Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , May 6, 1898, p. 6

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Pi i L I SJ I THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MAY iOi WHAT COR IKHPOMDEKTB TO POINT A m forrv ucon mode her trip on JVfondy May 2nd now boat will not bo ready for time baas and trout not to he speared at any time and now that they have como on the all spearing should bo punished STREET NORTH Poplar Bank School will bo next Sunday The Mr Matthews of Newmarket is ex pected to give an on Benefits of Sunday School work in the Community Mr Lehman is also expected to address meeting Service to commence at Every- welcome Come and bring your HOLLAND LANDING A very rare occurrence here last Sunday afternoon a wedding Miss to Mr of Toronto League had a nice at their meeting on Wednesday evening last Following took part Recitation by Master Elinor Owen duett by Misses Cray tf- We sorry to learn Mr Curtis is very low Mr Sturgeon and bride Harris recitation by Master A KESWICK fa Mr I has rented Ma Huntleys house and lot for a term of years and has moved into it this week Elder Percy preached a Missionary sermon in tho Christian Church hero last Sunday evening Mr Davis son of tho lion J Davis Esq will take service in the Methodist Church here next Sun day evening His address will bo on the working of tho League Master Morton has a now bicycle It is a good Mr John Henry of built a wire fence in front of Mr John farm It looks well Mr Jenkins is kept busy photo graphing He has taken several of the schools They are splendid pictures Jg in their guv- to our midst Mr Jenkins has been taking pictures of some of the reaidonces in village He took on Monday morning Mr Henry Stiles one of our old residents is in the at present Master Ross spent a few days in the villago and neighborhood Miss was visiting friends in Newmarket tins week accident that happened on 2nd on Saturday night cast a gloom over our Burg when tho news was The two young men are well known in our village Football boys intend to organ ize in Hall on Friday night AH interested should attend Howard by Miss Etta and brother song by Miss Reefer duett by Misses Harris and recitation by Miss Parsons Mr of Amsterdam acted us chair man Mr and his cousin Violet spent lust Sunday with Miss On their way home in the evening unfortunately the and front wheels left them and the mggy on the road caused by the king Pansy bolt breaking MOUNT ALBERT Mr Law Last has returned from a weeks visit in Toronto Rev is visiting here for a few weeks He has been stationed near Mr J Elliott of Goodwood is visiting here Mr Henry Woodcock is enlarging his house A lecture was given here on Wed nesday evening by converted priest who has been in Newmarket for the past few days The funeral of the late Mrs Win was largely attended on Quarterly services were hold in the Methodist Church hero last Sunday Rev Mr Leonard preaching both morning and evening assisted by Rev Webster In the morning the church filled some attending front Kes wick and other parts Nearly whole congregation partook of the love feast and Sacrament Rev Mr Jenkins was present and led the fellowship meeting League is doing good Oldham work and rapidly increasing in Wednesday The deceased and her and interest Five new members husband who died about five years wore added last Monday evening among the pioneers of this now members Active section She leaves four sons ami Associate Next Monday three daughters to mourn their loss League will hold a Social when I 1 outside talent willassistin rendering l Mr Leorge Arnold at fathers a varied and interesting program from which will bo followed by refreshments Knox College with at the re- cent exams J Sturgeon and wife of were at the Manse this week Dr Smith dentist will he here Tuesday May for consulta tion A silver collection will bo taken up one and all Last Tuesday were laid to rest in the Cemetery the remains of two young men Win Peters son of Mr Peters and Edwin son of Mr all of North Mr Powell of Sutton assist- Rev Mr Klink of the Tree Methodist Church preached On Ihursday last Mrs J Murray the funeral sermon of two young j was necessitated to call in medical aid men in the Methodist Church Queens- i lt having convulsions The church was completely pleased to state it is filled the mourning relatives friends out with measels and acquaintances of the two whose j rather bodies in similar and similarly Mr John Terry was at the city last decorated with lowers lay placed end week as best man for Mr E Cameron to end in front of the altar Mr who became a benedict Powell preached a powerful sermon to Sunday next promises to be a full the uncornforted The occasion was day in The District the most solemn terly meeting of this circuit Lika a sudden gust of wind on the flame of a lamp like a lash of light ning in the sky our frail lives some times go out at am At Rev Perry will address the people on Success in Life and on Monday even ing he will give his lecture on the What a terrible warning is this to Ff Keeper be ever ready for Gods summons Mr Bingham of Aurora officiated For in such an hour yo think not the Son of Man says our Redeemer We sorrow and at the Christian Church here on Sab bath last Quite a number improved the with the afflicted families of witnessing the scientific fruit Their grief in this hour of affliction is spraying on Mr George Walkers farm terrible and heartrendering Ion Saturday last I Mr Robinson has in his account of the small attendance a perfect San Jose Scale which the annual meeting of Public was postponed till next came from Niagara fruit district and may be seen at his residence here Monday evening at at the Lib- Saturday last Mr Geo Ramsay All members to and sister were unexpectedly called away to the bedside of their uncle Mr Ramsay of Pennville whose fa Fanners are through seetling and by the appearance of tho fall wheat thus far they will reap a bountiful har vest Mr Style intends moving to the fourth concession of King Mr Addison Black spent Sunday with his parents Mr Stephens our teacher has an orange tree in the school which is bearing fruit Mr Henry Sibley is renovating his house The Sons of Temperance intend holding a grand concert on Thursday evening May 12th Everybody como and hear Mr Blake Hewitt of New market and you will go home delight ed Also come and hear Mrs Thomas pianist late of Detroit Other excel lent talent has boon procured which will make an enjoyable evening La ST SOUTH Mrs Everest received a tele phone message frqm Toronto on da that her father Mr Stibord was not expected to live She took the evening train for the city Her father died on Wednesday after only a few days illness A good many children on this street are sick with the Miss Russell of Aurora was visiting Miss on Sunday Mrss has returned after a visit at Mr Rose and family wero visit ing at on Sunday Miss Newton spent a few days with friends at Aurora last week Mr Henry is moving his barn and remodeling it Mr Isaac is building an addition to his house Mr May is superintending the job Mrs Moody was visiting her daugh ter at Richmond Hill last week The League of Aurora will conduct service at the Industrial Home next Sunday afternoon MOUNT PLEASANT Folks are busy delis Mrs A J Hughes has returned from her visit to her mother Miss Annie Eves met with an acci dent while visiting her brother at Union St but we hope she will soon recover Mr Ponton ban returned home and wo regret that she is not in the best of health Mr Jenkins evangelist preach ed a splendid sermon here on Sunday evening last Wo understand he in tends to start campmeeting on i Mr Harry Wilson of Alexandria spent Sunday at Mrs A Lundys Miss Mildred Phillips is able to bo out again Mr Frank of Bradford was calling on relatives here on Sunday last Mr and Mrs Arthur Coombs and Mr and Mrs Jan Baker of Richmond Hill were visiting at Mr Chits on Sunday The sad news of the death of Mr David Weddel was heard with regret Next Tuesday night the League purpose having a grand temperance entertainment The Mt Albert and Holt Leagues will furnish the pro gram Everybody cordially invited HELM A YEN Compound Does a Marvellous Work for Him v- HIS LONG YEARS OF Neuralgia is Banished and a Shattered Nervous System Made Strong and Vigorous be present to hear reports and elect new Miss Wright is home after a suffering ended in death on Monday lengthy visit at Aurora evening The funeral took place on Mr is doing a rushing Wednesday business We are glad to see Queens- Mrs spent a few days with ville represented in the advertising columns of the He keeps a nice stock and it only requires the people to know it to patronize him friends in Albion Measels still hanging round The Cheese and Dairy As- many wheels here this season have sold their plant and going to make the village live- last Plant leaves no friends but a lot Master Willie is back a- gain J One day last week an unusual ex- Messrs Fogg and Link are erecting prevailed for about an hour new fences in front of their premises- which will make a great prove The Salvation Army is in th vil lage again in our village which caused the ur chins for a time to vacate the street Mr leading an obstinate cow It made things lively smashing down gates going through fences wading the pond in fact she did everything Glad to see such a large number at but fly the Presbyterian Church last Sunday tban afternoon to hear such an excellent On Friday last the of April she made her first rhubarb sermon Mr and family aro moving to to keep hotel The York Spring Convention will bo held at on Tuesday May out of homegrown pie plant You are a month late En Era Mr had quite a portion all that was fit of his hedge plashed last week It certainly makes a good strong fence Mr MoArthur is to bo commended for his energy and taste To home of Mr Win Both well Charles Moore a a twentyyear sentence hanged himself at Kingston He was con- in shooting of a bouncing baby on Friday last River first boy to gladden homo The Rev filled the pul pit last Sunday He preached from Luke and every person was pleased with the sermon Mr Frank of Newmarket spent Sunday at Mr Jos Glovers Mr James Hamilton is improving his dwelling house by having it brick ed A young man from visits Pleasant quite frequently The reception that was held at Mr John in honor of Rev Stur geon and bride was quite a success Mr John Hicks who has been visit his daughter Mrs Martin Rose and several old acquaintances is re turning to his home in Dakota this week Mr Andrew Moulds is making pre parations for repairing his barns and stables The sad accident which happened two young man in this neighborhood in the persons of Peters and Linstead is horrible to relate The bereft have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community in their sorrow One feature of the sad affair was the fact that the two young men always lived near together were the same age were together when killed the funer als of both met at their respective homes at the same hour the funerals went together to the church both cof fins lay side by side during the service and both were buried at the same time by two ministers and within hun dred feet of each other There were two accidents in the funeral but no ono was hurt Mr Geo Micks stopped to let a man get in the buggy and did not get far enough out of the track to allow those following to pass The buggy im mediately behind was being driven by a lady and front wheel caught the hind one of Mr Micks and smashed it to ground Shortly after a stop was made in the procession and a horses head ran through the back of Mr buggy Mr Davidson of Newmarket Public School Inspector was visiting Pleasant school one day this week The dew has dropping very heavy tho last few days Dew Drop Mrs George Kirk was drowned at Falls on Saturday The third of a series of gospel tem perance meetings under the auspices of the WCTU was held in the hull on Monday evening The program was furnished by the Band of Hope was well rendered in every par ticular The children were assisted by Miss Christy Winch who furnished the music for all the singing The Misses and Miss of Sutton played and sang several selections which brought forth loud applause Miss Maude Morton gave a recitation on temperance and also acted as of the meeting One striking feature of the program was the absence of the hoys This was explained by Miss Morton who trained the children that the boys of this vicinity were too bashful The ball was comfortably filled rained heavy at the close The funerals of the late Peters and Edwin Linstead were largely at tended on Tuesday They left their respective homes at the same hour with the intention of going to Dry- Town Church but the crowd was so large at the church before the funerals came that it was decided to go to Methodist Church Mrs Winch and Mrs A Winch returned from Toronto on Wednesday I have been requested to state that your correspondent from made some mistakes in his personal items last week The weather has been very favor able for the growing crops Rev McKay of Sunderland spent a few days in the village this week An invitation has been extended by the YPSCE at Union St to the society here to visit them on Sun day evening May Mrs Cole of East has been visiting with friends and relatives in the neighborhood Mrs J Cook and family are visiting with friends inJChurchill- Messrs Donnelly and are mak ing preparations to build a chopping mill The school children had their pic tures taken last week by Mr Jenkins Mr Neil Morton lias added much to the appearance of his store by painting etc His new stock is also uptodate Mr J Davidson was in Toronto on Wednesday All who have made use of Celery compound have experienced its wondrous strengthening effect upon nervous systems This diseasecuring medicine acts directly and promptly on the blood taking away every trace of poison from the clogged and vitiat ed life stream Thus when the blood is pure and flowing and freely and the nerves braced and in good condition neuralgia and all kindred diseases take their light never- to re turn This is the month to banish nervous ness headache insomnia kidney and liver troubles This is the time when the neuralgic and rheumatic should get rid of their misery and pains so that they may fit themselves for work and enjoyment during the summer season Celery Compound is the only medicine that can effectually I which in my early lays appeared so healthy condi- refreshing has in these years of system of all it is beyond all question the surest and best medicine that ailing people can use Mr A writes as follows Wells Richardson Co Gentlemen In the winter of I was taken with a severe attack of neuralgia in the head and shoulders Since then it became seated and I gave up the idea of ever being cured Have taken medicine prescribed by different physicians but all to no avail Some three months ago I was in duced to try a bottle of Celery Compound Before I had taken half of it I began to feel better Sleep been made up of frightful dreams but not so now as the began- to have a telling effect on my 1 have three bottles this glorious medicine and today can say that it is the first time in eleven- years that 1 have felt none of piercing pains to which I bad once been a victim Let me say to any person who may read this testimonial in this province or elsewhere that if you discredit this statement juflt write rne and I will only be too glad to in form you of what has cured- me of neuralgia and a shattered nervous system Yours respectfully A B At Tacoma Wash on Sunday people assembled in the city park and listened to patriotic speeches and sang national songs It Costs Gents Per hour to run this Stove Can you afford to do without our Blue Flame Oil Stove See it in operation at A GOOD PASTURE TO LET wll shaded Apply to J Good Wanted Apply to fits cane WANTED Seven order writer Pal dry or portions ADVERTISER Medical Toronto WANTED Men and women who can work hard talking mid writing six hours dally for el week mid will be contented with ten doihiro weekly NEW CO Toronto other bright m for vacation or perma nently to solicit lor Canada An Encyclo pedia oi the Country In royal quarto volumes No delivery commission paid weekly THE CO Toronto- PUT return to ue with live cents In silver and you will get by return mall A Bos of Goods that will bring you in more money In one else In America month than anything else In America A KINNEY Salem 0E SALS EYE CHANGE As age advances a gradual Change in Sight takes place This Change necessitates compensating aid Glasses properly ground and adjusted replace the eye power We understand this work particularly well Try us ATKINSON CO OPTICIANS YOU AM a it Golden Spangled Pheasant Silver Spangled Pheasant White Leghorn KOBT HEWITT Cor Ave and Niagara St Lime Fresh and Cheap as the Cheapest -ALSO- Car of Ensilage Corn For Silos and feeding purposes at Bottom Prices If you are not buying your OOTS FROM US TORONTO JOBBING Huron Street i a Shoemaker HAS removed to Mr office door of Old Tin Shop where all re pairs will be done with and despatch A solicited will WANTED prepared to purchase HEAVY and CASE HOUSES Weighing from must bo Bound ana and from Will be at the Hotel lbs homed tight In Good to years old places ely May J SinTbn Sift Hotel p Hotel Saturday Hay A Montreal FOR THE f LOWER THE And the ARM From reliable Seedsmen OUR AMITY FIST Next to the Post Office a women or older ones It in spirit of undoubted character Rood talkers ambitious and industrious can nod employ ment Id a good with per month and according to ability REV Toronto OLD For at tho to per lb over Agent clearing from COMPANY Toronto

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