Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , May 6, 1898, p. 4

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I- r THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MAY 6 it Head and Limbs AH With Eruption Could Hot Suffering Who Has Cured I wan all run down with peculiar my cox and I out In pa my body head and hair all oat I was doctor a long without called Finally I began I three or four bottles I found I was Improving on until I had taken more bottles and cores and itching dis appeared and my hair has grown out Mae J Ontario I was all ran down bad no appo- I had a tired feeling all I was to try I did so and it benefited mo so much that I would not be without it Mrs I Central Norton nn parllla It Ono Hoods act harmoniously with Hood Site to Q JACKBON Best Advertising Medium York County Hates Transient incuts Nonpareil lino for Ural Insertion cents per lino for each subsequent baths yon APAC inch noli 1 inch I g wo aA MO I MO Advertisement iinuccoinpanlcd with writ- tea Instruction Inserted until forbid and charged accordingly Advertisements will changed once each month If desired for of toner than composition must ho paid for at regular rated Changes for bp In the by noon on Wednesdays for Notices Farms to Kent Articles Lout and Found etc reading notice will bo Inserted free for any Church or Society where potters are fur nished or when taken otherwise fifty cents will be for notice No exception to this rulo NOTES from been con- firmed to the that offi ces of seized a quantity of originally dostincd or Yukon Somebody is out of Oh Saturday last application was mado to election petition against Mr Powell of the select for Ottawa motion was ground t list notice of presentation not given was reserved The Canadian Horn Journal for May la another atop ahead for proprietors Perhaps its prominent la an article from pen of Elliott refuting Edward slander upon Sundayschool regular monta are In every dotal Can adian Home Journal Motfinnon Building Toronto A despatch from Ottawa corres pondents 10 Western journals states that Minister of Justice rumor that Government determined not to do anything this session regarding Railway Possibly a now announcement respecting a railway into Yukon may bo In a days Mr Louis Chief Government has returned from a trip to gold region and Is said to Informa tion of an entirely now devoid of great engineering difficulties state ment fa that an Indian Chief Mr information of a trail Into tho Yu kon Is praotEcally as lovol as tho ordinary routo from Ottawa to Toronto Toronto and bicycle The 61 the Age cut is the representation I Toronto and Richmond Hill He had of ft motor Gladstone now in use in corresponding with is said to follow bed of a river long since diverted from ita original and hitherto by river was a winding and avoided tho great obstacles which go to mike voyage Mr la favorably with and that a road can bo constructed for at a A Escape A LADY WHO VALLEY NEAR THE Ok account of mo vices of a professor of biology in the Ontario Agricultural College not being before com mencement of Autumn term Gov ernment hare not to nil vacancy in that institution until that time of Agriculture of Mani toba has asked Mr John T of to again visit tho during July next and deliver addresses to the Farmers Institutes of that Province Ho has ac cepted the invitation for the purpose stated Mori evidence of a veritable Klondike near homo was furnished in the Bureau of Mines at the Parliament Buildings Toron to last week by Mr A Jones manager of the Mountain Mine in the Lake Wah- He stated that notable finds had been recently discovered and that a tenstamp be pat there this summer Trouble Began with Swelling of Glands Thin was Followed by General Collapse and Weak ness Doctors said She Could not Recover but ToDay is Enjoy ing Good Health the Echo Wiartott Mrs Ovorand who lives in makes following state ment in regard to a euro by the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People l am 30 years of ago and have lived in for past six years Previous to this I with my husband who is a stone mason were of About four years ago a swelling on right side of my neck grew as the time went on until in about six months it had grown as large as a goose egg I consulted a physician and lie lanced it This phy sician diagnosed my case as an enlarge ment of the glands and said would got well after it was This operation gave mo temporary relief but it was only a short time before islipa practical evidence that horse less car has come to stay A recent issue of the Canadian JCn- a journal of some considerable authority in engineering and mechan ics lias a lengthy article in relation to motor carriages past present and comments interestingly in regard to motor evolution along this line These carriages we Understand are now being manufactured by a syndi cate under tho name of the Canadian Motor Syndicate with Mr Thomas court stenographer Toron to as President Mr J Still mechanical engineer and Mr Darling Secretary The journal above quoted states that at present the business is being rapidly developed been applied for in all countries covering the inventions of Mr Still and negotiations are in pro gress for increased accommodation Mr St Germain of autocar fame on Yonge St is also a leading power financially understand in this company So much for preliminaries The Engineer rocs on to say The Still system of motor power as it stands to day is any desired position on any grade No brake is involved in the operation it is simply a question of a balance of the motive force This same force can also be used for auddon stopping in descending grades in case of emergency and would not only stop a carriage but rapidly propel it backwards the moment sufficient trac tive force were obtained to stop the wheels from skidding The control is the lump again began to grow and in simple You simply push the control- It appears now to be quite certain that a volucteer artillery team from the Old Country will visit Canada during the sum mer A special cable to the Toronto Telegram The Earl of has coiiseuttd to accept command of a vol unteer artillery team selected to visit Can- this year His who is years old is a major in the 1st Eastern Division Norfolk It A Vol- It is understood Polo late Consul General at Washington but who has been sojourning in Toronto since receiving his passports from the Am- Government will leave for Madrid this evening The rest of the legation will follow in a few days possibly Juan Hose Secretary to the who may remain for a few weeks He has excellent knowledge of the language and Is said to be a very social gentleman TUB Montreal Star is deeply exercised at the proposal to rearrange the Federal con- stituencie3 and abolish the gerrymander made with the ostensible purpose of the Grits Take as an example it is formed of parte of North and South Ontario and North York and its diagram is unlike anything comparable under the eon Without a redistribution as near as may be having for mun icipal lines the Government would fail id one of its chief promises to the people six months I was worse than ever In the meantime I had been prescribed for by different physicians and taken several patent medicines but none of them gave me more than temporary relief About three ago I left for thinking probably a change would improve my health I consulted a physician there and he said the trouble was incurable and might end fatally Discouraged I re turned to my home in much worse than I was when I left and be- lievinc I had come home to die Be fore I left for I had been at tacked occasionally with fainting spells on my return these more frequently and of longer dura tion With the least excitement I would faint dead away had become very weak and could scarcely walk across the floor and felt myself grow ing worse every day I again consult- the local physician and this time he said it was spasms of the heart and that I would not live more than a coupleiof days While lying in bed a lady of the town visited me and ad vised me strongly to try Dr Williams Pink Pills I thought it useless but I was ready to grasp at any means of promised relief and so commenced to use them Before the second box was completed I felt myself get ting better and before I had finished my seventh box I was able to go about and do my own work I con tinued them until I used fourteen boxes when I was completely cured The swelling has left my neck and I am now as well a woman as I ever was in my life 1 make the above state ment voluntarily believing it my duty to that which has saved my life and will if necessary make an to the above facts at any time A depraved condition of the blood or Wokd comes from Ottawa that Mr P for the Vancouver of British Columbia has left the Capital for coast to take up Provincial politics To do this he will resign his seat in at once and report hash that he Is to join the Turner Government and AttorneyGeneral of the It may be news to some of our read ers to hear that local Government of Columbia is not a party one The terms Liberal and Conservative have not been used local politics The chances are that by the accession of Mr to he Cabinet it will be the means of keeping party politics oat of Pro vincial administration another term forward if you wish to go forward if you wish to go faster you push it further forward if you wish to stop you pull the controller back if you wish to reverse a small lever movable to the left hand if pulled towards the rear reverses the mechanism This can if necessary be done at full speed without injur to the machinery Steering is controlled by a hand- wheel on the controlling lever Two separ ate powerful brakes are also provided one operated by the foot and one by the left hand Mr Stills motor is a new departure There is no sound of an exhaust there is no odor of com bustion there is no heat there is no necity for the cooling waterjacket In the rig as now standing there is no water used or required High speeds can be maintained or the gov ernor can be so adjusted that no speed above a certain maximum can bo ob tained so that in case of delivery vehicles driven by careless Johns reckless driving will be impossible The motors used in this vehicle may be extended along the whole line from a small bicycle unit to the unit neces sary to drive ocean liners including chairs ail kinds of rood vehi cles launches street cars railway engines and stationary engines It will be noted that the machinery in connection with the Canadian mo tor carriage is almost invisible and not a line of the construction of the body has been changed This carriage body is one of regular make of the Canada Carriage Co Brock ville No thing has been done with it excepting that part of the flooring has been re moved to allow room for the motor The total weight of the engine is lbs engine and truck together in cluding wheels weigh lbs so car makers in reference to a of storage battery omnibuses but after having a private view of tho Still engine as running upon the truck before the carriage shown in the above engraving was completed Mr St Germain was con vinced tia this was the power ho needed and at once closed a contract with Canadian Motor Syndicate who control Canadian business in connection with Mr Stills inventions This contract provides for the immedi ate construction of autocar such as shown in in the large pub lished in the a short time ago This atocar is being constructed with all possible speed and will take the road in the early summer In the above plate Mr Still the engineer of the company bus his hand on the wheel and sitting beside him is Mr the president a gentleman wellknown to jurymen and county councillors as court stenograph er during Assize and County Courts at Toronto So far as Mr St Germain is con cerned Mr Jackson of this town has enjoyed a personal acquaintance with him for nearly a century and he has large confidence that Mr St Germain wild carry his autocar enterprise to successful com pletion Mr Jackson is also urging Mr St Germain to place one of these autocars on the line Newmar ket and Roachs Point at least for the months The trallic would immense and profitable and the to the public a boon For our part wc are inclined to Ixjlieve that in view of the electric car competition Ijetween Richmond Hill and the city that this Lake Sim- coo route would prove more tive than the one south down Yonge St and therefore suggest to Mr St Germain to think seriously of the pro position Oaf Toronto The game is all up with respect to of Grand Trunk workshops from Montreal to this city At an interview between Mayor Shaw and the General Manager of Railway last week latter stated that tho influence which had brought in Montreal against tho removal was too strong to allow thorn to take the step he practically informed His Wor ship that it would be useless for Tor onto to continue negotiations Provincial Grand Master M has been invited by County Orange Lodge to take part in tho 12th of July demonstration in this city It has now been definitely settled that tho hamlet of Agincourt is to be the place of location of the instruments which do effective work of the magnetio observatory now in the Queens Park This change is being effected in order to remove the estab lishment from the disturbing effect of street cars and other influences in city limits Military men in this city are con fident that the next commander of the Canadian forces will be a Canadian In that event they aro equally con fident that the honor will go to Lieut- Col Denison It is understood local militia are genorally favor able to his appointment of Saturday says Emory the new Dominion Secretary of the Royal Templars who began his official duties on Monday has created something of a row by dismissing the entire staff in his department A lady in tho end of the town bad misfortune to lose her spring bonnet in a peculiar way delivery boy finding no one at home put tho hat on a barrel in the wood shed and went his way The wind blew it the coal bin the wood dealer came along and threw half a cord wood into the bin and the lady had to go to church on Easter morning with her winter bonnet on Brampton Conservator Dreadfully Nervous Gents I was dreadfully nervous and for reliof took your Karls Root Tea It quieted my nerves and strengthened my whole Nervous System I was troubled with Constipation Kidney and Bowel trouble Your Tea soon cleansed my system so thoroughly that I rapidly re- gained health and strength Mrs A Sweet Hartford Coon Sold by Lehman a shattered system is the sec- that the total complete without ret of most ills that afflict mankind 750 lbs The load shown in and by restoring the blood and rebuild ing the nerves Dr Williams Pink Pills strike at the root of the disease driving it from system and ing the patient to health and strength In cases of paralysis spinal troubles locomotor ataxia sciatica rheuma tism erysipelas scrofulous troubles etc these pills are superior to all other treatment They are also a specific the engraving persons is somewhat over lbs The carriage would easily accommodate its equal weight of load Thus the proportion of weight to load is reduced to pound for pound which is a reduction of threequarters of tho ordinary weight of motor carriages The power of this lbs is equivalent to for the troubles which make tho lives oraopowcr the Canadian mo many women a burden and i tor combines the maximum speedily restore the rich glow of health mlnkanm weight and to sallow cheeks Beware of J epoch in motor carriage and substitutes alleged to in Canada has come within tho just Sold by all dealers post month A St Germain of or sent by mail postpaid at cents a box or boxes for by ad- North Toronto has for over a year past been investigating the question of dressing the Dr Williams Medicine autocars with a view of putting a scr- vice on the lino between City of To tJte Editor of the Era Dkar I have just learned that some man said some time ago in the Era that the Lockup at Bruce Mines is a stone building and that he had been in it The object in pub lishing so huge a lie was evidently to make it appear that I had not stated the truth when I said it is a small onestorey wooden building with a high double board fence around it As you gave the false statement a place in the Era I havo no doubt but you will have the honour to give me an to bring out the facts by publishing this note and this CHALLENGE To the Baron Munchausen of New market Pear Baron I understand that you have stated that you have been in the Bruce Mines Lockup and that it is a fino stone building I am prepared to prove that that statement is as big a lie as your worthy namesake ever told for the lockup is a wooden build ing This is a matter of fact and can easily be verified Now Baron if you will agree to send the Editor of the Era to Bruce Mines I will pay his expenses if the building is Stone if you will pay the bill if the lockup in question is Wood You dare not accept this Challenge for you know that my statement is true I am Yours truly J Big fire broke out in Stayner early Friday morning One hotel store two dwellings and a small shop were consumed Loss Insurance ENTRANCE AND Candidates for next examination will hear of something to their advantage by sending name and address name of teacher and location or school to the of Toronto Send postal without delay and mention this paper continues until July 1st and members will be admitted up to that date and allowed to complete any the holidays Write for particulars to SHAW Principal Gerrard Toronto Money to Loan At Five per cent on Firstclass Farm Security by David Commissioner for taking Affidavits Real Es tate Agent Conveyancer Issuer of Marriage Also Agent for the following Fire Insurance Companies Queen of London and Liverpool England Citizens Montreal Gore District Mutual established in also for the Confederation Life Association To ronto Old Registry Office Corn of Main and Lot Correction In connection with the above we desire to say that immediately after the paper appeared Inspector Ander son informed us that the place he re ferred to was Bay and not Bruce Mines We did not make the correc tion at the time because place did not affect the argument Mr described the at Bruce Mines as a wooden building costing and worth perhaps from 800 to as an instance how the surplus bad been extravagantly spent and then ho said that the one at Bay similar building only they were more thiasty on the Island and it cost Ed Era A QUICK CURE FOR COUGHS AND COLDS Very valuable Remedy in all affections of the THROAT or LUNGS Large DAVIS ft LAWRENCE CO Props of Perry For Coughs Colds Bron chitis Sore throat etc- KERRY WATSON CO Thinking Cap has a cap of costly And well it Buits soft hair Weve seen it in its hiding place That precious thing for Sunday wear Nice muslin cap3 sho wears at night A silken one for noon day nap only she hides from sight Is one calls ray thinking cap She puts it on when things go wrong At home in church on street in school When smiles are few and faces long When stubborn hearts are hard to rule her to whom we always go folds her hands upon her lap And says Come little ones I know t I must put on my thinking cap And though to sight it is not plain That thinking cap is surely there For when speaks to again No trouble seems too bard to bear Wo find from her the reason Why Of vexing thought or sore mishap Wo find some better way to try When Grandma wears her thinking cap That thinking cap is surely wrought Of stuff too fine for folks to I wish I know where it was bought But when I ask she says to me wove the web so rare This wrinkled forehead to enwrap And love my child just love and prayer finished Grandmas Thinking Cap AT NEWMARKET Wednesday Thursday Sept and ABB KEITH President Do you think of THIS SUMMER If you do write W -Ssi- MS LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT And get prices of Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows AND ILL Artistic Effects in Inside Woodwork Largest Factory for the manufacture of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc We and Repair all on short notice The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co limited NEWMARKET ONT NEWMARKET WORKS Let me remind you that I am prepared to cut worn and make old Baggies like Jiexxx Ones for per Satisfaction- Guaranteed J J Eagle Kb jit market Com parol ho Era with any other weekly for home news LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones Call Before Ordering Alloa I MRS fiavitYs PRIVATE SCHOOL English French and Music r r

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