Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 29, 1898, p. 7

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7 THE NEWMARKET- ERA FRIDAY APRIL HALL April GROCERY Wo have just a Very Spcoial Lino of California Prunes to soil at lbs for 26o Wo have also finest quality of Peaches Apricots o Oranges and Lemons finest quality for Marmalade or Tabic BAKING POWDER To reduce our stock wo will eel a Glass Jar for 17c quality good as you can ask Something nice in Hams Breakfast Bacon Rolls Ac CANNED GOODS Corn Peas Tomatoes cans Salmon lbs of good Japan Tea for Pure Coffee lb Fresh ground BOOTS SHOES Mens Long Boots at 225 worth Our Spring Stock will soon bo in CHINA AND CROCKERY When looking for a Dinner Set it will pay you well to see our slock Largest in variety and Lowest in Price In Toilet Sets we can suit both in and pocket I The Leading Grocery We would like to get a living profit on all goods but wo positively will not bo under sold fc j TH The Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts Warm weather Drop in and what Weeks WHAT IS ON IN TOWN Delighted visit of Mrs Lowe who was Intro- at last Monday a great Many called and delighted with Improv ed form that gives to a and the now will no doubt very with all Industrial flame Two inmates cent to Toronto Hospital wcok for operations on of thorn had and fa to nicely bat other man that authorities had Mm back without treatment Has in Spring Suitings Also a fino Assortment of and Overcoatings Right Prices Old Stand Do You Paint try our Ready Mixed PalntH Strictly Dry hard and good Your If not A The job department got out some week for this popular summer on Bay Sim- coo which will open on the of Juno for tbo accommodation of by Mr P Morton Guests and will bo convoyed to a from Point of charge which la a aidcratlon doing trade Kid Improvements got new on Main for masons When la added it will make a great improvement making Internal improve- in her residence Mr J Ironside baa completed his con tract of erecting a now kitchen at rear of Mr residence Cotter Morton la having Venetian put on her residence have the foundation about finished for Mr now residence on Monday Mr Lewie la potting down now aide walks at hie reaidenoo A frame on Huron street west fa being fixed for a coat of roachcast Meatfly on Accident On day last week railway cross- log on Huron street Mr Bell within a foot of being alruok with the loco motive He too to atop and seeing the danger when apoken to jumped over the track not a of a second too People that to the care sometimes get Halls Burnt Last Sunday some visited the flow- north of St Johns Cemetery and set to leaves whiqb apread until it consumed a couple of hundred cedar rails is beyond endurance and if again not only will the be for damages bat the will be forbidden to eater the premises pound Dead On the ten oclock train Tuesday morn ing remains of the late James Gil were brought here and Interred at Newmarket Cemetery Mr a resident of Newmarket for several years occupying the cottage on Prospect Ave south of Lawyer He was born in the of being a Aon of the late John Gilroy one of the early and brother of Mr John at Kwlok aome deceased has resided in the County of back if During tbe flehing season be in the of putting out fiahfinec a small lake not far from where he re sided Last Saturday night he went our to bate his lines but did not return His wife all alone in and after waiting anxiously all night informed i be A search was at once made and Mr was found dead in hie own boat He had finished bating his lines and had evidently juat got to when he expired A pronounced heart failure the cause flllroy accompani ed the body here for which was in deed a sad fc mm EX HI fcji IMS AT NEWMARKET Wednesday Thursday Sept and ABB Aint Mr I pulled up a dandelion In his premises yesterday having a root 25 long Ho saya ho la not surprised now that ho cant exterminate thorn York Rungero In Official Qntttte of la we notice following Battalion of Infantry York No 4 Co flcott permitted to re sign and retain rank of nontenant on retirement Electric The of Tuesday in reporting a meeting of shareholder of the berg and Aurora railway on Monday that was Presi dent and then It probable that King City will bo the on the Northern jRailway meets at on Regular meeting of the next Tuesday afternoon at the residence of Mr Thursday 12th of May is date of next governmental spraying at Mr Geo Walkers at two oclock An exceptionally lively darkey enter tained the boys down Town Thursday of last week new photo of the Newmarket Hockey Club is a dandy Mr Holladay at tbo has a couple for sale- if anyone would like tbem There seems to be quite a demand araonK the bicycle boys for rams horn handlebars tbe popular re- KEITH Ink You a To If you not you should be Sunday May day of wild flowcra now Town Council next Monday evening Next Friday Is Arbor Day BOTES Ontario Statutes for circulation A from Ottawa dated last Saturday states that an oil pasaed day previous accepting resignation of Gaa- and relieving him of hie command of Canadian forces resignation before the expiry of bis terra of command is to a general feeling of dissatisfaction with the conditions of the service Pend ing appointment of a successor the command will devolve on the Hon Col Aylmer Adjutant- General It is authoritatively states that Mr offer to the liquidators of the Farmers Loan Co has been accepted That offer was a generous one of praise rather than censure and the criti of the News is both unfair and in exceeding bad Mr offered to have liability fixed by a to waver right of appeal and in addition to liability sum fixed by a Judge to meet his legitimate obligation to the full and add for the benefit of Barrio Bicycle Club will hold ft grand demonstration and race meet on May Association foot ball jun and clubs have been or On Saturday evening a team belong ing to John Vespra hitched to heavy wagon ran away and col lided with a telephone polo in front Royal Hotel One of the team a fouryearold mare her right hind leg badly broken and had to bo de stroyed Since Friday last the P Bur- veying party twelve in number have been stopping at the Queens They have surveyed the line of the proposed route from Klein burg to in the last four weeks and will continue to Coldwater A young man was charged at the police court on Thursday last with lar ceny he having taken a ten dollar bill in a one and did not return it He pleaded guilty and was allowed to go on suspended sentence after having paid 10 into court and an addi tional 08 for court costs KESWICK Dr Young arrived at his summer residence on Monday His many friends will bo pleased to hear that he will preach in tho Methodist Church on Sunday evening next at There will bo no service in morn ing on account of the Quarterly at At the Temperance Division last Saturday evening the Mock Township Council held first meeting matters in regard to the state of the roads and bridges were brought before the Council among others the lake shore road leading to Roachs Point The Council will meet again next Saturday evening as a Court of Revision An enjoyable time is ex pected Mr off his third batch of chickens on Saturday which proved to be the best this season 180 chicks out of eggs or per cent which is considered an extra good hatch also at the same time he had hatch with hens which makes There have been a great many visitors to see them this week It is quite a curiosity Mr has now about spring chickens i Prepare for it by Painting the Woodwork and Kitchen Floor Full Line of Paints Oils Ready Mixed Paints Alabastine Paint and Kajsomine Brushes- OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES Cornice DREAMERS MILK DAN Barrel Chyrns HORSE CLIPPERS Lawn Mowers and Pruning Shears Garden Hose Rakes Rakes Spades Shovels Agents for and Bros Repairs Hedge Hoes wo a Jacks for Hire pairman at ha has sold about those mou burden of their three dozen already J losses through the companys failure When are we to know the exact coat of idea of the round earn offer was to save Light Plant and the profit of thousands of dollars in law expenses past year ing from court to court determining per- The in a tea of the January session of liability and we consider the the York Co Council arrived at the Clerks acted wisely in accepting the offer office a few ago made fact that Mr holds a The boy who sat in the window at the position in Government is no Town Hall on Tuesday and fell through for withholding where credit is real- had a experience his pocket- due book A locomotive made a terrible go ing yesterday morning The whistle got stack Some people have an idea becadsewe do such a business in the Bakery Fruits and Grocery lines that we take no interest in the Book Stationery Wall Paper and News Departments but we wish to let you know that as long as we do Business in Newmarket that the Book Stationery Mr Ira Morton has a cow that has Newspaper Departments are outs and we will stand by dropped twin calves both doing them at all odds and in Wall Papers we can let you have a Seeding is ft all done of Ten Thousand Rolls at Lowest Prices the flab Get a Move On We commenced Spring work mid should be pleased to order your Painting PaperPanging Etc in all its branches Best of Toronto we can guarantee the heat of ftatlflfactlou Try us We can please yon flea of Church St Newmarket to Loan At per CCIlt furm and village property by Davidson affidavit Conveyancer end Ileal Estate Agent A veil t for follow I reliable Wvcr pool and Norwich Union Midland and pomlcal and Northern Life Co Mount Albert Generous Donation Mr having intimated to the Public School Board that he would be glad to present with n number of Curi osities if a suitable case provided Board accepted the offer The case accordingly ordered and last Tuesday it was placed in the Model School Room It a handsome piece of furniture and suitable to the being about ft on castor filing in- formed that case was ready Mr at once sent specimens to form nucleus of a Public Museum for Newmar ket Over pieces are specimens from Canadian principal ores from tbe to Rat Portage which he personally gathered on var ious Press trips forming a very interesting collection every piece labelled The collection occupies about half of the case and the Board desire to say that they would be delighted to have the filled up by donations from our citizens general No doubt there are people in town who could one or more that would add very materially to the collection Do it now while thlnga are being arranged An artistic Dictionary Holder was also added to the Principals Room this week mauufactored at Canes which will not only preserve books in good shape but be found exceedingly convenient for the UEe of both teachers and pupils It is article should be in all schools Oar Top onto Letter Hon A Hardy is expected to re- 1 turn to this city and to his office in the Parliament buildingg today His rest has helped him wonderfully A good deal of interest is being manifested in the approaching appear ance of Florence who will take prominence in a concert in iiassey Hall on the 17tb of next month under the patronage of Lieut Governor Sir Oliver and Miss exLieut Governor and Lady Sir and Lady and some other distinguish ed citizens Florence is the prima donnas stage name Newmar ket people will best know her as Miss Florence and will no doubt feel proud of the distinction and fame she has made for herself as a vocalist and be ready to extend congratulations equally with Torontos citizens Rev Sam Jones the unique arid popular preacher and lecturer will re ceive a hearty welcome next Sunday and Monday at Hall The upholsterers working in various firms in the city went on strike day afternoon They demand a fixed visible at all Somebody WHAT WIDEAWAKE AND RELIABLE COR- FIND WORTHY TO RECORD MOUNT ALBERT Mr Vaudewater left for an Monday morning We wish him success in his new venture Dr James Forrest and wife spent several days last week in Uxbridge Mies Ethel of London is visiting at her grandfathers Mr G Miss took part in bell ringing in a concert at Zephyr on Monday evening Miss Brooks is home from Toronto Mr J Murray Friday morn ing for Halifax N S where he has a steady job of mason work Mr Rahmer and bride from Montreal are at his fathers this week spending their honeymoon Con- are in order Mr Rosamond is slowly recovering He will try to move from his bed on crutches in a few days What is the matter with our Li brary Mount Albert library was started previous to one in Zephyr and now we find our neighboring burg has their books in circulation while ours Wednesday evening of last week quite a number of members and ad herents of the Methodist Church went in a body to the residence of Mi- Jenkins and spent a sociable with him and his family to give them a formal welcome in the church It was a very stormy night or no doubt there would have been more A very enjoyable evening was spent hearing speeches recitations singing etc Montreal April 26 A Montreal horsedealer has received an order from the United States Government for horses tor cavalry and field use Key West April The monitor error has just brought in the Spanish steamer Uto laden with coal for Hav ana The United States cruiser Detroit brought in another prize this She is the Abrosio Bolivar a small Spanish merchantman and was cap- cured off Cardenas Central Telephone Office a TAR STACK OF NEW -AT- Learn all you can be all you can devote all you know and all you are to the service of childhood Deeds alway overbalance and downright practice speaks more plain ly than the fairest profession Big fire in Vancouver on April Wharf large quantities of Yukon supplies went up in smoke Hurry and Cunning are the two apprentices of Despatch and of Skill but neither of them ever learn their masters trade- very Rl And the best of it is they are all of the est AT- Prices That Will Astonish You Call and see that we- mean business SIGN OF THE RED BOOT S ii scale of wages an advance of 20 cent on piece work and a Saturday halfholiday Mayor Brock Geo and others are at Ottawa looking after securing a charter for the James Day Railway Mr Campbell the Good Roads In spector at Ridgetown last nignt and addressed a public meeting Some people are kicking about ridging up or 10 feet of road and then call it a good road Bakers have raised the price of bread from to Ho for lb loaf must hustle or get slow a name of being Tub Witt is booming fht as ft Institution Go ft head you right track Many from here will attend the lec ture of Johnston at Holt on Friday evening A was exhibited in the S A Barracks on Thursday evening by a party from and on Sat urday and Monday evenings a vita- scope gave entertainments there under the auspices of local of Suckers are plentiful in the creek One day last week four stalwart citi zens despoiled themselves by going fishing with the re3ult in two hauls with the net J of the oldest Oddfellows in Canada died at Gait Lime Lime Fresh and Cheap as the Cheapest ALSO Gar of Ensilage Corn For Silos and feeding purposes at Bottom Prices To get a Suit made by a tailor and another thing to have in made right By leaving your order with i YOU what you want when you want it and how you want it As he always keeps posted as to the very Latest Styles and finishes every garment in an artistic manner Huron Street Prices Low Terms Gash if j

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