Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 29, 1898, p. 2

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A yVJ 1 THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY APRIL A Supplies J A GoodsTor Jobbing Flour and Feed J Lime Entrance Central Business College Bicyclists P J Anderson Hound Lost John Granger FurnituroJ Millard Wonted Mrs J Cane Store to I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M S GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY it doe not deterrent objections in the shape of tonuses cal culated to increase debt or add to burdens of the older provinces of Canada We therefore dis posed to recent an nouncement of Premier Turner of British Columbia with reference to construction of a lino from a point somewhere near Observatory Inlet to will bo asked for by Provincial and Federal Govern mentsthe latter by land grant along in Mann contract a plan which does hot involve a Federal cash subsidy The spanishflffierieanGU8i -oxo- a a J 5 PSo CI a r ft r4 to ft Continues Interesting Day -oxo- to i 5 fc k ii CM TOVEB UP BUT AND WITH EACH ISSUE Painted all FRIDAY APRIL Routes to the Yukon The proposition of the Dominion Government announced at the X of present session of to open up an route to tho Yukon goldfields entirely under Canadian control has been frustrated by the action of the Senate in refusing to sanction the Yukon rail way bill after it had been adopted by the Commons According to our of that bill it was trained with a twofold purpose on the part of the Administration viz 1st To ensure an allCanadian route t To prevent the construction of rival or partially rival routes to divert passengers and freight traflic of the Yukon district through American the detriment of commercial interests of the Dominion As above intimated the first purpose of the Governments policy has been defeated by an irresponsible body which our constitution dignifies by the title of Canadian Senate The second proposition viz to prevent the Yukon trade Hewing into Ameri can channels to the detriment of Can ada the brunch of Parliament has sought to frustrate by endeavor ing to authorize the construction of a railway terminating at a seaport in United States territory and controlled entirely by United rotates customs laws under the supervision A Ameri can customs at Dyea or way Referring to the two features of the Governments policy and the alternate scheme suggested by a majority of the Senate supporting Mr Hamilton Smiths hill the remarks Some obtuse say that if is good for the Boundary Creek district it must be good for the Yukon but there is all the difference in the world between the two situations The Boundary Creek district can be settled but it has also land to he cultivated The Yukon district is valuable only for its jold and for the trade which the existence of the gold causes If we lose the trade and the gold is to be earned off what have we but the privilege of half a million a year to keep the peace In addition to the facts here pre sented the had this merit that it not only gave an route hut it secured its con struction without costing the older Provinces of the Dominion one dollar Since the defeat of the Govern ments the future policy of the Administration in regard thereto has not been disclosed but prominent of the Cabinet are to give favorable consideration to any proposition looking to the construction into from Columbia seaport pro- Oof Society PERSONAL POINTS PLEASANTLY Mies has returned to in Toronto Rev at last Mrs formerly Mies la very low Mr and Mrs spent in ho City A parly was entertained at Friday night Mr Albert left last Friday for Vancouver R on a speculating tour Mr ot was on friends in Town on Tuesday Toronto of Mr Jacob apont last weak at of Barrio J over Sunday her hero Mr gonial Clerk of North gave a call last Monday of Roachs Point has been tho past week with her meter Mrs Mra J If Wilson from a serious of alokneaa that confined to bed for a month Mr John of us a of Detroit papers Every thing is at Master Roy Glanoy entertained a number of little folks at his birthday party Tuesday afternoon last Mr Harvey Curtis on find of East was taken seriously ill on Monday night bat is Improving Mr John had an operation performed for his and though better he wilt to undergo another Mies Millard who has bean at uncles Mr Ales Millard of To ronto for over a month in expected homo tomorrow Mr writes that he arrived at Vancouver and likes the place well He started work next day he got there in a grist milt Mr Fred who at tho Gene ral Hospital steadily ing but he does not expect to be able to return homo for another month Reynolds and her mother return- fid from on Monday evening after an absence of ten months with Mrs who Is in poor health Mr Lyons and wife left for last Monday Mr Lyons was candymaker for Mr A Robertson here and has made a new engagement with him Mr Taylor bartender at the House for soma time who spent winter in Province was in Town over Sunday and left on Monday for Parry Sound for summer Mrs was in the city a couple of days this week visiting her brother the Hospital He Is doing nice ly since the operation last Friday and hope to be able to return home in acouple if weeks Toronto Saturday Night and Mies and Mr and Mr Fletcher Snider siled last Saturday by he steamship Allta foe Naples Mrs Jones is a daughter of Mrs P Irwin Vic- Mr Fred Peck of Chapleaa was in Town on Thursday of week accom panied by bis mother from Toronto They arranged to have the remains of her husband and children removed from the burying ground on Eagle St to Newmarket Cemetery Peck has gone to to remain there for the summer of a railway fiomo Brighton April Aaron an old gentleman living at near Murray canal was killed this morning Ho was on a load of hay and while driving out of the barn yard he fell off the load and broke his neck The German post is experi menting with an invention an electric typewriter apparatus which at a cost of can bo connected with a tele graph wire and messages which are off on the keyboard at one end are reproduced at the other end Two thousand two hundred acres of cedar trees aro cut down every year in order to make the cases for lead pencils of which more than two thousand acres are in Florida says an exchange There pencil works in of which fcwentythreo are at Nuremberg the great European centre of the lead pencil trade These factories employ from to workers and pro duce lead and colored chalk pencils every week One factory alone has a weekly production of over pencils Kky April A report has been received here from what appears to lo a reliable source that towards ten oclock last evening under cover of darkness and a cloudy sky a large Spanish steamer bound from Cadiz to Havana with warlike munitions to used in tho defence of Cuba ran the blockade now being enforced by American and succeeded un observed in coming to an anchor un der protection of the heavy guns which frown from Mono Castle and that a large force of men are hurriedly unloading her and under supervision of Spanish ollicers carrying her cargo ashore April A dispatch bout brings the news that forts are firing on the blockading fleet a portion of which is entirely out of range Part of the bow of one ship wits carried away by a shot but there were no casualties the dis patch I left there was a vigorous fusilade on both sides addition to the Ventura the capture of which was reported on Saturday the US gunboat Helena on Sunday captured the steamer Miguel over from to Barcelona with a cargo of tons of cotton and staves a crew of men and val ued at of winch the cargo makes up She belongs to the Line of Barcelona US cruiser Detroit yesterday captured and sent to Key West the Spanish transAtlantic steamer Jtitn- linn bound from New Orleans to Bar celona with a tonage of tons and loaded with staves She was taken 1 miles from Havana The torpedo Porter after a lively chase and the of many shots captured schooner bound out of Havana A prize crew was put board of her hut as no vessel could he spared to tow her into port she was taken to Key West by the Associated Press despatch boat The revenue cutter at one oclock yesterday captured the Spanish steamer Satnruina tons found from to Ship Island and will re main in quarantine at Miss until tomorrow The sixth wel is the re specting which conflicting reports have been received April Portugal in re ply to the United States ultimatum will order every Spanish vessel out of her waters the moment war is ollicial- declared London April 25 The Rome cor respondent of the Daily Mail soya Cardinal the Papal Secre tary of State declares that the Vati can will observe the strictest neutral ity The Pope desires prayers only for a speedy conclusion of peace He classes the singing of the deums for victory an utterly incongruous pro ceeding Washington April President sent a message to Congress asking that to declare war This was promptly done and the Pres ident signet the bill last night It states that war exists and has existed since April Ten prizes have been captured by the American fleet approximate val uation A despatch from St Petersburg states that after a conference of the Ambassadors of the powers on the sub ject of Cuba Russia has declared it will support Spain Key April There is in tense excitement here over the report- that the American boats the Mangrove and Newport have captured prizes The capture of the is to the Spanish transport having on board 1000 soldiers while one of he prizes of the Newport is believed to be the The Spanish cruiser is helpless at Santiago de Yok April Thvs far mines have been placed in the bay and it is believed that three times that number will be planted from Fort to Sandy Hook Havana April A despatch from Cardenas to La says that the Spanish gunboat and an American torpedo destroyer met off The American de stroyer opened fire and tho gunboat accepted the challenge Eleven can not shots were fired by the according to the despatch and ap parently they did considerable damage to American torpedo boat destroy er for she retreated listing badly as she moved off The commander of the gunboat was Antonio The American fleet is still sailing to and fro in sight of Havana Its pre sence has aroused the greatest enthu siasm throughout the island for war Havana Cuba April The mail steamship has reach ed evading the blockade She was bound to Havana and on the port the American ships fired at her The mail steamer after She firing twice wont away from to southern coast brought 1000 soldiers and eighteen guns of groat calibre was bound for Hav ana but when she this port she sighted by American men- ofwar who at opened firo on her returned their fire discharging her guns twice and then made off to wards the southern coast in safety About twentyfive thousand native insurgents are encamped outside Man ilia ready to rush upon Spaniards as soon as American fleet appears All Americans except one are no out of Manilla many taking refuge aboard English merchant ships All American ships except the great Admiral have also got away Europeans at Manilla fear incendiar ism and when tho insur gents General Blanco cables from Havana that the Spanish gunboat repulsed three United torpedo boat de stroyers which tried to enter tho port of Ho expresses the be lief that the Americans will not dare to disembark in Cuba A Spanish cruiser has been placed in the harbor of Manilla as a floating battery against the invasion of American squadron and the captain says he will die at his moorings before he will surrender In tho Spanish Cortes Finance Minister stated that Spains financial position is not so bad as has been re ported and that the country would rapidly recover from any further diffi culties that may crop up United States lighthouse tend er Mangrove captured tho Spanish liner Panama with supplies for Cuba The prize is worth 275000 flying squadron is still at Hampton Roads except the Columbia which with the Minneapolis is patrol ling the coast of New England Great Britain has ordered the tor pedo boat Somen not to leave Fal mouth and the little vessel will re main there during the war with Spain James will ask the House of Commons what right to establish Spanish bead- quarters in Toronto It is pointed out that the United States must capture a port in the Islands otherwise they will run short of coal Spain has sent a circular to the Powers expressing regret at the neces sity of being compelled to appeal to force in order to repel the scandalous aggression of the United States The first prisoners of war a Span ish lieutenant and a soldier were cap tured by the United States cruiser Cincinnati Lieut Rowan under orders from the United States War Department has been landed in Cuba to arrange with the robels a plan for the landing of United States troops Havana sealed up begins to suffer Fresh meat has risen to two dollars a pound Mule meat is now being used The torpedo boat which excited admiration by her brilliant manoeuvring off Havana a few days ago while temporarily under command of a naval cadet has returned to Key West helpless and crippled and will remain there for a month or six weeks undergoing repairs During evolu tions her starboard engine was totally wrecked by an enormous strain thrown upon it by suddenly reversing and go ing ahead at full speed New York April Up to ton to day eightyseven thousand men in Greater New York alone had enlisted for service on land and water Large numbers of letters in New York post office addressed to people in Spain and Cuba have been seized by the Govern ment Some of thorn contained im portant information showing that there are spies here well acquainted with military secrets supposed to be only kuown to the Government Madrid April An official de spatch from Manilla capital of the Philippine Islands says Governor of Iloilo Philippine Islands an nounces that the Spanish gunboat has arrived there having captured the American bark from Newcastle on Feb 26 for Iloilo The had 1040 tons of coal on board York April A special to the World from Hong Kong China says The guns of America Asiatic squadron will soon be thundering in the harbor at Manilla the capital of the Philippine Inlands The last of the fleet sails at once from Hong Kong Commodore Dewey has from Washington to capture or de stroy the Spanish fleet Unless Spains warships are in hiding fighting will begin at or near tho Philippine Islands and it is only a matter of bourn perhaps by Sunday was shelled by Americans oil Wednesday and forts destroyed No lives Jost on American side Never before have we sold so many Dress Goods as this season People look here and look elsewhere but almost come back here to buy our stock his season is certainly the best we have ever shown and if what people tell us is any criterion no other store in Newmarket can show nearly as find a collection or make prices as interesting Dont miss this department if you want the newest goods at very moderate prices ii Housecleaning is not far away You want Curtains and Carpets What do you think Nice Lace Curtains yds long at Bound Lace Curtains yds long at 5 Bound Lace Curtains yds long handsome patterns at 100 Special 2 Curtains at 1 50 the best value in Canada Good Union Carpet at Very handsome Union Carpet one yd wide reversible regular cents at Very handsome Wool Carpet yd wide reg price at 50 Good Tapestry Carpet at Very handsome Tapestry will last a life time at 5 Good Canadian Brussels Carpet at 4 No better Stock anywhere and Prices here are bound to be the Lowest Ladies very lace Oxford Shoes at 69c Ladies very fine Dongola Kid Oxford lace Shoes at Ladies self tip fine Kid Button Oxford Shoes reg 200 at Mens heavy working Boots at Mens neat lace working Boots Mens extra fine Dongola lace or Gailer Boots reg 225 at BOYS CLOTHING HAT Dont forget you can always save money here in Clothing and Hats Its not only that the price is louver than elsewhere but the quality is always better MENS H Ton younc men from went out for a nights fishing with jack- lights in A new steam yacht Gertrude While out tho engine refused to work This was fixed and then the boiler went wrong The in jector refused to inject the pipes of the baud pump had burst with the winters frost and a heavy sea was A WAR London- April According to the Mail has acquired the lease of a vessel called a submarine worker- which was invented by Count and constructed in Fiance The vessel is a steel sphere with an external diameter of nine feet nine FOE- got to Grape sail was then borrowed and a small boat manned by a few the remainder of the crew again filling the boiler by hand The party arrived home at 1 oclock next morning just as a search ing party with the Longford was set ting out to look for them They caught two fish FIELD GARDEN Our Stock and from the beet Thus yoa will find oar stock The Cradle Pratt Id King the the wife of Mr Frank Pratt of a eon In town on the 27th the wife of Mr Albert of a daugh ter The At the residence the brides lather by Rev A of Toronto on the fourth daughter of Mr Geo Walker near Aurora to Mr Root Leading Furniture and Undertaking House pressed air that will last three men for eigne or nine hours She can lay mine3 and discharge them electrically after retiring to a safe distance She can be connected with the deck of a vessel and guide a warship safely through mined waters Mr the London agent of the owner says that the boat is on board a Spanish vessel that is now five days out for the United States Mrs Leeds walked off the end of the Curran bridge at Montreal and died in the hospital from the shock A week ago wheat sold at 1 at Fort William Tuesday it sold at and there was great excite ment at Winnipeg The Tomb Meek In Scott Township on the 15th James Meek aged years months and days Allan Suddenly at on Son- day the Robert Tor ranee only eon of Allan Barrister aged years and mo At Bridge Co on the aged years 3 Interred at Newmarket Cemetery on Tuesday last Tried and True Berkleys Pharmacy Lehmans Drug Store Spring Medicines Just the thing for a Sprang tonic COMPOUND EXT a bottle and a of Pills with each bottle Wilmot E Lehman Chemist and Druggist Toronto Markets J U Main St North Newmarket- All Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention TORONTO Red Wheat per bushel a White Wheat per Goose Wheat per bushel Buckwheat per bushel Barley per bushel per bushel Peas per bushel per bushel Butter roll per lb Apples per bo Sheepskins Chickens per pair Hi Moving Fine Furniture Moving time Is at hand In yonr new environments you would be pleased to have some new furniture were it not for the price This need not bo a handicap as we are some attractive bargain No here bat modem creations Why not call and Inspect stock and prices J Opposite Royal Hotel Newmarket I I 1 Oil a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 03 038 0 CO 007 OH AT Red Scotch Fife Spring FOR SALE V and A SPECIALTY Nfcht calls attended to at residence Street All kind Seed Onions Etc W Main St Queeuatou Cement kept stock Newmarket Apr as Flour per barrel 5 a White Wheat per bushel Co Rfld Wheat per bushel 3 a Goose Wheat per bushel Buckwheat fl Barley per bushel a per bushel 033 a Peas per bushel a per bushel ro Shorts per ton CO ft Butter roll per lb oil Butter tub per lb oil Potatoes Apples Sheepskins uW Wool per lb Hay per ton new Itccfpcrowt w Pork per live Pork per dressed lb Chickens per pair Ducks perpalr per live Turkeys per lb Clover Seed per bushel per bushel in a a a I CO a CO a a 0 a a 0 a a CO a 09J a a CO a a a a a ft Timothy Scc4 1 a a CO CO 0 f

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