Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , May 27, 1898, p. 1

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rr- -aft- NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER PA Give mo the liberty to know to utter and to freely according to conscience all other liborty No paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance Vol No 18 Single Copies Cents J Newmarket Ont Friday May 27 1898 Terms per annum- f if paid in advance NT- B House FOR YOUR J f J a Verandah or Floor Barns Buggy or Wagon ALL KINDS Varnishes Oils Glass arid HA FENCE WIRE MILK CANS GARDEN TOOLS PLOW REPAIRS Etc NEWMARKET CHEAP but how GOOD Wo handle For Needs OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GROCERIES Fresh and PRY GOODS Staple and Fancy HATS AND CAPS OILS and Boiled MIXED PAINTS yjSi WALL PAPER BROOMS AND BRUSHE BOOTS SHOES RUBBERS Please REMEMBER Stock is New and in every particular Wo only want you to call and make comparisons Ask us for anything in our line We want to do business you Wo are here for that purpose We pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE for all kinds of Good Farm Produce imV huh ia Progress of the I Spanish Fleet the Blockade oxo LEGAL J Barrister Notary Public o I Office Main Street Newmarket to Loan on good Farm security Campbell it Maikii May 20 a in The Spanish fleet on arriving at Santiago do Cuba found there two American which retired with all speed The Queen Regent has cabled con gratulations to Admiral London May The report of the arrival of Admiral fleet at Santiago de Cuba has revived the intercut of London in the war May Between eight and ten thousand troops are em here for the Philippine Island Kkv May Over eases of were found to day on Spanish steamer captured during the first days of the war London May The Spanish correspondents say that Gibraltar has received within a fortnight 100- 000 tons of coal and large of ammunition Washington May United States Secretary of War Alger sent to the treasury yesterday supplementary estimates for for the sup port of the army for the next six months A close inspection of the Cuban shore for several miles east and west of Havana shows a remarkable in crease in- the numhor and strength of the batteries erected within the last week or two A Havana despatch the weight of the blockade is beginning to bo felt there Business is at a standstill Over thousand persons aie booked at one steamship for a steamer There has been no disorder so far Washington advices state that the harbour of Santiago Cuba has been heavily mined with torpedoes and now fortifications have been thrown up along the shore Krupp guns of calibre have been mounted on these fortifications Madrid May despatch from Havana says American ships have and adds that the Spanish gunboat and a regiment of marines re pulsed attempts made to land there No Spanish losses are reported WAITING FOR wrecked in a collison at station about five miles out at oclock this morning Five privates wero killed and twelve were injured The military train was run into by a train running at a high rate of speed Madrid May A despatch from San Juan Porto Rico says that there was an explosion in the fortress at yesterday in which men were killed and injured in cluding Governor of Porto Rico Madrid May The newspapers hero are using the assertion that the Spanish auxiliary thrice ran blockade the Cuban coast as the text of articles claiming to point out that the blockade is ineffec tive It is asserted hero that the landed in Cuba fifteen million pesetas a thousand soldiers guns rifles and quantities of Endeavor Convention Church was well fill ed on Wednesday evening presided over by of The Church Choir led the Song Service and H Lee conducted devotional exercises- In retiring from the Presidency the Dr paid a fitting tribute to his suc cessorone who as Secretary of the Convention had been untiring in his zeal and labors to make it a and in everyway qualified for the posi tion The personal testimony was a manly declaration on behalf of the Gospel Mr of Aurora accepted the honor gracefully and hoped by his daily walk and conversation to do nothing that would bring dircrcdit up on the cause He admonished all workers to press on having ever before them the motto North York for Christ He said ho was convert ed at years of ago and found a home in the Watt Tax A few weeks ago the price four pound loaf of bread was ten cents Today it is fourteen This is the result of declaration of war between the United Spain The wages of have- not risen bo much as one cent per month neither is there any less difficulty in getting a days work A man whoso family consume one loaf a day has to pay a war tax of four cents Four cents a day is cents a week or a year Now clap that amount on to a man as an extra municipal tax no matter how good the purpose or how great the personal benefit it might be to him and hear him yelp and howl and denounce his Councillors and neigh bors as horse thieves and chicken stealer The laborer who pays a war extor tion of four cents on his daily bread ought to a preserver of peace if for reason than selfinterest v In lire report9 from the in ihis union It is moat gratifying t team of the prominence hi well ft- of the Missionary Movement among tbem it of notice iht Lenities of Bradford are porting the Rev Norman A aft foreign Japan in view of the great importance of tothoevveral branches of the of to our common to out hie command G ye into all the world and preach the to every we recom mend our several work the warmest place in their strongest place their fob ire and tbe place in their and we earnestly urge them to carefully the entire missionary to the need of the world and the rejnoift of those who have the that might pray intelligently and fervently and give tematicftlly and prep fur this object That we the relatives of the with crape REV PERCY FLETCHER OF OSMAWA was then introduced and gave an ad dress on- A Goal and an effort to reach ityorAn Ideal and a Purpose vanoas now assembled at this Convention do hereby recommend the or ganization of Junior and we also recommend thnt part t of Ilia pro gram at oar coming County Conventions be to Junior work A very solemn and impressive ad dress on Consecration was then given by Rev J Scott of To ronto Starting out that a better christian life was possible for all pres ent he urged his congregation to seek it 1st for our own sake 2nd for the worlds sake and 3rd for sake but it can be attained only by each life adjusting itself to the will of God is to be done by 1st Humiliation and confession 2nd Surrender and separation Claiming by faith the filling of the Holy Ghost Self-ex- that no feeling of anger or wrong motive was very Know what it is totfclipon God in the study of His word and in prayer Tbe address was characterized by great earnestness and the desire that each christian should enjoy more of divine grace bringing forth more spiritual fruit It was a fitting close to a splendid Convention Greatness The deepest manifestation fre reported throughout are everywhere the hells tolling in drawn and in the public ill rieshere tbe pictures of Mr Gladstone haw draped Before entering upon his subject he After singing be the tie that took occasion to congratulate the the gathering dispersed with The Lord me and thee while we fronj the other Union on the advancement which whs being made He was a charter her of both North York Endeavor and at Church opposite Christian Barrister etc for Township of KJiik to to a in to and to pm I Formerly Assistant at Chelsea Hospital Division Court London for senses of Women Ontario or Hospital Children Toronto Office Central Pharmacy Hours to a and to pm p C S Barrister Solicitor Conveyancer etc Late with Cameron lL Barristers Toronto carefully managed collections promptly made tar Money to at lowest rotes B Main Barristers Solicitors o Manning Arcade Kin St West Dp Rtfved the late DrKoKers of Post to no greater Toronto to Barrister Reformer Block to Loan AUCTIONEERS Wesley Physician 8urireon and Coroner Newmarket North Telephone Communication Auctioneer for York Co Farm and Chattel Sales will receive special Attention SO Main St or Box the Co of York sold on commission Terms sow attended to Street Newmarket LIVERY f Main Street ttjootten fiouth of House 0 Main Street Fat absolutely neces sary as an article of diet If it is not of the right kind j it may not be digested Then the body will not get enough of it In this event there is fatstarvation Scotts Emulsion supplies this needed fat of the right kind in the right quantity and in the form already partly As a result all the organs and tissues take on activity Tampa May The sun burned and sandy town of Tampa with a population of twenty thousand has been suddenly transformed into a city sixty thousand souls The dusty streets over which a few white and colored people had stupidly loiter ed under a hot tropical sky today team with active men front all parts of America The palmdotted fields upon the outskirts of the city which were heretofore unexplored in the eyes of the ordinary native are now covered from end to end with the white canvas homes of the soldier boy All the hotels and hoarding places are packed with soldiers their wives and friends newspaper men and con tractors for army and naval supplies The general and his aides are at the Tampa Bay Hotel as are most of the correspondents artists Richard Harding Davis and Frederick Rem ington are there and watting quietly for the first detachment of United States troops to move on Cuba The mobilization of troops at this point has apparently attracted all the crooks in the United States Thev have likewise been mobilized here and have made the corners of the streets their divisional headquarters There ate already twentythree thousand regular troops here and more will arrive today On my trip from passed ten speci als hound for Tampa with soldiers and at every station along the route observed sidetracked freight trains loaded with United States army supplies Tho regular through which I travelled carried three hundred cruit for regular army most of them drawn from tho cowboy popu lation of the Western and North western States May train conveying First Missouri In fantry from city to park was One man is dead and three are missing as a result of a landslide in the Crows Nest Pass Since the opening of the grain season Midland has been sending the cereals out at the rate of 100 cars a day Four jewellery factories occupied by sixteen firms and valued at were destroyed by fire at Mass John Midland engineer of Burkes tug bad his right arm badly broken by being struck by a recoil -which- snapped The Municipal Councils of and chartered a special train for the conveyance of the electors of North who wished to at tend the funeral of the late Alton McCarthy on Saturday last Mr White who lives on the northern outskirts of lost bis house and most of the contents by fire one morning recently While sit ing at breakfast he noticed fire com ing through the ceiling Very of the effects were saved Dr Gregg of Barrie had a nar row escape from being killed last week When riding his mettlesome thoroughbred the bits broke and go ing as he was at a rapid pace he was thrown from the horse and by the stirrups for some distance During the past ten years cases of suicide have occurred in the and the Order has paid their dependents Over J per cent- of the entire payment by the Order has gone in this Investigation not only in that society but among nearly all others of like life insurance companies goes to prove that in a large ma jority of suicide cases the is super induced by the desire to realize for the dependent and the amount of protection or insurance at upon their life is a crime and payment of protection or insur ance on life in such cases should as it is against policy good morals to make suicide pro fitable one York County Union and was proud of the invitation to attend He hoped that York County would be the Ban ner County Province and saw no reason why it should not be Turning to his subject he said Christi anity is a life of ideals and is the great teacher Everybody should have a high ideal Dont be content ed with being an average aim to be the best All honest labor is honor able and success is only reached by toil and struggle Build castles in Regular Tornado The storm which swept over On tario on the assumed the vio lence a tornado in the states of Illinois Wisconsin and Iowa From Detroit comes the re port of great damage done to fences chimneys trees and light structures generally The shops of the Brown A Upton Thresher Co at Battle Creek the air make your occupation an were completely unroofed ideal defined as a menial picture of what you would like to do or be This should not be personal only but as a Society The humdrum of a great many of our Societies might be overcome by having an ideal There are a great many discourage ments and depressions in life but wo cannot look to pure sights without be ing purer Convert dreams into actu alities by persistent effort Dout wait for things to turn up Cultivate personality and individuality Be and do The choir rendered an appropriate anthem after which the following re solutions were read by Rev Dewey and carried I That of this Convention due arid are hereby to I of Newmarket for their faiudutca ud entertaining the dele- It That a Convention we thanks to the Blew and office bearers of the for their great the them to is Convent ion III That hearty are due and are hereby tendered to the have so efficiently and fafthfolly served hie Union during the year IV That in view of the utility and of the tithing we commend to the several peoples societies within jurisdiction wis far as possible of its adoption In the raising of finance i j in advancement made by the temperance cause during the years and the advantage opening unto us today Resolved Int That young people in Convention pledge- to do all we cdn to help to carry the in oar respective constituencltd by a Urge majority That so far as cm to enforce a prohibitory taw should tho Government of this Dominion each a law In Ogle County Illinois eleven persons were and a score injured by falling buildings and flying debris storm followed a path feet wide and levelled everything in its way The storm was most severe at Valley and Clark Marathon and Counties in Wisconsin were also de- by the cyclone suf fered greatly and Elmhurst reports ton fatalities At a family of live are said to have perished In Iowa State Jackson and Clinton Counties were storm swept A score of lives are reported to have been lost there In Ontario too news is being re ceived of numerous fires caused by lightning Kennedy a farmer living two miles west of Tara lost 12 sheep and a cow which were consumed together with the hay and implements that were stored in a barn which was set afire by lightning and burned to the ground The barns belonging to Mr Smith who owns a farm four miles from Port Elgin were also struck by lightning and destroyed Mr Smith lost considerable stock and several At Watford considerable damage was done to fruit trees and a great of glass broken by the hailstones which were so says the report as large us bantam eggs The Baptist Church at took fire while the storm was in progress and was completely church built years ago and cost 14000 It containod a fine pipe organ and modern furniture There was on the building and its contents Is j for laying down cement walks The Queen and the Prince of Wales received an earn of the sad and immediately nl touch ingexpressions of to the widow Very many telegrams of sympathy are arriving at Ha warden Castle from all parts of the world Lord Salisbury yesterday in paying tribute to Mr Gladstone said His opponents sitting in the House of Lords where they bad been subjected to th glamour of elotjience could oiler their passing tribute to the most brilliant intellect devoted to the ser vice of the State since Parliamentary Government began and to the courage resolution wlfsacrifiC and discipline with which he continued hist on behalf of the he had down to the last period granted to an English statesman The i says Whether men agreed with him or differed him in matters of party politics they could not come within range of his influence as an administrator without pro foundly impressed alike with his ex traordinary powers of despatching pub lic business most efficiently and his absolute devotion to what he believed the highest interests of his country LADY Ottawa May After tbe Wo mens National Council had passed a resolution of condolence Lady Aber deen made a touching reference to the death of Mr Gladstone The Count ess said Today world mourns its Ins of a great light and forgets all past differences But I dare not speak much of Mr and Mrs Gladstone for my and I have ever felt our selves almost adopted children in their house They are associated with the memories of in both in childhood were both our parents and Mr Gladstone has often said to us that Lord Aberdeens grand father the Premier was the one statesman of his earlier years whom he loved And as the time went on our love became more and more associated with theirs both from public and a private standpoint We spent our last night in the Old Country beneath their roof and when went home last year it was to warden that I went first after landing as a matter of course I know that we both feel that if we have been able to try to follow any high ideal in publio life we owe it largely to him who looked on every part of his life a mission None of us know what influence of Mr Gladstones life in the present and past generation of English public life has been in this direction How often have we seen him come iuto a room where some subject was being discussed lightly and flippantly and by his en trance all was changed One of the earliest things I re member him saying which made an impression on me was when on a visit to my fathers house in the Scottish highlands He was one day at tea with us in the school room and as ho left the room ho turned to us children and said You must pray for me there are some bishops to be appoint ed pray for And in one of latest letters to me when speaking of some political question bo wrote What we want is more prayer more prayer The deceased statesman will lie in state under a catafalque in Westmini ster Hall on Thursday and Friday Saturday May has been fixed tho date for the funeral as Thursday of last a young man named ofJJoUon lost his fingers by a circular saw while working at his brother portable mill iJ

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