Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 8, 1898, p. 7

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY APRIL CHINA A LL GROCERY Wo have just received a Very Special Lino of California Prunes to sell at Bibb Wo have also the finest quality of evaporated Peaches Apricots Oranges and Lemons finest quality for Marmalade or BAKING POWDER To roduco our stock wo will sell a 2Cc Glass Jar for quality good as you can ask nice- in Hams Breakfast Bacon Rolls GINNED GOODS Corn Peas Tomatoes Best Salmon cans Weeks WHAT IS GOIKO ON IK A AflOUT TOWN Out to hold over till next if- another Interesting letter from Mr John who la exacted homo from Paul ivook Holland Council and roper to Pancake Social wan a attendance In Christian Church basement on Wednesday and off very hot pancakes and syrup great Pro ceeds In It Ilockoy from bad- worsted in match at tho Rink on Wednesday evening standing to J in favor of was in splendid condition and a largo of spectators Public Jho Hoard of Management met on Wed- and another batch of books upon shelves They spent about HO for now this year and expect to now cutaloguo ready next week J and J Brodlo appointed Council Regular meeting last Monday even ing Present Mayor Reeve Deputy and all Councillors Mr Road following bills passed Bicbardson use of booth for Election breaking stone Gray do- do Express on packing opening ditch on street Ed wood for W The Mayor replied thnt the Tiro Light Com would meet on Wednes day evening for that purpose treasurer was authorized to pay Clark balance on wood contract Council adjourned at 15 BO Stewart stone 1 00 oo Oar Toronto Depot for tho pant week an lows cars morohaiidieo I car cement cars lumber cars bolts car wood J cam tj cars 1 car grain oar stock car school eata I cars doors and windove lbs of good Japan Tea for per lh Fresh ground BOOTS A SHOES Long Boots at worth Our Spring Block will soon ho in AND When looking for a Dinner Set it will pay you well to see our stock in and Lowest in In Toilet Bets wo can suit both in taste and pocket The Leading Grocery We would like to get a living profit on all goods but wo positively will not ho under- sold York Post Offices The Auditor General Report for which wo received the day contains following information of local interest and the business importance of various places AND 34 CI Holland Landing 283 OH via 20 King 341 97 10 Newmarket 28 32 19 2207 Sutton West Crowded out last week The Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts Warm weather Is Drop in and what Has in Suitings Also a fine Assortment of and Overcoatings At Right Prices 2oOonnioks Old Stand All accounts undersigned not settled by of April inst will be placed in bands for col- lection Noma crowd at the Rink last Friday night and the Band greatly The are playing well It takes it most men about hours out of every day to this great family journal interesting to our It would please if of subscribers would about two minutes to notice that tholr subscription is in arrears Wo accidentally omitted to mention last week that the floral decorations in the Methodist Church for tho Concert were exceedingly tasty Regular meeting of the Board next Tuesday evening delivery wagon looks fine with its new If the Era is not promptly delivered to who paid for it or if it is not received regularly through the post office a notice sent to this office will be promptly attended to and enquiry will be made to have the complaint rectified Put him out Who The pedlar that insinuates that you are not telling the truth Engineer repaired a leak in water main at the corner of Niagara and on Tuesday Everybody reads it gives home all and uptodate and is printed in such pleasing lumber Is on hand for repairs at Mr Bolton Hewitts Threo inches of the beautiful cover ing the ground when people got up on Wednesday morning brought out the snowahoyel brigade This week has been colder than any time during March Dr has a in his office to entertain his patients while he fills up their ivory cavities Mr has moved hid shoeshop acroBa the road to Mr Roes office Every member of Baud is expected on duty tonight Important business The Ag to Muekoka will be about the of June There are now incandescent lamps installed on Newmarket system The dynamo now runs from pm to a Bros ivenshoe to At per cent on rutclt farm and property by Davidson Commissioner for taking If J Conveyancer and ileal A Kent c Agent fur following reliable Insurance Companies- Norwich Union Midland Mutual and Eco nomical Also tor the Standard Jlfc Assur ance Co and Northern Life Atmrarico Co Office Mount Albert Ink Good Friday buns this morning Easter decorations next Easter Monday a bank holiday hero today Forty thousand coal minora in Wales struck Mrs lost her way and died from at on Sa turday night J opening drains Meads chg to lots do do taking indigent woman and child to tleby wood for 10 Win road repairs Blue coal 10 J fixing broken wire lockup CO t The bill of A 0 for was referred to tho Com to bo paid if fouwl cor rect Petition presented from ton and asking tho ByLaw to ho go to allow to bo ridden on sidowalkg other than Main when roads in a condition not fit to on and Fred Joncs heard before Council in support of tho petition They thought bicycles had as right to tho sidewalks as pushcarts and that many times tho back streets were in such a rough state tSicy could not ride over them to reach leading roads without injuring wheels and every precaution would bo taken to guard against injury to pedestrians Mr J P Hunter ugainst the petition Ho reminded Council that the present bylaw was framed because both tho law and Inspector defied when ponhission was given to ride on all walks except a short portion of Main street now the bylaw is vio lated by who hero tonight It would bo unjust to elderly people who are constantly afraid of tho wheels running into them and to children playing on the back streets to allow the wheels on the sidewalks Not withstanding former regulations a child was knocked off the sidewalk on Lot St and might been severely injured He himself narrowly escaped being run into tho other day and he strongly urged that bylaw he loft as it is Petition referred to Road Bridge Committee to report at next meeting of Council Petition of J Montgomery A Son and 60 others asking Main street to watered as formerly from Water street to the Railway Station on Huron street The Clerk was instructed to adver tise for tenders for streetwatering to in by 10th inst and the petition be was referred to Road Bridge Com Mr asked if it was the intention of tho Council to do anything about tho North Town Lino this year A member of King Council informed him that would put a road around the sand hills of Glenville and if Newmarket work will be accomplished The Mayor said a great deal of money had been spent there by New market people and if wo are to have any return the hills should he cut down Mr did not see why New market should be taxed to make the roads in King Mr explained that there was a strong probability of a railroad going through this year and if these hills are not cut the money spent by Newmarket in open ing the marsh road will only help to build up trade of We want to keep the people coming this way and he urged that something be done now Major Lloyd said he was strongly opposed to spending any more money on tho road The taxe3 are too high now and we cant afford it Mr Smith thought it was foolish to talk that way if wo loose trade the Town must go Wo cant afford to be penny wise and pound foolish The Mayor asked the Road A Bridge Cora to consider the matter and report Deputy Lloyd called attention to three bad holes in the streets owing to drains caving in and he thought it ad visable to order pipes He thought about 200 pieces of in pipe would be required As ho had not measured the distan ces the Mayor thought Com better report on quantity and size On the suggestion of Deputy Lloyd the Clerk was instructed to ask tenders for cedar and plank Mr asked how often were fire alarm boxes tested Tho Mayor replied that it was about five months the last test Mr thought they should be tested at least a month Mr Wesley asked if Electric Light Books made up yet April Continued from Page A The third destructive within ft period of seven months out in the Central prison at minutes after four Monday afternoon and it was extinguished did nearly damago to chapel building and wardens residence Tho prisoners were under lover lock said the warden and behaved splendidly Wo could if smoke had proven dangerous released them all in side of half a minute No less than protests been filed against the return of members- elect to the Ontario Assembly at tho late general elections nearly onehalf of whole House Fortyfive bicyclists were summon ed to the Police Court on Tucsduy for riding on tho sidewalk big military tournament and horse show is to bo held in Arm ories on May to The grand stand is to be capable of seating people Nonjury sittings of tho County Court will begin next Monday Tho adjourned General Sessions of the Peace will be held in the Court House on the inst at a Sale KESWICK The death of Mien VanNorman daughter of Mr on Monday is deeply regretted Miss a general favorite was the cauho of her dejtb Her was with christian and forti tude was a consistent member of Church hero and before her ill- was an active in the Mrs Charles went to Mich- this week to accompany her John over to On tario Is in very poor health and has been advined by her physi cian to move to Ontario homo Good Friday Mr VaoNorman has decided to return to Ontario and engage in business here A very pretty wedding took place at on Wednesday when Mies eldest of Mr John wag united In to Mr of the firm of A Co Both young people genera favorite3 in tho community and everybody wish them In Mr Totoph ton of James Eflj has commenced clerking at Ma- honeys Mr VanNorman and Master VanKorman of Toronto attended fun- their on Wednesday Mr took off his hatch of chickens last week chicks out of which is considered a successful hatch Installed candidates on Monday evening and Saturday evening and application ready for next Monday Deputy Townee nd hustler The Temperance met in on Monday evening and gave the program I Gilpin of very accept ably occupied pulpit of Methodist Church here on and even ing Em J 9 IALKR9 1 Hardware Paints Oils Glass Carriage Hardware Woodenware Bar Iron and Steel Cook and Coal Stoves Furnaces Tinware Graniteware House Furnishings r r Shot Guns Rifles Revolvers and Ammunition of all kinds and General Tinsmithing April Mortgage Bale of a eplendid farm in East eituato at Mount Albert to place at North American Hotel New market advertisement for par- ticulara A ALLAN A MARKHAM T J April Sir- Hearing that alee been made about worthy engine I purchased from Geo A I beg fcpace In valuable paper 10 correct all such state ments In firat place Mr Thompson allowed me to engine on trial without signing any I wag to be judge and the engine for If it suited mo I was my papers for it if not I to return to Newmarket result of the trial was I kept the en gine though offered another new one by another agent for leas money and am pleBEed to think I did eg I have now run it between thirty and forty days and can Bay for economy in fuel and water for class perfect and power given in fact everything necessary to make up a good engine I can positively found it satisfactory and not me only but my customers where ever I need it regards the agent Mr Thompson to people that know him it for mo to anything but to who know During tho fino weather of last week Mr J Graham of this township sow ed ten of spring wheat His farm on tho 3rd con An At Home was hold by the teach ers and pupils of Markham High School last Wednesday evening Mr and Mrs Thomas second concession have retired from the farm and purchased a residence in Victoria Mr for over year has been one of Townships most en terprising and successful farmers as well an a breeder and exhibitor of thoroughbred sheep swine and horses Mr youngest son lately married will take his fathers place on the farm Mrs Peter a resident of concession of Markham near died at the advanced age of K oxo- Opening Of Some people have an idea because we do such a business in the Bakery Fruits and Grocery Mines that we take no interest in the Stationery Wall Paper and News Departments but we wish to let you know that as long as we do Business in Newmarket that the Book Stationery and Newspaper Departments are outs and we will stand by them at all odds and in Wall Papers we can let you have a choice of Ten Thousand Rolls at Lowest Prices Central Telephone Office April The corre spondent of the Times Fays Yesterday Saturday at the China agreed to Englands demand for him not I to and I believe all in I a will sanction what I namely he is one of the moat reliable agents in country With me he fulfilled every promise and favored me more than he afireed Any statement contrary to reported to been made by me is simply false I have found Geo A to be an upright man in every eenee of tho word Anyone wanting to purchase an engine should call and see Geo A Newmarket Signed by Smith Out to Sea St Johns March 26 The steamer Greenland returning from the seal fishery put into Bay do Verde tonight and reported a terrible disas ter Oh Wednesday last when among the ice floes while her crew was tra velling about the in search of seals a terrible storm arose accom panied by a blinding snow which drifted rapidly and a severe frost The members of crew who were on the ice could not regain the vessel and were exposed to the terrible weath er throughout the night and all of next day Fortyeight men perished and between and GO were bo badly that the amputation of one or more of their limbs will have to be undergone by all of them Yesterday the Greenland succeeded in recovering the bodies of of the victims but the remaining were buried beneath the snowdrifts Pitiful scenes which rent the hearts of the onlookers were enacted on the wharf as tho Greenland into dock Relatives and friends mostly men and boys but including a num ber of women and girls pressed for ward to board steamer and claim their dead sobs and wails came from bereaved women and children and tears streamed down the cheeks of bit sunburned and hornyhanded men A death pall hung over crowd as tho Greenland was slowly secured to the wharf The ones who still live say their experiences were so fright ful that words could never tell the complete story safe at Norwood was blown open on Monday night and burglars got away with over I 200 The Times that the Hint- of is a portion of the province of Tung and there fore Germanys sphere The Editorials in the morning papers express satisfaction at the especially as implying an understand ing between England and Japan Pkkin April Great has demanded a lease of on the peninsula after the evacuation as a compensation for the disturbance of the balance of power in the Gulf of April The Yamen has announced officially the opening to trade of three ports one on the island in Samah inlet the sec ond Chou at the head of Tung Ting lake long desired by merchants trading on the Yang Tse and the third Chin Wang near London April News has reach ed Berlin that Great Britian has seized Island off the east coast of China opposite the estuary of Tdin- OF- AT And the best of it is they are all of the Prices That Will Astonish You Call and see that we mean business OF RED BOOT School Reports MARCH NAMES IN ORDER OF MERIT NO WHITCHURCH IV Gordon Fred Norman Davie Herbert Class Ill May Smart Ida Grose and Nellie Henderson equal Class III Inter Etta Garnet Scott John Ida Class Jr Ill Flossie Brooks Vic toria Scott Maud Jaynes Class Nellie Smith Scott Gob Grose Ben Grose Charlie Everett Scott Robbie I Marion Smart Merle May Jr I Leo Nathaniel Mc- Cormark Annie Maggie Present every day Fred mack May Smart Ida Grose Nellie Smith Silver Teacher To get a Suit made by a tailor and another thing to have in made right By leaving your order with N what you want when you want it and how you want it As he always keeps posted as to the very Latest Styles and finishes every garment in an artistic manner Prices Low la Perms Gash MY TAILOR r W i J

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