Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 1, 1898, p. 7

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PI J THE NEWMARKET ERA FRI APRI CHINA ALL Wo just received a Very Special Lino of California Prunes to sell at lbs for2Go Wo have also tho finest quality of evaporated Peaches Apricots Ac Oranges and Lemonsfinest quality for Marmalade or Table BAKING POWDER To our wo will noil a Glass Jar for quality good as ask Something nico in Hams Breakfast Bacon Rolls Ac GOODS Corn Peas Tomatoes 2 cans Best Salmon Weeks WHAT IS W Sold Last Mr to Montreal wore bought from exceptionally animals in lot Ho ho would bo back lbs of Japan Tea for Pure Coffee per II Fresh ground BOOTS SHOES Mens Long Hoots at 225 worth Our Spring Stock will soon ho in AND CROCKERY When looking for a Dinner Set it will pay you well to sec our stock Largest in variety and Lowest in Price In Toilet Sets we can suit both in and pocket Tho Leading We would like to get a living profit on all goods but wo positively will not bo under sold Good Skating was splendid In Covered Kink on evening and if tho cool weather continues will bo in at tendance- tonight will probably bo wind up for Kink been nights P O Count From 21t to tho of March was Pool enumeration wcok And it to bo quite An ordinary week in nothing coming in to swell ao fol lows Letters post cards news papers and haying a lo Btamp attached packages letters loiters 110 Total postage on return shows on Improvement on corresponding month of tho previous count Splendid Concert Aid of Methodist Church Aro to bo congratulated on splendid program presented lout Wednes day evening and ApprooiAtivo that Of control flguro of program was Mrs Moudo Homer and her winging was moat excellent Tho perfect command of her powerful voice her expression of her countenance and her her indeed a of selec tions by her were exceedingly difficult one haying a violin by Mr A audience signified their appreciation of her Ability by hearty applause piano selections by Mies Millard Nettie And Mies wore Admirable Tho vocal by Mrs Mies York Miss and Mr KnowIe3 were excellent reflect upon our homo talent Mr showed that he was perfectly at homo with violin Mies as accompanist proved herself musician of exceptional ability readings by Miss Clara wero well rendered Mr J McKay depicted with ofarniliarty that was enjoyable The pastor Rev Matthews presided with great accept ance Proceeds about The Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts J EHMANS PERFECT I PILLS A Pill A Small Dose A Small Price Only Cents a Box A SURE CURE FOR Headache Torpid Liver Dyspepsia Constipation Etc Berkleys Pharmacy Lehmans Drug Store Pulmonary For Coughs and Colds Lehman Chemist and Druggist Our Town Fathers were on a tour of in spection in Andrews Ward on Mon day Isnt it time that Main hod its on- The will be distributed Around Town on Thursday evening of next week Good Friday being a holiday Several young men went out to Howards Saturday night and had a big time sugorlngoff Regular meeting of next Tuesday afternoon At the residence of Mrs Hughes Council meets at Hills Hall tomorrow The Industrial Home Commissioners meet today when tenders for Supplies will bo opened Regular meeting of the Hose Companies Fire Hall next Wednesday evening cellar for Mr new is and everything ready for foundation walls to New fence going op in the rear Inspector Anderson Is nearly through assessing the Town corporation tile drains were oil in spected on Wednesday And opened where necessary Canes Factory is very busy in all de partments The Sunday was reviewed in the body of the church last by the pastor A Mr J Cane is enlarging his garden end putting up a new fence Dont let any of the boys play any tricks on yon to day The Board of of the Public Library meet this evening Mr Geo Stone woe notified on at his tender for the stage route between Aurora and Schomberg was accepted to take effect today A wedding patty pat op at Centra on Wednesday evening Minutes of King Council received bat the Clerk will have to send up bis assistant to read the copy- York Co Christian Budget crowded out this Issue The cheques were sent out yesterday to pay the expenses of the North York Pro vincial Election Toronto tetter March Many mo the of regret especially in circles at new of the death of P who for along of connect- l with the daily pre- of Huh city The newly elected for South Waterloo is a brother of deceased Miss Maude met with a painful Vancouver which lias brought grief to a wide circle of friends here She was shot in the ankle accidentally by John Skene and wound was so that the foot had to bo am putated At last accounts it was thought the and of blood would result fatally Little Willie was run over by an express van and killed a week ago today He ran in front of the team was kicked over and one of the stepped on his head crush ing it It is said Mr A has already announced his intention of be ing in the race for tho mayoralty of the city next January Ho wants to inaugurate the new court house next year George a carpenter fell from a building on Rich mond last week receiving fatal injuries Deputy Sheriff Sutherland along with County Constables Huron and Severn left Friday morning for Kingston having in charge the follow ing prisoners who were sentenced to servo various terms in the Peniten tiary Nelson Km low George Thomas and J Snm Dunbar of Toronto has been appointed deputy game warden to keep watch over the duckshooting on the and along the waterfront inotiom to set aside the bye- election in Ward No was enlarged on Monday last until Saturday next This is the election case Mr J was in the city over Sunday the is still whist ling to keep up the spirits of the Op position leader by saying he will have a majority after the come off His Honor Judge and Mrs will spend Easter in New York Sir Frank Smith has returned home from Ottawa suffering from a heavy cold which threatens to devclope into pneumonia A fire in Hodgsons boathouse at the foot of on Saturday night did damage It is reported in this city that the work of surveying the James Bay route between Schomberg and Cold water has completed The hotel at has been purchased by Mr It was owned by Hon Wallace A gambling house was raided on street last Saturday night Ten young men found there playing cards Miss Amy Wright daughter of Dr Wright and Mian Hazel Wright left here last Friday for Ottawa where will be guests of the Postmaster- General and Mrs Mulock The later now quite settled in their new residence and will commence a round of entertaining Highlanders their first parade of the season last Friday night They numbered strong The following report taken from a city paper of a wise of local interest in York County shows the importance HOLLAND LANDING Mr Mort Millard returned to city on Wednesday- Copeland of Brampton who has been engaged principal the public fichool for remainder of the present year takes charge next Mon day There is a hot time in old town every night at present being tho of it We hear there was blood spilt on Monday evening Wonder tho police were Mr John loft for Owen Sound on Tuesday last He will bo engaged on steamer Manitoba for the sum mer AURORA Mr Thomas who has been serving on jury for the last three weeks has returned homo Mr John Graham who has gone for a three weeks trip to St Paul Minn arrived there and is having a fino time Mr A Oldham has moved to Model farm Mr spent Sun day at his sisters Mrs Quilting is all tho rage Two last week and two more expected this week light Court on Tuesday was a docket and finished before noon It is years bo many families moved into town at this season are usually moving out aro very few vacant houses Several went west on Tuesdays trains mostly for W Two young men for practising the in front of Sal vation Army Barracks were called on to make a deposit of of their hard earnings Rev Mr Dewey has received and accepted a call from Street Methodist Church Toronto The Congregation here have given a reluct ant consent High School Inspector Heath was in town Wednesday We have official information that Electric also the Metropolitan will be pushed through directly latter to reach hero in June Wo chronicle tho demise of Mrs Playter mother of Mr Jame3 and Mrs here on Wednes day at her year ST SOUTH About and friends gave Mr Anthony Brown and family a surprise on Monday evening March The evening was spent in games music and in a social way Refreshment were served The com pany broke up about one oclock every body feeling they had spent a veiy pleasant time Mr Brown moved last week to the Miller farm near the The Box Social given by Enterprise Division S of T was a good success considering the bad loads and wet evening The program was excellent Bio Wood from Aurora acted as chairman in his usual good manner After the program the boxes were distributed and caused a good deal of merriment a good time Miss Minnie Corson from Toronto is visiting with Alius Bessie Armitage Mr John A Rose while cutting wood in Mr Scotts had tho misfortune to cut his foot badly that the doctor had to put two stitches in it Miss Ida Terry of spent two or three days at Mr II Roses last week Inquiry I MM fjpiLKRB IN- BALDWIN BREEZES took a sudden try what at the here- for a short time Miss Bessie Armitage was at on Tuesday evening with a few ds Miss Stewart from King is visiting with Miss this week Croieitd Out KESWICK Papers I When you prepare for Spring Papering do not forget that have a choice selection of Newest Including wall border at wonderfully We ell the whether you want to put It on or not Dont r buy till you see what we have to you Artistic Painter and Paper Hunger Church St Newmarket A of Hi find literary Anna A troducllou by IaiAy everybody Great snap ny cent a JlooVs on time i Ink Palm close at hand Next Friday a holiday Town Council next Monday evening Millinery Opening tomorrow Early garden flowers are blooming Spring- like weather continues all out of the ground drying soon bo oat in full Farmers hiding for putting on pretty vernal rates on continue in order again Water willows are covered with catkins will soon be out Moving season commenced Havo you ordered your Easier hat mowers will buzz close next Thursday Ten dya of fun for kids and out of the advice of the presiding judge on The relations of Geo Mr Campbell with the house of Eg bert at will have proved rather expensive according to the verdict of the jury in Civil Assizes The case was finished Fri day last when the jury found in fa vor of the plaintiff Fieury and ordered that should pay as tho price for alienating the affections of Mrs from her husband The address of the counsel and the court occupied all morning During the course of his address Chief Justice Meredith in referring to the action of Mrs remarked sig nificantly It would as well that married women un derstand that it is at least not prudent for them to go out driving at night with young and unmarried men jury were out over three hours they returned with their deci sion Judge Morson certified to the in sanity of Mole of Aurora on Monday Toronto Conference of the Metho dist Church will meet on Thursday June Dentist Opposite Bakery Open every day Painless a March About p today a on the Grand Trunk Railway named John fell between two cava of train and was killed his head being cut clean off A plank on a load of lumber broke and let him down His homo is in whore he has a wife and ono child Rev Mr Jenkins and family of Hamilton intend moving into the recently occupied by Mr Arthur He intends residing in the village during summer What time of the year do some people not fish Now that the ice is out from tho shore3 we can the place dotted with fishlights The rumors about weddings that have been floating around for so long aro becoming true The Special Services in the Metho dist Church are being continued this week with unabated interest The Church is crowded nearly every night and a goodly number are being con verted Cooks Bay is clear of ice early this year It was broken up on Monday forenoon Maccabees making quite a hustle just now They expect to in itiate a about a dozen new members next Monday night A very enjoyable time was spent at tho Temperance Division on Saturday night The members were treated to a taffy pull It was also election of officers resulting as follows Worthy Patriarch Worthy Associate Mrs J Brooks Treasurer Alfred Morton Financial Scribe Draper Recording Edith Terry Assistant J Brooks Chaplain Mrs Terry Conductor Warriner Asst Conductor Vera Inside Sentinel Alien W Warriner Organist Ina Warriner Asst Organist Edith Terry Quarter Installation next Saturday night Mr Storehouse sowed 10 acres of wheat last Saturday No doubt there will bo a good at tendance at Mr Concert on Friday evening April 1st in the Tem perance Hall Besides choruses by a class of voices assisted by a good orchestra some of best musical talent of Newmarket is to be here It will be tho best concert here for some time Mr determination last week to benefit ho would receive General Hospital Toronto Spring work is in full blast Suckers are up at Sutton two varieties Sugarmaking is no count around here Only two or three maple groves anywhere near Inquisitive as a Yankee A great many are quite anxious to find where those weddings are to be You watch out and youll One of our matrons says she wouldnt tramp through mud and rain for the sake of a girl Thats the way the ladies view the matter Mrs I of Albert is visiting Iter sinter Mrs Win Ross of our burg Uncle Sam had a fit lately Gave a Sutton citizen a good old Irish behind his back Cussed him from the crown of his head to the sole of his feet all on account of some A pretty exhibition last the Owl Such refined and polished language shows the stamp of gentleman the author is Dye the Era would publish such a grimy communication Well I Not much it wouldnt Mrs Cliff Heisc gone to visit relatives at Bradford Grandpa is quite unwell cough and pain in his chest Mrs John Morton has removed to Bel haven Vacant to rent in the village Mr Jits Stevensons infant child was buried in Elm Grove cemetery on Monday An addition to Suttons population from this district A pinkeyed gal lias left us new wheat makes bread It makes the ladies feel good humored The crowd at the corner of an evening Is slim since spring work com menced The new town hall will perhaps be inaugurated about the twentieth century at its present rate of pro gress Tub Owl Hardware Paints Oils Glass Carriage Hardware Woodenware Bar Iron and Steel Cook and Coal Stoves Furnaces Tinware Graniteware House Furnishings- Shot Guns Rifles Revolvers and Ammunition of all kinds and General J A W ALLAN Some people have an idea because we do such a business in the Bakery Fruits and Grocery lines that we take no interest in the Book Stationery Wall Paper and News Departments but we wish to let you know that as long as we do Business in Newmarket that the Book Stationery and Newspaper Departments are oups and we will stand by them at all odds and in Wall Papers we can let you have a choice of Ten Thousand Rolls at Lowest Prices Central Telephone Office Deaths Pinioned Kidney Deaths Grow Fewer b the World Awakes to the Glad Ftct American Kidney Cure Never Fail The unsuspected presence the in- eiduous character and the alarming suddenness of collapse and death from kidney diseases of so many men and women in apparently good health has battled the most eminent physicians of the day and not until South can Kidney Cure was introduced to suffering humanity could it be truth fully said that medical science had conquered this dreadful of the human race A thousand testi monials tell of its efficiency as a never- failing kidney specific Sold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket TAOK OF- BOOB AT- And the best of it is they are all of the ery AT- Prices That Will Astonish You Call and see that we mean business law OF THE BOOT Glasgow strong bakers Pastry ALSO Best Ontario Family Flour Rolled Oats Rolled Wheat and Corn Meal and Feed of all kinds Red Clover Timothy and All Seed in Season J Marsdens Storehouse Cor Main and Huron To get a Suit made by a tailor and another thing to have in made right By leaving your order with what you want when you want it and how you want it -n- As he always keeps posted as to the very Latest Styles and finishes every garment in an artistic manner Low Terms Gash i MY TAILOR

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