Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 22, 1898, p. 7

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Vtfti 4 HALL April GROCERY Wo a Very Lino of California Prunes to soil at lbs for Wo have finest quality of evaporated Peaches Apricots Ac Oranges and Lemons finest quality for Marmalado or BAKING POWDER To our stock wo will soil a Glass Jar for quality good as you can ask Something nice in Hams Breakfast Bacon Rolls CANNED GOODS Corn Peas Tomatoes Best Salmon lbs of good Japan Tea for 1 Coffee per lb Fresh ground BOOTS SHOES Mens Long Boots at 225 worth Our Spring Stock will soon ho in AND CROCKERY When looking for a Dinner Set it will pay you well to see our stock The Largest in variety and Lowest in Price In Toilet Sets we suit both in taste and pocket Leading Grocery We would like to get profit on all goods but we positively will not be under sold The Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts Warm weather Is Coming Drop in and see what A DAY APRIL Peeks toeal WHAT IS OH IN TOWN of Boston will demonstrate the different of using Feather bono for dresses to the and other of Newmarket at Store on Monday morning April 25th and on Monday afternoon at Mies Fitting Booms V- Almost Pipe Last Monday morning just as Gibson and her daughter finishing tho washing startled by two raon telling them that kitchen roof was on Are for palls and water and by their prompt action Are was soon extinguished had been burning light wood to host water quickly and soot catching on Are sparks to fly and on dry set them fire Mrs Dr Scott saw the and gave alarm Mr Thompson milkman and Mr West tho happened along just at that moment and family eel very thankful to all for only promptness saved from great damage and of calling out Only a small of wore burnt A Novelty Gramophone Concert on Wednesday evening was Pauls Sunday School clearing The in- strnment was by Mr If to the of all present Excellent Value Mr J C of was In town reported that busi ness is good His stock of dry goods groceries and boots will bo found and soasonable out for announcement next week Vloved Out Suddenly One day this week Harry who had contracted a boardbill etc oyer at took a depart ore for another locality without Bottling up and was brought back by legal process was subsequently settled without a trial Something Good The Rtavtr says In Mr Bert we had boot who has ever appeared before a audience His entertainment is thoroughly roflncd Bert will appear at Citizens Band Concert in Hall on May Town An gathering of inter ested in National Gamo took place at tho on Tuesday evening were present a from Bradford and Captain Allan was re quested to presido Tho proposition to form a onion club two Towns waa received with applause and fol lowing officers were Hon Fros Oapt Allan Hon Vice las Bradford VicoPres Jas Newmarket 2nd Vico Titos vans Bradford Captain Louie Campbell T Doyle F Stewart J Boilings- head and J McKay It was to retain the old name of join the Association and Red and Black for Club Colore The combination produce an ex- strong team and wo may look for an interesting season on tho field May tho Talagooa win The boys are making arrangements for a match for the of May Snaps in yards at and yard at Toronto Jobbing a R pine machine new Road Machine by Council of East from Mr delivered on It In to today between Sharon and tho Town Line South The outlook is so encouraging among formers that Mr Smith is soiling considerable new ma chinery this sfason Cheese Its beat At Davison Coe The Band Concept Toronto in of Miss Flda is to sing at Band Coo- cert on May says Miss Idle possesses a soprano Voice of great flexibility and power She has a rango of nearly three octaves and sings with high E Mies Idle sang recently at BrpokviHo with Mr Mills tho great English baritone and proved a great favorite The License Board for this Riding met at on all present and Licenses for the year as follows KINO TOWNSHIP Tavern J Harris John Sutton J Doyle Watson Prank Trent John McBrldc Francis TOWK8IIII TavernPatrick Young License refused to Qoorgo Harper EAST TavernJohn C Embury J Deacon Wine and Beer A Hose Lie en so refused to JasNcHcs and Beer Samuel King License refused to 8tephen Lepard TOWNSHIP Tavern Mrs Deer and Wine Crittenden Application of William Gordon deferred SUTTON WEST Tavern A Sbcppard Sturtrldge of W McDonald deferred HOLLAND LANDING Tavern Jane Tavern iiller J Martin Action deferred on all applications AUROItA AH deferred Board adjourned to meet at Inspectors office Sharon at on April Ink Lightning nn Sunday night High wind Tuesday morning and rain settled the dust April showers bring May flowers Carry your umbrella New moon last Wednesday Only one more Sunday in April Has in Spring Suitings Also a fine Assortment of and Overcoatings At Right Prices W CLundy Old Stand Get a Move On work We nave commenced and should be pleased to your order Painting PaperPanging Calsomin- Etc in all its branches Having ttae Best North of Toronto we can the best Of in that lino Try us 1 We can pi you of St to Loan At per cent ou farm and village property by Davidson CoiainteSloner for If J Insurance Conveyancer Ileal Kstatc A Kent Agent for the following Companies Ilyernoolnnd Norwich Union Midland ami lent Also for Life auco and Northern Co OBI Brooks Mount Albert Methodist Last Sunday was a field day for the Methodists The sermons by Mr cely of Brampton as well as the address to the Sunday School were exceptionally fine The speaker proved to be an origin al thinker and gave the largo congregation something to think about will not soon bo forgotten sermon in the morning was founded on the following words from Pauls letter to the That was not first which waa spiritual but that which is natural and afterward that which ie spiritual With a wonderful of eloquence the reverand gentleman pointed out how that all nature both in the mineral and vege table kingdoms is intended to lead the mind of man to Creator and after the pro per use of things is discerned the spiritual application becomes apparent The advantages of education were aptly illustrated and duly appreciated In the the text was the following words found In That which bath been Is now and that Is to bo bath been alroady been and God that which is past For threequarters of an hour the rever end gentleman held the atten tion of his audience discussing the past present and future in their relation the one to the other The burden of bis thought was that the future is just what one of the present the record wo make will be reviewed by a just Judge and rewarded accordingly It was a profound sermon and ended with a perora tion taken from the life of Paul The pastor also assisted by School for South in the morning service collections during the day for edu cational purposes amounted to Council Regular meeting last Monday even ing Present Mayor Reeve Deputy and Councillors Cody Manning Hughes Wes ley and Smith The following bills passed P OLeary re WAV F wood at Council Chamber P OLeary breaking stone Crittenden do carting Skinner wood for Electric Light Hell Telephone Co connection afcW The account for car of coal was re ferred to the Fire Light also com munication of Mrs Foster asking for domestic water connection on Vic toria Ave and from Bell Telephone Co wires and poles of Electric Light to Industrial Home Communication re stone walks was referred to Road Bridge Com Communication from Mayor of asking cooperation in asking Dom Govt to place a tax on lum ber manufactured in United States re ferred to Finance Com Tenders for watering streets were received from Johnston at 145 per day Hunter at per day and at per day Deputy Lloyd moved that the ten der of Hunter be accepted he having done the work with great satis faction Mr was surprised that the Deputy who is always so econo mical should a motion If the lowest is not accepted what is the use of asking for tenders He moved it amendment that the tender of Johnston be accepted Amendment carried on a vote of to Communication from Canadian Motor Co asking for consideration to locate their works in Newmarket re ferred to the Com on Progress and In dustry Communication regarding inspec tion of Electric Meters was placed on Mr Manning asked if the hydrants to which the stand pipes are attached should not bo shut off in case of fire The Mayor said should or the Firemen would get a wotting and the Inspector was instructed to see that the hydrants are closed every The Road Bridge Com recom mended that the streets ho watered as usual the petition being properly sign ed Report adopted The Property Com that front of Fire Hull bo painted and north side brick ho col ored also a new front door and the stairway strengthened Report adopted Fire Light Com recommend ed the purchase of cut outs at a coat of each for arclamp poles Mayor that tho sway- of tho wires caused the lights to go out on two or three occasions which was very annoying and ho thought it advisable to overcome tho Major Lloyd strongly opposed it Ho said if we getting light from a private company it would be quite another thing It will mean 50 be fore the job is finished and the people can put up with an occasional incon venience while taxes are so high It is a new business and it may be like some expenditures by the A Light Com that arc little use Tho Mayor asked what he had re ference to Tho Deputy said the cellar nozzle for the Firmen wan one The Mayor said re quested its and will no doubt use it when occasion requires Mr Smith said that if the Mayor heard half the complaints that he did the last night the lights were out he would vote for tho expenditure The report was adopted on a vote of to Mr introduced a motion to grant Council of King to wards building a road around the two hills just west of which caused considerable discussion In support of this motion Mr stated that this Town spent a few years ago to get this road opened to and in 1892 voted additional to put a road around the schoolhouse hill last grant was never drawn By an agreement with that corporation are liable for onethird the repairs on tho marsh road For two years we have not paid anything and he was assured by Deputy Armstrong that if this grant was made we would nob be asked for anything further for the year 18978 In case a is put through he considered it very im portant to retain the trade here The Mayor was not in a position to say whether much trade came that way or not but if it was worth spend ing by the people of Newmarket some years ago and about since surely it was worth to finish the especially when we know that it will cost the township three dollars to our one With the exception of these two hills the road is in fair shape to haul a goodsized load Deputy Lloyd strongly opposed the grant and considered that it was throwing good money after bad It was very unfair for a rich township with thousands of dollars out at in terest to ask us burdened with tax ation to build their road He also objected to the wording of the motion The Reeve also thought it should be in black and white what the township proposed to do Mr Cody was opposed to the grant If the marsh road was neglected now it would cost more afterwards to re pair it He considered it a great in justice to be taxed for the benefit of the township It was enough to as sist in opening the road and it was the duty of the township to keep it in good condition in justice for what Newmar ket had already done Mr Hughes remarked that people came here to market from over the marsh road that never came before the road was fixed the last time The Deputy remarked that they came with light loads and got along very well and that was all the kind of loads they would bring anyway The motion was put and carried the yeas and nays being called for The vote stood as follows Yeas Robertson erville Manning Hughes Smith and the Mayor Nays Lloyd Cody and Wesley The Clerk was instructed to inform the County Clerk of the burning of tho LockUp by an inmate of the Indus trial Home and ask for a grant of 260 to rebuild the same in a more sub stantial and fireproof manner The Auditors Report was presented and referred to the Finance Com Mr Wesley asked if the Bicycle ByLaw was to come up tonight Deputy said that the Cora to whom the Petition was referred was unable to get a meeting Mr J Smith heard with re ference to the use of Town Hall tor a Band Concert and asked the influence of the Council to make it a success Ho Kaid the laet time they used the Hall the Band was out of pocket In ad dition to the evening serenades the Band plays for all organizations free of charge and this is only way thoy have to pay tho balance of the salary of the Leader On motion the verbal request was referred Market Com The Fire and Light Com was in structed to and report upon host way to repair the and probable cost Council at 1081 pm better April On street on Saturday and his bicycle mixed up with a trolley car wheel wan wrecked and the rider collar bone broken Samuel of Queen street west while wheeling Saturday even ing fell under a coal cart and was taken to St Michaels Hospital with a crushed shoulder Toronto firemen have the local record by answering fire during the past days Six teen of the alarms came in on Satur day and two yesterday but with one exception the damage was trifling Arthur an lad was killed on the railway tracks at Saturday morning Ar thur had been walking along the track and attempted to board a Hat car falling on the rails in the effort Two cur passed over his body com- severing the limbs from the trunk When ho was picked up by the train hands he was still breathing and in spite of his terrible injuries he lived until after he was taken home in the ambulance Before Judge Morgan Tuesday after noon Woods of Button was com mitted as a lunatic This is the gentleman who imagined he was Fitz- and made things warm for relatives and neighbors He was very quiet when arraigned yesterday Geo of Richmond Hill died in leaving a widow and eight children property was to be divided when youngest child reached his majority Before that event occurred two of the children died The court is asked to construe his will and decide whether the issue of the deceased children can inherit The matter will come up on Friday At the annual meeting of the To ronto Branch of the British Empire League a resolution was adopted in favor of preference in the British market for Canadian also a second resolution that Canada should contribute more liberally the de fences of the empire At a meeting of the agist ray of Tr m j Prepare for it by Painting the Woodwork Kitchen Floor and Full Line of Paints Oils Ready Mixed Paints Alabastine v Paint and Kalsomine Brushes OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES Cornice Poles CREAMERS MILK Barrel Churns HORSE CLIPPERS Lawn Mowers Hedge and Pruning Shears Garden Hose Rakes Hoes Rakes Spades Shovels Agents for Repairs A 0UD DUO jacks for Hire SSSS MEW J Sorne people have an idea because we do such a lapge business in the Bakery Fruits and Grocery lines that we take no interest in the Book Stationery Wall Paper and m meeting ine Departments but we wish to let you know that as long the County hereon Monday a if tion was adopted in favor of asking Central Telephone Offico as we do Business in Newmarket that the Book Stationery the County Council to uniform the Newspaper Departments are and we will stand by constables at the Assizes and County Courts This is a step the County them at all odds and in Wall Papers we can let you have a will scarcely adopt The Sheriff choice of Ten Thousand Rolls at Lowest Prices points these men not always the same persons and where is the thing to end One constable wont wear the clothes that some other fellow was togged out in As Mr Jackson and Mr suggested a distinguish ing badge is all the County would be justified in providing If the men must have uniforms let them buy them the people pay enough for the service already The leader of the Opposition in the Ontario Assembly Mr J P Whitney is in the city this week He says that his side will not make any in the election protests entered Now just wait till the time comes round compelling action and if the saw is not brought into requisition a good many people will see the last of their thousand dollars without securing to them a seat in parliament The Passion Play in the Y C A Hall is being largely attended Moving pictures representing scenes during Passion week at Jerusalem in the history of Christ present striking feature calculated to leave lasting im pressions on the mind OF- Chas a farmer who lived near killed in a runaway accident Sir Wilfred has pone to Quebec to attend the funeral of Card inal The new steel arch bridge at Ni agara Falls in place of the old suspens ion bridge was opened for traffic on Monday Ottawa April The four nurses of the Victorian Order who leave for Klondike tomorrow given a hearty sendoff at Government House last evening large and re presentative gathering assembled the invitation of their Excellencies and inspected with evident interest the outfits provided for the four wo men who are to minister to the sick and suffering in the SubArctics of Canada A London journalist has come into a fortune of 20000 by a curious chain of circumstances In the mili tary operations on the northwest of India one of the officers killed left a sum of to a relative The news of the death gave such a shock to the relative that he expired sudden ly of heart disease The heir of this relative also received such a that he promptly took to drinking and drank himself to death By a will which he had made in his undergradu ate days at Oxford the latter left his possessions to seven college chums of whom the London journalist hap pened to bo oue and ho has now re ceived the sum stated 20000 as his portion of money BOOB -AT- Very And the best of it is they are all of the est Quality AT- Prices That Will Astonish You Call and see that we mean business SIGN OF THE RED BOOT S To get a Suit made by a tailor and another thing to have in made right By leaving your order with N what you want when you want it and how you want it As he always keeps posted as to the very Latest Styles and finishes every garment in an artistic manner Prices Low Terms Gash MY TAILOR J J-

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