Spain American warships continue to occupy stations outside of Havana Cienfucgos Car denas and Santiago de Cuba There are now nineteen American warships before Havana MOST HON THE MARQUESS OF AND Honey to Loan per cent on farm and village property Davidson affidavits and reliable and and Midland Mutual 1 ad and Northern Ufa Co Mount Albert Ink ops Town Court of Revision on Convention next Co meet week from 8 Con at next Friday Bee program on page Bra next Jan now i Thirty bodies have been recovered from the mine disaster in Prussia The Queen has granted a royal charter to the Victorian Order of Nurses for Canada J Lalondo had his arm crushed in a rolling mill at Collins Bay and may not recover At Montreal Francis Donnelly climbed an electric light pole to look at the river He touched a live wire and was electrocuted The Ramsay case at Brampton took a new turn on Wednesday Mr and Mrs John Clarke being arrested as a result of the Coroners jury They were bailed Wednesday Canadian trade with the West Indies is receiv ing considerable impetus since the outbreak of the war Honolulu May 17 via San Fran cisco May Special The Republic of Hawaii has offered her self unconditionally to the United States to render all the assistance possible in war with Spain P and Mr assistant Provincial librarian are inspecting the consumptives sani tarium at on behalf of the Government and will report on the advisability of establishing more institutes of the kind as Government enterprises The Hamilton Steamboat are making a strong bid for the ulk of the passenger travel between Toronto and Hamilton and have made a very large redaction in their fares As long as present rate war continues to hold prices of rail way tickets down passengers will be able to make the trip between Toron to and Hamilton for cents each way Ottawa Ont May Mr Tarte informed the House tonight that he had not been able to make a selection from models which had been sent in for proposed Diamond Jubilee statute of Her Majesty and the monu ment to Hon Alex Mackenzie which are estimated to cost Mr Tarte intimated that he would be pleased to receive members on both sides Hot thee In Canadian hut every one who remember Lord Canada and who followed Me liant career then Vioero Of India and to tie great eapl- tils of Europe in moat critical well as host of autograph collectors will Iw Interested la the following letter Any of our wbocribera can enter the competition referred end both gold and glory await the oozsful Full of money by tho Witness for the beet Canadian Notional Song can no doubt be bad by addressing John a Son Montreal The competition cfctei on Aug instead of May previous announced and we underland it la open to all without entrance fee of thia patriotio Dr Printer Pro fessor Murray University Mont real and Prof of Trinity ally Toronto who are to tho ten conga from which pronounce on the beat A by Painting the Woodwork and Full Line of Paints Oils J Ready Mixed Paints Alabastine Paint and Kakomine Brushes OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES Cornice Poles MILK CANS Barrel Churns HORSE CLIPPERS Mowers Hedge and Pruning Shears Garden Hose Rakes Hoes Rakes Spades Shovels Agents for MasseyHarris and Bros Repairs j a w Jacks for Hire Some people have an idea because we such a business in the Bakery Fruits and Grocery lines that we take no interest in the Book Stationery Wall Paper and News Departments but we wish to let you know that as long as we do Business in Newmarket that the Book Stationery and Newspaper Departments are 0UP3 and we will stand by them at all odds and in Wall Papers we can let you have a choice of Ten Thousand Rolls at Lowest Prices Central Telephone Office Having leased the wellknown BAKERY The undersigned is arranging to commence king In a day or two A FirstGlass Baker Mr Of Toronto has been engaged and is capable of produc ing the Very Best Articles in this line of Business AIT FORth And give us a trial TA 1 OF- AT- Very And the best of it is they are all of the est Quality AT- SOUTH END 9f Pisa with immigrants for Manitoba has arrived at Halifax with smallpox aboard Ottawa May Mr slat ed in the house today that up to flOth March claims for mining In the Yukon reported Ottawa May The bill to pro vide for A popular vote the question of prohibition was given a third read ing in the House today- Thomas Graham of who bought and shipped two car loads of horses to the Nest Pass has received an order from the Canadian Pacific Railway Company to buy three more loads Word received the Parlia ment buildings yesterday since going to Wolfe Island Hon Harty is much better His Prices That Will Astonish You Call and see that we mean business SIGN OF THE RED BOOT S to take place as early in the fall as latest breakdown was attributed to possible J worry and he continues well as long May The as he is from political cares of of Mr Gladstone were removed this any kind suggestions from morning from Castle to the ONE To get a Suit made by a tailor and another thing to have in made right By leaving your order with McDougall YOU CAN HAVE Sale village church carried by half a dozen old retainers of the family Thous ands of people have been arriving at Hawarden all day long Several 8iTVAr Jon Bah of a Wb advertisement and evening May arrangements for the transfer of have been completed The Chinese will oc cupy the port on Monday immediately after the last of Japanese with draw On Tuesday a British force to occupy the place will land from three warships which are now the har bor what you want when you want it and how you want it As he always keeps posted as to the very Latest Styles and finishes every garment in art artistic manner Prices Low Terms Cash MY TAILOR 9 rfi

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