Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , May 6, 1898, p. 2

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9 f THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MAY Advertisements Cleveland Bicycles A JKo Pocket J Mclaughlin A J Card of Thanks Eye Atkinson l A Agontw Wanted Co v Cow for Sale Chan Lewis Men Wonted Advertiser A Agents Wanted Now Co to J Millard Oar Society oar Toronto tetter P GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY J- v a en a en IKCNMM w P fc 8- WW t I POINTS Miss Minnlo Wythe Is vielttog In To ronto Mr choceomakor back to Town again of was Town again on Wednesday Messrs Edgar and in the on Sunday Dr Gallow Toronto the guest of Dr on Monday Mr A in to alter spending six months with son In Toronto of Toronto son of waa homo over Sunday on a visit Mra Forbes and of Richmond Arrangements been to hold Provincial Prohibition Con vention in the Horticultural at Toronto commencing on Tuesday July It is specially desirable that the representatives of different churches and societies should he oho- in J sen immediately and their names to the Alliance Secretary Single faro on all railroads At the meeting of the Toronto Presbytery on Tuesday Rev J Sturgeon of tendered his resignation which was accepted Rev Sam Jones had an audience of not less than last Monday night in Massey Hall to hear his lecture entitled Get there and Stay There The scene at Government House 7 i J Hill visiting with Mrs Geo Hughes was quite a brilliant CI en to up BUT WITH ISSUE Printed all FRIDAY MAY of the The principal events of the past week in connection with the American war is the confirmation of the that the Spanish squadron before Manila the Capital of the Philippines was defeated on Sunday last with very considerable loss of life i on both sides the destruction of p- several war vessels quickly followed by the capitulation of the city the battle according to latest advices was razed and parts of the city of Manila which were unfortified completely destroyed The victory for the Ajnerican squad- under command of Commodore Dewey was complete The Stars ana Stripes now float over the Philippine citadel In the war news published in another column will be found such particulars and cablegrams as have been press more or less authenticated Following close upon the capitula tion of Manila comes the intimation that outbreaks in Spain are assuming large proportions and from Key West it is cabled that egos has been bombarded its forts and the inhabitants driven in to the country A despatch from Gibraltar also brings the intelligence that a strong antiBritish sentiment- manifested it- self in the harbor of Malaga this week when a mob without at tacked a British yacht with stones Another despatch from Kingston Jamaica announces that a mob at tacked the office of the British Consul at Santiago Cuba a couple of days ago In defence of his life during the attack the Consulate fired into the crowd and killed a Spaniard He was imprisoned but a report yesterday states that a British manofwar had been ordered to Santiago de Cuba to demand his immediate release at the mouth of the cannon if necessary All these things indicate that matters are assuming a state of desperation on the part of the Spaniards and foretell a speedy termination of the Spanish- American trouble which may possibly result in a Spanish revolution and the overthrow of its present dynasty COLLEGE CORNERS on Wednesday jfifrs returned to Newmar ket Friday spending tho winter with daughter at Georgetown A vory interesting letter from Norman missionary in Japan just and will appear in next weeks Mr Harper Armstrong and Mr Joe Thompson of Toronto son of Sir John Thompson of Lloyd Sunday Major Lloyd donned fail regimentals on Monday and is Military Col- lego in Toronto He expects to bo back and forth few days Mrs Bayly has boon suffering from rheumatism past two weeks but she has not allowed to interrupt the work of private school Rev Matthews the city a of days this week being on the jjoard of in connection with the theological students of Clio rob Mr will mark fee a draftsman oxoellent diagram of Grounds that appears in another column one of his production and does him credit Mr F Mills writes from Vancouver April 2Gth I arrived here safe and sound accompanied by Bros of Sharon I find Vancouver quite a busy place and chuok full of Klondikers There two hero for the Klon dike week About 200 came in Friday evening on way to the A groat many go part way and turn Klondike War ie all talk Seeding just finished and it not a bit earlier than Mown there Ashing sea son will open about Jane 1st Board from to SB a week at tho hotel A letter received from Man last week from which wo are permitted to tako the following mutton of interest The war rushed prices up in a hurry Floor is worth from to per bag wheat selling at and oata per bushel Hay is sold at a ton Corn at bushel Butter per lb and eggs per dozen Apples by the barrel only Evaporated apples per lb peaches plums and apricots the same price Rhubarb a small bunch about six inches long Bread loaves for a Lemons and a doz Bananas to dozen All ladles wear buttons or brooches with Miaa photo on they very nice is living at Brandon with his mother Will Brode- la at and doing well sew machine and organ agent Mrs T Bailey of Portage la Prairie was here on a weeks visit which we enjoyed The are gathering wild crocuses half the time affair when their Excellencies Lord and Lady Aberdeen wore presented with an illuminated address from tho various societies and institutions visit ed by them during their stay in this city last winter Word has been received here from Victoria BC that the nurses of tho Victorian Order now on way to Klondike have arrived in Vancouver where several pleasant social affairs have been arranged in their honor A lecture is announced to bo given in Hall tonight by Senor do a member of tho late Spanish legation at Washington on the Cuban question Proceeds for sick and wounded on both sides Wat Hong May Advices re reived hero from Manila that Spanish cruiser Don Juan Austria was blown up by a shell bursting in her forward and that out of her crow of 130 men only or escaped Don Juan was an iron clad vessel of knots speed tons displacement horsepower length feet coal capacity 210 ton built at in main battery of four 47 inch guns and torpedo secondary battery three inch rapid firo two inch guns and five machine guns After fight had continued for an hour and a half on Sunday tho Spanish squadron was practically an nihilated and ail the forts wero silenc ed Three of Spanish ship were on fire one had sunk and others were riddled and helpless resis tance of was admirably stubborn but they were overmatched Nevertheless did not yield nor did they strike a single lag After of a hours Commodore who had withdrawn to west side of the bay when ceased to reply to his fire return ed to Ho was received with some shots from land forts where upon he again opened on them with a furious torrent of projectiles In a short he had silenced them ap parently rendering them perfectly use less Then Commodore Dewey de manded the complete surrender of the city munitions and stores The Governor refused to sur render When informed of the re- Commodore notified Governor that he would htm twentyfour hours to clear out after the expiration of which time he would bombard city May 3 cable to Manila is cut but latest advices say that the Spanish loss of men on Sunday was and the American May The gunboat which performed first act of the war in capturing a Spanish merchantman has now captured a this will Gait for the Queens Birthday Royal Grenadiers will spend tho day in Hamilton The horseshow at the Armory yes terday was a grand success In the afternoon an address was presented to His Excellency the GovernorGen eral The beauty and fashion of the city graced the occasion There is some comment in tho city press respecting expenditures being made by County Commissioners on tho old Court House Authority was given to repair the Council Chamber Spanish mail steamer off the but they making other improve on their own motion and may get a drubbing when the June session takes place The Globe states in its music and drama notes that a very large and most cultured audience will listen to Toronto at tho Hall on the 17th shore of Cuba with Spanish General and staff and a hundred soldiers on board who were all made prisoners of war T Petition Ottawa May 3 Dominion Metho dist Church was crowded to the doors tonight when the polyglot petition of The Clipper Gap powder I ft near Auburn Cal were blown up on Saturday Lightning I as leader of the Govennent I he festooned with three A caused loss of life and tl petition seven miles great destruction to property Nor- the remainder was piled them Iowa on Saturday te formidable array Mrs Hughina Dunn Sir Wilfrid was accompanied by Mr whose husband a P conductor Sidney Fisher and Mr Mr was smothered in the tunnel has se cured a consent verdict for The will of the late William Wood a farmer of Georgina Township is entered for probate The will dis posed of an estate valued at and was composed of cash on hand farm lands in Georgina Town ship to the value of and stock and household goods to the value of The entire estate is left to Mrs Wood but in the event of her marrying estate reverts to the children Foster also occupied a seat on the platform The interesting ceremony was con ducted by Mrs A A Rutherford of Toronto Dominion president who was surrounded by provincial repre sentatives and members of tho Do minion Alliance The presentation was made by Mrs Atkinson of New Brunswick and Mrs Alexander of Ottawa They took occasion to impress upon Sir Wilfrid that he had it in his power to advance the cause that they were fighting for An error in last weeks Era In- stead of Mr King selling 1400 pounds of cement it was Mr J has his jritp fence completed and gives a nice appear ance to the premises Mr Hayes intends putting one in front of residence a Mr Terry is on special duty guarding the Lake from its many fishers Another rose of affection fell in the arras of Mrs A Crittenden her husband with a pretty ittle girl forest and trees are assuming their verdant foliage and sweet scent- S flowers are decking every garden fe- Balance crowded out the city paper we And Prof making an observation at a meet ing of Council of Women having in certain charities of the oily which by implication conveys undeserved on this country Ho It absolutely necessary that an ihe poor from the country to the should be stopped So aa York Coun ty is concerned the remarks of Prof Smith do not apply We have oar own Home for the poor on its roll have been names of persons who really belong to the who moved over the line Into the and afterwards got a cer tificate of admission to the poor of York The Prof can take bis remark home to Toronto On Tuesday last the flret Lieutenant of Sir Charles in the Commons we mean Hon George Foster before the orders of the day were called and without notice beamingly asked the First if Mr member for had tendered bis resignation Without apparent notice of sinister motive prompting the question Premier in differently intimated that he had no in timation of the resignation of his friend from The members on both of the House took in the situa tion and audibly smiled Mr Fouler felt touched and sarcastically observed Ah wo might have extended our condolence Mr immediately suggested that would be a tearful thing to hold an on lists years old This was t and Opposition tinanoial subsided amid the clatter of on the right of Mr Speaker It would appear from this incident that the Commoner do a diversion i The court at Montreal has dis missed in which Joseph Go- din sought from I damages for having been forcibly ejected from a lodge meeting for al leged nonpayment of duds IN THE TOWN HALL NEWMARKET On Friday May programme Piano Duett Verdi Misses Ballad Goodbye Sweet day Vannah Mr F Knowles Song Comic The Thing in Town Mr Bert Harvey Violin Mazurka Concert Ovide Til is5 Lazier Bong Noble Huguenots Miss Idle Heading Miohel Courier to the Czar Jules Verne Miss Butcher Song Comic The Sneezer Harry Mr Bert Harvey During which a Selection will be played by the Citizens Band 1 Piano Solo Mazurka Caprice A Mies Flanagan Song fa You My Mies Idle Reading The Revolt of Mother Mary Mies Butcher Humorous Bong Silly Tom J Hall Mr Bert Harvey Violin Solo Cavatina J Raff Mies Lazier Bong Sing Sweet Bird Ganz Miss Idle Comic The Old A aid J Mr Bert j Never before have we sold so many Dress Goods as this season People look here and look elsewhere but almost invaribly come back here to buy our stock This season is certainly the best we have ever shown and if what people tell us is any criterion no other store in Newmarket can show nearly as fine a collection or make prices as interesting Don t miss this department if you want the newest goods at very moderate prices AND Housecleaning is not far away You want Curtains and Carpets What d you think Nice Lace Curtains yds long at pair Bound Lace Curtains yds long at Bound Lace Curtains yds long handsome patterns at 100 Special 2 Curtains at 1 50 the best value in Canada Good Union Carpet at Very handsome Union Carpet one yd wide reversible regular cents at Very handsome Wool Carpet yd wide reg price at 50 Good Tapestry Carpet at Very handsome Tapestry will last a life time at 50 Good Canadian Brussels Carpet at 40 HOE No better Stock and Prices here are bound to be the Lowest Ladies very neat lace Oxford Shoes at 69c Ladies very fine Dongola Kid Oxford lace Shoes at 100 Ladies self tip fine Kid 2Button Oxford Shoes reg 200 at Mens heavy working Boots at Mens neat lace working Boots Mens extra fine Dongola lace or Gailer Boots reg 225 at Dont forget you can always save money here in Clothing and Hats the price is lower than elsewhere but the quality is always better I ts not only that H town Ottawa Maurice Cornell British Columbia was wiped out by jcVtrleton Place while bunting Card of Thanks to thank through many North and Gwllllinliury for their kindness since which us In the sudden death of my sou by accident Jay afternoon fell in the act of climb ing over a fence discharging both barrels of a gun which he carried the concents entering his left arm near the elbow He walked to a neighbor ing and fell fainting on the doorstep Amputation of the arm is necessary -FOB- Good Fresh Milch Cow For Ie LEWIS St The Cradle Both well In King on the the wife of of a boo 1 The Robins At the Manse Newmar ket 00 the lost by A Mr Robins to Mies Jane both of East At the residence of the groom Niagara at Newmarket on the 4th by Rev S Matthews Mr David to Henri etta Smith of Newmarket Manly At the residence of the brides fathtr Holland Landing on the 1st by Rev Leonard Mr Richard Manly to G both of Toronto Leading lire ami House The Tomb In East on the 3rd of May David A years months and In Vaogban on the 28th of April Eva daughter of Jonathan and Mary Baker of Michael of this town aged years and days At on the of April Armstrong in his year Hoover At on tbe of April Fannv wife Jacob Hoover- aged 65 and 4 At the 22nd nit the wife of Rev formerly Methodist minister at Wood In on the nit Wm Wood aged years and At City Kansas on 27th of April wife of Mr and daughter of Mr Hiram Malloy of Newmarket aged years OS had been afflict d with col- sumption for about 4 years Last Novem ber she went to Kansas and from there to New Mexico in the hope of prolonging her life but not feeling any improvement she started for Kanea where her home and family were located but she died at City on the way about miles from home leave a devoted husband and four children besides many relatives to Her end was peace s a roadhouse I J Main St North Newmarket All Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention FIELD GARDEN Our Stock is fresh and from the best growers Thus yon will find our Tried and True Pharmacy Lehmans Drug Store Spring Medicines Just thing for a Spring tonic COMPOUND EXT a bottle and a box of Pills with each bottle WilmotE Lehihan Chemist and Druggist Toronto Markets WHEAT Toronto May Red Wheat per bushel White Wheat per bushel Goose Wheat per bushel Buckwheat per bushel- Barley per bushel 00 Oats Peas per bushel per bushel Butter roll per lb OH potatoes Apples per Sheepskins Old CO per 0 Geeaeperlb Chickens per A Turkesperlb OH a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a on 016 020 000 060 13 we Moving Fine Furniture Isnt easy by any means and yet have scored a great success In this line be- our cbfef lever is quality while SGOtctl pile use for a purchase aod with the as sistance of late and honest work- we anccoed in moving a stook at choice from our store the of purchasers 10 Sprring FOR SALE V DENNES0N Opposite Royal Hotel Newmarket and Embalming a Night calls attended to at residence Street May ft 18S8 Flour per barrel White When per bushel Red Wheat 100 GooseAYheat per bushel Buckwheat Barley per bushel per bushel 1 Peas per bushel to Rye per bushel Bran per ton Shorts per ton 0 Butter per Butter tub per lb a a a a 005 a 0 31 a 040 a a a a a 0 14 W kinds Seed Etc Main St Newmarket kept In stock Apples 9 fiheepskin Wool par lb Hay per ton new Pork per II vfi Pork per iGccaepcr lb Chickens per pair Turkeys per lb O Turkeys per lb dressed Clover Seel per bushel per bushel J a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 360 SCO fl 10 300

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