Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 22, 1898, p. 8

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i THE V NEWMARKET MIMV APRIL i8c8 you Pills big wlilch tear you all to arc nut In 11 Hoods and May Is Of flood a PI Hi which Up to in respect certain And All- druggist Ac Co Maw only to TORONTO Capital Fund Total nearly 800000000 A Of 1Mb Hank In BRADFORD Where deimala received rt up wards jtfitd thereon the big current make Specialty of Discounting Farmers Notes And LOWEST RATES for further information apply to front Bradford J For Coughs Colds Bron chitis throat Ktnnv wat ON A CO liife around WWD TO i Bros erected a driv ingabed for of the line Mrs W Wood has boon very ill dur ing the past week of Newmarket has been spending Easter holidays with JSIibh Flo On the of May J the cartoonist poet author and elocutionist will an entertainment in the drill shed here under the auspices of the Methodist church Sanders will start next week to put up another building in con nection with House at the lake There is money in the busi ness its wo understand that Mr Zan ders clems every season The sacred concert in the Methodist church last Friday was fairly attend- by Miss and Miss Milno were well re ceived Miss Clara mado her first attempt in the solo lino did remarkably well Mrs Powell de lighted her hearers as usual The annual vestry meeting of congregations of St James and St Georges churches was well attended Hey A MA ens reports were satisfactory following were elected church wardens Messrs M and Lake for St Georges and Messrs John and St James Dr Messrs John and Howard were BRADFORD A largo number of now books about to be added to the Public Library which will a total of over 1600 A number of fruit growers are scrap ing their fruit trees and applying a wash composed of equal parts of litno and ashes mixed to the consistency of of thick paste to destroy insects which may be deposited under the bark This mixture is said to promote a healthy growth of bark Mr John Elliott of Standard Bank hero had a soft tumor removed from his left arm while in Toronto on Good Friday wound some twenty stitches being put in operation was skillfully and Mr returned the Barrio day feeling little if any worse A rumor is current that the senior of Bradford and Newmar ket to combine their forces and organize a olub to take part in district championship matches In the of such organization being effected a vory Btrong team can be put in the fiold junior hero also talking combining with tho juniors of Newmarket with a voiw of having a team to contest in matches should a district bo formed Witness J Dales A of Kingston the pulpit of the Christian the air waixl- J I reports were sattsfactory ft Mr I Johnson of Newmarket call- friends here last week The Endeavor Society of the Chris tian held a vory successful song service on Wednesday night At the As close of the service good things wore jury to investigate cause of Win Covingtons death at has decided that it was duo to of poi son but are unable to say how said poison was administrated Mr Herbert Edwards son of Mr John Edwards con of King was kicked in the back by a homo on Tues day injuries were attended by a doctor Miss Clara Phillips met with a pain ful accident a week or so ago while at tending tho public school A board through which a nail protruded was lying in school yard and she acci dentally stopped on tho nail which pierced through her shoe and into her foot a considerable depth engineers and assist ants have struck out a now survey this from Thompsons lake through Lloyd town and and on to Bond Head They state that new road will never bo built to nor west of consequently if it is built at all it will either go by the survey or through Mix Ellison passed away on Good Friday after a lengthy illness with consumption She was in her year and leaves behind her a husband to mourn the loss of a devoted wife funoral took place on Sun day last to the ninth line cemetery and the attendance was exceedingly large there being about one hundred rigs in funeral cortege The remains were takon to the Presbyterian church where the Mr Watt conducted service and preached an impressive funeral VffflHWnWHQVX BRISTOLS BRISTOLS and provided by the Indies which were en joyed by all present A vory pretty Easter wedding was celebrated at the residence of Mr and Mrs Jos Burnett on April 18th when Mr Barton Ward tho only son of Mr Francis was united in marriage to Miss Burnett eldest daughter of Mr Jos Burnett The Miss our star elocutionist looked charming dressed in white recited in Sutton on Good Friday J trimmed with delegate from St Georges Dr St James Messrs J Pou nd I and J Howard unoRA Miss Alice llynard of Scott is vis iting her cousin Mabel The Greatest of all Liver Stomach Blood Medicines A SPECIFIC FOR Rheumatism Gout and Chronic Complaints lace Miss Mary was bridesmaid and Mr Wilbur Burnett supported the groom Tho guests re paired to tho dining room where the inner man was satisfied A speech was given by Rev Mr Bedford and others and the health of the bride and church hero flra There were present league on Monday evening mado a great hit For the summer months the local division of the Sons of Temperance will meet monthly on the first Wed nesday of each month Sister Grahan is P for this season The young people of the Methodist Thompson Mr Manning of They Cleanse and Purify Blood All Druggists and General Dealers Stock Agents Book Agents- a Agricultural Implement Agents A Or anyone desiring to bettor their Increase their Income should us The demand for Nursery Stock the i We necU more men if you want steady paying work write us We fur nil mpit Tree In Hie We both or time our Block furnish Willi our SiuJunc Our Nurseries over acres mid large quant fly enables us to sell at the closest Men Succeed with Ua who Failed with outers It will cost you nothing learn what we can do for you Dont write unless you mean and want profitable employment Stone Wellington Toronto the Bra with any other weekly for home news will occupy the pulpit here on Sunday April We understand a move ment is on foot to establish morning service here every second Sunday dur ing the summer While MK of Zephyr was driving past the factory last in urday ins horse took fright at the wood whistle and run away Fortunately it was caught before any damage was done further than giving Mr a se vere shaking up has accepted the in vitation of Lodge to brato the 12th of July with them They are also making arrangements for their annual Orange sermon to he held July The boom has again struck ville Ring wood Churchill and The wedding presents were both valuable ornamental and beautiful The many friends and re latives all joined in wishing Mr and Mrs Ward every success aad their new home at Ring- School Reports NO vi PROMOTIONS Promoted to Br Jennie Minnie Brookes Minnie To Jim Richards Les lie Forester Ernest Smith Harry Forester Clifford Wallace Victor Smith Ethel Thompson To III Class Bertha Brookes Harry Smith Reuben Robinson Bert Thompson To Class- Jessie Gordon Pitt To Part Ethel Robinson Roy Annie Violet Ireland Ireland Stafford Forester Gar field Pitt Whitchurch Council Crowded out last week Bills were presented by Hill printing Hart Assessment Roll Collectors Roll As sessment slips yds gravel for Eagle St St Michaels Hospital treat ment of Mary Elliott Hill drawing material A rep to bridge eon lot J- rep Marsh bridge Connor Get Your i Printed at the ERA Office and you will get a free notice in the ERA besides having the Largest Collection of Plates to select from North of Toronto 100 Large Bills Heavy Paper Nice Clear Printing for Address ERA OFFICE by Mail promptly attended to mi The treasurer was instructed to pay White the little threeyearold eon of Amos Lehman was playing in the each the house ho had the misfortune to fall lsL and run a piece of iron that was ly ing on the floor into his throat Medical aid was at once summoned and fears are entertained that bis pal ate is injured As Mrs Malcolm Connor was leav- Every house available is now engaged fa and demand for more If the wew breaking of the vacant houses in the surround- and the villages would move their houses Mrs Connor was badly bruised about to they would easily secure A tenants It is not uncommon to have j two or three families living in one a another occupant of the rig did not come off so fortunately she being badly bruised house here It does seem strange that when Councillor Clark was instructed to remove certain stumps on side line be tween lots eon The bylaw for the granting of a bonus smelting works at was carried by for it and against A QUICK CURE FOR COUGHS and COLDS Dwelling With rooms and collar garden attached Apply at the- Office YEARS EXPERIENCE TO RENT The Canadian for all THROAT LUHC AFFECTIONS Bottles 25 cents DAVIS LAWRENCE CO Limited Props Davis Palo Killer New York Montreal Nice Brick Cottage on street MRS I in Trade marks Copyrights TWO TOWN Intone tending a and opinion free Handbook ucerUJiT our opinion Ion la probably Street Situated neat 1 old Woollen For Sale on JACKSON I Ileal Estate Agent Coram Hand book on Meet for Co ions fttrictly tent free Men Patent taken ifirouan Mann Co charge In lcrinrf Scientific Retupning to The Jews are now Hocking Jerusalem in tfreat and if the SUBJECTS Uxbride wheelmen wish to go to Vir- and having her arm broken A little Sutton or other places on Connors was thrown they have to go via Brock he but across the hills by Zephyr while Udora strange to say was nob hurt is by far the shorter way but because The adjourned annual meeting of the swamp road is so soft in summer shareholders of the they cannot use it A few more jobs of gravel like was given last summer would fix that road Creamery Co was held on the The following are the newly elect ed directors Baker Noah J J A number of the boys from the James H Johnson surrounding community have been in A Sylvester J Baker JJ the habit of collecting the village I Brown every Sundays included and To the patrons who have sent their making the peaceable residents listen milk to the creamery throughout the to some of the most hideous din and year the returns have been very satis- yelling The parents of those boys I factory should look after them or other parties Average No lbs milk required will take that duty upon themselves for tho people about tired of such racket lurt In he a J the Icclrf It pott beauty I Loth troubled with joyed of A- ttf Mi nlintu60uily cruel in to and to Ulna by li h CASTOR I A For Infants and Children tauten it UK fees ITU vein ten feet wide and bearing thousands of to ton has been struck in No mine at the hundred foot level The strike is said to be biggest I cromn id tViofanncr consider yet northwestern Ontario My better than factory per lb of butter Average price per lb received by Patrons for butter Price per lb to Patrons for month of March Average price per lbs milk received by Patrons Averago price per lbs allow ing 15c per lbs skim med milk after having taken for cream Averago price per lbs milk for last months Average price per lbs milk for lust months adding price of skimmed milk as above It will be seen by these figures and others tbut might bo given that the influx is maintained it will again be come a city of Jews The Jews are chiefly of German extraction and one sees hem walking in Eastern garments with long fair lockson either side of their faces they are very dirty and do not bear a good character But j it- is still out of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world and no fewer than forty different languages there It is a place also where you I can study every phase of thought one might of religi ous fanaticism There are established at Jerusalem convents and churches of the Greek Russian Latin Armenian Coptic and Anglican churches the latter chiefly represented by the extreme Protestant section To a merely superficial observer the Latin church seems to shine out pre eminent both as to education and cul ture and I might add cleanliness which latter is generally want ing in the East particularly amongst House and Garden For Cheap Corner of Superior and to year Apply J A Of a year months fiold by Branch Office NewYork J a 1 To Rent Sell or Exchange FOR FARM PROPERTY PROMPTLY SECURED QUICKLY VVrttotonrfor 1 J theiiiniitiixbiu of a ynd or model your wo will promptly tell you If it now ana probably Service Tongb cases rejected In other and on St Newmarket on a Brick Dwelling spoken House- with hard itud water at the door Good Rum an ex cellent orchard consisting of apples plums Are The above property can be rented for one year or a term of years For further particulars enquire of J Savage Esq New market or If by letter to paper- Banks Companies clients In All Patents tired lb rough our public by The only Una of In th Dominion transacting patent business ilenuonthUpaper i THE USHER SON The Light of the 0 OUR SAVIOUR IN ART Disease a great and treacherous ocean Man ever fitands upon its shore and gazes out over its calm surface without a thought of danger It licks his feci it advances and recedes almost playfully but Ml the same it will crack his bones and eat him wipe the crimson foam from its laws as if had happen J as it has been doing ever since the world began A man who carelessly saunters along the shore of the insatiate sea Of disease will some day encounter a great storm in the form of some fatal malady and will be en gulfed Because a man docs not have to go to bed when he suffers from a trivial indi gestion because he does not have to give up work when he get nervous and cannot sleep at night because he can still force down an unsatisfactory meal when he is suffering from loss of appetite because by strong effort he can add a column of figures with aching head is no reason that disorders are trifling or to be neglected They are the warnings of serious sickness A man who promptly heeds them re sorts to right remedy wilt speedily re cover his health The man who them will find that is in the grip of consumption nervous disorder some oilier dread malady due to improper or insufficient nutrition Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery is the best of all medicines for men women who suf fer in this way It restore the lost tile facilitate the floxvof digestive juices invigorates the liver purifies and enriches the blood and and builds up the nerves It cures percent of all chronic bronchial throat and lung affections and is an unfailing remedy for nervous lion Medicine dealers sell it the Russian pilgrims and Jews who noon hojr pens brld compete with each other for a for absolute filth the Moslem population by reason of its laws of ablution before prayer ou the whole better Pall Magazine c I it three to orders dally The book bo beautiful ibat guaranteed to toany of want it Portland Cements for all sorts of farm iSlii already such fls bankbarn walla stable nS of 1SUO Fought Fifty Eighty of Ago When Victory Dr Catarrhal Powder the One Remedy George Lewi of Pa says I was troubled with catarrh for fifty years I am eighty years old I great many catarrh remedied but Dr Catarrhal Powder was the one medicine that gave im mediate relief and cured mo of the ease At Ottawa D Northrop a prominent member of Civil Ser vice used this medicine and tells of its benefits in case of catarrh and cold in head It relieves in ten minutes Sold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket Some widow are a trifle touchy One of them is suing a San editor for libel because he stated in the obituary of her late husband ho had gone to a happier home J Instruction all work warranted For further Inform apply to SING General Agent A line of first ant Shlnglce etc always at lowest prices abutments arch Sii J day and at thoplctureaof this Portland aku our the and 18CJPH of London Id louvre Vatican of Berlin and FOR TWENTYSeVEN YEARS Kler Myapne Cleared first weeks man woman or van jSSWiEyilof here to do CJwrcd first week another J5 myJnjf paying for home this Wanted Christian Men Women LARGEST SALE IN CANADA Town Carting All of Teaming done on Short Notice and on Terms DAVID Cor Main On man of Church to act office work and jpondiuccat their home already built up and here Salary iijm fur A P General Ave Chicago HI aQA to introduce OHuipaes of the thorn or relltflon iTcmoiifttraied W longer Br Austin la Dr Victoria lnlerblty Introduction whulftriy and devout men Judge many or Mark spirit ftt lH bound book im- i on time paid Bella on alxht COMPANV or other of fair a would be an at their own Toronto

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