Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 8, 1898, p. 2

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i NEWMARKET ERA APRILS JSlctu New Goods A Reunion Ten Toronto Jobbing W K License J Lloyd Caretaker Warned I Morrison Trent for j r-r- Postal Changes EDITORIAL BOTES TRUNK OUT UK ft fc Hon Win General introduced amend tlio law important propos ed of letter rates from to two cento Slid of ioHtngo oil Mill of Tory party Time for ft Tub rices to remark that The Government has beat to off the full of its rich and poll With a majority of unfortunate Tory out of En ho should present to Oil vacancies from 0f Society HIS in tho city a Vi vi I gw 8 IS asss Kg a P UP HUT AMD DBlOHTSa WITH The Printed oil FRIDAY APRIL Protest At every now or unexpected turn political kaleidoscope we fre quently hear the exclamation won ders will never cease and this was expression of people at the market ou Saturday as the be came noised abroad that a protest had been entered against the return of Hon J Davis Provincial Secretary as member for North York in Pro vincial Assembly That the action was unexpected was emphatically em- by the fact that many leading local politicians oven among those who stand politically opposed to Mr Davis knew nothing about legal proceedings taken until so in formed by the intimation given in the papers tho morning after pro- test was entered Considering that Provincial Secretarys majority was about and that a if one by any possible technicality should bo held would almost certainly increaso rather than lessen that majority it quite within range of probability that this action is not at all serious The charges filed are of tho omnibus char- actor common to all petitions noth ing speoifio thereby giving color to the surmise that the whole business is little short of political guff and we therefore venture to predict that pro ceedings will never be carried beyond the initial stages Money is not so plentiful or the prospects sufficiently to venture the squandering of a thousand dollars to attain un attainable in North York This among other protests however seems a part and parcel of the scheme de cided upon at the Whitney caucus im mediately after the election and if the Riding must go the farce of an election trial we suppose the in convenience will have to bo endured but that is all it will amount to We have no idea that Mr Davis oppon ent is a party to tbeseelection proceed ings and verily believe our Conser vative friends are making a big mis take by their action Since the foregoing was put in type word has reached us from city that the protests in both North and East York have fallen through on account of the nonpayment of the de posit into court Fortyseven elec tions have been protested forty have been accompanied so far with the by law brunch which is now entirely at Ottawa In presenting thin measure for the consideration of Parliament Pout- masterGeneral culled attention to some of principal changes propp ed and offered therefor With respect to reduction of letter rates ho took occasion to nay that it was not intended that tho bill should take effect until next year the issue of a proclamation and also further intimated that two propositions of reducing late and tho im- of postage on were contingent one upon other With regard to second feature of the bill suggestion for the reimposition of ft rate of half a cent a pound on newspapers the measure to come into force in two during Mr further stated that it was not intention to absolutely wipe out the free transmis sion of newspapers but to the free postage to a ten mile zone that is papers to go free within ton miles of of publication Just here with regard to this propos ed ehunge we must lake occasion to that policy of the in the for many makes it hard on publishers now to return to a system Taking advantage of not having postage to pay publishers have gone on reducing the price of subscriptions to the low- est possible figure and now to add this burden will reduce the of pub lication to the lowest possible margin on all subscriptions outside the ton mile zone while to increase the price of publication after once be ing reduced woufd almost be fatal to further success Wo therefore take he liberty to represent to the mister- funeral the propriety of in creasing zone limit free postage to at least twenty miles This will help the country press out of the woods while the imposition of flu preposcd rate of the twenty mile limit will bo equally effective in reaching the mushroom publica tions which Mr Mulock complains lias taken advantage of the law with out occupying the field of legitimate journalism Some data PostmasterGeneral has collected respecting newspaper carriage through the mails shows the Tun Dominion Premier Wilfred baa been confined to his homo for some and not to bo able in Parliament till after trouble Is bronchial which require n even and although health good ho not want to on a of thin throat trouble Lowest in Price Tilt next beet thing Government con do to tho Sen Mo and tkc It no v- costQ to run Red Chamber and build railway thereby securing to Canada Yukon tradoand ensuring reasonable hope that law and order will bo maintained as to minora and making ventures In Yukon territory In a conviction week in the Divisional Court Mr Justice Hose tho of Magis trates of shewing in Instances of Aral was proven to bo of a heinous or brutal character He thought the a and In young euinonded in order Their very appear ance before a magistrate itself a CtmadtQit Magazine is en number with a and ap propriate covor The leading Rome During Holy Week It is luatratcd from and from drawings by are by Katharine and A Hooper Current Book Beviowa and the attertion enormous pixjortions to which the has grown In the year the weight of newspapers carried free through the mails amounted to pounds In it increased to about pounds and in it had grown to pounds All this hauling involve1 cost of mailbags cost of railway car riage cost of distribution etc and was burdening a department of gov ernment not selfsupporting No doubt the question will receive due consideration and we must confess that while every leniency should be allowed the press for the gratuitous service it renders the country there is no good reason why it should not bear some share in meeting the cost of With respect to the third feature viz the decentralization of the dead- letter branch of the PO Department we regard it as a change in the right direction Hon Mr explain ed that at present if a letter is put in the post office and if the writer omits to stamp it or otherwise make it im possible for it to be delivered it has to be sent to Ottawa The result is often loss to those interested or very great inconvenience to others A let ter of this kind dropped at Victoria BC or Winnipeg in the west or east ern cities down by the sea would have to lc sent to Ottawa This bill pro poses to fix other convenient throughout the Dominion where these dead letters may bo sent and attended to without all being forwarded to the Department at Ottawa That is the practice in England and it works to advantage there proposing hi motion in the Senate on Monday to appoint a committee to report upon the best mean of opening op com munication by of allCanadian route with the Yukon Hon Job a wm Jesuitical in endeavor to hide mistake com mitted its partisan zeal to affect the Government when bo led the corkscrew brigade up to Fort William on a Jaunting at the of Ontario during the rtgimtol The back number gentlemen controlling Bed Chamber want a committee to exploit wid find an excuse for defeating measure adopted by the popular branch of Parlia ment of presented by Hon Mr Fielding of Finance to Canadian parliament on Tuesday last We have not room for comment week simply desire to that the features of British preference inaugurated year is this season and after the let of August next mil imports from the motherland and her colonies will in to Canada at a doty of 25 per cent less than that levied upon goods from foreign nations A special helping hand Is to be given British West Indies by a preference being given to sugar coming from those islands thereby advancing another step in the direction of Imperial Unity Under tho tariff as now submitted Mr Fielding prcdiots a surplus of dollars over expenditure for the next fiscal year and hopefully for Canadas future Frank Hedge a London carpen ter fell from the roof of a house in one leg somewhat Thirtythree citizens of Brussels subscribed each as a loan to the carpet factory going there from an lady while tracks near Bar- was struck by a train and fatally Injured David wry at Bt Thomas on Saturday wag burned by explosion of a gasoline Glovers confectionary store Ho will lose the eight of eye HOLLAND LANDING Mrs James died on Wednesday from heart disease Borne parties were cutting wood on the West end of lot 118 East of Yonge St but the owner took posses sion of the timber before they got away They can thank their stars they were not prosecuted It should bo a lesson for Buffalo has largest grain elevator in the world No less than four women and man were admitted to tho Huron of last week making inmates in ail Flood TWO LIVES LOST A St Louis April Saturday after noon the levee above Illinois broke and the city is inunda ted The water has backed up for several miles and rushed down upon the city like a tidal wave The es timate of the of life is 200 A stream of water twelve feet deep descended on the unsuspecting people It came down in a great rush like a tidal wave- houses on the out skirts were lifted up and rolled over and over almost ail of thorn were torn into splinters Thoir inhabitants were drowned in them Nearer the centre of the town some of the structures stopped on rush of the water for a few minutes hut about twothirds of the dwellings were lifted from their foundations and floated carceningly out into the current of river FIRE ADDS TO TUB After a few minutes the horror of the situation was added to by fire of a large house that had started to float down stream with the others Tho people on roof were already in danger of being thrown off by collisions with other houses but the appearance of this firebrand ad ded horror As it struck ono house after another in its zigzag course some caught and their unfortun ate people were compelled to trust to the of the swerv ing water on pieces of wood to avoid more terrible death by fire break in tho levee flooded four miles of valley land and out off communication on two railroads this week Mm Is out after weeks sickness Ellis of point was In town on Mlia of is the now assistant the Post Office Miss of Wind cor was the guest of Miss Howe over Ellas Thompson and Douglass Hunter left yesterday for Winnipeg Miss Howard is homo from Wiitby for Easter vacation Mr King late foreman in the moved on Monday The Bran ton home from Port College for Easter holidays Mr from Is learning the at Ac Allans Works The Easter holidays With their aunt Geo Br Mr of Toronto was in Town Mr resided over HO years Mr who I attending Toronto Medical College spent ft day last week with Dr Hoy A is conducting re vival meetings in tho Berkeley Metho dist Church Toronto Jackson went to city yester day to spend Easter holidays with her sister Mrs lieslo of Gait cousin of Major Lloyd is on visit with her Mrs Mr W Venn n0 Toronto World formerly of spent over Bon- day with in Town Dr Fred Cano left on to re turn to hid hut father continues to improve Mr Cocker ill family haye returned from Michigan He was sick moat of the time since he left hero Mr Puller of Toronto formerly in employ of late It A Bmiihwas calling on friends In town on Tuesday Mr Webster of Landman Co spent a few last week with his brother Webster Queen fit Mr and Mrs of Montreal were expected to arrive last r to spend Easter with mother Mrs W Mrs Hendry has been spending four weeks with her eon Mr Al bert Hendry She has been suffering with a thumb Constable returned from the North Shore of Georgian Bay on Tuesday where he has employed In tho Govt detective Ten Newmarket Masons went down to Aurora last Friday night and were enter most somptooaaly It early when they got home Mr Fred fa improving He was able to leave Toronto General Hospi tal yesterday to stop with bis brother go ing back every day for treatment Mr J A Collins entertained the young men in his employ at Canea Factory to a taffy pull Monday night and a happy time was spent The choir of St Pauls Church formed themselves into a Basket Party on Friday night and surprised Miss Mousley at the family residence on Queen A very hap py time was enjoyed Elite Stocking was married at on Wednesday The follow ing Newmarket guests were in attendance Mr Mrs J J Pearson Mrs I Mr A Mrs I Mrs Mr Mrs T Lloyd The following left yesterday morning to spend Good Friday in the city Isaiah Johnson Mrs J MrsT A Wythe Mrs Gilmore Millard and Mr Hughe Times Mrs Dale preach ed her farewell sermon in the Quaker Hill Sunday morning and Monday evening started for her new home in the Mr Dale left yesterday Gone but not forgotten is the expres sion of all Mr Geo Partridge opened bis resi dence one night last week when a basket party comprising the choir of Pauls Church and others to the number of near ly spent a very happy time over games of various kinds etc It was about one oclock when the parly broke up Dr Cook of Toledo Ohio in re newing his subscription for writes it main with my od home and gives me news my friends cannot There are lots of rumors of war hero and I hope there will be but Spain deserves to bo swept from the face of the globe as a nation Mr J English of Schenectady NY formerly of this town writes In closed please find one dollar to pay for re newal of subscription to the for an other year I have taken it now for a number of years and find it indispensable It grows better every year and to one wants why the supplies ft Highest in Quality It is because our goods are well selected bought for cash and sold- at extremely close profits that we can distance our competitors- Kept busy all the time and quote prices like the following yds doublefaced Satin Ribbon in wide all shades regular for yds fancy edge Silk Ribbon in wide 5c at 2 yds for extra fine plain Cashmere Hose womens sizes at Extra heavy wide ribbed Cashmere Hose womens sizes at this is the Ladies fine India Muslin Blouses the kind they sell at 150 in Toronto our Price 449At ft 1 50C new stock and prices We are doing a big Dress Goods trade this season With a right no wonder we are busy Fancy blackfigured Dress Goods reg at All wool black 2inch Henrietta a regular 50c line at All wool black in wide at Fancy shot effects in Green Blue and Brown at Fancy shot effects in five colors reg at 25c The finest showing on the second floor that we have ever made Real nice Union Carpet one yard wide 25c Extra heavy Union Carpet good patterns at Extra heavy Wool Carpet regular price at Good Tapestry at Choice Tapestry at 50 and A showing of Curtains from to 4 Boys J A very Nobby Suit for the little fellows at 1 A better Two Piece Suit sizes 4 to years at 200 and up to Mens solid wool tweed Pants neat patterns at Mens spring weight worsted Overcoats dark shades and black reg 10 at Special line mens fine all wool tweed Suits very neat patterns as well made and will fit as well as any suit you could have made to your order best trimmings all sizes good value at to this one lot at 95 See the suits we can sell you at We want ten thousand pounds of Farmers Cured Meat and will pay the highest price in goods H Conductor Snider lecturer evangelist died fit Windsor on Tues day night Tom Metros of Gait eight years old went in for the first time this year at Gait on March Do Be Pooled With idea that any preparation your druggist may put up and try to sell you will purify your like Hoods a- This has a reputation It has earned its record is prepared on- the persona supervision of educated pharmacists who know the nature quality and medicinal effect of alt the ingredients used Hoods absolutely cores all forms blood disease when other cinea fail to do good It is the Worlds great Spring and the True B Cradle In East on the the wife of Mr Harvey Curtis of a daughter In East GwilIimburyODth2yth tho wife of Mr Edward of a daughter In Bradford on the 26th the wife of Mr Jam3 Cousins of a stillborn In Bradford on ulU the wife of Mr fenny station agent of ft daughter At Calgary on the Martin daughter of Mr of Bradford of a sou Stephens At Que On the the wife of Mr A Stephens formerly of of twin daughters one still-born- Leading Furniture and Undertaking House Foley of Paris a default ing lawyer was sentenced to three years in Penitentiary settlers from around Kincardine Southampton and leaving for Manitoba this During a sitting of Police Court at Owen Bound the floor gave away under the crowd and settled about two feet was a panic but no one was hurt April The rising of the in has been suli The troops killed thousands of Indians including hundreds of women and children The alarm has is a province of Luzon tlio Philippine islands on which the capital is sit uated- New Ideas in Furniture Easter means not only a change of personal and bouse- bold effects What we offer the Hoe of excellent Resigns in furnish ings the mind won from winter Onr Una a revelation ft pleasure ft You the beauty of the attractive ness of the price J a Opposite Royal Hotel Newmarket The Smith At the residence by Rev J Wilson Mr George of Dollar to Mies Lou eldest daughter of late J of At the residence of the brides father on by Rev Leonard Mr of to Miss Jennie Hill youngest daughter of Mr Hill At the residence of the parents of bride on by Rev Geo Mr Minns of to Mies Isabella Howard Scott At the of the bride on the 2nd by Rev RJ Sturgeon Mr James A Bain to J At on the by Rev J BA Mr Anthony Steels to A Edwards On the at the home of the bride by Elder Mr merchant of to eldest daughter of John toe same place At on the by Rev Ph B by Rev J Rev Mr Churchill Mr of Coldwater to Miss P second daughter of Edwin Blocking of The Tomb At London Ont the 55th beloved wife of Mr Joe HWilkin formerly aged months At of Eliza of late Gil- aged years mouths and fn Bradford on the Margaret A youngeit daugh ter of Mr aged years and months Rose At her residence Corners Whitchurch Tp on the 2nd Miav wife of Mr Jacob Rosa aged year months and 12 At on the daughter of P years months and days In King on the 2nd Han nah At Holland I wife of James Sged and days on tbg if I Glasgow strong bakers Pastry ALSO Best Ontario Family Flour Rolled Oats Rolled Wheat and Corn Meal and Feed of all kinds Red Alsike Clover Timothy and All Seed in Season J Storehouse Cor Main and Huron A SPECIALTY to at J ROflDHOUSH Furniture J Main St North Newmarket Orders will Careful and Attention AGENTS by her and literary Anna A Gordon by Henry to everybody Great soap Prospectus fifty time COMPANY Apr per barrel 4 a CO White eat per bushel a Red Wheat a Goose Wheat per bushel 030 a Barley per a a Peeper bushel a a Bran per ton Shorts per ton CO CO a It tosperdoz Butter roll per lb IT per lb- s Wool per lb Hay per ton new fi CO live CO Pork per lb Chickens per pair live J 10 Clover per per bushel bushel 1 CO a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 018 its CO Toronto Apr Bed Wheat per bushel per bushel a Wheat per bushel 0f3 a per a per bushel a per bushel a bushel By per bushel a per do Butter roll per lb via Apples per Wool per lb fffty per ton r iUi a Chlckecaper on a a a a a a a a a ftCO OW

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