Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 22, 1898, p. 6

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I J 1 J r ERA FRIDAY APRIL 189 strife around the flab AND RELIABLE v Respondents to record ROACHS POINT saw mil in the Deer Park a success Did you notice our 1- coven oclock whistle Master Woods has returned college after newly two weeks with parents and many Mends The good roads brought mute a number of Woycliats to the Point last Sunday Miss Young spent Easter days with friends in city Mrs J Boyd of who has been very ill is improving Mrs Thomson of Jacksons Point is the of Mrs Young Master J Cook of Toronto spent Easter holidays with Mr Love Several people started garden ing Evangelist Jenkins finished a course of two weeks evangelistic services in the Methodist Church here last Sun- day preaching both morning and even ing to large congregations The morning service drew lino be tween the love of God and love of world the evening subject was tlio funeral of the soul and both able and powerful addresses The service awakened a nam- of souls and good has been done for man and for God The League is increasing in numbers Eight names were ad ded last Monday night to the list of active members Monday oven- there will he an election of officers for the quarter A social evening will bo held the near future Farmers in the vicinity have been making rapid headway with their seed- weather has been remark ably this month also till last Tuesday when the record was broken with cold rains and high winds Mrs Geo and Miss Delia spent a days in Sutton last week enjoying the hospitality of Aunt Mrs Headway Don ald Arnold etc Geo is putting in his spare timo boatbuilding Hes got a good one on the go now which nay bo yours if youve got stamps The new baker Button baked his first batch of bread in the new oven on Saturday it proved to be of a arid its a go if he keeps it up to present high stand ard The kids are catching suckers at dam many of which would weigh ten pounds may Fay in ex planation that it would lako a great to weigh ten pounds Mrs was down to the Hospital last week to sec her hubby found Charlie getting along famously Conductor has his share of petty annoyances- He is terribly pes with bummers stealing rides on his train On Tuesday evening of last week as the train drew into Baldwin as the engine slackened off piercing awoke the stillness of the lonely vale The trainmen rushed out whats that whats that they ex claimed On investigation they found Joel fast between the tender and the first car lie was released V and let go for this time He and two others including our frog fisher were stealing a ride to Sutton Joel was advised not to try the dodge but hed be blank hed steal a ride or loose a leg He came near doing the latter The conductor vows hell arrest the next trespasser and have them jugged Will our in a tandem cycle this season Transmission of mails A letter posted 1280 Monday noon at lyn reached Baldwin Tuesday evening It would require the same length of time for one to come from to Baldwin a distanccof six miles Couldnt our good PM General remedy this We hear rumors of a sensa tion about to be revealed in Sutton nut at present will not say what tis as might get his dander up But by and by Ah me Music galore in Owltown The Band Miss be ginning her operatic season the sweet birds just it and the Owl a What a Paradise it is down here j Aint those wise Congressmen of U just fools themselves Quite like our Canadian Senate eh 1 We understand that the boarding house at Jackson Point will be opjji May 1st and already many summer visitors have engaged quarters Whore will the end be Our Mrs Owen will be at again his year We understand the old favorite Enterprise will bo on deck again for a share of public patronage this year A poor unfortunate follow who had lost his mental equilibrium and thus wade considerable stir taken to a place of oneway last week MCMILLANS CORNERS seeding weather lias so favorable the two weeks that weight of seeding will Iks over this week Wo congratulate J Stur geon on his excellent choice glad to kiiow that Miss lift chosen for her companion a gentle man highly respected and esteemed his congregation yet wo will miss very much assistance rendered by liov at all our parties aw well as her pleas smiles Dunham spent ft few days at Mr John McNeils Tito pulpit was filled by Mr Smith from Bradford last our pastor was off on his wed ding trip Know All II ST SOUTH The rain on Tuesday put sudden stop to seeding Arthur Everest who has working shops in Toronto cwno homo sick last Monday Mrs Moure was visiting at her fathers Mr Geo in lost week Wedding have again rang out their music in celebrating two marri ages here Mr J A Fleming and Miss were united on the inst at home of Mr W Phillips at 3 oclock Tho house was darkened and tho performed by Alwut guests were present- The happy couple took the evening train for their future homo in Rochester Mr Wilson and Miss Eilio Walker married in the evening at oclock home of the brides lather Mr G Walker Mr Wilson has rented Mr Cases farm south of Aurora and intends liv ing there By the appearance of things the wedding bells will be ringing quite Often here Who will be the next Maid KING CITY Our Sons of Temperance Division intend paying Division a fra ternal visit on May All are expected to turn out Mr Patterson our bike agent is doing a business soiling now There is somo talk that the wedding bolls will soon be ringing around station particulars later Mr A J has procured a horse and rig for his own use We arc all glad to hear that Miss Minnie Brown is able to be out again Mr Thomas has to Toronto to work Visitors Miss Marshall at Mies Jelly at J Cross- and eft SHARON The news of the death of Mrs Mary Jane reached here on Satur day She boon a resident here for a great many years but lately she was living in Lindsay with relatives All of our wanderers returned after tho holidays were over Mrs has been her house and has improved it very much Mrs Richard Way ling has returned from a visit at hoi sisters in Weston Miss Bertha we hear has accepted a situation in city Mrs A paid us a Hying visit one day last week Misses Stella and Josie Murrell of Baldwin were visiting their aunt Miss last week Bad cold seem to be paying us some visits are sorry to learn that Mrs J Hughes is very ill Her mother Mrs Brown of is attending her at present Mr eldest son Ar thur is also very sick Mrs A J Hughes is visiting her mother at Brampton who we under stand is very sick without hope of re covery Mr Alonzo Rose was visiting his daughter at last week MOUNT PLEASANT Rev Smith of Bradford filled the pulpit at Pleasant Church last Sunday morning It is fully expected that Mr Sturgeon will be on hand next Miss Smelser has returned to her home in King after a few weeks visit with her sister Miss Hannah Johnston from Scott is spending a few days with her sister Mrs Shaw Miss Maria Barker returned to New market last Sunday Miss Maud Morton of or ganized a Band of Hope in the Pleasant Sunday Sunday morning Mr Jas Hamilton acting as superintendent Master Ixk Morton from Albert spent last Sunday at Mr J Hamil tons of our progressive farmers are adopting model farm methods in doing their seeding this spring There seems to be a loadstone a little north of here Mr Frank Glover P a bike We expect to see him home now Mr John McDermottof Bond Head is visiting friends in this vicinity Mr and Mrs Thos Glover returned home after visiting friends in Mark- ham for a few days We hear that Mr Irwin Hamilton is going to take up the mason work with Horner this summer We are sorry to say Miss M Curtis is somewhat under the weather We would be very much pleased if the Joker would lessen his area as ho is trespassing on other ground Mr Thomas and Will Watson are Thomas Glover Drop Scott has returned from visit at St Thomas Miss Muriel Sproulo and a friend from Toronto spent Easter with us Masters If Wilkinson and Skin ner Misses Clara and Skinner home for Easter vacation They give a good report of Newmarket High School A young man drove into the village other day in company with a lady of the suburbs When dismounting from the carriage tho lady accidentally fell to the ground while tho young man was found in the dust under the rig No bones wore broken Miss and Miss Walls Have started a new dressmaking es tablishment The gang of railroad surveyors that were with us for three weeks have moved to North and pulso of the village has returned to normal condition The Ladies Aid of tho Methodist Church gave a tea at the residence of Mr A on Good Friday even ing The host and hostess did every thing that could be done to assist in making evening an enjoyable one All seemed to be woll pleased with the entertainment MUTUAL CORNERS Baiter bonnets all tho tho past two weeks Mr and Mrs Joshua have returned home after Spending Easter with their daughter at Miss J and sister were visiting at Mr Willis last week Seeding is going on in full blast Mr and Mrs William have returned after spending a few days away friends are glad to Mrs to be out again after two weeks of severe illness Weddings look very promising in near future We to Mr Marshal Rose to be out again after being confined to his bed for several days Mr W has purchased a dandy now wheel Mr Morris Homer clipped Mr Walkers horse to perfection last week Tho Flanagan Bros here went down creek and secur ed a fine lot also Host Council Sharon Apr 1898 EastGwiUimhury Council met at Sharon all members present Communications received and merits ordered as follows Toronto Hospital re treatment of J H Grang er a total of days Howard re culvert con lots and 101 Bull Werrett services re tax ing costs Webb suit Petition received from residents Sharon and vicinity ro commutation of Statute Labor and sidewalk clean ing The Reeve introduced a ByLaw to appoint RoodOverseers PoundKeep ers FenceViewers and SheepValu ators 20 in L J Special i This Week i KESWICK A very large crowd attended the funeral service of the late David Van- Norman which was held in Christian Church Deceased was an old resident and father of Mr Van of this place The other members of the family who attended the funeral are C of firm of Harvey and VanNorman To ronto Fred also of Toron to R Mrs of Sudbury and Mr John VanNorman of Detroit The family have had very severe affliction as there have been two deaths within as many weeks The bereaved have the sympathy of the community The Dist Worthy Patriarch Wood of Aurora visited the of T on Saturday evening He was ac companied by Mr A Holland of Aurora P W A They were well pleased with the Division here and spoke very highly of the orderly way in which the business was conducted Arrangements are being made for a Grand Temperance meeting in the Park on the Sunday following the District which will be held here Further particulars later Rev Mr Jenkins addressed a meet ing in tho hall on Thursday evening The meetings in the hall on Sun day evenings under the auspices of the Christian Endeavor are very well attended The hall was packed last Sunday and seats had to be placed in the aisle to accommodate the crowd The special singing each evening is a great drawing card The holidays are over and everyone has resumed work The anniversary service of the Christian Endeavor was held in the hall on Thursday of last week The chair was very ably filled by Mr Henry who in his opening speech related the progress of the Society since its formation three years ago When organized the Society consisted of only eleven active and six associate members while now it is flourishing with over fifty active mem bers showing the greatest progress of any Society in North York After the chairman speech an excellent pro gram of music singingand recitations was rendered to an appreciative audi ence The recitations were worthy of special note The meeting was highly honored by the presence of Rov Mo- of Mt Albert who gave a very interesting address on An Ideal Christian Endeavor A vote of thanks was tendered to those taking part which was replied to in a very suitable manner by the Rev Mr Fadgen Toronto where she has been taking a course of music Mr John has taken up his position as Keeper on Vox Island Mrs of Roachs Point is spending a few days with her daughter Mrs John MOUNT ALBERT Mr Last late of Departmental stores is home for a few weeks Miss Butt returned Monday from holidays spent in the vicinity of Mr Brooks is at where he has a house contract to complete before going to Rainy River Mr spent Sunday at Mans Mr Jno Rosamond was badly in jured on the street last Monday morn ing whilo he and several other older heads were indulging in vaulting with a pole He sustained a very bad fall and is under Dr Forests care As a result he will bo unable to be about for a couple of months The road machine was run over all our streets this week and the result is splendid Mias Terry visited her mother at Toronto Hospital last week She is able to bo up end is much improved Dr D Smith dentist of villo will bo hero on Tuesday April as usual Everybody is cleaning up their back yards getting ready for the In spector Miss Leek has bought a fine pony and outfit Uncle Torn was waltzing a man from Newmarket around the village one day last week Mr John Rosamond happened with a very bad accident He put his hip out of joint Misses Leek had quite an experi ence with their pony when starting from the stable the other day Turn ing a corner the cart upset throwing both girls out No damage was done with tho exception of a scratched face It is pleasing to note that P Flan agans babe is recovering after a severe illness with congestion On Saturday last Mrs H Rams- den treated the Royal at their meeting to maple taffy The suckers are scarce in the vil lage but we are informed that the creek on lot has been staked On Tuesday last A horses took a Hying trip down the highway They careened madly into a wire fence which resulted in some bad scratches Some time during Sunday evening after the household had retired at Mrs some unknown sneaks made themselves annoying by hanging around the meat room door Hearing an unusual noise the inmates began to investigate and the intruders scampered away We understand this is not the first visit in this vicinity by midnight prowlers Those who take the Era and realize through its col umns the amount of such work that is being perpetrated in our county will do well to arm themselves accordingly We have omitted to note the fact that there is a new bridge at the side walk crossing at Post Office Louis Jarvis our miniature bee king thinks it very strange that a sting on the back of the head should swell up so around his chops It is worthy of note that the Divi sion here has adopted theearly closing idea which is in accordance with parental tuition They have al so adopted the plan of having three sides to their entertainment matches with three captains This reduces the work considerably for the respective sides during the busy season Mrs Jos of Aurora was visiting friends on the last week Lloyd of is visit ing at Mr Waltons and Mr Lloyds Mr Tatton and wife were guests of Mr St last Sunday Mrs Win Wilson spent a few days last week in Aurora visiting her mother Mrs T On last R Fox and Smith paid the Landing a visit for the purpose of capturing the finny tribe Result- two bags full for boys ByLaw regularly passed The Clerk was instructed to notify R to repair and enlarge the culvert on Con so as to prevent the water from his mil race overflowing and injuring the road way Council adjourned to meet on Sat May am at Sharon Court of Revision to be held in Sharon on May York County Christian Endeavor Budget WE are looking forward to a grand spiritual feast on May 17 and 18 On Wednesday evening of last week a meeting of the young peoples societies in Town met in the lecture room of the Presby terian Church organize and appoint local committees for the work of the Convention There was a good attendance and everyone seemed prepared to do their part to make Convention a suc cess If there are any societies who would like a paragraph in the E column concerning the work of their society kindly write out what you would like inserted and forward it to the county secretary It will appear in the fol lowing weeks news Dont be afraid to let the world know what your so- is doing TUB MINISTRY OF MUSIC In the E service nothing is of more importance than the music that is rendered there A great part of the life and wellbeing of the society de pends upon it It throws life into the heart of the society It awakens its emotional nature calls its imagina tion into play and it into ac tivity in every work It binds the hearts of the members in one A song becomes a rallying cry or an evangel of hope or a proclamation of divine grace Therefore cultivate ar duously the musical talent of the so- Never let a meeting pass with out a sweet solo or a charming duett Use Songs and Solos by and you will never be at a loss Dr Dickson Ed County AT SHADES BEITS Our Heavy Cotton Hose all Sizes in Stock TO JOBBING Thinks Watt is Mr Smith has just returned from Lakewood New Jersey where he has been staying for his health in an by a News re porter gave his view of the present situation I have been for the last two months in United States My decided impression is that the nation is being hurried into the war before the re sources of diplomacy have been ex hausted and when Spain is offering considerable concessions by the vio lence of Congressional fireeaters and the sensational press against the good sense of the community War about the destruction of the Maine is manifestly premature when the act has not been traced to the Spanish Government or any one con nected with it ana before any de mand for indemnity has been made and refused I fear the political con sequences to the Charles druggist at Man a local option town has been fined for violation of the liquor law Charles Rolston was thrown from his waggon and killed near Walkerton on Saturday A bicyclist frightened his horses For offering a forged cheque in payment of board bill John Ellis of Toronto was sentenced to three months in the Central Prison I George and William Bell of Bradford were comitted to goal for trial on charge of stealing three buffalo robe3 from the Hulse House shed at Bradford Kingston April planing mill was down this morning involving a loss of The place was insured for The cause of the fire is unknown The largest Geyser in the world is the Excelsior Geyser in Yellowstone Park Its basin is full of boiling water from which clouds of steam are constantly ascending At long inter vals water is spouted into the air to a height of from to feet The idler is never happy The time hangs heavily on his hands The busy one never notices its flight In deed it seems all too short for the ac complishment of his worthy ends He is too less liable to temptation than the one who finds both occupa tion and recreation a bore Do your level best in all times and in all places You owe this much to your friends yourself and to the Higher Power that created you Then whether your earthly existence be long or short you will achieve as much happiness as the world can offer and will be well pre pared for the bliss that has no ending Fresh Milch Cows And always on bund J H Landing the Inst- No for Leave Era an and lid nearly a 1 greatly MONEY FOUND A roll of bills up in Boole Store last Saturday can have proving property and for ibis notice BUSH For Hale Cheap Apt to VILLI Newmarket Makers wanted t once The BROS CO Limit- Toronto TO RENT J t One on Street eight rooms good cellar furnace do- raeatlc water good garden rooms hard and soft water good garden Tabernacle in London England was destroyed by fire Wed nesday afternoon Burglars endeavored to break into Weston Postoffice on Sunday night With a brace and bit they cut out the lower panel in the front door and drew the bolt but thro was still a bolt av the top not unfastened They got an ash barrel and were standing on this cutting out the top panel when disturbed and frightened off Kingston April A despatch fronrGananoquB reports a sad drown ing accident Tho unfortunate man was John Cunningham aged twenty- four Cunningham and two young men named J and Bou cher were out in a sail boat and when near Dark Island Cunningham lost his hat They jibbed sails to recover it but could not keep the the boat upright Both the others clung to boat but Cunningham swam for the shore and sank when but a few from it Apply to A BOG ART Gorham Street -FOB- FIELD GARDEN WANTED A good general Servant with references to go to Roachs Point for summer months Please apply at once to Mrs Roe Our Stock is fresh and from best growers yon will find our stock Tried and True Berkleys Pharmacy Lehmans Drug Store Spring the thing for a Sprng tonic COMPOUND EXT Wilmol Lehman Chemist and Druggist Servant Girl Wanted References required Apply personally to MRS DR SCOTT Queen St sees for sale Thoroughbred I Leghorn KctJffIcfc I On Cedar Street in rear of Lehmans Drug Store Having been supplied with a Little Daisy LOOK Is now prepared to weave Rate Carpet to action of bis customer Call and A trial For sale at Office per lb lbs J Practical AND Prune of Trees with years experience Is prepared to do all kinds of Garden and Lawn Work Grafting a Specialty Shoemaker Has removed o Mr Jloeg door South or Hbdg Old Shop where u S ftal BOSSES Weighing- from to WOO Bound and High Con W from vriJf bo at namely Royal Hotel Montreal

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