Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 29, 1898, p. 3

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I 1 -rt- Weeks V1UT IB GOING OK IK ABOUT TOWN A Meeting in to toko Fire Hall Wednesday night Ax la to op every Attend Public annual mooting for reception of re ports and election of will at Library Room on Monday evening at oclock All members over ago arc requested to attend Sunday regular Quarterly Meet- Way at Sermon by pastor on Priesthood followed by the sacrament Evening subject Opening Seals A Renovated Carriage been undergoing an overhauling prepara tory to receiving a- now this If you want a now just what lino ho has on a of solas in clear- voloo in a truly mas- manner great natural as well as thorough cultivation of voice Times Of everybody will hear her at Hand Concert on May Your Flour At price up Unlucky A lad named going alone Main street- on Tuesday threw a small alone at something and missing his aim it went through a pane of Hoys should not throw stones in Town as they are likely to somebody though it may bo unintentional Another Shipment Of Japan Tea Old prices and lb Money if not Toronto Jobbing House Formers Excursion annual Excursion of North Agricultural to will take placo on Wednesday of A is going to Mu6koka next week to select an entirely now routo and make arrangements for the comfort and of excursionists Make a date Garden Tools Buy them at Roches and money Riding on the There four charges for riding on sidewalk laid by the Inspect or this but owing to the petition be fore the Council through which some concession on the back streets was anti cipated there was no taken How ever the I has given notice in an other column of tho Era that in future any person ridinga on the sidewalk will be prosecuted lady or gent flog Cholera On Tuesday last under the order of Vet Inspector Lloyd eight hogs were killed and burned on lot in the Con of King They were the property of Mr Brown who has been so unfortunate as to lose by death during the past winter This is the farm in the township that has been quarantine Every hog killed on being examined internally show ed signs of and Mr Brown will get twothirds value for these those that died are a total loss Just Arrived A large shipment of the latest styles in at bottom prices at Gospel Temperance Good attendance last Sunday Mrs Cody in the chair and Mrs Jackson at the organ The program comprised splendid reading by Mrs Cane Messrs Belfry and Oliver ex cellent singing by the Misses Miss and Mr Oliver practical on prohibition and the plebiscite by Mr J Green and interesting references to U Convention in Toronto Junction by the chairlady who was in at- tendance The WCTU promise a good program for next Sunday Bad Sprain On Saturday last Mr Isaiah Johnston was going to stable to feed his when ho slipped on some wet boards and nearly his will probably keep him in bed for a week or so Rink Tho Directors mot on Thursday Of last passed a number of accounts and flgurod out a sheot sea- eons operations very satisfactory Further building improvements were for next season as Ladles Waiting Room Gents Smoker etc which will probably shape summer is over Have boat Shoes in Canada a Business of It who do not regularly poruso the advertising columns of Em every week frequently miss great opportunities to suve Our advertisers live business men and we olaim that our sub- will many times price of their subscription to this journal in a year by careful persual of advertisements appearing therein from week to week Yon your own host interests by read ing advertisements as carefully as you would other matter appearing in your favorite County newspaper Our advertis ers report good result last week Saving Ono to Four in price of a Suit of Clothes is easiest to make money That Ottawa Stock bought at 5Uc on tho gives the of making this for you R Good Investment The cheapest way for Newmarket to a Park is to plant shade trees a year for A or years over on tho Fair Grounds and this it of year to do it Tho outlay would bo and in a few years bo a paying investment Arrangements might bo made with athletic clubs to have the trees watered in dry woathor and in after years the boys of today- would take a pride in saying Wo helped to grow those trees and make this nice shady spot to that interesting sport going on in tho field Progress and Industry Committee to work at once It is how we improve present that makes the future Dr Dentist Opposite Robertsons Bakery Open every day Painless a Depot This has a busy weok at tho sta tion as will be seen by following ship ments THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY APRIL cars timber care cars grain cars merchandise Candidates Tomorrow the day for notifying tho of names of candidates who intend writing at the next High and School Leaving Examinations Methodist A interesting part of service last Sunday was the concert by Graduating Class of flight little girls and six boys each of which pre with a nice on behalf of tho School at a roward of modi in attendance at School last Sun day Brand Paint Is best ft Coming to In connection with the approaching Christian Endeavor Conven tion to be held in Newmarket on the and of May the Transportation Com- by the Toronto C Union has arranged for a Bicycle Run for those who wheel among the Toronto dele gation This is a new departure but it is anticipated it will prove a enjoyable feature of Convention The cyclists meet for breakfast at a on Tuesday May at about minutes run from he corner of and and on the wast side of The will be made from this point At and Newmarket should be reached about a A moat and profitable pro gram is by the committee and it is expected that at least one dele gate will be present from every Toronto society This Seasons Styles All Spring ana Capes at Roches have bean reduced In INWARDS cars bolts car lime car corn cars lumber car oil car coal cars merchandise 32 The loading of the sixteen cars of heavy timber was an operation that has not taken place in Newmarket for many years and was quite a novelty here A special train containing several officials of road passed through here on Tuesday morning on a tour of in spection Big Jush for Flour At Storehouse Flour has ad vanced in price but he is selling at the old figure Concert The Ladies of Pauls Church are to be congratulated on one of the best Con certs we have had for years at the Town Hall last Tuesday evening Mr of Toronto was most warmly re ceived and his singing thoroughly appre ciated he received enthusiastic applause Master Freddie Bell brought down the house and his lovely voice delighted all He was repeatedly encored and each number added to his popularity The duetts by Messrs and Bell were delightfultheir voices blended grandly Mr Hunter who is recovering from an illness is an accompanist of great merit Mrs sweet singing and nnatfeoted charm captivated the audience Miss Pep- excelled herself on this occasion She as well as Dr who are al ways popular were most warmly received Edna and Wil son two bright and most promising young played classical piano solos most excellently As a singer Mr Blake Hewitt does remarkably well sur passing some who claim to be professionals Ho received rounds of applause Miss Perkins also deserves much for her ability as an accompanist and otherwise Battue hit of wastheFaml- Album Every detail was well studied and presented true to life Mies Clara as Mrs Pease took her part ad mirably and many pertinent remarks were made on the prevailing customs of modern as well as anoient days Ex- Mayor Robertson presided the stags was prettily decorated and altogether the Con cert was a thorough success and moat satisfactory to all concerned Big Deal Montgomerys have opened up this week the largest consignment of new nobby Suits that were ever offered for Bale in the County at prices that defy competition Very Sad A telephono to Mr Allan or on Sunday informed him of sad and suddbn death of his grandson at It appears that tho father Mr Allan had to ac companied by Miss McKay who has taken of her nephew almost since birth owing to his mothers death ana the little follow between two and years old was left in of a servant In a short boy became very sick Mr Allan was sent Nothing however could bo done and death ensued within half an hour child is thought to have eaten strych nine that wore not labelled by tho Mr Allan and J A and wife Attended Toronto on Tuesday Shoes Arriving This weok at Montgomery The Band Professional Concert to be given in the Town Hall on Friday evening May under the auspices of the Citizens Band promises to be tho best given in Newmarket for a long time boys gono to considerable trouble and ex pense in order to secure a really entertainments and are suro at the citizen generally will appreciate their efforts by giving them a full house Tho Band is one of most deserving institutions in Town It is always willing and ready to help others in making entertainment a None of our ever applied to them in vain for and wo think it is the duty of the different Ladies Aids to assist thorn ineyory way possible It is not often that such a brilliant array of talent as the following appears a Newmarket audience and when we con sider the price of admission to all parts of the hall for adults and for children we wonder how can give a concert for the money Many of our citizens will remember the visit of Miss to some two years ago when she completely won tho of her audience by her sweet singing and charming stage appearance and will greet with tho to hoar her again Meaford Mirror speaking of Miaa Idle says The leading attraotion was Idle whose appearance before the curtain in opening solo was the signal for an outburst of applause that was only suppressed when the beautiful young artist bowed her acknow ledgements to her auditors To lovers of classical singing Miss renditions were truly an inspiration Miss Idle is possessor of a sweet voice which she can raiee to the highest of perfection or lower to almost inaudible whispering without losing her self control and all the time therichcompass of her voice never loses its fascinating charm Although Mr- Bert Harvey has never appeared before in Newmarket yet as the best singer in Canada hie name is legion and the press on all sides praise him as a refined humorist of the very high est order Those who do not hear him will miss a treat Mies Lazier of Belleville is a violinist of great merit She is at present a guest of Mayor of Aurora and has kindly consented to appear twice on the pro gram The boys consider themselves very fortunate in securing the services of this young lady as several of them have bad the pleasure of hearing her play and can vouch for her ability Miss Butcher of Aurora has also been secured She is well known here and is always welcome As an elocutionist she stands second to none Mr has alao kindly consented to sing He always and farther comment is unnecessary As to the pianists the names of Miss Ethel and Miss Nettie and the abilities of both are so well known that we need say nothing farther But we direct attention to Lillian Flanagan daughter of Mr Peter Flanagan of this Town This young lady who is a gold medalist and graduate of Brandon Convent is a late addition to our musical circle and the poblio of Newmarket has not as yet had the pleasure of hearing her She has won laurels for herself in the cities and larger towns of Manitoba and will appear In the Band Concert both in duett and solo There sore to be a crowd at this the best concert of the season and we would advise every one to be there In good time Mr Geo High of Maple Warden of the County has kindly consented to preside and the chair will be taken promptly at oclock Programs will be out in a few days Doings Big Business The Wall Paper at Is a apot these Closing After this week all the Drug Stores in Town will 8 each evening ex cept Saturday partners We Keep Plow Ports in Shears Solo Sido Bolts Plow Knee at per pair A Fine Alderman was delivering Fruit Trees last Friday for Stoned Wellington and he says they nicest stock ho ever saw Bombarded Can yon recall time years ago when bombarded Nowmarket with low prices Tbla low price war has been kept up by them ever since Another Serenade If the weather favorable Citizens Band expects to give another of their do rightful openair Concoris down Town ntxt evening For the The Ladies Aid of St Pauls Church are prtpnred to take in orders for Plain Sew and Fancy Work at the very lowest prices Any orders left with Ross will bo promptly attended to Cheese At a meeting of Directors of market Cheese Factory last week it to open tho Factory for the season on the of May It is that by that date all patrons will be in a podition to bond full cans Hotel The Commissioners for North York meet at Sharon tomorrow to complete the issue of Licences for year commencing May According to the new Act one hotel license will be cut off in Newmarket this year Which one Complimentary In speaking of the Queens Own Rifles Concert to be given in Hall on Map last Wednesdays World Sr Bert Harvey the only Comic Singer and the pet of Toronto audiences will appear This is the same gentleman that is to sing at Citizens Band Con cert in the Town Hall on May By all go and bear him and enjoy a hearty Special purchase of Blouses at onethird off regular prices Blouses for Blouses for Blouses for They wont last long at these prices f We are doing the Lace Curtain trade this year Why Because the patterns are better and prices cheaper than are being offered anywhere else Rubber Blinds roller complete for UNT The best Cakes are always made with IJruntons Baking Powder CORNER Buy your Boots and Shoes from us and get the advantage of a most domplete Assortment at Lowest Prices We carry the Largest Stock of Shoes ever handled in the County It is here you will find the Biggest Stock to choose from There is not another in York that can show the Goods we do and our Prices are the Lowest Dont fail to look over We keep a large and uptodate Stock of Hats and Caps our Stock Prepare for Sending Your milk to tuo Factory We have a few cans made heavy homemade Leave your ordore early A Public School Board A special meeting of the Board took pliee on the inat Present Scott Pretty and wore amounting to 1015 of which earn were for wood Communication re Slate Blackboards placed on annual report of Davidson criticizes the working of the school and on the whole is satisfactory The following notes are of interest In comparing the writing in room in the school with the writing under the slating system one is compelled to say that the improvement ie very great In every room the pupils write more distinct ly neatly and beautifully I would recommend that all the teachers exercise a carefal oversight over the scribbling books as the writing most frequently done in neutralizes much of the effort on the regalar copy book It is possible for the scribbling book to determine the character of the writing rather than the regular copybook When is the case the scribbling books be- come an evil I would also recommend that a selection of the moat beautiful passages of poetry be made from each School Reader and that each pupil be required to commit passages to memory before he ia pro to a higher Reader In conclusion I have pleasure in stat ing that each teacher ready to receive sulfations in regard to the work and I have no doubt they will be duly carried into effect The Principals Report of attendance for March as follows Diva I III IV VI Total On Boll 63 324 53 54 205 nonresident for April were During the month of March one pupil was suspended for persistent New hooka have arrived for the Model School The effect of the Model School work re- wed in reflex influence together with other matters Arising from the donation to the of curiosities by Mr Jackson it was suggested by Mr that citizens generally be asked to contribute to the Museum Case in which the Board acquiesced Mr Thompson of Aurora was appointed Examiner at the Entrance Examination in Newmarket if the Aurora Board appointed Mr The Principal was instructed tocolleot fees until otherwise ordered from the per sons mentioned in report as they were not considered ratepayers by the Board The secretary was instructed to order a Globe Map of North America and Map of Canada for the school Mr informed the Board that he would be glad to present the for planting at the Primary offer waa accepted by the Board with thanks The matter of tree planting and cowing left in the hands the Furni ture k Repair Com Board adjourned Fencing Large stock at low prices Barb Plain Plain Galvanized all sizes Oiled Poultry Netting A We keep a lovely Stock of everything in Gents Furnishings at Right Prices MONEY TO LOAN ICO Private funds on Farm Property lint JACKSON Heal Estate Agent When you prepare lor Spring Papering do not thai we have a very choice of Newest Patterns Including com binations of wall border and cell- a SN J Door North of the want us to put it on or not Dont buy till you see give you we have to Artistic Painter and Paper Hanger Church St Newmarket North American Hotel THE REASON op out SUCCESS ibis wo have passed that buy good materials and know bow to use The result Is our work gives satisfaction and business Is In Art Gallery North of Royal Hotel New Stock FANCY TWEEDS TROUSERINGS OVERCOATINGS THE MEW 18V8 PATTERNS There was a man in our town Who- was so wondrous From bought a pair i Just to improve his eyes I thepeddler a specialist Vrom great no von elses spkecktides So good you efer see TOM TAILORING In a FirstClass manner Leave your order for your Spring Suit MCLAUGHLIN A trial solicited A Full Stock of HouseCleaning Goods Grocery o Sal Soda Cryatal VXtTESt The spectacles dont suit his sight The peddlers not about So now our friend Old Penny Wise Is just ten dollars out Moral Buy your Spectacles from a reliable optician who can be found when wanted L HO I Opticians Newmarket GOLD DUST WASHING POWDER fc cents a Package ihe Leading The and Bar on the Market A Good Starch for a lb Scrub of Varioua Kinds A Splendid Brush for 10c g A fall line of Pails and Pina rXGranoSelection of BroomsT i See our 15c line Celebrated Georgia Braided Line for DAVISON CO

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