Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 8, 1898, p. 6

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l the flab THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY APRIL MUTUAL CORNERS 1 A WHAT AND COR- liKHVOUDKHXiiViUh WORTHY TO HOLT coM weather stopped for a time A of wheat on of March Our fa booming at present in the fenco lino ban erected a wire around his lot and put up a beauti ful picket Mr It Kay put up a now wind mill for chopping etc friends of the Episcopalian Church have extended a call to Hand of Col- Toronto id grumbling of local sports having left Township to the it Junction Leader at this lias tho following to say respect- recent changes in the A Mr Stone of has been given the contract for carrying mail between and Aurora for a pretty low figure Mr Duke who has carried the mail previously t will most likely con- a bus between the two places and no doubt he will receive all tho patronage as ho has always been popular with travelling public- his obliging honest and tho roughly reliable no doubt accounts foi that A Dont miss the Service at p next Sunday Special address and music Collection inaid of the School fund Ladies Aid met hero in the Methodist Church on Wednesday after noon and transacted important Kcttleby will visit Thursday evening for the pur- resuscitating the Division there Our Patriarch says that Ket- tleby is the largest division in Ontario numbering about mem- bora Mr Peter Flanagan has awarded tho contract of repairing and building about rodn of storm wall On Saturday last Mr Rao took down Murrays stable and part of W Simpsons old store building Our recent cold will no doubt have its effect on the winter wheat crop A gloom was cast over this place on Saturday by tho death of Mrs Jacob Rose which occurred about 2 oclock the aftomoon A very largo funer al took on Tuesday at whero tho remains in terred Deceased was only about a week to Miss Drown able to bo around again Mr and Mre returned homo Sunday after spending a few days in Toronto Mr of Holt has been very busy in this vicinity the past week farmers started plowing last Mr Walter Wesley of Pino Orchard passes through this quite often exercising Mr Bitothers coach horses Mr and Mrs of Pleasant Valley moved into Mr Will- sons which has boon lately oc cupied by Mr Will Rose The latter has lately moved to St Mr intends putting in the summer with Mr Lots of sickness in the neighborhood now nearly everybody complaining Mr and Mrs- A Lloyd of Newmar ket were visiting friends here on Sun day last Mies J Willson was calling on the sick last Saturday afternoon Mr Edward Willis of Newmarket was visiting his brother Mr Willis on Sunday Mrs Nelson has beer under the Drs care past few days Seed barley was in great demand last week Mr Crawford of Oak Ridges was at Mr Homers on Monday last Mrs Homer was calling the sick Sunday afternoon Mr Joshua of was here on Monday hunting seed grain Mrs Watson of Aurora spent ft few days with Miss and Miss Drown last week Mr Joshua Willson butchered ten fat hogs for Toronto Market on Tues day last A fine herd of beef cattle left this place Monday morning for Aurora station They belonged to Mr Mr Homer and Mr Quite a lively time occurred Friday between Mr Starr Lawyer Lennox of Aurora which witnessed by some others KING CITY Homo of the young folks have been wheeling although it lias been rather cold for it Mr P Carl or will return to his work in a few day a A sooial evening will be hold in parsonage on Friday evening A good time expected Games of different kinds will bo furnished also lunch Service every night in the English Churoh during this week Mr Walter Jackson had an acci dent He got his little finger badly smashed repairing a bicycle SHARON Quito a change in tho weather Mrs John of Hol land Landing has moved into our village Mr John moving in house owned by Hall After a and painful Mm Laura daughter of Mr linger passed away on Saturday after noon Although long looked for part ing was less painful League showed sympathy by send ing handsome floral spray to deco rate casket was BETHEL CORNERS Powell is expected to preach hero Sunday at a Some of our young in vited to Mr J to eat taffy other evening Mr is visiting in our midst again Mrs has returned homo after a visit with her sister in Sharon Mr organizer of the M- has been canvassing through tho neighborhood King City S of installed hold on Sunday Services were con their officers on Monday April as follows Worthy Patriarch Minnie Winters it Associate Hoover Treasurer Joe Duce Financial Scribe Recording Win Ass Gertie Butt Chaplain Rev Cocking Conductor Ida Rightly Ass Mabio Wells Inside Sentinel I Andrews Outside A Hall Organist Baldwin BALDWIN in Church by Mr Emory of Aurora and The services were very im pressive and will not be soon forgot ten by large number of friends and relatives present Interment made in old Cemetery The of community is to bereaved family also of the death of Mr Wilkin whom was brought up her early childhood Wo extend our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved Miss Beit ha wheeled to on Tuesday hist We place on sale 400 lbs last and was A large party including our Jim Chapman left here Friday bound for Vancouver B May prosperity attend them The residents of Frog Avenue are a bridge over the river give access to kindly gives them an ice bridge in winter would like the Council to get a move on A Riddel to solve Maude has a lovely gold watch in very anxious li know where she got it The Owl is in the secret It sets Maudes beauty oil imcy No Smoking Allowed posted up in one of our stores indicated that the crowd that assembled in tho evening awaiting the news and smoke and chew till things look blue were rather thoughtless respecting Mies comfort They almost one out of What do follows use the filthy trash for anyway said that every man must cat a peck of dirt in his day but these smokers and eat it by the bushel Thos Taylor father of the notorious little Johnny of Gum Swamp fame is preparing to build a new residence coming season Pain to Death CASK OF of OAK RIDGES Wo to learn that Mr is Improving but slowly Mr Lloyd V of Newmarket and his assistant came down last week and dehorned Mr Crawfords head of cattle Messrs and Bell are now running a butchering business neighbors made short work of the wood at Bishops bee one day last week- Most of the people in this vicinity arc at present suffering from colds due to sudden lowering of the temperature Mr Geo Harper has almost re covered from his recent attack of rheumatism In 5 lb lots as long as it lasts t Our and Japans are giving the Best of Satisfaction They cannot last forever TORONTO JOBBIN ft M Robinson having lately leased a picco of ground from Mr Levi Watson will no doubt enlarge his nursery business here Wo dont know why people arc so constantly referring to our Township Council as being too liberal with their municipal donations of late is so much smoke surely there is a little fire people are not only paying their Industrial Home rate but being more heavily every year for indigents Con it not bo avoided or is it a case of necessity Mrs has so far recovered as to bo moved to her soninlaws Mr Walton On Wednesday of last week Mr Wilbert of was call ing on friends here preparatory to his departure for Manitoba The family of Mr Lewis Mount was somewhat unexpectedly called to grief on Sunday afternoon last when Miss May who has been ill for gome few weeks but had to be about the house again was sud denly fitricken down and did not re gain consciousness She almost im mediately passed away The funeral took place on Wednesday last from the residence to the Christian Church Elder Chid ley officiated both at the church and at the Cemetery where her remains were interred The family have the sympathy of the neighborhood We also regret to record death of Mrs an old lady of some summers Mrs has been very feeblo and infirm for some time On Saturday evening death came to her relief Her remains were interred at the King Christian Church burial Tuesday last Eld er W Cottle assisted by Elder of Newmarket performed tho funeral rites Among from a distance attending the funeral were George her only son of Erin Well- District and Mr Gordon grandson of Toronto The following are the of Kcttleby for the quarter l A Ramsey Rogers A Geo Ramsay Treat Chip J Crawford Con A Con I Bent Win Blackburn A Organist COLLEGK CORNERS April 2nd is memorial day it gave birth to a which is one of the old pioneer terms for a snow storm young men from hereabouts are going to the North West- to carve out homes for themselves A poem out upon her bike 0 the fun and her beau have take a little run and cook are both A of wheels And in the kitchen A of the One of our most estimable ladies claims to a bachelor gill And now where is the maiden gentle- man have an whom they should be proud Con ductor of Sutton is the man Friday evening an old lady whose destination was Baldwin was on his train No one appearing to take charge of her Conductor Row den refused to put her off at such a lonely spot but like a gentleman took on to Sutton and saw that she was well cared for Somebody ha1 an extra drive of eight as a result of their tardiness The Joker suggested a serious evil viz the tearing up of our roads by pigs It is a serious evil about here Tho pigs seem inspired to root or die If people must turn their I Frogs are frozen up tight so much so they cant toot their pipe organs The boys made a raid on Mr Terrys sugar camp and helped them selves heavy He hopes they wont die as the signs show who they were are being made stand up on the farms of our neighbors They look better and prevent the edu cation of hurdle jumpers among horses and cattle The Queen street citizens are pleas ed to have Miss Margaret come into their midst again She makes a genial host Easter Sunday is about here and the eggs will have to be taken from the reserve fund and prepared for the feast Wonder if our prize eggcater will eat his three dozen again this year After this cold snap well have a good run of sap Some of our people are wondering why the suckers are not here Fish ermen at Fish Market report large catches Mr Smith keeps drilling away and putting blasts in the stones lie intends building a stone foundation House flies butterflies and other in sects were numerous previous to this cool weather Mr Grant has about cords wood Mr Doverell of Toronto is mak ing short calls on friends and doing somo business around hero this week Next week ho goes to Nor thumberland Co A portion of this street is in a shock ing state It is hardly safe for a foot passenger lot alone a and rig The gravel is washed off and holes made by the recent floods Mr Clare and Mr went to to got a load of hay They put on about two tons and in unknown way horses pulled wagon in two and of course they I had a harry of time ITS out why not put jewels in th Mrs Crittenden returned on Saturday evening from a prolonged visit in the city The wild Irishman is in a great pickle For a long time like Jimmy with bin he has trying to kill an Owl by slinging mud at him Rut who who cares for that sure it dont hurt Sure Billy Ed ought to assist the man before be doc an injury Nathan Thomas on Friday night returned from where he was attending funeral of his motherinlaw He brought home half a carload of furniture and gets From Sciatic Which Shattered ilia Constitution- Bo Thought Death Not Friendly AH Placed Within Mil Reach the of He- It will remembered that during past winter tefnienco was time made in the Personal column of to the illness of John Henderson a well known and respect ed farmer of the Gravel road town- ship of Richmond about half a mile from J Jesuron to Junction is said that but very little hope was enter tained of his recovery us lie continued to steadily sink under the disease with which ho was afflicted Farmers coming in to l market when asked how lie was shoo their heads and stated that the wout might soon bo expected That he should have recovered was therefore a cause of joyful surprise to his many friends in this district Hearing thai his recovery was alleged to bo due to the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills a reporter of the set out to dis cover if this rumor could be authen ticated Having reached Mr Header- sons s residence the reporter found no one at home except man who informed him that Mr Henderson had gone with a load of grain to the Hour mill at This was evidence in itself that Mr Henderson must greatly improved or he would not have undertaken such a long drive in the raw weather of early spring The boy having said that is master would be back about two oclock the- report er waited for a personal interview In a short time tho team was observed coining along the road When itdrew up at the house Mr Henderson being told the object of the reporters mis sion suited that the rumor cor rect his recovery was undoubtedly due to the of Dr Williams Pink- Pills He said that about a year fore he had been taken ill and the disease assumed a form of sciatic rheu matism of a moit painful and distress ing character The physicians in at tendance did their and would for The second of a series of Gospel Temperance meetings under the auspices of the was held in the hall on Monday evening The program was furnished by Keswick District of Mr J act ing as chairman Tho singing was very appropriate and the recitations were strictly along the line of temper ance At the clone of the meeting a signed the pledge These meetings becoming popular and much good is being done Mr J J Davidson will address the YPSCR on Sunday evening The death of Miss lias cast a gloom over the entire neigh borhood Miss has returned Now for new millinery Mr D Gilpin of Toronto is the guest of Mr I Gilpin Mr returned home on Tuesday Mr Howard Morton returned home from Toronto after spending five months at Business College St Johns April The worst snowstorm of the season is now raging here All the railways aro blockaded steamers are unable to port Cot April One of the burglars who robbed Norwood post office last night was arrested by J warden of the county of Peterborough In his possession were the stolen and a burglars out fit He was heavily armed with a calibre revolver TENDERS For position of Caretaker of Presbyterian Church be received by the understated up to April Schedule of duties Ac may he on Application to Mr J A Baa Mo Mauaiftra Found Owner Aurora lOHt Friday It by calling on Tit FN T can It Lot rear 1ft con BOOS SALS Shoemaker removed to Mr Hoes office first door South or Hodges Old Tin Shop where all will be done And despatch A trial Golden Silver White Leghorn Cor Millard Ave and Niagara St I All kind- Seed Onions Etc besides now to say Grandpa Russell is quite up how Farmers took advantage of a lay off work on Saturday Heises mill was full of teams A slight error in the last It should have beet ft lady says she wouldnt give a fig for a fellow who wouldnt through mudnnd rain for the sake of a sweet gal Dont think Uncle and Spain wilt fight We hope not but Wouldnt it bring good times in Canada the There are wars and rumors of wars Horn on April 3rd to old winter a flourishing young winter Ah yes wre paying up for all that beautiful March a time succeed in alleviating the pain and would for a short time regain strength But the disease would itself and lie was worse if pos sible than before His whole system to be with dis ease which his vital energy He tried ever so many remedies pre- by or suggested by friends or neighbors All in vain- he weaker weaker and at last of life itself He was completely worn out and found it very to go as far as the barn and was only able to move a little when not confined to his bed At this juncture Mr Ravin the sta tion master at Junction who no doubt recalled the wonderful cure of Mr Wager by the use of the famous medicine as reported some time since in the recommend ed Mr Henderson to try Dr Wil liams Pink Pills and volunteered to send for a quantity if Mr Henderson would permit him sick man consented and Mr Ravin procured for him half a dozen boxes He tried a box but with discernible effect He however kept on the and six boxes found that ho was much improved He got an other supply and continued to improve MOUNT ALBERT Dr here- Tues day was here- over by fife lor Mies Mr Mr moved to on Monday Mica returned from A lengthy visit In Toronto Mr a family spent several days In Zephyr the guest of Mr and George Mr of Sharon wa3 home for several A man might pick some- other time than four oclock hold goods John Moore Is confined to the bouse with the grippe Fred Tom Jennings spent Satur day and Sunday friends In ifarkharn and and Mr a temperance meeting at the Methodist Church on Thursday even ing A and a practical talk Owing to a number of books having to be brought England for the Public the will not be ready with them for several weeks Mr Henry Woodcock bus returned to this and taken portion In the fi-nv- Additional machinery premises are to be added at i woollen mill after which more hands will be needed The Methodist body have made a long need ed reform They have arranged for the walk to the church to be changed as to lead straight from church to Main St Instead of several bad turns as formerly The walk now crossed Matthew Porters lot The East half of lot eon East was offered by on Tuesday but was not told Millinery opening Mrs Wallaces next Tuesday Call re the vie Queenton Cement kept infitoc Scaled will be received by the up 10 Saturday tho day of April for streetwatering Parties tendering to state price per day or 1st Price for watering Main street from Lot street to Water and nd Prlcefcr watering Main and Huron to the LICENSE DISTRICT OF THE North Riding of York Notice Is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the of Commission- era of the above will be held at the Inspectors Office the Milage of from Water In nil to be watered to a depth of ICO feet each way from Main street Corporation furnlhe- By order of Council DAVID Clerk on April at the hour of for the purpose of con- filderlng applications and for the License year All deposit re ceipts must be In the of the Inspector on or before above date AJ HUGHES Inspectors Office License April 2nd the ho re- flush in Ti6 gained antl as he said in a it I am now able to ful benedict who take apparently a of After tho nuptials were congratulating him and instead of ting out loud in his excels of joy ho like a calf You bet if Id Id pulled his So long Tub Owe fee strong can attend to of my work well as over and attribute it to ustt of Dr Wil liam Pink Tins To the reporter Mr I rsn appeared a strong vigorous man whom to proof of thy tory of his remarkable Mr Jen kin a the commenced revival her last Monday evening fend fa gather ing every Mr she evangelic of Gait closed special in the Presby terian Church here Isfit Friday evening which nearly member a were added to the church Mr Presbyterian minis ter here has resigned charge He has iiiado many warm friends daring hie who will regret departure Little Cora of Mr the Con who baa been a suf ferer from the glands which produced a large on right aide of la gradually sinking and the end approaching when her many dear friends will be called upon to part with in life Her sickness has all ordinary lion that her seem and has no It it a wasting away of the fleeb lose of Wood weakness and failing appetite though but nine years of she to die and of deAth freely aod calmly end wonders at the of she sees She is one of whom the For la the Kingdom of On afternoon there was at the Quenarille Cemetery remains of were laid to After cutting of lumber on the farm of the that was by hot been moved to Roachs Point- The follow for Licenses In the year commencing May Kisa TOWNSHIP Tavern J Harris John Fulton J Watson Frank Trent John Francis Coixrove TOWNSHIP- TavernPatrick Geo rye Harper new TavernJohn Embury Wine and Beer A Hose Tavern new pre- miaea now licensed WJ Deacon new appli cant hut premises now llcenfed NO III Wine and Beer umiet Oliver well Elizabeth Stephen applicant TOWNSHIP Tavern Gordon Beer And Wine Crittenden SUTTON WEST TavernH A Beer and wine fix months McDonald HOLLAND LANDING Tavern Jane filler J Martin NEWMARKET Tavern Kvans Samuel Johnston Joe F J chop Frank Stewart fAVKORA rem- James Geo Lemon Licensed for the current License year Taverns fibopl for License Taverns Any petition against granting rt a applicant or must bo tiled with toe undersigned four before day named for meeting AH per- aooa will govern ac- A J inspector FIELD GARDEN Our Stock and from the best growers Thus you will find our Tried and True Pharmacy Lehmans Drug Store Spring Medicines AH the Standard Spring kept in Stock r Lehman Chemist and Druggist ffV Get a Move On We have commenced work bo to your order Painting PaperPanging Etc in all its branches engaged tho Best North of Trooto the We can you fit of WHEAT I Red Fife FOR SALE V FOESALE Durham also one Milch Cow and good For particulars awl P VAlTTBa- house modern VulS clerk o LBW16 t

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