Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , May 6, 1898, p. 3

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ft I THE ERA FRIDAY MAY VVSfli Weeks Local flews OK IN A will hold anni versary in Methodist Church on Sunday nod Monday May and particulars Finger Caught At Works on Wednesday Mr Henry Low lot a and ran hie Ho will bo off for days Industrial fJomc mot on Monday and passed accounts amounting to wart nothing of spiral thorn and no recommendations to Keeper Coming to Lookout for the next week of by Very It Har ris Down of St Catha rines and to dace in Music Hall Kid Shoes at regular meeting of Missionary fiooiety of Methodist Church will held at of Mr ft Manning on May at thro Crowded Out Owing to so muoh important local mat tor and war in wbloh everybody is interested wo to hold over till next minutes of Klntf Interesting letter from Cook of Toledo Ohio flvo or Baldwin Breezes and a lot of editorial notes Patent Among tho Hat of now inventions tho past week wo that Mr Geo Harrison of King taken out for a Safety Attach ment MM MM Buy it at money Temperance Rally a grand rally of anco workers is to in kot composed of representatives from temperance organization in the County of York to proparo for coming IlcbUoite Childrens Colored Gloves Also at this week Church Lovo Feast was well attended last Sunday morning and exceedingly interest- Service next Sunday evening The has been greatly strengthened lately Thero sopranos at practice the other night Some exceptionally fine pieces promised next Sunday eyouio Roche fit Co Report doing tho milliner bust dobs for years on Saturday apcakswell for Millinery Mid Millin er The Trout Season A party of went to the Pine Orchard on Monday morning and opened the with a good catch It was composed of the following A Woodcock with friend from Bradford and Lloyd with two friends from Toronto Arrested On Monday evening a man giving his name aa John was found in the straw at Livery Stable and arrested by Chief Anderson for trespass Next day he brought before Mr J Wood cock and fined and costs or days Not having anv- money be was given hours to earn it but left Town and not been beard of since- i Bankrupt Stock Call and examine the Bankrupt Block of opened week at Mont gomery a Bicycle Rales Now that are many wheels liable to occur unless all who ride observe the common rote of the road Always keep to the right and one very fer tile source of accidents will be avoided Al ways slow up fit corners Slow up when you meet a wheel for the other may be an idiot and turn to left dont town its unsafe and ungentle- manly Always treat with respect even If they dont reciprocate ftive and carriages the right of way usually you have aa much right on the road as but drivers dont always ap pear to think fio and you might better waive your than smash your wheel and perhaps your head Beautiful Ties And New Tie and Ribbons at Hughes Obituary At twelve on Tuesday Mr David a wellknown and highly rtapectcd farmer of East passed away quite suddenly from heart trouble He baa been ailing more or for the past three or four years Deceased vris married to Miss Hannah over Id yea3 ago who is left with four children to loss of an affectionate and father Be waa the youngeet son of the late Robert and died on farm where ho watf born baying lived there all his days Two brothers survive him Messrs Robert and John of same Township funeral took place yesterday afternoon remains being in terred in the family Burying on farm north of Sharon He was a mem ber of the A We Robertsons beat and moat reliable good manufactured Try a can A Complimentary correspondent to tbo Whitby writes as follows of preach ed in tho morning end evening last Sunday to Ho la ft vory able with ability to impress with of his argu ments Mr Millard of aontod the Christian here with a beautiful J has been by Christian Church hero for another year at an of in aaliiry The church is progressing very favorably Our Young young men you wearing neat nobby suite hate and shoos buy thorn a Endeavor Convention Programs are in circulation this week among the Young Peoples of York County announcing Convention to bo hold in Newmarket on Tuesday and Wednesday and of May have boon in so a fiuo array of talent and wo have no doubt Convention will ho a great tho public are invited to attend all sessions tho Evening Meet- inns will be especially attractive Besides addresses of welcome and reaponsea on first evening Scott and Mr P of Toronto chief speakers and they both and workers Dont miss hearing mem The second evening P Fletcher of Oshawa and Rev J Scott of Toronto arc the chief speakers and they will draw a crowded house We shall give full next week The Selling Price of Goods Is always by the Coat of them A bankrupt Stock of Men and Boys Cloth ing bought at on allows Dan- ford Roche Co to sell the very cheapest Clothing ever in Newmarket Football match Last Saturday afternoon School Cub lively match with on the ground of the latter and after a hard struggle the score stood to in favor of Newmarket An Old Cot The of the felino la often a matter of dispute Mr Lloyd on rear of tho Concession of Wbtt- has a pot bat that has been one of family for years Next Christian Church Last Sunday Mr Bingham of Aurora a student tor tho ministry preach ed very acceptable sermons to good con gregations Elder was preaching anniversary Brougham butoxpecta to his own work next Sunday Out of Joint Last afternoon when boys of tho Modef were playing Prisoners of War young Charlie a lad about of age got hia thumb pot out of joint It took Or about an hour to put Into shape again and dress it up and will have to wear splints about weeks flg Excursion In of not being to supply accommodations on of Juno excursion announced for that day will take place day earlier 14th Juno farmers go to Model farm the and aro ox- posted to ufco all the rolling stock of the Barrio Division on that day Bustles This at M Hughes Gospel Temperance T provided a floe program last Sunday Mrs Allen Cody presided were played by Mr L Jackson Miss Mii Nettie and Mabel Nice duetts by Miss Manning and Mr Manning and aleo by Messrs and Low Solo by Mrs Jackson splendid paper by Mrs on The which will bo found on page of this address on Companionship by Mat thews and readings by Mrs Hill Mrs J Cody and Endeavor of Church to provide the program for next Sunday Sporting Goods Baseball Football and sundries A Special purchase of Blouses at onethird off regular Blouses for J Blouses for for 00 Blouses They wont last long at these prices Assessment Inspector Anderson completed tbe as- of Newmarket last week from which we tako tho following information Value of real property ii personal property Amount taxable income Children between ages of and ii Person 21 CO No of names on the roll Total resident population pootuuear beat and cheapest Boots Shoes at No ofhoraes i cattle 1 sheep 33 hogs 73 it doss 100 it births year deaths do 18 steam boilers in use The figures given as the population do not include the village at the North End which properly belongs to Newmarket but in East The population shows an increase of over last assessment which is an en couraging feature and is substantial donee thai Town making Collars and Cuffs And Fancy Back Gloves at M Hughes this week fiorth York liieenses adjourned meeting of License took place at Sharon on Saturday last all members being present Licenses were granted follows Tavern to Gordon Udora Wine Beer for mos to aid Jacksons Point Tavern to Waits Richard Welle and Geo Lemon Aurora Shop to P Stewart Newmarket Tavern to Margaret Evans and Joe Newmarket and extension to Samuel Johnston Hannah Flanagan and P J Flanagan The extension to four hotels in New market is largely on of the change in the License Act which reduces the number of licenses according to population The Assessment of Newmarket for not being confirmed by Council the Board considered it advisable that this should be done beforo taking definite ac According to assessment of two hotels would be cut off only one on the new assessment The and Regulations were revised and the Secretary was to have them printed and posted up in aconepicu- place on each licensed premises Tho moat important regulations will be found on page of issue Canes Factory department is crowded with work demand for screen windows is so great that a two story addition is be- buile at rear of the Factory ft to the capacity of manufac ture in tho upper story Tho ground floor will be used to increase output of pail staves For some time the machinery depart ment been constructing a Rotary En gine on new design Last Friday it was tested in the presence of tbe inventor and ho was so that he had a good thing that letters paten will bo taken out in all countries One hand FireExtinguishers ft new patent were distributed through tho Factory yesterday as a greater precau tion in of fire Tho head machinist Mr A Thomp son in this week making re pairs to the engine and boiler on the firms steam tug which is used to tow logs for Factory This Week- have put on Sale a large Bankrupt Slock of Clothing bought at a that enables them to sett you a suit of clothes for almost half price These good are all new and very stylish both In cut and colore Come early and have the first choice Public The annual meeting took place on Mon day evening The limited attendance was to be regretted Tbe reports presented were very satisfactory Balance from last audit Members Fees Government Grant from Town Council 35 Loan Entertainments etc 12 In From the Daily printed at dosha Kansas dated April wo clip the following relative to daughter of Sir of this town Malloy was born in Ontario Canada Stpt At age of years came with parents to Kaneaa locating at Toronto and a few years later at in Greenwood county sho married to P in Of this happy union five children were born all Hying except the youngest which died in curly infancy While the was not identified with any church at this place yet who know her as a neighbor or intimate friend recognized in Mrs characteristics of a true child of God and follower of Christ was one of purity and sunshine devoted to home and ones Having known for many months the inevitable result of her afflic tion she became calmly reconciled put trust in Saviour had ever been taught worship and calmly awaited the Mrs died at Dodge Kansas April 27 at oclock a in the triumphs of a tranquil faith in her Ren Her death was as the closing of a sweet pure flower at evening bids her loved ones who are left to mourn with auch a deep grief look up and be com- remains arrived thin afternoon at I oclock and repose at the saddened home corner of and Ohio Funeral vice will be held at the home tomorrow afternoon at oclock The parents the heartbroken husband and the grief stricken children God bless thorn have the deep sympathy of the commnnity We are doing the Lace Curtain trade this year Why Because the patterns are better and prices cheaper than are being offered anywhere else Rubber Blinds roller complete for A UNTON The best Cakes are always made with Baking Powder CORNER STORE Buy your Boots and Shoes from us and get the advantage of a most Complete Assortment at Lowest Prices We carry the Largest Stock of Shoes ever handled in the County It is here you will find the Biggest Stock to choose from There is not another Store in North York that can show the Goods we do and our Prices are the Lowest Dont fail to look over keep a large and uptodate Stock of Hats and Caps our Stock HI We keep a lovely Stock of everything in Gents Furnishings at Right Prices Spuing Medicines Hoods AVers at Roches kinds at Cut prices Bristol All other 01 New Rent light heating and Expenses of Entertainments etc CO Repayment of Loan to 00 Insurance Printing 18 on hand 32 04 The only outstanding liabilities are small accounts amounting to and a loan of from the Town Council which will be met by the government grant of in September Tho Librarians Report volumes circulated during year were a de crease of compared with toe previous year This can bo accounted for because of a alight in membership and want of catalogues In there were mem bers while only in of whom over 21 years of new volumes were added during the year A vote of thanks tendered to the re- tiring President and Messrs Morrison and Hughes for their effici ent services during the year Mr Morrison returned bis thanks and recommended that new Board purchase books daring summer and them in Library by the 1st of Oct as he confident it would assist in tbo sale of ticket a A vote of thanks was also passed to Mr Wright for the courteous manner in he bad discharged the duties librarian The following were then as a Board of Management for coming year Messrs Morrison J Smith J A Hughes A Watson J J and Aa on Board were ab sent Board adjourned till Wednesday evening of next week when they will elect Block Jot Trimmings At Hughes Caterpillars swarming on the fruit trees They should be destroyed at once Mr Walk Caldwell is painting the front of the Ontario Bank building A big bus load of OddFellows went to Aurora on Sunday evening to take part in a church parade Lettuce green onions and rhubarb give a summery look to windows of green grocers of Jive comets is due to ap pear this month The are looking very pretty again with their attractive vernal tints Dilapidated sidewalks should be repaired at once Laoroee practice is the attraction at the Park these nice evenings lawn mower again Many citizens are planting shade trees this spring a number at tbe Primary School War talk is the current in every circle at present Mr Murray been doing some fine graining and Mr Wood some ex cellent papering at Mr J Albert Collins residence Mr Collins aleo put in a handsome Mantel manufactured at Factory Mrs J A Allan has bad tulips in full bloom on her lawn for more than a week An gave a couple of good lec tures in Temperance Hall on Monday and Tuesday nights Roches have been making some more extensive charges in the atore Queens Birthday two weeks from Tues day Cheese Factory opens here next Mon day Papers are issued for motion of the Carters bylaw and tbe caeo is to come up next Tuesday Mr Hewitt is remodelling bis fence on Niagara Street A telephone man was fixing up the in around Town this week They work considerably better Seeding baa been accomplished sea son with muoh greater ease and comfort and in much less time than for many years Mr Stark has made quite a change In sodding his front lawn Messrs Allen shipped a nice monument to Aurora Cemetery yesterday The removal of the old fence and cutting down the bank near corner of Main and Ontario streets is an improvement attractive lawn swing at Mr Stanley residence is a gift that will be en joyed when tho warm weather sets in of Promise Mission Band will meet at Bowery tomorrow at oclock Montreal here tomorrow Milch And always on hand J Holland Landing MONEY TO LOAN Private funds on Farm Proper JACKSON Heal Estate Papers I When you prepare for Spring Papering do not forget that we have a very choice selection of Newest Patterns Including com binations of wall border ced ing at wonderfully Low Prices We sell the whether you want us to put It on or not Dont buy till yon see what we have give you To the best opportunity of a lifetime for buying cheap without any fuss noise or nonsense We are putting a Line of Seasonable Goods on the market prices that will make them jump Its a quick turn on very close margin to satisfy a lively demand Call and inspect SUITINGS FANCY SUITINGS of the Very Latest Artistic Palmer and Paper Church St Newmarket and TROUSERINGS THE OF SUCCESS Is just this We arc not experiment ing we have pass that We buy good materials know how to use them result Is our work gives satisfaction and business Is In creasing- Peppiatts Art Gallery North of Royal Hotel Strong Bakers Hungarian Pastry Ontario ami Manitoba wheat Flour for Family Use Feed of all Kinds ALSO THE- For either Coat Vest or most reliable of its kind on the market giving a perfect pocket and keeping pockets from stretching Call and examine and be convinced There is money in it for us and agreat deal more for the customer who deals at Central Tailor R MCLAUGHLIN A Fuli Stock of HouseCleaning Goods Davison Grocery LAND PLASTER A car of fresh ground American Gray best fertilizers for Clover and Grass Astonishing Montgomery dollar is tbo talk of country Veilings Some now Colore week at Hughes ENSILAGE CORN For Silo and for Feed Purposes W J Storehouse Cor Main and Sal Soda cents a Package the Leading Kind The Bluest and Best Bar on Market A Good Starch for a lb of Varlooa Kinds A Splendid Brush for A fall line of Tabs and our line Celebrated Georgia Braided Clothed Lin for L V tit AVISO i

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