Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 29, 1898, p. 5

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frV if iVV THE FRIDAY ONTARIO BANK CAPITAL REST a Irealdcut General Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Banking Business TRANSACTED J Interest Allowed on Deposits AT CORI1BST DRAFTS ISSUED lAYADLK AT Sterling and American Drafts bought and Collection promptly attended to INSURANCE rf f Standard Life AssuranceCo Assets Invested In over- Hi i i Children oyer 12 years of age Insured Females Insured without extra charge HUNT J A Local Agent Joseph A Cody AOKNT also Hi beat fates Good Farms for Hale OrriOR At next to Fire Hull Newmarket In on Saturdays J R Agent for and Money to interest at Current Kates At the Newmarket T AGENT Canada Co INSURANCE AT LOWEST RATES Money to Loan R Ramsay Insurance Agent tow on Farm Risks and Isolated Town Property Over Hodges Tin Shop Newmarket denial I Dentist Post Block opposite Vitalised Air for Satisfaction Guaranteed tip Resident Dentist Aurora Successor to tie late Dr and Residence Dr Robinsons residence Street Aurora MARRIAGE LICENSES Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Era Office New market Sunday School Wesson The Triumphal May 1898 Matt Text to this Son of David Bleared ho that in the name of the Lord Matt fXTltODUCTIOX- Accoixliiig to tho Jewish chronology thin wan day on which lamb four later win net apart Jcwutj proceeded to mid by public entry fulfilled prophecy and formally offered himself to nation their Prom Bethany to welldefined mountain track winding over rocks eroding the brook at foot of hill urn heading directly to the Temple Thin undoubtedly was the road which took on hi Triumphal Entry into the holy city We must banish all distracting thought if we would draw near to God in worship Jesus is always pleased to receive love of children and accept their grateful praise Humblest things and tho humblest persons have chosen of God for highest honor May da soon dawn when all mankind will honor King Jesus Papers Issued at private residence If desired MISCELLANEOUS Simpson Main Druggists Sundries and Fancy Goods prepared to do Sewing at private residences Perfect fit guaranteed in all the latest fash- Jons sent through Newmarket PO ill receive prompt attention Reg Architect Member of tho Ontario Association of Arch itects Consultation Invited with parties con templating Building or Remodelling their Losses by Fire adjusted It Main St Newmarket Culture and Violin to Well When flloney is Seance DYES SOLVK TUB In the past Diamond Dyes have saved hundreds of thousands of dol lars to the wise and thrifty women of this country Diamond Dyes are money savers in every home for by their aid old and cloth ing can be made to look as fresh and stylish as new goods Diamond Dyes are the only original and only reliable package dyes and had an equal They are true friends when money is scarce and will solve the vexatious problem of how to make small incomes cover in creasing family demands Avoid imi tations and worthless dyes see that your dealer supplies you with the Diamond Write for book of directions and color card sent post free to any ad dress by Wells Richardson Co Montreal P Q The country editor is a reliable encyclopaedia A subscriber sent one this query recently What ails ray hens every morning I find one or more of them keeled over to rise no more The reply was Its an old complaint and nothing can be done ex cept to bury them r R feirokerT Broken Stomach Troubles Indigestion and its Distressing Were Snap ping the Lite Strings South American Nervine Proved Better than Gold Mr John money broker Kincardine Ont writes Three years ago I was very much troubled with indigestion I was a great suf ferer I procured and tried South American Nervine a few doses won derfully helped me and two or three bottles cured me I have no Hon in recommending it heartily to sufferers from stomach trouble Sold by E Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket The Presbyterian Church year closed with the funds a highly satis factory condition The Home Mission fund is not only out of debt but ends the year with a balance larger last year Augmentation Fund is al so out of debt The Foreign Mission fund French Evangelization fund Point Trembles Widows and Or phans Knox College Assembly fund Presbyterian College Montreal all end the year without debt In Deaths Walked the Floor Night After Night in Agony Intense Physical Sufferings from Neuralgia in Head and Face Disappoints Long and Lira Jackson Thought Was Wo Hop for COMPOUND THE MATCHLESS SPRING It Was Commenced With Small Degree of Failh flout Is Joy Thankful Gratitude Cure The Editors Shears CUPPINGS Co Sins I suffered intensely with neuralgia in my head and face mid was in such a condition that I could rest day or night for two and a years I was treated by differ ent doctors and used their medicine and sometimes got little relief but pain would come as bad as ever I walked night after night and thought I would go crazy A neighbor knowing my condition of suffering asked me if I had tried Paines Celery Compound I said No I have no faith in anything now as I have tried so many medi cines and they have not done me any good However I decided to try one Iwttle of Celery Com pound and it gave such good results I continued until I had used six bottles and was cured I can never cease to express my gratitude for the great good I derived fiom Celery Compound Yours truly Mrs St Toronto Edison Wont Talk Into a Phonograph Wheat reached the remarkable price of at Ft William last Two men worse of were drowned near Cornwall last week Oiio pound of sheeps wool is said to ho capable of producing one yard of cloth Vessel and interests tro becoming much alarmed over tho continued lowering of the waters of like Rolwrt Dormer of Lindsay into tho aims of an officer as lie was leaving a building which ho had burg larized Cottages at will at a premium this season as at present all available have been rented for season Mrs Mary Sloan of Hamilton was given carbolic acid by her daught er in mistake for cough medicine She is in a precarious condition It is reported that United States officers will shortly be scouring Can ada in search of cavalry horses If they do tmdo will receive a boom like that experienced during the civil war J of St Marys paid for of spurious gold bricks on Tuesday last at bricks he received in return for his cold cash are worth about At the time the sun crossed the line and introduced spring the wind was south so according to old belief wo shall have mild winds through spring and summer frost shall not hurt fruit or fruit trees A young son of Mr Jas Camp bell fell down cellar a few days ago arid had a nail which was sticking up in a board run through his cheek It made a nasty and painful wound A fouryearold daughter of Mr J Chirk of sat on a stone with her back to a fire in the hock yard Her clothing ignited and she was soon a burning mass She was badly burned hut will probably re cover The Mark ham and lacrosse clubs are now reaping the fruits of having for some years past hired players instead of breed ing them right at home Neither town will have a senior team and both are a hole financially Superiority More Than Ever Cleveland Bicycles Are the only models that that have adopted any improve ment of note in bearings which change always involves the greatest expense Cleveland Bicycles Are the only models which have increased value and reduced prices Undismayed by the many failures of the certainty reduced prices in and the panicky condition of the bicycle trade at the time when enormous expenses for new improvements had to be incurred it was determined to take advantage of the universal timidity and to spare no expense to make the gap of Cleveland superiority wider than ever and the round up shows Are the only models that have adopted the wonderfully improved bearings to which all mu tcome or be classed as back numbers Cleveland Bicycles models are the best we ever built r MODEL NO 22 inch frame Agents Everywhere Write for Catalogue Sole Representative BINNS NEWMARKET H A TORONTO JUNCTION Mr Edison has persistently refus ed to register his voice upon a phono graph cylinder for repetition accord ing to an anecdotal biography of Inventor Edison in the Ladies Home Journal To some friends who urged him to talk into one of these machines he gave his reason It would make me sick with to slot and hear Edison talk No no The Directors of Sutton Dairy Association have decided to have tho cheese factory opened on first Monday in May one week earlier than last year Ten cents per 100 will be paid for all milk delivered to the fac tory outside of a twomilk limit By East Township Officers for 1898 a ByLaw passed by the Municipal Council of East on the day of April the following named persons are appointed as Township Officers for Tuner of Pianos and all String JIVB Geo formerly Miss V filler of Vocal Instrumental a limited number of at her t residence Cor Lot and Terms moderate Disease Diabetes Bladder Troubles Disease Imps Ready to Drag Yon Down South American Kidney Cure Has Thousands An alarming act almost an iu- credible one were it not borne out by statistics that over ninety per cent of all post mortem examinations have proved the existence of kidney disease If you experience straining cutting pain scalding or if there is dust or chalky sediment they go to prove that the kidneys are not per forming their functions that there are foreign substances there that soon er or later will clog up and stop the whole machinery of the human ana tomy American Kidney Cure dissolves and dispels all these pirates of good health quickly and surely Bold by Wilmot Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket Andrew Davidson an old Ragman at Port Hope walked in front of an engine and was struck dying in two hours Ho was partially deaf Catarrh Cored A clear head and sweet breath secured Catarrh Rem edy sold on a Nasal injector free Bold by Lehman for me The tone of voice in which he stated his objection made it clearly apparent that he could neither be coaxed nor dragged into granting the request even though he has had an of ten thousand dollars for a fiveminutes talk In perfecting the phonograph he has of course teen talk into the machine frequently but the is always scraped his voice cannot be reproduced To one close friend however he reluctantly gave a cylinder recording a few of his words and to a man who particularly interested him he gave another on which is recorded his favorite These are the only two in existence The Dangers of Spring Which arise from impurities in the blood and a depleted of this vital fluid may be entirely averted by Hoods This medicine all spring humors bells eruptions and sores and by enriching and vitalizing tbe blood it overcomes that tired feeling and gives vitality and vigor Pills nausea indigestion biliousness All druggists Harper from Kentucky was taken to jail Saturday morning from where he was the day previous sentenced to six months in the Central Prison for tak ing good money from Cold water people where he passed as a Govern- detective sent out to get hold of counterfeit What Dr A- E Baiter Says l Borneo Gents from my per- knowledge gained in observing the of your fibilobs ture in oases of ad vanced Consumption I am prepared to say it is most remarkable Remedy that ever been brought to my attention It has certainly saved many from Hold by W The Assembly of Presbyterian Church convenes on Juno in Montreal To Dure a Gold In One Day Take Quinine Tablets Druggists refund the money if it- fails to Because of some previous trouble with Conductor Williams Albert a bottle at him when the train was parsing Brentwood on the The hot tie missed the conductor He was let go on suspended sentence by Judge Ardagh On Thursday evening of last week an interesting event took place in Bond Head at the House A number of the friends of Mr and Mrs assembled and presented the happy couple with a handsome Dining Room Suite in recognition of the high esteem in which they are held by their many friends in Bond Head and the surrounding country Friends from Bond Head Bradford Cooks- town Tottenham and the township participated in a pleasant evenings enjoyment Johnson of township has issued a writ against William Heise of and Theo dore of for damages for a breach of agreement and for tres pass The action out of an between and John son whereby it is altered agreed to lease west half of lot to Johnson and afterwards having let the place to threw Johnsons goods and chattels out on the road and Johnson now wants redress through the Courts Just about the time of the de parture of exTreasurer Hart of Al- the vault in the council cham ber was locked and remained so until a few days Many have tried their skill on the combination lock but it refused to betray the treasures of the vault until Messrs J Hood and John took their turn at wheel last week After a brief but vain resistance the lock yielded to Scotch perseverance and revealed a number of unique if not valuable treasures There was a stack of empty cans in one corner a set of ballot boxes in another while on the wall hung the only useful article in the vault a nice pink wrapper Herald Karls Clover Root Tea for Constipation is ilia Best and if after using it you dont so return the package and get your money Sold by E Lehman ROAD OVERSEERS 1 Thomas Stewart Phillips Geo Wilton A Con 1 James Squires I A Watson Frank Kelley A E James Wright H Wright Fogg Third Cox Div I Barker Irwin Abb Willson W A Jas Cunningham John D Moore Cunningham Wm Fourth Con Div Isaac Davis Seventh Con Arch Goodwin Traviss Thos Cunningham R Kay Rogers Thompson Albert Mitchell If II I It It I Mortimer it F Cain Wm Jr Alex Arnold Gregg Fred Evans Jas A Thomas A J B road Fifth Con Thos Swain T ii Mackie Daniel E Traviss Samuel Miller Geo W Cole J W Sanderson Samuel Geo Arnold Robt 11 Wm Glover Sixth Con Alf John Woodcock J Edward Andrews 5 Thomas Rye Albert Watson James Bong A J A Cole John Smith Eighth Con Div 1 John Cook Geo Mainprise ii S A York J Huntley W Eighth Con Centre Road Hansford Thos Watts Rear 4 Robt Sibley Ninth Con Div 1 Thirsk Geo T Harrison Town Line West Div James Artt Eb Rout Special Grant Town Line South Harry Trent Swain ii R A Town Line North Linstead ii Em Nelson Wm White Tows Like East 1 Geo Harrison Gordon SHEEP VALUATORS Polling Div No I Frank Kelly J Kitely J Moore Geo Mainprise John Crone E Clark II I lr All claims made to Township for remuneration for damage to Sheep by Dogs must be valued and certified to one of the named Vidua- tors POUND KEEPERS YongeStR Powell Proc tor E Grant Second Con R Charles Denne John Fuller John Maries Third Con Graham Weddel Wm David Weddel Wm Hill John D Moore Fourth Con I Davis Allen Rogers Young John Smith lot Fifth Con I E T Fairbarn J D Green wood Wm Glover Sixth Con Ed Provost Ed J Kellington Seventh Con Jr Cunningham Richard Kay Wm Sutherland Eighth George Shuttleworth Patrick Fox Oli ver Ro3e Cronch Ninth Con John FENCE VIEWERS St Edward Asa Phillips Denne R Belfry Second Con Stephen Howard Watson Wright R Traviss Third Con Haines Thomas Brown Wm Ander son Wm Cunningham Fourth Con J Fnl Evans Wilmot Dun ham Jacob Smith Fifth Con W Barker Hum Smith Stephen Scott William White Sixth Con Gross Lewis Jacob Traviss James Boug Seventh Con Art Goodwin Joseph Dougherty Kay J Rogers Eighth Con Joined Oldham Watts John French Jos Hunt ley If Ninth Con John William Harrison Subscribe for the Newmarket Era From now till January 1899 for only

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