Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 22, 1898, p. 5

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J pun FRIDAY APRIL 22 i8g8 4 J f 1 ONTARIO BANK CAPITAL REST em time Toronto J President Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH A Business General Banking Interest Allowed on Deposits AT COJUIKNT DRAFTS ISSUED AT AM d American Drafts bought flold promptly attended to lit and LIVERY Hull Street of House Main Street MISCELLANEOUS Simpson Main HI Sundries and Fancy Goods LA V miss Is to do 8owIiik at tfUArautccd In all latent lona Newmarket PO will rocclvo prompt attention to Architect Mouther of tho Ontario Association of Arch itects Invited with tcmplatniff or their adjusted Main St International Sunday School Lesson fl Forgiveness April Matt Forgive and ye shall forgiven After the Jesus ami tho three descended from the Mount worked a miracle of healing up on a lunatic and after with the Twelve returned by slow stages through Galileo to Capernaum One day Twelve were discussing and questioning Jesus the kingdom of heaven and member- ship and Jesus took this occasion to warn tliein to guard against indicting injury upon the souls of others PRACTICAL With what mete it shall he measured to you again Sin hurts the sinner more than it can hurt the one sinned against How sad to think it possible that any who arc resting upon a hope of divine pardon are unforgiving and re sentful towards others We unable to pay our debt to God He asks only that we accept his gifts with grateful love Each injury like a leech rankles in the heart Deter mination to cast such feelings away dees not avail One must bathe the whole being in Gods pardoning mercy then will the heart become filled with love and all hateful be banish ed Has Won the Gratitude and fidence of all Canada NO MORE DOUBTING The Postive Evidence of Cure Too Conclusi to Perm of it Till Something About Torpedoes VKHY nKSTIltCTIVK In the open sea torpedobout is comparatively harmless Wind and wave are against her She is designed for service in quiet waters in harbors and mouths of rivers whore vessels of an enemy may be lying at anchor Usually she does her work under cover of darkness she can get within striking distance of an enemys warship she launches her tor- if it has lxeu well aimed If Yon Ask Your Druggist for a Vial of The Effect that on Sees DOCTOR YOURSELF Mr street Toronto Canada My hod a of the and wo with tho best or re sults He was troubled with severe cough and feeling very badly Indeed no badly that In scarcely when ho began using of the Croup Cure Improved at once and the wo completely broken up two or days iho bars wonderful Co to In to and In a few AH AM YOU Price and atomacb of Care led break up A cold la a few Irtce Cure ftwtati and be Price inyoaB Cure R of Culture and Violin Tuner of Pianos and all String Instruments Ceo formerly Milter of and Music a number of at her Cor and Church Newmar ket Terms moderate NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones Before Ordering Allan Money to Loan At Five per cent on Farm by David for taking Real Issuer of Marriage Licenses Also fetf for the following Compalea Queen of London and LiverpoolEngland CUtcofl Montreal District Mutual established In also for the Life Association To ronto Corner of Main and Lot GRAHAMS Art Studio If you want your picture taken dont with the old method ol years ago bat have it produced in the latest style and be with your friends A Specialty We are giving excellent in our work Call and see specimens and you will be vlnoed O T GRAHAM JONES OLD STAND NEWMARKET The EMULSION I- EMULSION la molt EMULSION la by of The EMULSION la a lpr0ot DAVIS LAWRENCE relationship between the bee keeping and fruitgrowing industry through the work of cross fertilization by tho honey bee is at present so well recognized that it is not necessary to moro than say that anything which injures bee prevents him from do ing this important work To spray fruit trees when not in blossom does not interfere with the honey bee To spray during fruit blossom when latter are secreting nectar for pur pose of attracting the insect and dis tributing pollen when rifling it of its nectar is very injurious to the honey bee honey bee has a very highly developed nervous system and for that reason considering its size falls an easy prey to quantities of poison which would have no effect upon other in sects of a similar size And quantity of poison which would be fatal to the honey bee would have to bo multiplied many times to have up on larger animals even the effect of a mild tonic as prescribed by physi cians The way in which the poison reaches the bee is as follows Attracted by the odor of the blossom she goes long distances from the hive as she flower she locates it depending more upon her eye as a guide and en ters it rifling it of its nectar The nectar through the spraying mixture has a very small percentage of the poison This mixture is taken up by the honey bee and enters the honey sack not the true stomach I not know if effect upon the bee varies according to the percentage of poison or depends upon the question as to whether the honey bee allows a por tion of the nectar to enter true stomach for its own support It ap pears to me likely that in either case the bee may perish The result how ever is this In many cases bees per ish at trees in others on then- way to the hive and still others lose their lives after running to the hive This is all The honey bee un dergoes all the stages of a true insect namely the egg the larvae the pupa and lastly the image or perfect insect During the larvae stage it is fed pollen and honey by the mature insect This food containing only a very min ute percentage of the poison is very fatal to the bee when in the larvae or grub stage and in this way many par tiallydeveloped bees ace destroyed The loss is twofold or to use a wellknown term the candle is burning at both ends The old bees are destroyed and so are the embryo bees which should go to take the place of those who have served their day and generation and die a natural death and in addition to build up the colony for the honey flow In this way it will be seen that a colony may be totally destroyed through spraying during fruit bloom or as a result be so weak a condition numerically that it can give the beekeeper no surplus honey when the proper season arrives By the surplus honey season we mean the time when the bee gathers more honey than require for their own use and when that which is taken to market is reduced This season does not arrive until later when clover blossoms open An effect of less im portance to the beekeeper but one of greater importance to the fruitgrower is that the bees have been decreased in numbers until unable to fully carry on the work of cross fertilizing fruit blossoms by distributing pollen This and not the gathering of honey is the primary object of the existence of the honey bee Colin Beaton carpenter of Owen Sound is dead at Vancouver He attempted to jump on a moving train v irlllj hi tho back or and all form Pile Muoyon Kelts Cure elope IB up the Price Headache ft three minute Price pile cart at or Price Cure r0lCttl alt fcf the Mood 25c f Remedies are toon to all Catarrh Remedies Ml Catarrh CMreprleo tflwaw from the system a ad ha Catarrh and the parts Asthma Remedies relieve Jo lotto cure Pries a fit at tonic to write people A cars for each At all raostlr cents a rial letters to Albert attest Toronto csl advice or the Old Says We all come in contact with families where the daughter and the mother seem to Ik constantly at variance the mother constantly scolding and both disputing over particular ideas and each telling her troubles to those out side the family circle there is a radi cal error existing in such homes Sharp criticism home truths and scolding are worse than useless it lowers a girls respect for a mother and all true love is founded on respect If a mother wishes to bring her daughter close to her heart and to hold her there through life she will never scold often the mother must say I cannot agree with you and the kindly caution advice often a word of reproof is found necessary but these will not arouse antagonism which is so contagious as will a con tinual fault finding and scolding fl Clergymans Thump ing Cured Alter Years of Tedious but Fruit- less Treatment These are the Rev W of Pa My case was chronic Had un easiness about the heart and palpi tation since I was a boy As soon as I saw Agnews Cure for the Heart advertised I procured it I am now using my fifth bottle and experience great improvement The choking ab normal heating and warm feeling and thumping have entirely disappeared This remedy will save your life if you are a victim of heart disease Sold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket the great ship and her crew are dc- for the torpedo fails not to do its deadly work if it hits the target Torpedoes are made in two sizes The larger is sixteen feet and four inches long and eighteen inches in diameter It is loaded with pounds of guncotton It weighs pounds and costs about is twelve feet long eigh teen inches in diameter and carries pounds of guncotton hi in ill terms the torpedo may he described as a cigar shaped pro jectile It is made in three sections the war head the airchamber and the mechanism which propels through the water and controls the direction of its flight war head is a copper with a conical pro jection at one end filled with guncot ton The airchamber contains about fifty pounds weight of compressed air the pressure of which is about 1350 pounds to square inch The air operates the mechanism which is con tained in the lost section of the torpe do This mechanism is an engine having triple cylinders and twin screws The screws as propellors revolve in op posite directions and thus prevent the torpedo from deviating from its initial course This deadly engine is sent upon its mission of destruction through a launching tube on the torpedoboat by the use of either powder or compress air The torpedo leaves the tube at a point not more than fifteen feet above the surface of the water As it leaves the tube a projection in the tube strikes the throttle lover and sets in motion the torpedo engine Once clear of the the machinery in the torpedo causes it to dive into the water and start upon its course like an animated metal fish If its machi nery works correctly and it has truly aimed it will strike the side of the vessel to which it has been dis patched the concussion will explode the guncotton and a huge hole will be torn in the ship The torpedo has a range of about half a mile and its engines will fore it through the water at a rate of about thirty knots an hour several knots faster than the speed of the swiftest The torpedo has not long passed its experimental stage Five years ago the United States Navy did not have a torpedo on any of its ships Just now the great cry is for torpedoboats and torpedolKat destroyers We are deficient in these engines of warfare and that is why the Government has been buying so many big tugs and steam yachts wherever it could find them These tugs and yachts are to be converted into torpedoloats and destroyers Wilson N Star YOU HAVE Were the axles selfoiling Were the chain rivets file proof Were the cranks spring tempered steel Were the balls and pedals dust proof Were the cones locked insuring permanent adjustment Was the chain between the bearings or on SEEN AN UPTODATE BICYCLE on side Had the chain been submitted to test of 200 lbs a jerk Were the bearings two oil tempered file and dust proof Were the sprockets detachable forged and flanged or only stamped Were the spoke threads rolled or cut de tracting from the strength Were there oil cup3 to fall off permit dirt to enter the bearings Was it protected by a reliable home guar- antee or guaranteed by gome unknown or remote American Manufacturer HAS ALL THE ADVANTAGES SEE THE Cleveland THE ONLY CORRECT PRINCIPLE GREATEST INVENTION SINCE THE PNEUMATIC TIRE NO SIDE PULL BIND OR TWIST VELANDS Write for Catalogue Agents Everywhere H A TORONTO JUNCTION Sole Representative A BINNS NEWMARKET Some of the New Books in Newmarket Public Library One of the victims of the Crows Nest Pass railway disaster was Mr J- Kenny of Elm vale just north of Same He with a number of other injured men was taken to the hospital in Winnipeg where he succumbed to his injuries on Monday He played hockey with the Elmvale club in win ter of 189697 To Cure a Cold in One Day Laxative All refund the money if it fails to St April The San Jose scale seems to infest the outskirts of the city very badly and the result of examination now be ing made is that Aaron Colo will have to cut down trees while James P will have to clear out almost their entire orch ards Cared im mediately relieves Soar coming up of Food Distress and is kid and liver remedy Bold by Dressing Is Quite Easy When You to Do It There are too many women who are careless about their home gowns They imagine they are thrifty and economical because the put on from day to day a faded or dingy dress or skirt Such women are neither eco nomical nor wise they are either misers or indifferent to the feelings of their family and friends when they act At an expense of from ten to twenty cents for one or two packages of Dia mond Dyes any woman can make her faded gowns or skirts as good as new This kind home work is true wis dom and true economy This spring of wise and thrifty women are using the Diamond Dyes giving new life to old and cast- off dresses and costumes fitting them for another seasons wear When you decide to dye no not risk your materials with poor dyes or imi tations of the Diamond Dyes see that your dealer gives you the Diamond that work so easily and successfully MnT Weeks set fire to some grass while he was digging clay at Toronto Junction The fire spread to the sidewalk where his fiveyearold daughter was playing and set her clothes in a blaze Before the flames could be extinguished the childs legs and body were frightfully burned and she died next day Dreadfully ferrous I dreadfully nervous ami for relief took your Clover Root Tea It quieted my nerves and my whole Nervous System I troubled With Constipation Kidney and Bonel trouble Soar Tea soon cleansed my system so thoroughly tbat I rapidly re gained health and strength A Sweet Hartford Conn Said by Section Household Horticulture Tom and Jane Jerrold 160 The Horse Management in Health and Disease 1G1 A Years Work in Garden and Greenhouse Geo The Garden that Paid the Rent T J 163 Vegetables and How to Grow Them Watt 164 The Orchard and Fruit Garden do in Europe 166 Among the Brethren Wealth of Nations Adam Smith Foreman Jennie Amos Wells The Young Mandarin Rev J A Davis 170 The Pooled Millions Julia Wright 171 Making His Way J ML The Princess and Goblin 173 Walter the Young Thompson 174 Tom Brown at Oxford Hughes For Such is Life Hocking Architects of Fate O 1 A Girl in Ten Thousand Meade Maud E J 179 Manor do 180 His Next of Kin do 181 Grey and Gold do 182 Father Fabian do The Fortunes of Cyril do Making Fate Pansy The Highway of Sorrow H A Lover in Homespun F Smith 187 A Knight of the Nets Amelia E Bair 188 A Lone Woman in Africa Agnes McAllister Indian Wigwams Young The Pleasures of Life Sir John Grimms Fairy Tales Mrs B Paul 192 Natural History of C For Stark Love and KindnessN A 194 at Saratoga 195 Time and Tide Side Talks with Girls Ruth Ashmore When we were Young Mrs OReilly Sweet Cicely Number One Self Culture J- The Open Air Jeffries The Choice of Books Harrison Character Samuel Smiles An Algonquin Maiden Adams fc Factsof tho Case The Romance of Commerce J- M 207 The Story of the Union Jack Cumberland A Son of Reuben Hocking Tho Heart of Man do Manitoba Memories Young Mrs Keith Hamilton Annie Swan Poisons Probation J- Morton Rescued in Time Wilson 214 Paul a Herald of the Cross M Kingsley Nestleton Magna Rev J J Wray Among the Forest Trees Rev J Hilts The Forge in the Forest P Roberts How to Win Frances E Salted with Fire Geo FairV Tales Morley A Rose of Leaves Amelia Guesses at Riddle of Existence Goldwin Smith Section P Poetrty Poetical Works of John Poetical Works of John Milton Canterbury Talcs Chaucer Sheridans Plays Grays Poems Wordsworths Poems The Won and tho Lilies Jakeway Section JR Religious 95 0OWikapun or bow Gospel Reached the Nelson River Indians E Young The Influence of Jesus Christ on Young Men Rev W Jessicas First Prayer Hesba Lectures to Young Men Young Peoples Prayer Meeting Rev E Clarke Addresses Drummond Bible History 102 Christ and Economics Ruiling Ideas of the Age Gladden The Puritan in New H 105 Biblical Difficulties Dispelled Dr Sexton 106 Old Testament Vindicated Workman 107 Exeter Hall Lectures New Starts in Life Rev Phillip Brooks DD The Ideal Life Henry Drummond fc Section Scientific 10 Romance of Electricity J Monroe Wonders and Beauties of Creation American Plumbing Sanitary J Lawler Economies of Industry Marshall The Modern Machinist Usher The Origin of Species A Darwin 6 Wages and Capital W Ounce of Prevention T 1 18 Story of Solar System 1 Chambers Complete Practical Machinist Rose Hopkins Experimental Science Compressed Air Richards PracticalCarpentry Hodgson 1 The Electric Motor Electric Arc Light do Electric Telephone do Electric Incandescent Lighting do 127 Alternating Electric Currents do 128 Magnetism do Drawings for Carpenters and Joiners Davidson Modern Machine Shop Vol Rose do do do 132 Glaucus or the Wonders of the Shore Kingsley 1 Chapters in Modern Botany P Geddes Volcanoes what they are and what they teach 135 Nature Study Jaekmaii 136 How to Know Wild Flowers Mrs W Dana The Mineral Wealth of Canada A Science of Political Economy Henry George 139 Floating Matter of the Air Tindall 140 Steam and Hot Water Fitter T McNeill I Section Voyages Farthest North Zigzag Journeys in Europe Klondike aud the Yukon Country A By Canoe and DogTrain Young 267 Seas and Land Sir Arnold Across the SubArctics of Canada J Tyrrell 269 Family Robinson Jean Old Jack Kingston The Warden of the Plains J Maclean The Black Watch A- Fori Barrack Bivouacs and Battles do Camps Quarters and Casual Places do Czar and Sultan Memories and Studies of Peace and War do Souvenirs of Some Continents do Alaska Woodman Sturdy Strong A- Under the Waved 1 Willis the Pilot Frith A Dream A- Doyle Indian Talcs Kipling The Tribulations of a Chinaman Jules A erne Red Cloud Butler

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