Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , May 27, 1898, p. 4

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J THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MAY Perfectly Cured and Low Spirited Pool and Could Not Root tokogrcot In recommending to a It has boon mesne of restoring my wife to good health was stricken down with on attack 0 nervous prostration with headaches and her under strain very low and bo weak could only do a work without rooting was poor and weak could not got at night decided to try Hoods wo had heard It highly and J am glad to Btato that Hoods has perfectly all her Bellamy 321 Hannah Hamil ton Ontario Komombor It licet In fact Blood pari- Per Alt druggist sir for IS Hoods tire to Best Advertising Medium In York County ndvcrllnc- per Nonpareil line for Drat Insertion per subsequent Insertion casta water for to follow along same lino Liberal administration In future therefore wo hope respect will ho paid to this very proper jj to HEALTH OF HE CARE FULLY WATCHED Girls Susceptible to Troubles The very politely hat Canada Is In no mood to lengthen out the sessional Indemnity to correspond with unduo prolongation of Dominion annual story at Ottawa Ib more truth than poetry In fore going remark If mem bore could only double- up indemnity wouldnt mind staying at capttol all Companionship in If you wish to a good compr li HO MO MO Inchon KB00 tJ0 k A Inch coo 100 Advertisements with writ ten instructions inflcrtcd until forbid and obarffurl- accordingly will be- chunked once each month For cIiumkca of toiler each month must ho paid for at regular rateA for con tract advcrtlRonicfita opportune bo In noon on Special tow for Notices Faring to Kent Articles Lost etc notice will be Inserted free for Church where pollers arc fur- or when fco or collection taken otherwise cents wilt for such a notice No exception to chin rule Birthday Honors birthday of Her Majesty thin year was the occasion for distributing honors Bennies a large number of for services in the Indian campaign also to distinguish ed personages in Mother land tho following Canadians were likewise duly honored Hon Charles Pantaloon Speaker of Senate Hon James David Edgar Speaker of House of Commons and Mr John George of the House who were all made Knight Commanders of the Order of Michael and St George Princi pal Parkin of Upper Canada College Toronto received a Companionship in Order of St Michael and St George Wo take pleasure in con gratulating the member for West On tario upon honor conferred upon him Member of this Order are en titled to wear a distinguishing badge The is Saxon blue with a scarlet stripe bearing thereon motto acvi which being translated means A pledge of times Under the present hope and confidence of the country the motto seems applicable papers defond for defeating that May Result in jr for races and Fickle Appe- did n0 lh6 the Symptoms of Early Decay Vllice nd mjght or Prom Hit Sun Out not to the contractors Some the fifteen- 0 a money for the of that railway Ortario daughter of Mr and Mrs J of John of this town began to fail both in health and face was mllf of alleged rouortB of gold In vicinity of Vermillion River in district It ie considered possible that placer gold will prevail through all the streams in the height of land An expert with a couple of asbiU- ants left on the 20th lost to investigate It fa now thought by many that the will tarn out to bo in Canada fop Economy An item appears in estimates lately submitted for the approval of Parliament at Ottawa to which large exception is taken by Liberals throughout the country wo mean for the maintenance of Hall With a salary of with paid underoflicials by the Do minionwith the of Government House free of rent taxation and with travelling perquisites at the ex pense of the Federal treasury it does seem but of all character that a young country this with only a popula tion of five millions should be for carpets knives forks spoons and cultivation of cabbage and turnips for His Excellencys soup kitchen A similar item to this was kicked so hard against in Ontario Assembly that it was cut down to a definite amount about twothirds of the annual expenditure At each recurring general election for years and this item has been discussed en the stump by aspiring candidates and condemned but at each session of parliament the appro priation serenely bobs up and with shrugged shoulders and grave wags of the head a majority of the House vote the amount Possibly it may bo true that the present Minister of Public Works in asking for 17000 for this purpose may be no greater political sinner than his predecessor Mr Hag- in this regard but the wrong to tho taxpayers of this highly taxed country is none less It is an expenditure considering the salary paid tho occupying Hall out of all proportion ser vice rendered Wo do not make these observations in any way to reflect up on the present GovernorGeneral we simply condemn the appropriation as not being warranted in view of all the circumstances of country and service It is no justification of appropria tion to show how many acres of woods on Rideau Hall grounds have to- be cared for or how many acres are do- voted to tho cultivation of roots and vegetables for the tables of Govern ment House the bald fact remains that the 50000 given or indem- is quite as much as Canada gets return for without the additional ex pense of maintaining all the necessary requisites of a gubernatorial residence If wo paid to our GovernorGeneral only id proportion according popu lation to what the American pays for its President there might be some reason in maintaining His Ex cellencys house and grounds but under the circumstances the perqui sites do appeal to bo out of harmony with relative indemnity of every official of the country lives were lost in a fire at Bat Portage R British Crisis Matters are looking serious between England and Franco at present time To say the least it may be said the relations between these two nations are very much strained A recent cablegram to the Globe after announcing that serious uneasiness prevails irf quarters not disturbed by political rumor defines the cause The British Government served notice on Franca several days ago in amounting to an ultima tum that she must renounce all claim in the African hinterland within a month and withdraw her expeditions and other representatives The cor respondent of the Globe does not ven ture to vouch for the story but it is significant that it finds somewhat ready credence among persons whose knowledge and judgment are entitled to respect The impression has general for some days that the recent speeches of Lord Salisbury and Mr Chamberlain were intended to prepare tho nation for a grave announcement as chalk her appetite very fickle and limbs began to swell Notwith standing growing per sisted in attending school until day teacher advised her to go home and not to return until sho felt hotter At the same time the teacher who knew the value of Dr Williams Pink Pills in such cases advised to tako them The advice was taken and Mrs Sweeney told our that almost from outset there was an improvement in daughters con dition appetite became better color to face and tho sevoro headaches that had made so miserable vanished and she is now feeling bettor than she has done for many months It is quite evident that this young maiden was suffering from a lack of blood as do so many young girls who are just at a critical point in life and it is quite as apparent that thero is no other remedy equal of Dr Wil liams Pink Pills such cases enrich blood nerves and build up thf system and mothers will act if they in sist upon their daughters taking an occasional box We know from ex- that Dr Williams Pink Pills have done great good in and vicinity and there is scarcely a day that our reporter does not come in contact with some who has a good word to say for this wonderful medi cine Dr Williams Pink Pills cure by going to root of tho disease They renew and build up tho blood and strengthen the nerves thus driving disease from the system Avoid imi tations by insisting that every box you purchase is enclosed in a wrapping bearing full trade mark Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People H Hastings tho Boston editor thinks highly of Bible study and Jn A Famous Men he a plea for study of the the Book Ho Wo shall never bo strong in faith until no are first mighty in ia no destructive critic than who began to Gods word in the of Eden but when Jesus of Nazareth wielded Book of Deuteronomy as a sharp twoedged sword the great Adversary did not question its authenticity or its authority but then devil him and behold angols came and ministered unto him The MM to your husband study to make cool Good morning that you say to him an incentive to a hotter life Learn to cacti Goodnight a bene diction of love for the days sympathy Look for his good qualities Ho is like you in having faults with very little trouble you can find these faults and by talking about them re minding him of them you can mako your married life unendurable You can bring about heartburnings you can causa strife and before you know it hatred may take the place of love Look for his virtues and seeking al ways for you will grow hotter day just as certainly as you would grow bad if you looked only for that which was wicked Re member there is much that will have to be forgiven in you and whenever you feel inclined to remind Tom of a weakness read the in which is set down your foibles and your follies A woman who even after her marri age carefully studies her profession can make her husband what she wish es him to be Everything that is good is contagious and the right kind of a wife makes the right kind of a husband Respect the rights of your hus band ho is a man not a child and how can the world honor him when you his closest companion do not Do not oven in jest deride or underrate him People are slow about deciding when one is jesting or when one is in earnest And what you meant to funny may cause some stupid person to say How horrid Tom must Ihj Why his wife says dreadful things about him Call a Halt Borne years ago prompted by a con scientious regard for public sentiment and having visions of an early appeal to the country before them the Gov ernment of the day passed an Order-in- calculated to remove to a considerable extent opportunities for jobbery and corruption by requiring that a Minister of Public Works should have all improvements or public works executed under bis authority of and over put up to public competition That Orderin Council is the law of the land today and has all the force of an Act of Parliament It embodies a principle for which Liberals while occupying seats on the left of Mr Speaker loudly contended but we are to say a principle which the present Minister of Public Works appears to have either forgotten or ignored by having a stone fence constructed over on Majors Hill Ottawa at a cost of last year and now another appropriation of a similar amount this year with prospects of further de mands next year for this very pur pose and no contract the entire work being by day labor It is true the Hon Commissioner hav ing this work in charge contends it- is being accomplished as cheaply if not cheaper than under competitive con tract prices but such contention is no the violation of an Order-in- It must be apparent to that a public work which re quired in and has to bo by a similar appropria tion in of sufficient magni tude in the first place to exceed in cost the limit of tho and hence should have been put up to public contract So far as we are concerned we claim Government iu power should not go back on methods of administration advocated in opposition and if it was in accord with sound principles as a guarantee against in the days of Conservative rule it is equally correct The efforts of certain friends of the remedial legislation in re Manitoba schools to galvanize that into a live iously failed Wilfrid kindly but firm ly indicated that the remains of that issue were not to be the people were satisfied and Liberals held the reins of power The Umbrella Bird which has some resemblance to a both in size and plumage so called from a wide crest which spreads out above its head like a parasol This crest is composed of long slender feathers rising from a contractile skin on the top of the head The shafts are white and the plume glossy blue hairlike and curved outward at the tip When the crest is laid back the shafts form a compact white mass sloping up from the top of the head and surmounted by the dense hairy plumes but when full spread the top forms a perfect slightly elongated dome of a beautiful stringing blue color The length of this dome from front to back is about five inches the breadth four to four and a half inches This bird in a native of the islands of the South American rivers being seldom if ever seen on tho mainland A horse owned J of died suddenly after graz ing near a spring Search revealed that poison had scattered around in the grass Paris green had been mixed with oat chop Ogilvies Strong Bakers Hungarian Pastry Best Ontario and Manitoba wheat Flour for Family Use Feed of all Kinds What It to Be a Sir and Mr Angus left for England week la connection with the financial affairs of the road It is also stated that the President has undertaken the journey partially in the hope of health recuperation Meanwhile the cut rate on railways at competitive points still tinaes and steamboats on the great lakes are with the same fever weeks of investigation off and on the Commons Committee appointed to investigate the alleged County Railway crookedness its inquiry without revealing anything noon to bang a charge of impropriety let alone a scandal The Senate too fancied there was a email African hidden somewhere so exPremier went out on a still beat bat found no game at least Ot tawa correspondents to the western press state The people however have to the expense of summoning witnesses and other incidentals Toronto people decided to have Sunday cars farther inroads upon the sanctity of the Lords Day have been sug gested it has proven truth that the adoption of Sunday car would be the to bring about a Chi cago Sunday Recently an association to be known as the Canadian Rational League was formed there The de object is to passenger trains and steamboats run on the Sabbath to have libraries art galleries and museums open on that day and to have bands play in parka Very cunningly the opening of libraries is interwoven so as to gild the pill to easygoing people Grant above and and other amusements will follow weeks ago the Leader criticised adversely the Hon that Mr James Hayes postmaster Carlton West was forced to resign because ho was a Conser vative and that his place was wanted for a Liberal Under date of May Mr Hayes sends a letter to the Leader for publication in he at the allegations made against Hon Mr and furthermore I re tired from the position of my own accord and for arc of no In terest I have no reason to complain of my treatment at the hands of the Hod Mr Unlock or any of his though Mr Hayes is a Conservative he has frankly and fully exonerated the Post- from charge preferred by our Junction Mr Mo- locks friends in old North York will be pleased to hear of this candid vindication People not fully conversant with the duties of a trained nurse have little idea of the variety of exacting work they are called upon to do The Life of a Trained Nurse in the May Ladies Home Journal pictures and details these womens work and their lives while in the hospital It is of value also in in forming young women who are about to take up the calling what will be exacted of and the recompense they may expect Domestic Felicity maintained in Families Diamond Dyes ape Used The happiest best regulated and most economical families in the Do minion are regular users of the world famous Diamond Dyes Domestic felicity is ever maintained because the Diamond Dyes are true and un failing in work and money saved by their use No other Dyes can boast of such strong words of praise from users Mrs Newark Ont says Have used many other makes of dyes but find the Diamond Dyes ahead of nil as give the best and fastest colors Silas Ma hone Bay says Your Diamond Dyes give me entire satisfaction I have used other makes but have settled oh the good old and reliable Diamond Dyes Mrs Joseph Weir Sutton Junction P says Have used Diamond Dyes for the last ten years and they have given ma great satisfaction I can recommend them to all as the beat airs G A Tory Red Deer T says I have given- your Dia mond Dye a fair trial and find them excellent failure is impossible if the directions are followed Miss Crawford Kingston says Have just dyed an old skirt a beautiful Seal Brown with your Diamond- Dyes and am much pleased with result make my Block ink from your Slate Diamond Dye and it is the only kin1 of ink I have used for years and I do great deal of writing Mrs John Leslie Port Out says I have used Diamond Dyes in all colors and I can safe ly say they do all you claim for them PLASTER A car of fresh ground American Gray best fertilizers for Clover and Grass ENSILAGE CORN For Silo and for Feed Purposes J WILLSON Marsdens Storehouse Cor Main and Huron For THE MflSPfflENCECOn NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Call Before Ordering Elsewhere Money to Loan At Five per cent on Farm Security by David for taking- A da vita Real Es tate Agent Conveyancer Issuer of Marriage Licensee Etc Also Agent for the following Fire Insurance Companies Queen of London and Liverpool England Montreal Gore District Mutual established in also the Confederation Life Association To ronto Old Registry Office Corner of Main and Lot 8treetaNewmerkftt urn m rao remind you I to cut and old like Ones for per Satisfaction Guaranteed J market 10 Eagle Do you think of THIS SUMMER If you do write NEWMARKET A And get prices of Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring l Screen Doors and Windows i all tub Artistic Effects n Inside Woodwork Largest Factory in Canada for the manufacture of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc We and alt kinds on short notice The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Go limited NEWMARKET ONT EYE CHANGE age advances gradual in takes place This Change necessitates compensating aid Glasses properly ground and adjusted replace the of eye power We understand this work particularly well Try us ATKINSON CO OPTICIANS if Now look out for Bargains in Dry Goods Boots and Shoes Groceries and Crockery All to be sold a tremendous sacrifice as follows DRY GOOD Cottons per yd 15 18 per yd Prints per yd Flannelette 10c per yd Ginghams 8 per yd Cotton Bats per lb Tweeds per yd One lot Fancy Shirts GROCERIES lbs Dry Apples lbs Japan Tea lbs Currants cans Corn Packages Corn Starch Tapioca per lb lbs Rice American Oil Canadian Oil 19c BOOTS Mens Dong Oxfords Mens Dong Bala Si Ladies Dong Turns Ladies Dong Buttoned Misses Shoes Youths Shoes Job lot Boys Oil Tan Shoes A Full Stock of Paints andOils constantly in Stock Highest market prices for all kinds of Produce J Are the leading machines end are need in every grain and grass growing country the world over Canadian machines made by Canadian workmen Over workmen are on the pay roll at Coa Works and are working overtime machines are being manufac tured for the trade of Over Binders and Mowers bay been sent to Europe for this season a crop if- I Roller and Ball Bearing ii Mower front and rear cot it Cutter Drills and Combined also Drills Plows and Cultivators Disk Harrows Tiger Hakes Hay Tedders The Galebrafed Wilkinson SXEB A Warehouse East side Market Square i0j

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