Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 29, 1898, p. 4

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v f i THE NEWMARKET ERA- FRIDAY APRIL 29 FACTS ABOUT HEALTH IB to Wolf If Vo Know How Some- of Conditions to Health Importance maintaining good health it easily understood and it- in matter If wo a cor rect of tho condition required health promptly food and thus prepares blood Is employed to carry nourishment to organ and tlaetfOfl which need It firit for good health pare rich blood How It cer tainly a fact that no medicine aaoh record Hoods It I literally true that there a hundreds people and well today who would have been rotbote had they not It la depended family medicine and general regulator by tons thou- people because Hood the blood pure Tola the of Its Keep your system In good health by keeping your blood with which absolutely cures when other 9 L Chatham taper a that lady in that town flncd earn lost week for on fancied local would not law against but they were mistaken todoftnygood are the only pi lis to take he 1 Best Advertising Medium York County Hates Transient Nonpareil lino for flrat ion 3 per line for subsequent Insertion aiKcirirD Canal tor navigation on Friday for Friday an day operations through out cummer to see fltd by experience A journal 10 alone until it becomes lilolcdof merit hot to fill vacapoica and Minis The pro cess la too romoio an operation for tills A from Vienna atalea that the Government has an to Italy announolng that it will liberty of action in regard to Cuba Since a portion of Austrian fleet lias for for the protection it la understood of Queen for taking vote authorized by bill now bo- Parliament re Prohibition is not thoreiu it is understood that the Government will order to bo Jn September The Preservatives A NOVA HEALTH HE flS ho MO Indies inches vJJ y gjg lot will be simply yea prohibition question or nay on What He Has Done For WeilKnown Cana dian Pedole READ WHAT THEY SAY Rheumatism Catarrh Dyspepsia and Other Ailments Cured by the Use of His Wonderful Little Pellets Mr J Minor maker with Co works re at atruet Toronto On tario Canada aaya I Buffered pain for Dearly years from riyponnia and constipation accompanied by a train of I a sour was melancholy and nervous I could not and there also considerable emaciation One month ago I decided to try and after using two of cure I wa completely cured and am today In the enjoyment of excel lent health and spirits I am able to eat anything I consider my cure moat won derful cannot endorse tee Cure ton llcvo la one to three boars sad In had no Price of unacoompimfcd writ ten Inserted until forbid changed once each month if desired ror each mouth the composition ho paid for at regular rates Changes for contract advertisements must In by noou on Special for Notices Farms to Hem Articles and Found etc A ycadliiir notice will he for any Church rflicre in nlaiied when fee or collect Ion J II rli IB fifty will a notice Sovxcciiiliin to tills rule h Insolvency An pre pared largely ho it is under the supervision the Montreal Hoard of and very approved ti section of the Hoard of Trade of Toronto Many of the provision contained in an insolvency bill introduced Sir Mackenzie in the Senate in and again in re embodied in the measure now introduced together with certain amendments calculated to meet various objections urged against the legislation proposed in the Senate hill prepared by Sir Mackenzie Although not perfect it is sufficiently practical and comprchen- to form basis of the kind of insolvency leffislation the county needs We quite agree with in stating that the present condition of affair is unfaij both to creditors and to honest debtors while it is in the last degree confus- to business men abroad andin- to the mercantile classes of In the past sessions of Parliament an immense amount of time and has been expended in preparation and discussion of insolvency legislation without practical results The want of wellconsidered measures of this cliaracter have leen harmful in many ways to the business interests both at home and abroad to say nothing of the want of candor it has developed among insolvents themselves We therefore trust a effort will le made to meet tho requirements of the country along the line of insolvency legislation during the present session Workings In Various Lands ami cover cents cheaper form cents is an excellent refutation of Spiritualism a system identical with of ancient and modern times The pamphlet issued in connection with Library- L Hast Cornliill Mass flows of our faulting Mr McCarthy M P for North tor not taking a more part In the debates of the House of Commons We judge from this fact that lie knows enough not to be bo garrulous as bis thereby the cost of printing the to country to Sir Toppers query respecting the of Benton at lion Mr staged that the poetofHce had been kept in the of the to the inconvenience and annoyance of the general public who had occasion to have business therewith fa Curt tod Btoaisca putt Mteatft kteakB up told fclunona Cote lop feBCB lane Core la the liack loin or Cute Cote Stop 25e of ulln Price Cure ImparltlM let jpe4il ie Boa re to ell Mud AIL fctrri CuteDrtce the je from lb tbe tad parti rtMV Price VltitlMr a a paralacor for each Toronto A iiESPATcn from a that fitr Gov- of Quebec is ill at At lantic City whither he went in search of health Had Buffered from Acute and Genera Debility Scarcely to do the Lightest Work From iht One of most prosperous and in telligent farmers of village of Green wick Mr Edward tin lining Anyone intimate with Mr Manning knows as a man of strong integrity and veraoity so that every can bo placed in infor mation which he gave a reporter of for publication the other day During a very pleasant inter view he gave following statements of his severe suffering and Two years ago last September said Mr Manning I was taken with an acute attack of rheumatism I bod not been feeling well for some time previous to that date having been troubled with sleeplessness and gener al debility My constitution seemed completely run down Beginning in thermal of my back the pain soon passed into my hip where it remained without intermission and I became a terrible sufferer All winter long was scarcely able to do any work and it was only with the of suffer ing that I managed to hobble to the barn each day to do my chores 1 appealed tp medical men for help but they failed to bring any relief At Inst decided to try Dr Williams Pink Pills and with their use came a complete and lasting cure- I had not quite three boxes when I began o decidedly better I continued iiiUiig them until twelve boxes hud been consumed when my complete recovery warranted mo in discontinu ing their use have never felt better than since that time My health seems to have improved in every way During the past summer I worked very hard but have felt no bad effects The gratitude I to Williams Pink Pills none but to those who have suffered as have and been cured can appreciate An shows that limns Pink Pills contain in a con form nil the elements necessary lo new life and richness to the nerves 4 The Woman of the Century is the title of the lettdinK article of the May number Magazine Miss prob ably the bestbeloved as well as the best known woman of the day hence this most comprehensive and sympathetic biography whioh is beautifully illustrated will be of special interest to men all over the world Ok Friday last James was brought before the Police Magistrate of Toronto on a of perjury At the late West York election he register ed as having resided in the Riding for of age both statements it is were The prisoner was re manded till today Other things besides the appear to have engaged the attention of certain politicians In West York A paper states skimmed is now turned into chain- by an process and the be v clear heady and in flavor though nonalcoholic The di been mtdejut in time for the saloon patrons otherwise they would stranded after the plebiscite vote is crys talized teetotal legislation Dollars far the Best Dinners The Ladies Jpumat offers in the April number prizes of twentyfive dollars for best prepared dinner for four persons the cosfrjiotto exceed one dollar It offers these prizes in quadruplicate so that the four sections East West North and South can each present its ideal moderate cost dinner Kinds of food that would en- tor into a well ordered dinner in one section would probably not in a menu of another so by quad ruplicating the offer each part of the country will bo presented With the best menu that it is possible to pro vide for four persons at a total cost of one dollar Mrs famous cook is to act as judge and will pass upon all the menus and re ceipts presented This method of showing people how to live in the best possible way for expenditure will commend itself as a unique and useful one Never fail to do daily that good which lies next to your hand The and Downs scribe of the makes this facetious All this trouble between Spain the United States might have been avoided if her Majesty Queen Isabella had never grubstaked Christopher Columbus It was a mistake for a Spanish Queen to lend Columbus money enough to discover the site for the Republic that is now sap ping the foundations of the Spanish throne The Gtobe announces that its policy In regard to the SpanishAmerican WAr will be to print all the news every day In addition to the regular Associated Press despatches it will have special correspond- and as far as possible strive to have Its news presented from a Canadian stand- point with special reference to the phases of the struggle that touch Canadian and British interests It will avoid cheap sensationalism and horn blowing bat en- deavor to be prompt and accurate The announcement is made that Har pers Weekly will be represented in war with Spain by a brilliant staff of artrsts correspondents Frederic Remington Carlton T Chapman A Rogers and others have been to follow movements of the navy and forces in the field Among the Weekly special correspondents will be John with the North Atlantio fleet stationed at Key West K Davis with the Flying Squadron Harold Martin who from headquarters at St Thomas will follow the progress of events in Indies Booth Ontario Riding is now being work for all it fa worth The Conservatives of that constituency entered a counter protest last Friday ashing for the disqualification of Hon John wbo was defeated by Mr Chae at tbo late general On the same day the Liberals of South entered a cross- petition asking for disqualifies- lion of John Buck defeated by A Charlton Liberal From toe number of protests it now looks if a majority of all the contests in Province are to bo fought over again in the law courts by the legal fraternity Already between seventy and thousand dollars have been put up to pay and the gentlemen of tho Jongrobed profession will an effort to pocket a large share of it The Mail announce that it has formed a news alliance with the London Times the New York Herald which will continue during present SpanishAmerican war More than twenty special corres pondents will be employed arid a fleet of despatch boats is already in The cost of enterprise will be very great it will afford a News Ser vice such as has never been in Canadian journalism Richard Harding Davis of New York and Mr of the London Times will bo their chief in the field These was a little quiet fun in the House Accounts Committee one day last week when Mr Taylor P Conservative whip at Ottawa he had a scandal esse against the Govern bat which tnrned oat to Mr Taylors discomfort It appears that Mr Taylor had noticed in the Auditor Generals re port for that Mr of Lou don ban been paying less to the Govern ment for bindertwine than bad been offer by others for the output at the Kingston prison The Inspector of Penitentiaries waa put on the witness stand and asked why things were hue when he stated thai what wan supplied Hobba was the output of aud was given to him under a leader accepted while Mr Taylors friends were In power but as the amount was not all paid in till the figures did not correspond with the price of that year am scandal disappeared A fun has been suggested to the State Government of New York and of Ontario to take joint action with the view to saving human life by stretching an Iron aoross the Niagara River above Goat Island at a point just below line of navigation where the waters part The proposition contemplates placing a number of buoys along this iron cable and to sup ply the whole length wiih incandescent lights during navigation to mark Its course The unusual number of fatal accidents at has suggested the erection of this barrier to prevent persons boating on river from becoming caught past the dangerline and thus swept down to death iron bar part of enterprise might be a justified ex penditure towards foolhardy ad venturers but to spend a large amount annually In the construction and main tenance of lights is out of the question blood restore shattered They are an unfailing specific for such disease- as locomotor partial paralysis St Vitus dunce sciatica neuralgia rheumatism nervous head ache after effects of la grippe pal pitation of the heart nervous pros tration all diseases depending upon humors in the blood such as scrofula chronic erysipelas etc They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females such as suppressions ir regularities and all forms of weakness They build up the blood and the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks In men they effect a radical cur in all cases arising from mental worry overwork or excesses of what ever nature Sold by all dealers or sent post paid at a box or six boxes for by addressing the Dr Wil liams Medicine Co Ont In building up the dairy industry of Ontario two things have been taught and urged namely purity and high quality of and economy of production Whatever this great industry may have met id the past few years can he traced to a nc- of one or other of these im portant points cheese industry of Ontario is now fairly well establish ed and the annual production of a large amount of well made wholemilk cheese of uniform quality has given Canada controlling influence in the British cheese market Our creamery industry is now rapidly developing it is of vital importance that strictest attention bo paid to the turn ing out in an economical manner of butter of uniformly high quality pure and unadulterated This industry will if properly conducted assume very large proportions tho aver age consumption of is much greater than that of cheese and the British imports of butter greatly ex ceed of cheese In the British market our butter meets in competi tion similar goods from Ireland Den mark France the United States Aus tralia and Argentina Denmark has attained a chief place by studying the requirements of tbe market and now produces nearly all of export but ter pasteurized milk or cream with the use of special ferments In some of the countries exporting to Great BritainAustralia in particular it has become a practice to use some kind of preservative in miltermak ing Sometimes this is added to but tor as a salt sometimes it is added to the milk These preservatives are sold under various name such names as preservalene preservation being favorites They are nearly all mixtures of arid The in creasing use of these preservatives has alarmed the British consumer and most radical measures are now pro posed to exclude all butter in which traces of these preservatives are found The British public has become alarm ed the press is actively discussing the matter and public officials are now on lookout for butter so adulterated The butter producers of Ontario must make no mistake The use of any of these preservatives is dangerous to the dairy interests of this country On tario has a reputation for producing pure dairy goods of high quality That reputation must be maintained and everyone interested in the dairy business of Ontario should assist in pre venting these preservatives from getting a foothold in this Province An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure We have a reputa tion now for making pure butter and cheese Help to maintain that repu tation Do not advocate preservatives Do not use preservatives JOHN Minister of Agriculture for Ontario Toronto April Work has been commenced on the first factory to use electric power developed on the Canadian side of Falls AegetaWePreparationforAs- iteToodaodRegula the Stomachs of THAT THE FACSIMILE SIGNATURE neither nor Mineral Not N An o tic Seed IS ON THE Aperfecf Remedy for Constipa tion Sour StomachDiarrhoea and Loss OF SLEEP Simile Signature of MEW OF OB EXACT WRAPPER pat la It Is net in bulk Dont to yon anything on the pie or ft good and wlU Btery pur pose that yon get t Trip ld T When an animal is all run down has a rough coat and a tight hide any one knows his blood is out of order To keep an animal economically he must be in good heart Dicks Blood Purifier Is a necessity where the best results from feeding would be obtained It tones up the system rids the stomach of worms and other parasites that suck the blood away Nothing Dicks for Cow SO Gents a J MILES CO CO a AOKHTS iWTSWrrt People who live beyond mid dle line of Kansas and Nebraska have in past few years undergone trials that cannot be comprehended by those who resided in tho older settled States They have seen twothirds of population move away price of land has been decreased in propor tion and there has been littlo to eat for some of those who stayed All this was farmers tried to raise wheat and corn where rain fall could not bo depended on Our Toronto Letter Another case of child desertion was aired in the Police Court last week when Mis and Mr Annie were bound over for trial on the charge of being concerned in abandoning the child It is proven that went into their hands to dispose of the infant and one of them left it on a door step Many persons who have no right to receive copies of the Revised are making application for them at the office of the Clerk of the Peace and at the Parliament Buildings During the past week the Provinci al License Department sent out the tavern licenses for the year There are less licensee issued this year than last making in all licenses The English sparrow is pronounced a general nuisance The Parks Gardens Committee of he Council has been asked to wage a war of ex termination against them as they driving all the singing birds out of the Parks The Niagara River steamers which ply between Toronto and will not commence regular trips before the middle of May Rev Hill of Wood- green church has been elected Treas urer of the Sabbath School Aid and Extension Fund of the Toronto Con ference Methodist Church This de nomination is too many different schemes to tax tho laity The outcome will to lessen minis terial stipends or the neglect of par sonage necessities died at his residence Sully on Friday last after only ten days illness Pneumonia Saturday afternoon Elizabeth Vin cent who was cleaning windows in a building at the corner of College St and avenue fell from a win- to ground a distance feet She was picked up uncon scious Her injuries consisted of a Were fracture of right leg and bruises to her back She was re moved to tno General hospital Money to Loan At Fire per cent on Farm Security by David Commissioner for taking Affidavits Es tate Agent Conveyancer Issuer of Marriage Etc Also Agent for the following Insurance Companies Queen of London Liverpool England Montreal District Mutual established In 1836 also Tor the Confederation Life Association To ronto Office Corner of Main J Practical AND of with years experience is prepared to do all kinds of Garden and Lawn work Grafting a Specialty Residence Cedar Street Newmarket ad- Joining Mr Fosters residence I BtSTAMfHlHtUMAnC ftASitRMAK in iWg H1Y Give the Baby Do you think of THIS SUMMER If you do write Ml NEWMARKET ONT And get of Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows AND ALL THE Artistic Effects in Inside Woodwork Fsotory in Canada for the manufacture of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc HighGrade and Repair all kinds on short The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET ONT The only food that will build a weak cons- ally lint surely Cardinal Food a simple scientific and highly nutritive preparation for infants delicate children and invalids A WATSON CO A Martins we m us Let we remind you thai I am prepared cut worn make old Baggies like Ones for per Bet Satisfaction Guaranteed Si market tho Era with any other weekly for homo news NEWMARKEt WORKS LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones Call Ordering Elsewhere Allan PRIVATE SCHOOL English French and Music Pupils nrlulary Instruction hero stood belt in after

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