Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 29, 1898, p. 8

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4 Mr- THE NRWMARKFT FRIDAY APRIL irt J especially of Hoods rills for cine ever contained so great curative- In so small a whole chest always ready efficient sat isfactory prevent a cold Or cure oil liver lis headache Jaundice etc only to tako with foods 1 TORONTO I Paid Capita Fund Total nearly A Branch of this Hank In established at I BRADFORD rtcnoHlifl receive of nnrt up wards In i V Discounting Fanners Notes And Bale LOWEST RATES Bar further Information apply to JOIIK Aircnt Bradford ft 9 1 1 m Murray FLORIDA WATER THE MOST FRAGRANT MOST AND ENDURING ALU PERFUMES FOR TUB HANDKERCHIEF TOILET OR BATH DRUGGISTS PERFUMERS GENERAL DEALERS Nursery Stock Agents Book Agents Agricultural Implement Agents Or desiring to better their And their Income should write The demand for Nursery Stock We need more men If paying work write We nil free Ju jfWeJ7 mid We iifrticc or men WRunrantee Ml In free from Nun J oho comprise over and rowing stock In large to X closest the Hal WHAT AND FIND TO for week is very much dis abled with a band Miss Nettie is visiting at Mr A Newmarket merchant was highly honored in receiving three pieces of wedding cako in one week Mr Frank rented the blacksmith from IX and intends starting business for him self We wish him success Mr and Mr Cain wore guests of Mr If last Sunday former attended cnurch on the in evening Quite a number of residents arc having water services placed in their houses Nearly all on OBrien arc getting them in he water is pronounced excellent fence surrounding the Congre gational church has been removed and a cedar hedge planted instead New slat walks have also been laid which the surroundings a much neater appearance Concert of the Choral will he given in Daleys April A Chorus of Singers supported by an Or chestra of 10 instruments will sing of the finest works of the best composers Connor has the contract of watering the streets for the coming season for BRADFORD Mr Wilson had seventeen sheep killed by dogs recently We understand dogs belonged to Mr and that the damages have been amicably adjusted at Last Wednesday evening at the close of tho weeknight service in the Meth odist church a well filled purse to gether with a highly eulogistic address was presented to Miss Vida organist of church as a re cognition of her faithful and able ser vices The presentation was made by Mr Campbell Rev J Locke reading the address Speeches were also made by Messrs Graham Campbell and Lukes all of whom in flattering terms of Miss A reply was made by Mr After this delicious refreshments were served by the Mr Mills of Bradford who has been with the Frank Co fir the past two years severed his connection with the firm on Sat urday and was afterwards waited up on by his fellow employees and pre sented with a very handsome gold- beaded cane suitably engraved Mr Mills in a short time sails for Man chester where he has secured a good position Men Succeed with Us who have Failed with others will coat you nothing to lenrn we can 40 for you write you mean business and want profitable employment British Problems Six problems of importance have occupied Foreign Office since Lord Sal sbury acceded to power He transferred to France without hesita tion British portion of across Mekong Ho permitted France to annex Madagascar to close the mar ket to Great Britain and United States and to destroy much of the result of years of Protestant missionary labors In Tunis he sur render treaty with Bey without compensation and thus allowed effective weapon for against France in the Egyptian question to slip out of his hands On upper Nile ho has ceded to Abys sinia a largo slice of southern Somali- land while French are being al lowed to make effective occupation of our sphere of influence on up- Nile notwithstanding the declara tions of Into and present govern ments that interference of the French in that region would bo re garded as an unfriendly act In China the doctrine of open door has been proclaimed with a flourish of trumpets and the territorial integrity of China was to be declared to bo the policy of her Majestys government The seizure of Germany the Unification of Manchuria and hoisting of the Russian flag at Port Arthur last Sunday arc a reflec tion upon the prescience and the statesmanship of the government The sixth problem dealt with by te Foreign is that of West Africa where Franco has occupied whole of the hinterland of Sierra Leone and most of territory hack of Lagos and Gold Coast A review of those facts shows that the machinery of English diplomacy not only requires but will shortly receive a thorough overhauling More democratic vigor is Whether or hot England is gradu ally drifting into a conflict with Rus sia and France as she drifted into the Crimean war is an open question What is certain is that owing to the reticence of government and the Among the Cubans The Inland of Cuba is divided in to six province which after fash- ion of Spain have capitals with tlie provincial itlnnd lies cast west It mile long with ail average breadth of miles Its six provinces are Havana del Bio Puerto Principe Santa Clara and Santiago do Cuba Of these provinces it is claimed by the Junta and by the but unrecog nized representative of Cuban Re public insurgents possess nil of Puerto Principe of Santa Clara consisting of the territory along the coasts and on the border of Ma- and even part of province SZSfoi vywh and about of del Rio experiences burning and west of Havana The Province of Havana alone is completely clear of rebels the capital city of the Re publican Government is situated in the western portion of Province of Puerto Principe The Cubans claim that they safely possess all eastern half of island This is true with tho exception of the cities and the sea ports of importance in provinces and they arc still in hands of Spaniard the provinces of San tiago tie Cuba Puerto Principe and Santa Clara concentration been void for as it is urged by Cubans these provinces are prac tically peace statement is made by Cuban representative in Washington that in the eastern half or more of the island there is it- civil governor in each province together with other civil and a com plete and complex machinery gov ernment Stamps have been issued taxes are collected civil marriages provided railroads in operation a public system established and numerous daily newspapers published In addition to all this agriculture goes On and the people are practically free and independent of Spanish rule The population Cuba was the olden It uncommon occurrence for delicate women to be be headed for trivial or Imaginary of fences In this re spect the world has made great strides ruleless wom en still suffer death in a slower and more form and for no offence whatever save a or pos sibly a little The who suffers from and disease of the distinctly feminine organs whether she realizes It or not is being slowly but surely tortured to death She suffers almost con tinually with sick headache She has pains In the she calls stitches here She dragging- down sensations She becomes weak nervous and despondent She neglects her home and is petulant with her husband If she consults the average physician there is not one chance in ten that he wilt hit upon the real cause of her trouble He will attribute her bad feelings to stomach liver heart or nervous trouble A woman in this condi tion should consult eminent and skill ful specialist who has had a wide experi ence Dr fierce for thirty years chief consulting phyhician to the Invalids Hotel and Surgical Institute at Buffalo has with the of a of able physicians prescribed for many thou sands women He has invented a won derful medicine for ailing women known as Dr Pierces Prescription It has stood the test for thirty years It acts directly on the delicate and important or gans concerned in wifehood and mother hood making them strong and well It allays inflammation heals ulceration soothes pain and touts and builds up the nerves It transform weak nervous wom en into healthy happy wives and mothers I was invalid for a year with change of life writes Mrs Smith of Cascade Co Mont Had the pa of my stomach and such weakness I liardlv walk I took one of Or Collen Medical and five of his voiite Prescription and am entirely well as fd as patriotic reserve of the House of Coin- at 1000000 but this has been re- tho public are completely in the duced by about 000000 as a result of dark as to whether the country is be- starvation in the concentration process wisely steered or whether the that operated in the western illness of the helmsman has abandon- province Tin population of the ship of state to the winds and currents of chance Perplexity is provinces which arc controlled by the revolutionists comprises about half tho widespread arid it is not cmilined to her Majesty Opposition lImt terances are in conspicuous contrast with the determined language indulg ed in by ministers a few weeks ago The Chancellor of the Exchequer pledged England to go to war in order to maintain the open door in China The leading members of the cabinet adopted the same line and were unan imously supported by the respon sible leaders of Opposition The Swelling House to Lot With filx cellar attached Apply TO RENT Nice Cottage on DArey street good repair I Newmarket TWO TOWN LOTS On Street Desirably Situated neat the old Woollen Factory For Sale on Apply to 11 JACKSON J Ileal Estate Aent House and Garden Looking at Spain it is easy to see why that nation has been unable to the sturdy patriots of the is land Spains population is not quite and per cent of its people cannot read or write No na tion in is so ignorant so indo lent so low in the scale of civilization as is Spain She is a bankrupt nation resolution of the House Commons no coin altogether firmed position adopted by the Parliamentary chicfa and stated that maintenance of the independence of Chinese territory is of vital importance to the commerce and influence of the British Empire England unlocked the door of China to foreign trade surveyed her coasts and drove away pirates from her seas The English were first to open or factories and her agriculture is of most indolent type In a word Spain is farther on the road of decline than even Turkey She can get no credit Her bonds which pay percent are sold on the markets of tin world at paper is discounted 42 per cent Her securities are regarded at as on a par with those of the weak and lay republics of Chinese ports for the whole world South America She is in the grip of they were first to send steamers the moneylenders Her public debt t Stone Wellington Toronto ALWAYS KEEP OB mm THERE IS OF OR ACHE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL THAT PAINKILLER WILL NOT RE LIEVE LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB STITUTES THE GENUINE BOTTLE BEARS THE NAME PERRY The fiscal year of Church ends on May 1 convention will meet from Slay the The church in April To the Editor of Era As is well known by all in this neighborhood tho Sunday evening meetings in connection with the P are increasing in popularity The congregations are so large as to crowd every seat and all the extra seats that can be placed in the aisle There are several complaints caused by this overcrowding and I wish to suggest that considerable space could be utilized by removing the organ from the floor to the platform and put ting in two more seats There is also considerable grievance among those who attend because the speakers do not address the meeting from the platform It is very unsat isfactory to listen to a speaker who cannot be seen and when the speaker is on the same level as the seats it is very difficult Thanking you Mr Editor for space in your valuable paper and thinking that I am voicing the senti ment of the people I remain Yours truly up the waterways to build railways and to develops her mines England was the first power to to China the nucleus of a pure administration and by instituting an imperial cus toms service to add a princely revenue to her treasury So that apart from possessing fourfifths of the annual trade Great Britain has a hereditary to maintain the open door Harper Weekly For Sale Cheap Corner of Superior and year Apply to 1 WOODCOCK Newmarket TO RENT Two One on Street rooms good cellar furnace do mestic water good warden One on Millard Avenue nix rooms and hot water good garden Apply to A hard Gorhain Street To Rent Sell or Exchange i FOR FARM hold on China j r AitD IN AMIMOAN he a evnte but tome told that in tblt age there no The age many wo men atroffg ana they are and morally but ft Is that a large of mBD of the country suffer rem de bility They dug oat weary and each day la day of and with Aoole of was She from and some one somehow to Booth American Nervine Of coarse It was like hope another patent medicine Bui had taVn only on bur System began to take ytari afu using oIb she was completer that Is remedy like n Kerr foe 23 W LEHMAN Agent Newmarket f Town Council will grant the public library and in addi tion will give one dollar for every additional member after the roll has reached In ten years the product of beet root sugar grown from nothing to pounds the predicted crop of this year This as largo as the crop of cane sugar now The beet sugar industry has trebled in its output since and at the present rate of progress the farmers of the United States will be supplying all the country with home grown and refined sugar within twenty Sew April A London special says The British policy of the open door in pursuit of which the British Government recently sought and still desires the coopera tion of the United States has this week made a decisive coup in North China A group of English capi talists among whom are Baron Roths child Earl Mayo and Mr the last of whom is associated with Cecil Rhodes in the South African Chartered Company calling them selves the syndicate have secur ed after a long diplomatic tussle be tween England Russia and France a sixty year concession of the enormous coal and iron fields miles by in the province The of the concession may be gauged by the fact that Baron Von tiiehthoter estimated that the anthra cite alone from it would meet the coal consumption of the world for over 000 years while the British railway now under construction through this region gives a new artery of free com merce in China and vastly increases Britains hold on North China IS which represents about per capita She has found it dilfiieult to negotiate any loan at all Of course it is plain that such a nation is powerless beside a mighty power like the United States which can appropriate 50000000 for war purposes out of the cash funds and which could raise ten times that sum in a few days Spains four per cents at All these facts go to show how it is that rebellion in Cuba has not been crushed and why the Cubans have counted all along on ul timate victory through tho sympathy of powerful neighbor on St Newmarket on which Is a good Dwelling House with nurd and soft water at the door Good Barn and underground stabling an ex cellent orchard consisting of apples pears plums Ac The above property can be rented lor one year or ft term of years For further particulars enquire of J Savage Esq New market or If by letter to SwlO GRAHAMS f For Infant and Children Ires head of cattle were shipped from lately for the Buffalo market In July Dr Potts goes to Lon don as chairman of Lesson Committee of the Worlds Interna tional Sunday School Convention which will he held in Dr Joseph Parkers City Temph Chadron Neb April A cavalry company composed entirely of women every one of whom is a crack and an excellent horsewoman was organ ized here last night and notice sent to Governor that they are ready to proceed to Cuba and fight the Spanish Gilbert Wilson A who we stated last week had licensed into the ministry of the Church won the Fisher scholarship at Knox College in connection with his final examination He also won a postgraduate fellow ship valued at which gives him a special course of study in Europe Mr Wilson is the eldest son of Jafl Wilson Esq exReeve of West and is well known in several sections of the country where he either taught school or labored as student missionary His many friends are very glad to hear of his splendid suc cess as a student and hope that he may meet with equal success in active ministerial work If you want your picture taken dont be old method of years ego have It produced in latest style and bo with yonr Work o IB i I That is Why the Receive Advertising By the people who buy By the people who have to buy with By people who pay CASH for their purchases By the people who make desirable customers By the people whom the advertiser is in quest of By the people who know a good thing when they see if By more people in North York than are by any other two papers daily or weekly- circulating in the County t By everybody in the town and county who wants the largest amount of good fresh crisp spicy news and reading matter for the money By everybody who is possessed of any enterprise who is progressive and who believes in a blight original newspaper that keeps its constituency and its interests to the front I London April The Spanish- American war is bettering the mar ket Wheat has jumped live shillings a and holders are disinclined to part with it Glasgow sugar rose per ton to large business 4 Ad fa YEARS jS Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Anyone tending a and description mar rtAln our opinion ftn jnrentVin la prober free- ftfrency Patent taken through Mann ft Co- notice without c In Scientific American A handsomely Illustrated Weekly of ftoy Journal a year months New York Branch Office V EL 0 D18EA9SS BY OF Dr Ointment I CENTS Mr James Gaston For I bar disfigured tetrfr no hands and face But at last I have round a cure In Dr Ointment My la now and sort fifty from evrr blem ish the application relief LEHMAN Agent Newmarket A Specialty Wo are Riving excellent in oar work Call and boo and you will bo con vinced T GRAHAM JONES OLD STAND NEWMARKET FARMERS ATTENTION THE ISAAC USHER SON raSTOH DEMENT Is guaranteed to bo quite to any of the Portland Cements for all softs of farm structures as walls stable silos culverts cisterns about onehalf Personal Instruction riven free of all work wananted further Information apply to GET QUICKLY Write for tbeiamrttiiitoyofni fctnd rough or model of your Invention and wo will promptly tell you if it Is now ana probably patentable Socially Tough cases in hands applications References Honorable Hots ihe leading clients in All Intent through agency arc public A prices only of Graduate Engineer the patent exclusively The Light of the World OR OUR SAVIOUR IN ART blisb Contains nearly our Saviour by llshed Agents are taking three S KTKffl orders dully The book is so beautiful that when people see it they want it General Agent already In its twentyfifth editions of line of first ant Shingles etc always on at of to nil orders A of this book Is like taking a tour ihk a tour among the Europe The Hermit Louvre art gallerleo It is reported from Assouan on Nile that were killed in a recent engagement with a British gunboat The Presidents of the Republic and that of Santo have agreed to submit to the Pope their boundary dispute Nervousness KIFJQ Worses TUB CHEAT Pure sod euro CO CA3UUM rope The Hermitage n and placed their FOR TWENTYSEVEN YEARS J of London other celebrated art oSZ Largest Sale Canada- at our disposal that for this superb work rt ilEn says one Clears flrsf with book say another Man men and women buying and for from their success with great work S man or woman of good standing secure position of Manager here Sri Town All kinds of and on Reasonable Terms DAVID Cor Main Ontario A NTSD y Old House Ugh Grade Man or Wo- Church standlnz to act as work and spoodence at their borne Business already and here WW man of good Manager here and do office Wanted Christian Men Women S2 of W built up our terms to A P Elder General Manager Michigan Ave Chicago 3m Enclose fielfaddrcased stamped envelope for The Beautiful Jilts by her literary executor Anna A Gordon In troduction by Henry Somerset sells to everybody Great srap Prospectus fifty cents Book on time It i V k noccsMry Books iw Kl Big COMPANY OJtnlted W AHBD SjSSf or other In education to V S

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