Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , May 6, 1898, p. 1

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AND mo liberty to know to utter and to freoly according to coneoienco all othor liberty- Vol XLVII No Single Copies Cents Each I No paper outside of North York unices paid in advance a FOR YOUR House Verandah or Kitchen Floor Buggy or Wagon ALL KINDS a I Varnishes Oils Glass and Putty FENCE WIRE MILK CANS Etc GARDEN TOOLS PLOW REPAIRS Newmarket Ont Friday May 6 Terms per annum if paid in advance Spanishflmeiiean I -oxo- Battle at of IvTatonzas Demolished by Americans NEWMARKET Hot how CHEAP but Wo handle how GOOD and Fancy For Everyday Needs GROCERIES Fresh and Bright DRY GOODS Staple HATS AND CAPS OILS and Boiled PAINTS WALL PAPJZR BROOMS AND BRUSHES SHOES RUBBERS Please REMEMBER Stock is New and in every particular Wo only want you to call and make comparisons Ask us for anything in our line We want to do business with you Wo are here for that purpose Wo pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE for all kinds of Good Farm Produce LAN LEGAL J Notary Public c Orrioe Main Street Newmarket to Loan on good Farm- security Solicitor etc for Township of King Money to OrCE Court Building New mar- Ontario MEDICAL Dp p Campbell p a a bombardment of fearful f usilado was poured on the batteries is now a matter of history four turret guns firing This engagement the first in which almost simultaneously and the four- United States navy hat inch guns adding their smaller hail for about thirty years occurred When the smoke blew away quite unexpectedly The New York was dotted with dust clouds miles east of looked like miniature geysers Havana at half past ten Wednesday springing from the earth Each morning April 27th when Rear-Ad- showed where a hall had struck At Sampson decidsd to steam to this stage guns in da At entrance of battery were observed to be harbor monitor Puritan and the firing on the flagship This fort is on cruiser Cincinnati mot the flagship the eastward arm of the harbor fairly regulat outline but now they had a jagged appearance Big were plainly visible at da creo There was not a sign of life there Admiral Sampson had effectu ally stopped tho work on Gorda It would have been perfectly feasible for the New York Cincinnati and Puritan unaided to have steamed past the fortifications right into and taken it or shelled it at pleasure The only run would have been from mines After satisfying himself that his object had been accomplished Admiral Sampson headed back for Havana The Puritan were left to look after and they will see to it that is not the scene of much work on fortifi cations in tho near future About shot were fired during the bom bardment 101 of which were from York The total cost of the bombardment was about ex pended entirely in ammunition THE SPANISH New York April A London says that a Madrid despatch there is hardly any doubt that when details are obtainable it will bo learned that it was a crushing de feat for Spain Report of the thus far are coming in piecemeal During the two engagements that took place Commodore com manding the Spanish fleet lost three of his largest ships His flagship Christina and the armor ed cruiser Cast ilia were burned and cruiser Don Juan Austria was blown up Several other Spanish ves sels were badly damaged Under the protection of the guns of their fortifi cations the Spanish warships opened fire on the American fleet For sev eral hour- the harbor resounded with the roar of guns the crashing of steel and timbers the shrieks and groans of the wounded Thick clouds of smoke at times almost obscured the opposing from each other A welldirected shot reached the iron cruiser Don Juan de Austria a vessel of tons A terrific ex plosion followed and the ship was blown up The Editors Shears CUPPINGS PROM OUR EXCHANGES at Church p S Barrister Solicitor Conveyancer etc I Late with Marsh Cameron Estates Barristers o Toronto collections carefully managed and promptly made tar Money to loan at lowest rates Block Main Newmarket i DUNN HERBERT DUNN Dunn Solicitors Manning Arcade King St West Toronto to Barrister Reformer Block Residence opposite Christian Hours to a 1 to and to p p a o Formerly at Chelsea Hospital London England for Diseases of Women Recently of Hospital for Sick Children Toronto Office Central Pharmacy Hours to am to and to pm Rifled Jebb Newmarket Office of the late Dr Rogers first door South of Post Office to am J Wesley Physician Surgeon and Coroner A wind was blowing and the waves poured over the low bow and stern of the monitor At slow speed the flagship proceeded toward the harbor the Puritan following half a astern and the Cincinnati two miles to the westward Rear- Admiral Sampson and Captain Chad- wick stood on the high bridge care fully surveying forts which had had the temerity to fire on the United States torpedo boat When three miles from Punta the extreme point of the westward arm of the harbor a long yellow streak was seen on shore It looked like a new ly earthwork Closer inspec tion revealed a number of men cluster ed around shore It was ascer tained without any doubt that the Spanish troops were busy in erecting what seemed to be a sand battery and already had placed several guns in position to quarters RearAdmiral Sampson decided that this was detrimental to a pacific block- yards from where the flagship was lying It is provided with four eight- inch guns The flagBhipa fire was at ance directed upon it Up to this period the New York had been in the firing alone Captain Harrington of the Puritan and Captain Chester on the Cincinnati had drawn up and were vigorously signalling for to fire When this was reported to RearAdmiral Sampson he said All right tell them to go ahead THE PULL BROADSIDE So while the New York was com mencing fire on da the Puritan took a position to the eastward and opened on the same point The Cincinnati went to the westward and pounded a rapid fire broadside into the earth works on Occasionally shots from da could be seen com ing in the direction of the New York All fell very short and at no time threatened ship Only about ten shots believed to have been fired from this battery during the whole en gagement It is possible that its guns General quarters were sound- have been disabled as two Office Over Pharmacy Hi Residence Main St North Telephone Communication Money to Loan AUCTIONEERS ppank Auctioneer for York Co Farm and Chattel Sales will receive special Attention PO Duncan Licensed the Co of York Bold on commission Terms reason- Bales attended to Atrial solicited Newmarket Hall Main Street iouU of House Wd Street How a person can gain a pound a day by taking an ounce of Scotts Emulsiom is hard to explain but it certainly happens It seems to start the diges tive machinery working properly You obtain a greater benefit from your food The oil being predigested and combined with the hy- makes a food tonic of wonderful flesh- forming power All physicians know this to to be a fact All fiCOTT ed The men rushed to their guns When the New York was about yards from Gordo her helm was put to starboard and commence firing the bugle blow Naval Cadet Boone in charge of the 8inch gun on the pott side had the honor of firing the first shot flagship shook from stem to stern as the first projectile aimed by the United States at the shore of Cuba flew from muzzle of big gun This was at p Fully fifty pair of glasses were lev- from the flagship at the shore It seemed minutes before yellow smoke cleared away but in reality it was only five seconds Then a little cloud of dust seemed to of the earthworks For the first at tempt at yards it was by no means a bad shot With a deafening roar the 8inch gun in the forward turret let fly its iron missile It landed high The after came next with the sized projectile A shout of delight went up from the flagship as a dense cloud rose from the very centre of ttie earthworks show ing how true had been the aim A inch shells were distinctly seen to land square in the fort For about five minutes da got the full benefit of the port broadside of the New York and Puritan Leaving da to the Puritan which was still banging away Captain Chadwick put his helm to starboard until the port battery once more bore on the earthworks An- shell came from shore whizzing along over the flagship To high but a better shot than I thought they could make said an officer Then the Cincinnati and tho New York just received gives the Spanish side of the bombardment Blanco cabled the news of it to his Govern ment He says in effect that Spain has gained the first victory of the war although at the C03t of over one hun dred and sixty loyal and honored lives Blanco declares that the entire Am erican fleet sailed towards harbor sending in a continuous fire American shells did considerable damage to the fortifications he says but little to the city In the forts there were many casualties due to the bravery of the Spanish gunners The forts after an hours terrific fighting he declares succeeded in driving the American fleet away Key West April The gunboat department today gave out a list of Newport has captured the schooner fl Governments that have declared Engracia which had on board seven neutrality viz Italy Switzerland Spanish spies who have been work- Netherlands Sweden and Norway along the coast near Key West Colombia Mexico Russia France They were attempting to run the block- Argentine Republic Portugal All the time during the first engag- the American ships were under way their being intend ed to render the of the Spanish gunners less effective There was a heavy Joss of life among the Spanish commanding the Maria Christina was killed Commodore commanding the fleet shifted tho from the Maria Christina to the Cuba a much smaller steel protected cruiser just before the Christina sank The blow- ing up of the Don Juan Austria was attended by a great loss of life among the crew her commander also being killed Washington May The State gave Frances Waring aged six was fatally burned at London Be good and polite us you would have your children Willie Booth seven years old was drowned in a cistern at I Burglars made an unsuccessful attempt to rob the safe at Debts arc the only thing that havent a spring feeling about them these days Mr Mitchells house Bells bake King was destroyed by fire on Wed nesday evening of last week The steamer was burned on Lake Superior The crew was rescued by the CP It steamer Alberta You can shout it from the house top you can blow it from the steeple but if you shout it from the press tis heard by far more people has dropped in assessment past year besides some in population There are vacant houses and vacant stores and factories Present population Chicken etiquette cards with please keep your hens at home printed at this office These cards are to he tied with a short string to a of corn and left on your new made flower or garden beds Better get a couple dozen and save cost of seeds and vexation Many persons use the phrase in a trice who have no conception of its meaning A trice is the sixteenth part of a second of time The hour is divided into sixty minutes the minute into sixty seconds the second into sixty trices or thirds from the Spanish To kick the bucket believed to have originated in the time of Queen Elizabeth when shoemaker named Hawkins committed suicide in peculiar circumstances placing a bucket on a table in order to raise himself high enough to reach a rafter above th- kicking away the bucket on which he stood With that grandmotherly care for the welfare of its readers which ways characterizes it the says In the excitement of Spanish wars and Chinese dis memberment and Egyptian mixups and dont for good ness sake overlook your spring dose of sulphur and treacle Easton Pa April Three large packing houses of the Atlantic Powder Company near Dover J contain ing high explosives for the United Government were blown up this after noon Six men were killed outright and several seriously injured Seven buildings were destroyed It is now stated that a cigar started the fire which caused the explosion VS STRUGGLES This suit was tried at thejionjury sittings ade when captured They were the Japan and Uruguay It will be no- 1 at Hall Toronto before his first prisoners of war The United States War Depart- has estimated that war expenses for the next two months will amount to Two hundred and eighteen boxes of powder and caps that were be ing transported by pack train to the mines in Mexico exploded en route killing men and mules The first battle of the Amerioan war if the exchange of a ticed that the department list does not include Great Britain although she was the first to proclaim neutral ity for the reason that no official no tice has been given New York April The Ameri can line steamer Paris arrived this morning from Southampton after a rough winter passage- Tjie Paris cases of munitions of war and a small quantity of miscellaneous few shots between a fort and a fleet merchandise It is expected that the on a trip can be so J Paris will discharge her cargo today and will be received by the naval dignified resulted in the death of one mule That is the announcement officially given out in the Spanish Cortes of the incident based authorities tomorrow morning when he name will be changed to Yale surrounding land until the smoke hid everything from view What be came of the soldiers seen on Punta is not known Some declare they saw them running to the brow of hill where the field battery was thought to be stationed CEASED At when- tho bombard ment was at its height and after it had been in progress for minutes Rear Sampson ordered cease firing to bo sounded On shore all was Not a soul bo seen there and there was no firing earthworks a quart Then from the entire port a I of en hour before had presented a tainGeneral Blanco London May 1 The Asiatic squadron of the United States Com modore Dewey commanding has en gaged and completely defeated the Asiatic squadron of Spain in the har bor of Manila in the Philippine Is lands all the news of the great naval thus for received coming from Spanish sources This shows that Buffalo May 1 One of Buffalos crack regiments the recruited to its full war strength of companies marched through the principal streets of the city this afternoon preparatory to boarding special trains for Park Long Island where the members of regiment will be mustered into the United States army and then start for the front of the troops was made Manila has not yet been token by the greatest outburst of American forces and that the cable 1 thecity has ever lines are still under control of Spam kn0Wna one of From tho fact that the advices received from Madrid that the American warships fared the best before cheering people while the display of bunting was beyond anything ever Lordship Mr Justice Falconbridge The defendant claimed to have become entitled by length of possession to a farm owned by the plaintiff near Albert The judge however thought otherwise and gave judgement for the plaintiff with costs A young man who was on tho lookout for a good thing thought he had found what he sought He saw an advertisement in a paper that for ten cents sent to a certain address he would be told how to make money He thought the price was cheap enough so ho sent ten cents By re turn mail he received a printed slip words something like these To make money rope in suckers same as we do Mr Samuel MoMinn of Tecum- seth received a letter on Friday last from his two sons who are in Klondike The letter was mailed on- the of November 1897 and was four month week and day reaching The young men report a very tedious journey in reach ing the land of gold from Dakota but they are very sanguine of making somo rich finds They fortunate enough to shoot a 900 pound part of which thoy sold at 160 pound Everything is very high in Klondike salt oven being retailed at pound t ii-

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