Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 29, 1898, p. 6

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r THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY APRIL around the Hal WHAT WIDEAWAKE AND COR- FIND TO BELLE Hoy Largo preached in Methodist church on Sunday evening Mies Lily left last week for a visit Mrfl near Detroit Boating is becoming thing for those bright days Some of boats being painted and generally repaired The appearance of our village is be ing generally improved Mr has added a to his buildings and Mr Appleby is erecting a kitchen SHARON The farmers mostly done seed ing Mr George little boy died on Saturday laafc and was buried in Children of cemetery on Bun- day are sorry not able to see much improvement in our sick ones regret to lose Miss Lorn Daly from our alio having gone home to her parents on Street Mrs Jerry Graham and son of But ton West spent Saturday and Sunday with friend Mies Alice Wesley of Newmarket spent Sunday with nor parents Reports are in circulation that our Hotel is to be closed as it would bo useless to try another transfer of Wconse grass has started nicely so cows COLLEGE CORNERS Mr Duncan King of has now a fine and barn It was completed by placing thereon by of which runs all machinery Mr King has done well in the Cement lino of which he has cole agency He sold lbs ce ment so far and prospects of as much more orders in the future Wo all KING CUV The Sons of Temperance here in tend visiting Division on Tues day evening next League meets on Friday night The topio will bo taken up by the Hon J Davis Miss of flame is visiting at Mr A A people around hero neatly VIRGINIA wish him in his in all busy and plowing BALDWIN BREEZES All going well we may expect Charlie home in a fortnight a cured man Mr Geo Yates is seriously ill with symptoms of that dreadful disease appendicitis His condition causes much anxiety to his friends The Fie Methodist of Elm Grove alias Gum Swamp have recently been fixing up their meeting house with various little rig maroles that tend to give it an im proved appearance In consequence a prominent family who dont endorse wearing shirts collars and neck ties and such falderals have experi enced a sort of coldness backslid as you might say A and his thirteen-year- old bride have been spending a restless sort of honeymoon here amongst his relatives The officers of the Jaw ap pointed to take him cant bo very well up to their business as he could be easily nabbed Thatll do sonny remarked the preacher on Sunday as ho paused in bis discourse to reprimand a couple of our old bachelors who were discussing probably their favorite topic tho girls The boys simmered down and the discourse was resumed amid pro found silence Pretty millinery shirt waists and blouses and other little of feminine apparel are making our girls look specially attractive this season Dont they look sweet now The straw hat was donned on the fifteenth about here Pretty early for the boys to get on their summer head gear No wedding bells ringing at present but the cradles getting new occu pants very rapidly Mr Steven sons wife presented him with a little pledge of affection recently Milk and water christians When I see that reads his bible once a day and smokes his pipe half a dozen times and thinks hes doing his chris tian duty I say theres a milk and water christian but when the order of affairs is reversed the old pipe is soon laid useless A pipe is a mammon Ye cannot serve God and mammon Some think they can The great topic of conversation War I Little Bobby Pa what does stand for Pa Women can talk unceasingly Little Bobby And what does I 0 stand for Pa I once got tight Bobby retires enlightened our painter is doing it up brown at Mahoneya big residence near The Miller Bros are putting in a big seasons mason work Two gangs consisting of eight men are hustling along the work Emerald lake pond is a sheet of water for sailing on at present There are five boats on it nesides John Fairbairns In summer the lake fills up with a species of weed through which it is impossible for man beast or boat to force a pass age y verandah of the Baldwin travel lers rest is undergoing repairs and being slicked up a bit Mr and Mrs Geo are visiting in the Hub this Wheres the Hub do you ask Why Newmarket to be sure You handling of beat cements for building purposes which places bis barn as tho Barn of the County of York Mr has taken an agency for a washing machine Messrs would like some information as to how their bushes were fired They fought for dear Quito a number of rails were burnt in bush of Mr and about an aero burnt black includ ing stumps and logs and some trees Some set it on fire while think some was smoking Most farmers around here are done seeding They they never saw land in bettor shape in oil their lives A fox is around locking for poultry Ho was seen in yards of Mr Stewart and others What do you think of the Spanish American war says to me Well us Spaniards are a fearless war like people and the only sport ing pleasure is bullfighting which tones them up to the present war feel ing they are very plucky if they can down Uncle Sam That remains to bo seen Mr B who acts as super intendent at Sunday School makes a grand teacher and is pleased with his large bible classy school is in a flourishing condition Mr Smith is making extensive preparations for building a rail and wiro fence Mr McKay and son were the guests at Mrs J Norns last Sun day J and A are pur chasing wire preparatory to building some of those elegant fences We are pleased to have the smiling face of Miss Agnes in our midst again She has been acting as clerk in Mr Sutherlands store for some time and has won many warm friends there It is a common thing for ladies and gents to take a jaunt on bikes down our smooth roads on pleasant after noons Stanley has finished mak ing a fine batch of soft soap Its ele gant brand Isaac has now a windmill on his henhouse which has a double purpose In the day time it keeps hawks therefrom and at night it fright ens owles foxes and skunks Mr spent an enjoyable time at Mr J Davidsons The home of Mr Draper was en lightened by a sunshiny little visitor a pretty little girl who has come to stay and render them much enjoy ment Mr J A Rose is somewhat indis posed Tailors are making tasty fitting suits as the evidence is observable on some of our young men who wear new clothes The tailor makes the man you know We have some straight plow- era in our vicinity No snakes crawl ing up the furrows Miss Ida Smith was a guest at Mrs J Cunninghams last Sunday Mrs A daughter and son were spending Sunday at Mr Chanley Eves Their daughter Cora is very low at present The rain was very welcome Vege tation seems to be bounding in vale and hill Mr J Hodgins who married lately we understand will not return from owing to taking the oath of al legiance He has to remain and will likely have to help in the combat there Mr J Scanlon may thank the stars for leaving when he did or he would have to stay too House- cleaning is contagious at pre sent Everything is taking a general overhauling The saw mill will soon be in opera tion at Mr Mr H Herman is still selling or gans He left a dandy at a certain place and if things work well hell not have to take it away One day not long ago a man camo home from a certain village in corn- puny with John Barleycorn who playing jokes on him tipping him out into the road He was helped in again hen he made another plunge out and at this shaking up he realized that a third person was putting him right again People are busy planting stock and making preparation for garden vege tables Mr M has a numerous addition to his flock of sheep about Mr Fred Morning of Holland Landing was up this way doctoring sick bikes Our schoolmaster had quite an ox- the other morning As ho reached school door and unlocked it out walked two vey tamo looking tramps They must have had quite a jolly time of it all night for they had a good warm fire schoolmaster hasnt quit work so wo suppose was not quite scared to death Mr Jack wo hear is going on force hut if ho dont succeed any better than ho did last Sunday evening down at Egypt he hud better go and get a few pointers from Captain Carter At an Executive meeting of tho East Township Association it was decided to hold a MidSummer Convention at Raven- shoe on the 2nd of June beginning at am Programs will bo issued as soon as arrangements can bo com pleted Master Dave McCallum has gone to the city for the summer where ho has secured a sit in a livery stable The cattle drovers George Wight and Moore have return- en from with head of cattle T Robinson late of has moved into our village bikers took their first run to the lake on Sunday They have now increased to fifteen four ladies and eleven gents Misses A Wight and M Pearson have returned home after their Easter holidays Some of our farmers have finished their seeding while others are just nicely started Mr Henry and wife of Newmarket aro visiting in the village Miss Daisy Dawkins spent Sunday in our burg We are always glad to see smiling face Very many improvements in shape of fences lawns etc at the present time Master Oliver has pur chased a fine new buggy It is a credit to tho village The carpenters are busy this week on Mr James Cunninghams new resi dence What we should like to know Who forgot his rubbers and left them in the church Sunday night Is band going to 9 It is to be hoped they will Did you hear on Sat urday night 9 Big talk but no music Arc the boys going to organize a football club Know All Several of our farmers have finished seeding Messrs Duncan Richard Cronsborry are pulling down their barns to build greater Owing to the early teacher and pupil of public school celebrated Arbor Day on Monday Norman kindly offered his team team and wagon a number of repaired to the woods and as a result several fino maples were plant- funeral of tho Win Wood was largely attended on Sunday Mr and Mrs return ed to their homo in last Friday Miss accompanied them for short visit Quarterly meeting will bo held here on May It is expected that the Rev Mr Jenkins will preach No doubt there will bo a largo congrega tion Good will ho furnished by church choir Mr has just built a hand some boat for himself which rides an lightly in the water as a lake of foam Mr Daniel King has his sawmill in good running order now and is turn ing out some splendid lumber Mr King has just purchased a new thresh er All the talk is about war just now but not much excitement is manifest ed HOLLAND LANDING The weather this week has made things look green more Seeding is a thing of the past Mr Michael Gilbert who has been ill for some time passed away on Tuesday morning last Tho funeral took place on Thursday afternoon to Christ Church Cemetery and was largely attended Deceased was Sec tion foreman on the hero for a number of years Mr Manley was the guest of Mr Rood on Sunday last Suckers getting rather scarce at least Lake Suckers ROACHS POINT Tho Rev Mr Walker preached in the English Church last Sunday Quite a number from Sutton attend- Mr A A was made very welcome in many homes during the past week You all know why Mr Ford from Wahnapitae has been spending a few days with his father Mr Ford Mr Chase had an accident in get ting his hand hurt at the mill last week but it did not keep him from work Mr Harry Woods had the misfor tune to lose one of his best cows Miss of Toronto is visit ing at Mr W Rays YOU ARE Quite a lively combat between two ladies last Sunday night at church flurely didnt imagine twas Sutton respecting differences between church- TiiK Owl The Rev Mr Jenkins preached in the Methodist Church here last Sunday morning and evening The subject in the evening was The able Sin and was a most powerful appeal to the unconverted lest they re ject once too often the workings of the Holy Spirit At the close of the service Mr Jen kins announced that Camp Meeting services would begin in the Sharon Temple on the of May to con tinue three Sundays in succession Some five evangelists will be present to take part in the services two from London two from and one from Toronto No doubt the Temple will be filled with large congregations during those two weeks service for God The officers of the Epworth League for the ensuing quarter in tho Metho dist Church are President Miss 1st Mr Frank Belfry 2nd Mrs John Henry 3rd 1 Miss E Turner Secretary- Mr J Pollock Cor Sec Mr Cunningham Treasurer Miss E Turner the League intend having their So cial two weeks from last Monday even ing Six new members were added to the list Monday evening There are now some aotive mem bers The League is increasing and will become a source of strength to the Church Rev Mr of Sutton preached in the Presbyterian Church here last Sunday afternoon Rev Mr Sturgeon has returned from his wedding tour The Salvation Army from Newmar ket paid a visit to last Tuesday evening and held their meet ing in Soules Hall There was a good meeting and a large attendance considering the busy season Some sweet singing and music by the band and some excellent testimonies from members of the Army were given Tho Army is doing a noble work There is a general feeling In Mont real that the railway rate war will be settled this week Mr and Mrs Pearson of Maple Grove Newmarket were the guests of Mr on Sunday last On Tuesday last Mr Wm- Lloyd of passed through hero looking after the interests of a Waterloo Com pany The Ladies Guild of Christs Church met on Wednesday afternoon at Mrs Spinks Last week Wilkinson paraded our streets with a game eye and this week Love has been unfortunate in tho same respect Jas Rao spent Sabbath with friends in Schomberg vicinity M W Robinson our nurseryman has been exceptionally busy the past ten days distributing stock Mr John had the misfor tune to run a nail in his hand I On Tuesday last Mr C Patterson of King City was in the village also Mr 0 Lloyd of the same place Wm Rae whom we mentioned as having gone to Manitoba some time ago has unexpectedly returned pre paratory we understand to taking back a car load of effects Curtis and Tatton received their first consignment of fence wire on Tuesday last They have already more orders than they can attend to themselves Measels in every home in the village and out of it School Section No 11 had to shut up last week The following families are victims R Burling Proctor E Love Rogers L Watson Pottage A Campbell Messrs Wood and Holland of Au rora paid the Division a visit on Sat evening last The tailoring at depart mental must be booming Three seamsters at work the past two weeks those wedding bells are jingling down the again Blacksmith has built an addition to the east end of his kitchen If you are not buying your GOODS CLOTHING SHOE FROM US TORONTO JOBBING Mr of has been spending a few days with Mr Morton The farmers have finished seeding and they report the ground in excellent condition Mrs Cook of Albert has been visiting with her brother Mr Cook The following delegates were nom inated by the Christian Endeavor Society to attend the North York Convention to be held in Newmarket Mrs A Winch Miss A Winch Miss A Davidson Miss Morton Mr Winch and Mr A motion was made to forward the usual amount of one dollar to the County Secretary The house was so crowded last Sunday evening that many could not gain admittance Next Sunday is consecration meeting Mr Howard Morton was in the city making spring purchases A few things wc would like to know Why the organ and the table are not up on the platform in the hall Who is there that has not his life insured Why the notice before the meeting on Sunday evening was not voted on The Gospel Temperance meeting next Monday evening will be provid ed with an excellent program given by the Band of Hope- FOR THE LOWER THE V P And the From reliable Seedsmen OUR MOTTO Next to the Post Office Good Servant Wanted On Hound strayed answer tire RESTORE THE SNAP VIM ENERGY STRENGTH T A regular meeting of the at was held on Wed On account of the unfavorable weather there was a small attendance It was decided to hold the meeting once a month therefore the next meeting will be May Mrs delegate to the Convention at Toronto Junction gave a very satisfactory re port A Gospel Temperance meeting will held as usual on Monday evening May 2nd The Band of Hope will provide the program The meeting will he made as interesting as possible We extend a cordial invitation to all William Moss aged was kill ed on the XL yards at Hamilton Apply to J E CANE HO LOST April a black and white from the and of Information to its whereabouts will be thankfully solved Any person said dog after this will be according to law JOHN GRANGER WANTED Coal and Banc Molt tit wanted at once The HOUBEllUN CO Limit ed Toronto lie Of YOU HAVE LOST WEIGH YOURSELF BEFORE TAKING THEM A HARKED GAIN GtNTLElIEX I have been a great sufferer from voutf with tho usual ay of atom weakness lost of ap petite and flesh accumula tion sour riling and heartburn used patent medicine and other remedies without any favor able results They would temporary relief Until the effect of wore off but Dr Blood and Pills all these- TO LEX Fine Brick Store In Newmarket with house above cheap Apply to C Jo giGYcLlsfs Public Notice Is given than on and lifter Friday April 20th Milch And always on hand J H frit Holland Landing EGGS FOE Golden ttpanaled Pheasant liver Volte Leghorn HEWITT Cor Millard Ave and Niagara St Bicycle on the sidewalk n the Corporation of Newmaiket be fear or favor P J ANDERSON Inspector An wit prosecuted wit ENTRANCE AND heaving Candidates for next examination will hear of something to their advantage by sending name and teacher and location of to the Shoemaker removed to Mr Roes office door South of Hodges Old Tin Shop where all re pairs will be done w neatness and despatch A trial solicited HORSES WANTED 3wl4 better In way now and have aoTeraf pounds In weight ROBERT and sac per box s boxes for at or if not at called receipt of price by WARD CO Victoria St of Information FREE OgilyiVs Strong Bakers Hungarian Pastry Best Ontario and Manitoba wheat Flour for Family Use Peed of all Kinds i LAND PLASTER A car of fresh ground American Gray best fertilizers for Glover and Grass ENSILAGE CORN For Silo and for Feed Purposes W J Storehouse Cor- Main and Huron Toronto- Send postal without delay and mention paper continues until July let and members will be admitted uo to that date and allowed to complete any courseafter the holidays Write for particulars to Principal Sts Toronto Notice to Creditors In the matter DAVID of bury the The Undersigned be prepared HEAVY DRAFT and CARRIAGE HORSES Weighing from to lbs These horse Sound and Right In Good Con dition and from to years old Will be at the following places namely Wiltons Hotel Claremont Wednesday May House fetouffvllle Thursday May Hotel Bradford Friday May Royal Hotel Newmarket Saturday May A Montreal Is hereby given pursuant to Section Chapter 129 11 that all persons having claims against the Estate of- the sal VanNonnan deceased on or about the day of April 1V are hereby required to deliver to VanNorman Fnnt Toronto Executor of the Estate on or before The let day of June a statement of their accounts names arid ad dresses with full particulars of their claims and thy of and the nature of security If by them properly verified by statutory declaration And notice that after said 1st day of June the said Executor will proceed to distribute the Assets of the said de ceased anions- the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which he have received oticeaa above reoulred and Executor shall not bo liable for of said Estate or any part thereof to any or persons of claim or claims Be shall not have had notice at the time of distribution Solicitor for VanNormnn Executor King Toronto WEAVING ISAAC IiXJNbV On Cedar Street in rear of Lehmans Drug Store Having been supplied with a Little Daisy LOOK Is now prepared to weave Haw Carpet to the or his customers Call and see sample A trial solicited OLD For sale at tho Office per lb In over lbs

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