Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , May 6, 1898, p. 7

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J I I V THE NEWMARKET EkA FRIDAY MAY HALL April Weeks Local flews WHAT ON IN TOWN The A contributed to corporation finances for a on sidewalk on Wednesday Domestic Water The Town put In- to three week Mr Wilkin on Mr on and Mrs McLaughlin on Park i Terrible fleeWent Hear Persons Instantly filled by a Freight Tfain -0X0- 1898 GROCERY Wo have just received a Very Lino of California Prunes to sell at lbs Wo have also the finest quality of Teaches Apricots Arc Oranges and Lemons finest quality for Marmalade or Table BAKING POWDER To reduce our stock wo will sell a Glass Jar for 17c quality good as you can ask Something in Hams Breakfast Bacon Rolls c CANNED GOODS Corn Peas Tomatoes 2 cans Best Salmon Why Do With That old Lawn Mower when you can buy machine at A Dions for Seldom has tho Town boon bo quickly aroused as it was on Saturday night news the frightful accident at was talked of upon tho streets and carried from to house first Intimation an accident was brought by train from North at G46 and at reporter loft for tho scene At this only about six persons present and harrowing scono was one running about eighteen or twenty miles an hour and I blow the whistle at post yards crossing was reached A few moments later blow the whistle again and almost at moment the fireman Herbert who was at other window of the cab anu had a the road shouted Whoa I thought it was a case of on traok and I put on air and whistled for tho This was about The City of the Dead Quito a number visited tho Comotory Inst Sunday it is beginning to look pretty again A beautiful bed of hya cinths is very showy at and with its fragrance aro engaged in general improvements and a few days of weather will bring Honors out in abundance Depot cara cars lumber 1 car piaster car corn It has been ordered cars merchandise cars grain care oars by lbs of good Japan Tea for 1 Pure Coffee per lb Fresh ground BOOTS SHOES Wens Long Boots at 225 worth Our Spring Block will soon bo in CHINA AND CROCKERY Dentist When looking for a Dinner Sot it Will pay you well to our fitock very day Largest in variety and Lowest in In Toilet Sets we can suit both in taste and pocket thoritles that all of patent medicines and other notices must bo out of tho railway stations of com only railway and timo tables must adorn People who wear good shooa buy them at was an market of butter and last Saturday and got all they could carry away Butter droppod as low as but Ho and loo woro ruling prices Eggs wcro firm at doz Potatoes woro not very plentiful and sold at and per bag Chickens sold at and per pair and turkeys at per lb Light strained honey per lb and dark honey at Jo Rhubarb and lettuco per bunch never to bo forgotten at tho cross- j yards from crossing and a moment about two miles North of later saw a horse leap across in front of was the lifeless body of a woman that had been thrown through the fence and dead body of a man was lying about yards further on yards from tho on tho South sido of tho traok was body of another woman and about a yard further was that of another man about twonty feet still further was most of tho a top buggy It was near hero that a was up by train hands having a bad scalp wound and on arrival at depot it was carried by Mr Albert Cain parlor car conductor to his mother Mrs Michael Cain to take care of track was strewn with gro ceries and a pair of boots from storo Open The Leading Grocery We- would to get a living profit on all goods but wo positively will not be under sold A While Detective Day of the T was in Town this weak enquiring about f tho accident on Saturday ho was in formed on Tuesday of a box car opened while on the siding at the depot Suspicion rested upon two strangers who si on in Town and were at once arrested were taken Mr J and on examination 0ic was dismissed but the other John Bruce by name was sent down for trial Constable took him to the city same The Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts A permanent wall coating J to 1 cent per square yard for two coats Will not rub off For sale by A Warm weather is Coming Drop in and see what IUNDY Has in Spring Suitings Also a fine Assortment of and Overcoatings At Right Prices W C Luridy Mccormicks Stand Get a Move On flight Mr Fred Jones had a escape from a serious accident at Canes Factory on Thursday of last week While assist ing In erecting an addition at the rear of tho Boiler ho sprang upon a ladder which ho expected to ascend The ladder slipped ho fell into a tank containing boiling water Only one foot got into water however as Fred with his usual saved himself from a hot bath but in the effort he sprained his shoulder which accounts for him going around this week with his arm in a sling There hap pened to be about five feet between water and the top of the tank Fain We understand there is considerable feeling Storekeepers in Town on account of some keeping open and doing business after It ie claim ed that the ByLaw that was passed some years ago com filing stores to close at has not had the result anticipated It is rumored a test case will be made shortly and if it goes in favor of the mer chant keeping open it will mean that all the stores will keep open This would really be too bad for various reasons If could be persuaded not to buy from any merchant after it would goon settle the matter Oil Binding In Braes or Zinc at G A work and should lie pleased to book your order Fainting PaperPanging Etc all its branches Best North of Toronto we can the best of In that line Try us can please you Hewitt Head of KING CITY Newmarket to Loan At per cent on farm and village property by Davidson Commissioner for taking J and Ileal Estate c Agent for the following and OK bo Norwich Union Midland and Also for the Life Wfn Aasuraiice Co Brooks Mount Albert On Monday evening a fire started in Davis tannery and the sounding of the whistle alarmed the whole com munity Tho men were on hand and succeeded in extinguishing it before any serious was done The nightwatchman was grinding bark and fire is supposed to have started from a heated journal in the bark house It was very fortunate that it was discovered before making much headway as there is a very largo stock on hand just now Tho steam laundry at Mountain Penitentiary was totally de stroyed by fire Tho penitentiary building was saved with much diffi culty Naturally tho first question to solve was Who This It took somo time to And out but after arrival of Coroner and others on train go ing North soon idemiiled Wm Peters was first and a post card found on hie person corroborated and threw llht on matter The card is dated at April and is in a womans hand to Mr Ham Peters Out It reads as follows Dear Friend Wo will bo at sta tion about or 1030 Do us tho kind ness to be there in ood time Wo will ot course if it is fair weather If you tell him to bring Hoping you well I remain yours till Saturday The 13 referred to in tho card is no doubt Edwin unfortunate who was with when killed has reference to her daughters slate that was forgotten when tho family re moved from North to Kins township a few weeks auo Kate is a fictitious name to avert suspi cion should somebody card as ftlso at bottom corner of the card and means Miller who is third victim fourth is Mrs sisterinlaw of Mrs Miller who resides on the con of Vanillin uear P The women were wives of farm laborers and purchased return at King sta tion on Saturday morning for Newmarket ostensibly for the purpose of shopping in tending to return on the evening train That this was their intention in morn ing was evident from thef act that their larger bundles were marked for delivery at the station by that they had either changed their minds or forgotten time is also evident from the fact that when tbe accident occurred at the party was on their way North after having been Within half a mile of Newmarket and were when killed all of two miles from station Mrs had with her a little child an only daughter not three years old OP THE PART It is not difficult to trace the movements of the party from the time of heir arrival to their untimely end After visiting several of stores the women had dinner with the men at of the hotels Then they went for a short drive visiting an other Hotel and remaining there for some time as the horde was put in and fed Again they entered the baggy and later At re another Hotel town Altec that hey drove into the country as far as iaud aud tbe men of the part vere by this time according to an aye fitness somewhat boisterous were during the afternoon sitting on the banks of a small and were afterwards driving up and down the road without any apparent object or destination in view Just after going down hill a train came along and though lay of the ground hid it from view the sound was parent to others on road Mr who was driving behind them shouted to them to get As the whistle sounded Peters his hat The horse crossed rails in safety but the overloaded buggy was fairly in the centre Death in must have been practically instantaneous The train was a special freight of cars from Toronto mostly empty flats and it had orders to make the Biding at Holland before the arrival of the mail train going South When the heavy train was brought to a standstill the trainmen rushing back to the scene of the accident heard the sound of a child crying and found little sitting in the grass at the North side of the track over 100 feet from tbe fatal crossing The poor child was bleeding profusely from two or three ugly scalp wounds One of the train hands gathered her tenderly up and carried her down to where little knot of eye witnesses of the accident were gathering to see what could be done As they passed the child caught sight of one of the bodies and between her sobs cried Mumma making it a heartrendering spectacle The train had to hurry on to make its connection on the siding but after tin peaengcr train went North the engine re turned with caboose and the four bodies brought to Netvmarket depot THE STORY Mr John Rosa of Toronto was the en gineer on the special and he said We 4 the engine We struck the buggy in centre and carried it along on the cow- catcher and I the body of a man fly Into the air and the ditch alongside Wo wero pulling HO cars when tho train was brought to a standstill last car was about fifteen lengths past crossing I could not see rig before accident occurred OK KYeWtfKEHSKS left hand sido of the road just South of tho track and on the side of the hill down which the road runs a farmer by tho of John Wesley resides He had been to Newmarket and mot the party on his return Ho had jnet come from his barn after putting up his horo when he heard the approach of tho train and saw accideut occur is on his farm Another farmer Walter Fuller who was accompanied by hi wife passed them about half a mile from Newmarket They have- turned shortly after he passed them as he had just crossed the track and wae looking back for the train when ho saw the party again this time near tho Ho them put on a spurt just as the train approached and saw lamentable result Mr Fuller jumped from hie rig and caught the frightened horse as it came galloping towards him Others who saw the train approaching said that the occupants of the buggy evidently tried to with the engine and to pass crossing ahead of the train malo victims of accident were unmarried Peters aged well known in North and by New market people who usually camp on Lake Peters peddled supplies among the campers last year His father a farmer near Raven shoe Edwin Linstead is a son of Mr of Ravensboe a highly re spected Sunday Superintendent and efficient member of the County Executive His boy has been working out for years and thus away from home in- lluence Mrs Luther Miller in 20 years of and leaves a husband and four children They formerly resided at Ravenshoe Mrs Matthew aged leaves a husband and one child occasionally visited her sisterinlaw at where she became acquainted with the young men IKQUEST By direction of the Coroner Constables 8avago and the following jury at oolook at the Eagle Hotel Mr J Woodcock foreman and Messrs A Evans J E Montgomery A Wm Hill L Lehman Stanley Scott Winans C Stephens Sam Johnson Stewart Part ridge and After viewing the bodied the evidence of Richard Morton and James Bond as to the identity Peters was taken and the inquest adjourned till Wednesday even ing were all Sunday by and permits for burial obtain ed from the Coroner The chid was recovered to be taaen home on Tuesday Crowds yieited tue tht- rtccident on Sunday to the overhead bridge When I heard the train I thought ft was the train but thinking it rather early looked out and saw cars The engine had passed point about yards east of crossing I dont think tho sounded before engine rounded tbe curve I only heard two sig nalsone two blow near the crossing and other for breaks beyond the crossing Had train to I could heard it We can hear the train very plainly at our paco when yiey whistle for the crossing I often see trains passing this crossing without whistling Tho engineer fireman conductor and two all swore that tho whistle was blown as usual at whistlepost The Jury retired and after being out over an hour brought in tho following VIIlDICT I That the deceased came to his death by struck by tbe engine of a special train of the Grand Trunk Railway going north at on Saturday day of April We are of opinion that the Railway Co should give better warning by blowing a continuous whistle by trains going north from bridge to the crossing and not permit trains to travel at a greater speed along such track than 12 miles an hour It was ouo when tbe inquest closed and absut people waited to hear the verdict crossing above referred to is a dan gerooe one Only last summer a man nam- from West was killed there and several minor accidents have occurred Residents of vicinity state that trains frequently pass without Last Monday the trains and at least three passed without whistling at the proper place EXAMINATION Coroner Scott made a post mortem ex amination In ttie caee of Mrs Mortem was found that the right side of the tkuil was crushed leg broken Mrs Miller- body leg and arm broken body crushed and skull broken Peters body crashed and shoulder broken Council Regular meeting on even ing Present Mayor Reeve and Messrs Cody Manning Hughes Wesley McDougall Stick- wood and Following bills were paid Jos Gould snow cleaning charged to lots freight and duty on coal M 02 Ed Crittenden work after Lockup fire Thus work after Lockup fire Hunter carting Thos Hunter street water ing Telegraph Co message re coal Packard it Boy n ton coal less freight and duty John Collins teaming coal Communication from Boiler In- Co referred to Fire Light Committee Five tenders were received for and the following accepted J Cook cedar scantling per Cane Sons Mfg Co pine plank and scantling per do Hemlock plank per M The Fire Light Committee brought in a report recommending that the Lockup be repaired by days labor and that the claim made upon the County be withdrawn The Road Bridge Committee re ported against any change in the Bicycle Bylaw and the report was confirmed by the Council The use of the Town Hall was granted to the Band for for their Concert Mr gave notice that at the next meeting of Council he will move the Inspector be instructed to cut down and burn all apple trees on town streets at once Mr Cody gave notice that he would move at next meeting of Council that Fire A Liht Committee be in structed to report to the Council total cost of the building of and equipment of the Electric Light Plant including the cost of installing lights to this date also the annual cost of running same and the revenue the town is receiving therefrom HI it ill Prepare for it by Painting the Woodwork and Kitchen Floor Full Line of Paints Oils Ready Mixed Paints Paint and Kalsomlne Brushes OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES Cornice Poles CREAMERS MILK CANS Barrel Churns CLIPPERS Mowers Hedge and Pruning Shears Garden Hose Rakes Hoes Rakes Spades Shovels Agents for Harris and Bros Repairs jacks for Hire Some people have an idea because we do such a business in the Bakery Fruits and Grocery lines that we take no interest in the Book Stationery Wall Paper and News Departments but we wish to let you know that as long as we do Business in Newmarket that the Book Stationery and Newspaper Departments are and we will stand by ihein at all odds and in Wall Papers we can let you have a choice of Ten Thousand Rolls at Lowest Prices Central Telephone Office Inquest on tbe body ot Peters on evening t a in Town Hall in presence spectators On the platform were the Jury in of Constable at the right Coroner Boon and Mr Gordon from the Co Crown Attorneys Oflice Toronto sat at a table in the centre the witnesses gave their evidence to the left were Con stable Mr Osier of Toronto legal representative for Detect tves Day and of the Dr Campbell reporter and three local reporters The examination of witnesses occupied till after The whole point of the inquest hinged on question whether train whistle was blown at the whistle post yards from tho crossing or not until within yards of the occurred Messrs Wesley Thomas Richard Walter Fuller and Ezra all heard the train coming and while none of them would positively swear that the whistle did not at the whistle- post they all felt sure that had it blown they would have heard it The whistle- located south of a deep cut and the crossing a little over yards north of the out Edward stated At the of the accident was in my stable which is about or yards from on a rise of giving a Rood view of the crossing also the whole of the and overhead bridge at the whistlepost I can from this point the cars quite a OF- ROOD AT- in Demand The Rush Diamond Dye Greens is marvellous Greens in all shades have come to stay for a considerable time The fact is fully established by statements in the most reliable fashion journals aud the present marvellous rush for the Diamond Dye Fast Greens con firms the belief that greens will be in favor for months to come Economical women and girls may now dye over their soiled dingy and faded dresses that been laid aside at a cost of from ten to twenty cents The Diamond Dye Fast Greens for wool silk or cotton give magnificent results in lovely rich and full colors equalling the colors produced by the best professional dyers in Europe Owing to the fact that there are poor and deceptive package dyes on the market sold by dealers who largo profits above the grand purpose of giving their customers satisfaction and value ladic3 are warn ed to beware of all imitation and soap grease dyes that only cause dissatis faction and destruction of goods Ask for Diamond Dyes and take no others every package is warranted Send to Wells Richardson Co Montreal P for hook of directions and sample card of colors sent to any address Very And the best of it is they are all of the est Quality I AT- Prices That- Will Astonish You Call and see that we mean business ION OF THE RED BOOT S HP I I To get a Suit made by a tailor and another thing to have in made right By leaving your order with what you want when you want it and how you want it As he always keeps posted as to the very Latest Styles and finishes every garment in an artistic manner Prices Low Terms Gash IV1Y TAILOR r

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