Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 8, 1898, p. 5

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY APRIL 8 BANK CAPITAL up ah MoOlM lrcaUknt Mniiftgcr BRANCH- A General Banking Business TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits At DRAFTS ISSUED AT AM lOIJTtt American Jlruffiwboiiiflit mid Gold Note Discounted promptly to V j rf Hall Hired Couth of House Main Hired Simpson Main St DruKKtaU miss Is prepared to private Perfect III in nil I lit la tot Kent through HI receive prompt attention Architect Manner of Arch itect invited with or their by adjusted fit- fi Stouffer of SightSinging Culture and Violin Tuner of Plnttoa arid all Hiring Instruments Geo formerly V Miller Toaokor of Vocal and Sunday School Lesson The of April Matt Now in Christ risen from dead and become the of that slept Cor On Friday April A I Christ was crucified by Romans at the request of the Jews upon Calvary beyond the walls of Jerusalem Be tween four and iix oclock his dead body was buried by Joseph of and in a rock tomb in Josephs garden near Calvary Je sus effort to establish a kingdom of righteousness and truth seemed to have failed completely Jays according to the Jewish reckoning this impenetrable gloom enwrapped earth and her destiny Then burst the glorious light of the first Mas tor morning April Down through the centuries to men in earths remotest limits puss the tidings The Lord is risen indeed All difficulties were removed from the womens path Thus does many an obstacle vanish when with loving confidence Jesus wo go straight forward in path of duty Christs resurrection is the declara tion of God the Father that Jesus is what ho claimed to bo Son of God It is also proof that the resurrection of a human body is possible and a pledge that as in Adam all die even so in Christ all shall be made alive They who make it their first busi ness to seek Jesus will surely find living Christ Those redeemed by Jesus must rise with him to a now and higher life The very existence of Christian Church is a proof of the resurrection of Jesus The Dale for Easter Thirty days hath September livery person can remember Hut to know when come even some When March twentyfirst past Just watch the pi I very moon And when you fro it full and round Know bo here toon After the moon has reached full Then Faster will be here very Sunday after In each and every year And if it hap on Sunday moon should reach its height The Sunday following this event Will bo the Faster bright aster Hats Disease uxjenng How to Banish Disease and Secure Good Health Compound- the Great Cleanser and Life IT FRESH RED BLOOD PALE AND PEOPLE a number of pup residence Cor and Church Sis Terms moderate The hat lilted up on one side at an angle of forty- five de grees has seen its not to speak of its worst days The newest and most stunning and wholly bewitching Paris hats are set squarely on the head tipping slightly to from and carrying elaborate garnitures of flowers and lace over the crown as well the brim which is caught up at the back and sides silks ribbons laces or chif fon cover entire crown and brim of many of the spring confections The actual frame of the hat is indeed rare ly revealed Where the struw is not hidden under loose rolls of some sort of shirred material it is buried under banks of violets clusters of dafibdilo or closely packed bunches of roses Flowers will be worn in greater pro fusion than for many seasons past Hats entirely covered with flowers of one or more varieties appear for dressy occasions and stiff knots of small flowers will be seen on all shapes and styles of millinery The slaughter of the innocent is over at least for a while and the birds that have been killed to satisfy fashions whim during the past winter may have a period of rejoicing for feathers and wings have no place in the ornamentation of spring and sum mer hats Flowers chiffon lace and an League with a good jewelry will prevail in their place broadbrimmed County Christian Budget LAST year Christian had a membership of and during the year they re ported conversions We trust they will bring as encourag ing a report this year Temperanceville has just organized April is now with us The feather- broken down weak debilitated and are here again warbling suffering men and women will not their sweetest notes in of praise have the capacity to appreciate the for the new season Nature in throw- mercies so bountifully old garb The trees are Their thoughts are centered on their budding the grass is showing new and suffering they are life and soon wild flowers will hopeless and in despair put on their dazzling of beauty It is to this class that we and richness All nature seems to be would speak words of hope and comfort calling out to man saying lie Warning would be unnecessary if you happy and rejoice give thanks to fully realized the fact that who makes such glorious provision Celery Compound the disease for the children of earth that is now making- such progress and Many a thankful prayer will ascend havoc in your body from truly grateful and healthy men It matters not whether the trouble and women for the beauties and rheumatism neuralgia kidney of the new season On the other ease liver complaint nervous prostra- a vast multitude of halfdead agonizing dyspepsia or blood dis ease Celery Compound is able to make you whole well Celery Compound unlike other medicines is a true and rapid of disease it makes the blood pure so that life and energy How to every muscle nerve and tissue Natures medicine promptly restoies strength vigor ap petite and digestion it sleep and to the wearic restless Will these honest and strong as surances induce you to give earths best medicine a fair trial in this your time of danger The experience of physicians and their kindly words in favor of Celery Coinjwund gives sweet and should a guarantee of success to you The marvellous results given to weak sickly and broken down clergy men judges of parliament and to worthy and honorable citizens of city in the Dominion volumes in favor of Celery CoinKund One bottle experimented with at this season is always enough to make the most critical and tinue with the medicine until they are cured It has been truly by an emi nent Canadian press correspondent that No physician ever needed in homes where Paines Celery Compound Proud of Our of Our Prospect a IE A NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IK Monuments and Head Stones Call Ordering Elsewhere Allan Money to Loan Five per cent on Farm Security I David Co uimla loner for taking Heal lis- tatc Conveyancer Issuer of Marriage Also Agent for the following Insurance Companies Queen of and Liverpool England Citizens Montreal Gore Mutual established In also or tho Confederation Life Association To Office- Old Corner of Main and Lot Streets QRAHAM you want your picture dont be sstifitd with old method of 20 years ago bat have it produced in the and with your oily A ta Voaro giving excellent our work Call and epecirnens and you will be con vinced GRAHAM JONES OLD STAND NEWMARKET membership THE CONTENTION The program will soon be completed for coming C Convention to bo held in Newmarket on Tuesday and Wednesday May und Koine of Torontos best speakers will be present to address the con vention Let every society make this Convention subject of special prayer that God will the speakers and also the delegates and visitors who ALAUDAULE PROJECT I in my bonus a letter from my dear friend Dr Abraham of Bur lington and I want to lay what is in it before our Endeavorers and ask their free and full opinion of the matter Could we not as Christian build a cottage in the Muskoka Home for Consumptives to which members of the Society in On tario would have access Dr A also of an Endeavor Retreat where members of the could go for a cheap holiday of a few weeks or both might be adopted I promis ed to ask our what they thought of it Will you therefore let me hear on a post card from all over Ontario what you think This would be a band to hind us in a common ef fort which would do much good Write as speedily as possible OUR ANNUAL Has been expected by some and is not out yet We are sorry that it is so but circumstances have interfered The Executive have been pushing on the printers as well as they could and hope eer long to see it out in fair and comely guize AND Iii every part of Province our Budget is welcome and some of our enterprising papers are marking out our editors communications a large This is highly commendable The young men and young women in our ranks today are the persons in whoso hands Ho the of immediate future They are going to control the affairs of our Province in a very short time And he who is wise will work with them and for them Blessed is he who speaks for tomor row EMULSION all UNO or BLOOD toss or tire Br tfaeildof LKmofl I me tot over a fcvliE and per Collie DAVIS LAWRENCE CO P J Moores plumbing establish ed at Barrio was destroyed by fire on Friday Twelfth Battalion York Rangers Lieut is permitted to retire and Hunter is gazetted 2nd Lieutenant Palm if arch 3 1 at Mr preventive of Toronto seized a large illicit whiskey still last night in the Township of a few miles from here alleged distiller stated that machine was used for heating water for hot It is rumored that the still has been run ning for the pat years and that number of hotels and shops in the neighborhood have been supplied with the product walking hats will be worn The trim- ailing on this stylo of hut will be mass ed in front and will be somewhat stiff and conventional The brims will be turned up high on both sides and fill ed in underneath with stiff bunches of In trimming the broadbrimmed sailor hat tall stiff loops of shirred silk or ribbon will ho used Some times the loops will extend from the brim at the right over the crown to the left side and sometimes they will be massed in front of or on top of the crown In nearly all the new the trimming is put on both sides to match Family Magazine for April Canadian in St Paul Mr John Graham of who is over in St Paul Minn writes us a very interesting letter On arriving at St Paul their friends for he was accompanied by Mrs Terry of Albert were waiting at the depot and gave them a right hearty welcome- in fact all the people they have met are extremely kind and friendly He has formed a very favorable opinion of the city He says The streets are mostly wide and most of the houses are frame hut very neat and tasty in the residcntal parts There arc also a great many of the grandest private mansions of brick and stone One that cost over a mil lion dollars and many more well up to that figure The city covers a large area but I should say nearly one- fourth is vacant The upper part of the city where Jim lives Mr James Paisley is like living in the country but in the lower part where the business is done it is compact and built mostly of brick and stone There are business blocks 13 stories high and some of the tenement houses are immense structures as many as GO or 70 families living in one of them and paying Iwtwecn 40 and per month for some of the flats some more than that Mr J Paisley has a very comfor table home with hot and cold water etc He is doing a good business and his shop is only about minutes walk from the house The weather has been delightful since we came here with the excep tion of two or three days yesterday it snowed all day this morning is cold and bright Everyone is talking war and the excitement is up to the boiling point The United States arc hardly in a position to declare war and there is no other way out of the trouble hut to fight or back down I never enjoyed reading the Era as I have since coming here it is like a visit from an old friend Mr Graham says that his appetite has wonderfully improved and he feels much better in health already as a result of his visit A combination never equal led in bicycle history Cleve land reputation sustained in every Model It Takes Nerve It Costs Money But it Controls the Business with Factory replete with the Greatest Facilities for Eco- Construction Man ufacturing from the crude all parts Sustained by an Enor mous Business throughout the World puts it beyond the power of ordinary manufactur ers to duplicate Cleveland Quality at Cleveland Prices The Greatest Improvements of any year The Greatest ever made MODEL MODEL Guaranteed Equal to the Highest Priced MODUL Beautiful and Great Acknowledges no Competitor Contains the Bearings and Hew Features MODEL MOD MOD The Worlds Greatest Bicycle Cleveland Improved Bearings in themselves a Lecture on Cycle Building Irish Cyclist Conceded by mechanical experts to be the only correct principle No Twist No binding No Side Pull many other artistic costly and effective improvements Bole Representative a A A St CO TORONTO Oxford Seats Cambridge Putney March Oxford won the fiftyfifth annual raco between crews representing Oxford and Cain Spring Colors- Among bright spring colors yellow will prevail but not in masses of course There will be no yellow bridge which was rowed today over frocks or even all yellow hats but tbe the usual course from Putney to frock without a touch of yellow id lake four and one quarter miles Ox ford won the toss and it was generally declared that this practically assured race for her as the crew of course lining facing or trimming and the hat without a bunch of or twist of yellow velvet or a cbou of yellow ribbon will simply not be in the took advantage of tho brisk wind that height of fashion Orange will be was blowing worn too alone and in combination time was min sec The with pale yellow race was probably never rowed under Next in popularity is the bright worse conditions a bitter northeast wind was blowing and rain and sleet were falling The crowds present were small The result makes victories for Oxford to for Cambridge the race of 77 being a dead heat Oxford has won the last nine races working in the bush near Chatham William Miller was struck by a falling limb and instantly killed March barn and out buildings on farm of Cornell wore destroyed by firo yester day evening Two hordes and a number of other animals burned Six- families were burnt out Kingston last Friday morning Victoria Vancouver are said to be doing an outfitting business of two million dollars monthly A lumberman named Richardson of has been fined and his rifle confiscated for illegally having in his possession deerskins At the Assizes on Tuesday Mrs secured a verdict against the city for damages for the death of her sevenyearold son Percy at Bijou fire September 24 last Provincial Inspector Camp bell has received intimation that be tween and 10 township blue calln The ishpurple shades are labeled pansy and dahlia and the purplishred shades are reine and jacqueminot Tho newest gray is of course aluminum and the various shades of ties have this year adopted his phn are fitill known as water- for making the best of the statute melon pink labor system of roadmaking His women will always wear method is to appoint a road supervisor scarlet both in winter and summer j for township who will be a paid Geranium red is their favorite hue and official The roads arc then divided is see this spring in flowers ribbons into five mile districts and a foreman silks and satins j appointed for each All the roads and In cloths there are new shades of i roadmaking in the township will bo browngolden russet tan yellow- under the direction of the supervisor brown and oak leaf all of which are be- 1 townships are buying machinery coming to blond women or women with Titian tints Family Magazine for April and altogether a decided forward stop in the direction of good roads is 1 A grocery at Thamtsville and a bakery at pt Catharines wero burnt out on Monday night Samuel aged son of Rev Mr McNeil of was drowned by the upsetting of a sailboat Village charges fec3 to all selling on the market terni3 one horse load parcel or basket each Government statistics estimate that more money already gone in to the Klondike region than has coma out of it It is announced that Sir Wilfred Sir Charles will be among the speakers at Grimsby Park this coming summer Glkxcok March A terri ble accident occurred at North this afternoon Mr Jacob a sawmill in the station yards of the Canadian Pacific railway at North Glencoe He was engaged in sawing a log when one of planks caught in a pulley and springing lack threw Mr Bloom on tbe circular saw Ho was hurled a distance of thirty feet lie was terribly mangled and his death was instantaneous He loaves a family of four daightr ami two sons all of whom grown up

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