Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 1, 1898, p. 4

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a THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY APRIL Acute Rheumatism jPalna In Foot and Limb A I CorViploto euro AcoompMohod For a number of years I rhoumsttim In my loft And all tho Tray down my limb Into my foot I lire fire from my work and to nd rest several llmee Ingoing and coming I could got no relief from ay point of giv ing up my Job when I happened I purchased a bottle of mediotno and a vial of and began taking them I bad bait finished thorn I relieved and it not long I completely owed I never an opportunity to praise Hoods for my euro sneant a groat deal to mo I a fam ily and always bo at my poet yardman Grand Trunk Railroad depot Brentford Ontario Hoods J a be 1 fact tho Blood Purl Bold brail axe rlOOU PUIS fan as She jQcwHwjItet to It JACKBON Vim Best Advertising Medium York County It Transient advertise- conta per Nonpareil lino for 3ocn1a per lino for each subsequent sort loir Tun American Tract East Wow York City la a great power for righteousness publish many ex cellent and who turo for their children or for that Ib both and helpful oho u Id to thorn for particulars Industry at King- penitentiary la being to limit of lie between thirty and forty being In the manufeoturoof aridlng discrediting remarks of tho Opposition organ at Toronto Govern- will probably contlnuo production till Inmost and thereby keep down prico to oomds from Oltawa that a goodsized African has discovered In Marine and departmontr Involving a Government officer and a special employee who In days by foro the Ministry bad authority to In tho pleonhotca of tho department of Information to their own personal ad vantage facte will comb to light when a fitting opportunity A cor- respondent to a paper this week that tho business will bo ventilated In Parliament HOW flHB SAVES With exception of a couplo of appeal on recount of Pro- vlnolat elections all made to Cot Clarke Clerk of Legislature and tho have gazetted as tho law re quires Tho last instalment appeared In Gazelle last Saturday Any protests to bo most ho within except in of per sonal bribery when days allowed Vlooroy of Indian Lord Elgin who about to resign his office in cast a Canadian by birth having seen tho light at Toronto in Montreal Witness remarks would been born at Montreal had tho not pelted his father out of city for signing Rebellion as passed by Canadian Parliament and as Instructed by his constitutional orb This about the time tho late Ogle ran up flag rebellion at although an Orange leader in Ontario I mo I I mo JO Inches I Inch Advertisements unaccompanied with ton InstructionsInserted until forbid charged accordingly Advertisements will bo changed month If desired For change each month tho composition must bo paid for at regular rates Changes for contract advertisements must bo In by noon on wed need Ays Bpcelol Low for Executors Notices Ferine to Articles end round etc Parliament Buildings The Cabinet is now holding meetings on Tuesdays Wednes days of each week in order to over take pressing work At these meeting Hon Mr Commissioner of Public Works has been in attendance Ho considers his health greatly im proved and has no notion of resigning The Provincial Secretarys Depart ment is unuHually busy these days Information of wonderful finds in the District has recently reached the Bureau of Mines Depart ment Blue lias intimated to in terviewers that authentic reports are to hand showing that free gold has been found and that nuggets of solid gold the size of peas being picked up According to all accounts the precious metal is plentiful and the stories of rich finds almost fabulous A of a character comes from neighboring of How York regard to lessening the tramp nuisance Over thcro municipal authorities labor of In roadbulling As a not result they re port a saving of money in cost of roade and a greater saving in reduc tion of tramps tho in force Experience has demonstrated that travelling tramp naturally dislikes tabor and hence gives those districts they are made to work for thoir lodgings a decidedly wido berth Our corporation should always a atone pile near the on tramps could take a morning appetizer The Critical Time of Maternity and Methods of a to Mothers Strength Prom the livening News Detroit Mich No woman is better fitted for nurs ing or has had more years of practi cal experience in that work than Mrs Fourteenth Mich For twenty years she bus recognized as host and most sueccessful in confinement cases and over hundred happy mothers can testify to and care Always engaged months ahead she has had to decline hundreds of pressing and pleading plications for her services She has a specialty of confinement cases and has made high a reputation in this city that in all cases is taken as a sure sign of mothers speedy recovery Morris was a nurao in England camp to America and so was her mother and her mothers mother before her When onco by a leading physician secret of great success in treating mothers in confinement cases she used Dr Williams Pink Pills for Palo Peo ple in such cases as they build up the mother more quickly and surely than any other medicino she had over used M rs Morris was scon at her pretty little homo on Fourteenth Street and when asked regarding the use of these pills in profession she I estimate and enormous captures Tp in remote regions of Canada of which no Pa returns available Bines the n lhe i I fhoy built me up WuKttKVEK question of taws forme the topio discussion very much tires la placed oh liberty of the subject Over in the State of Ohio question of liberty In a country Is creating quite a hubbub A bill has been introduced the State Legis lature which requires all persons applying for licence to marry to pass a medical ex amination Persona having dipsomania any form of insanity hereditary tuber- other diseases barred from marriage by the bill Now tho arises if In the interest of tho has right to thus intervene respecting liberty of persons to marry why should It bo considered an improper thing to enact legislation protecting tho people at largo from conneqoonco of the liquor system thoFisbcrica Department at Ottawa London Free alludes to the annual vatuo of tho inland and sea fisheries of Dominion variously catenated at about and goes on to that returns it Is generally admitted underestimate rather than overestimate their total value as vast quantities of fleh used for food it is hardly to Take It as You Please WHAT What in tho real good I ask in muaing mood Order flaid tho lav court Knowledge said the school Truth said wise man Pleasure said fool Love J tho maiden r Beauty said tho page Freedom dreamer Home said the sago Fame the soldier Equity said the seer Spake my heart full The answer is not here Then within my bosom Softly this I heard Each holds the secret Kindness is the word svotftih was in over g been paid to encourage tin Canadian sea During were divided as bounty amongst vessels manned by men and amongst 23 using boats total number of claims paid for was i y Tug Kingston News very vice bill It titer giving a brief synopsis of Its provisions On the whole Mr bill seems to be a very one In the British House of Commons last wees In answer to a question by Mr Baden the Government Mr Cnrzon would endeavor to the most favored nation clause In new treaties with Germany and Belgium for the British We heartily agree with the Banner in the following Item The plebi scite bill should be put parlia ment this session it should be a plain question of yes or no There is no in asking people to vote for prohibition with a stick in it Notice has been given in the Commons that the Minister of will deliver his budget speech this afternoon and the Intimation has been given by the Premier that the debate thereon will be continued thereafter from day to day until the same la Beginning with next week the Government will add Thursdays to Government days in the House the hint given to the Senate by the Liberal organ at Toronto and one the country will help the Government to When It is quite certain that the Government Is not to receive lair play from its Opponent the Government must protect ftselfv This is but reasonable especially with regard to an irresponsible body of men not onethird of whom could jet returned for seats in the Dominion Parliament d- To people who Intend taking a bfoyole trip abroad a moat Interesting feature of the April Harpers is How toCyoIein Europe The author who has bicycled all England and the Continent search the de- um best routes and methods of the J Illustrations of the tie drawings in Mr beat manner roads and landscapes in nix of the prominent countries of The death of Louis P a well- known newspaper writer Is announced event occurred on tho at Ottawa He entered Held of journ alism in 1880 when in his 23rd year and while following his profession in Toronto achieved some considerable distinction locally by bis productions under the cognomen of Pica At different periods deceased was employed on the Qhbe Mttil World News Empire Grip Before the Empire amalgamated with the Mail he was its parliamentary correspon dent In 1804 deceased founded a paper called the Advocate which was published in the interests of the liquor trade In deceased published a pamphlet on Manitoba School Deceased be longed to the Orange fraternity The data furnished by court records ap pear to indicate with tolerable certainty that Canadians are growing less litigious or more healthful business prevails result ing in greater confidence and more nicely adjusted trade methods Whatever may be the cause certain it is that the number of cases coming before the courts since are steadily on the decrease The number of actions In Ontario that year in the High Court of Justice were as against in while in the County Courts notwithstanding the increased jurisdiction the decrease mark ed Speaking of the Courts of Toronto the Globe states that the decline of business in both courts has been even more observable figures being actions In as against in Prosperous times make people less irritable aud less disposed to be pugnacious Ih reply to question Will the Autocar be able to compete with trol ley car En winter We find an answer from Mr- St Germain who says Em phatically yes He then points out that the autocar has no to be blocked overhead wires to be by ice snow or rain and no power house to get oat of order These cars run regardless of weather He also says cars will be able to traverse the highways more readily than ordinary farm vehicles for they will be equipped with power equal to any and all emergencies He adds Snow on the ground that would prevent farm vehicles from travelling will be no obstacle to the autocar We hope Mr St Germain will be able to have a car for use between New- market and Point in July and August of this year It would do a paying business the authority of an expert the House of Commons Committee appointed to In vestigate County Railway matter have assurance that the bargain mode by the Government waa a good one In his evidence before the Committee Mr of the stated in effect that the cost of the Drummoo County Hoe as calculated In the agreement with the Government was low He gave figures of the cost of other roads as the Beau- Jo notion Railway which cost about mite He expressed the opinion that at the County line would be cheap The extension of mites would be of a standard much higher than the line The rest of it would have a lighter rail The Grand Trunk would have liked to continue hauling Intercolonial Levis but now that ft Is out of it he was free to aay that the County line is best and shortest route that could have been selected Tub Toronto Star says A prominent officer of the Methodist General Conference is authority for the that the coming meeting of great Methodidt parliament will be to legalize per manent pastorates We do not know what conclusion will bo reached in case such a proposition should bo submitted for consideration but we are perfectly sure if tbe General Conference should declare for permanent pastorates there will bo scores and scores of Methodist without pastors Under the present system If a circuit or station is burdened with a minis ter not to their liking the various congrega tions submit with reasonable grace know ing that without reflection on the man or detriment to their own standing in eyes of the Conference a chango will follow the course of two or three at moat but if they hod to accept the permanent lota of the would live with out calls and congregations would not sus tain th0 of the church as they do under the Itinerancy Canadian Song Compete On Saturday the Witness announced a song competition and offer ed as prizes The terms of the competition are now given The prizes will be 50 for best contribution for the next best for the next best for the next best In announcing this eong competi tion it was promised that the judges would be recognized by all alike for their ability and integrity It is with great satisfaction that we now an nounce their names Dawson Lit Queens Printer Ottawa Rev J Clark Murray University Montreal Rev Clarke Trinity University Toronto All must be sent through the postoffice full postage being pro- paid lest they fail of arrival They should be addressed Editor Song Competition The Witness Montreal They must be mailed on or bo- fore April The and address of the sender or some adequate identification shall be with tho song in a sealed envelope The names of nope but the first winner will be divulged except by permission the author 4 The Witness will be free to pub lish any of the songs receiving prizes and any others unless the author makes reservation in such case when and so nervous could not get any rest After they had helped mo I began to them in re storing mothers in confinement There is nothing that can be prescribed or given by a that will give health and strength to a mother so quickly as Dr Williams Pink Pills for Palo People It is true that in gome cases where the father or parents were prejudiced against the much advertis ed Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People gave them as Tonic Pills but all came out of a Dr Williams Pink PHI box 1 have given them in hundreds of cases of confinement to the mother and it is wonderful how they build up the I have practically demon strated great worth many times and have recommended them to hun dreds of mothers for their young daughters Yes I have been success in confinement eases but I must give Dr Williams Pink Pills for Palo People great part of the credit for tho speedy recovery of mothers They certainly no equal as a strength and health builder You can say for me that I strongly advise that Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People be kept and used in every house AH the necessary to give new and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves are contained in a form in Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females such as suppressions irregu larities and all forms of weakness- build up the blood and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks In men effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental strain overwork or excesses of what ever nature Dr Williams Pink Pills are sold in boxes never in loose bulk at cents a box or six boxes for 50 and may be had of all druggists mail from Dr Williams Medicine Company The sinews of virtue are good company and good conversation These cannot be cultivated by associa tions inclined to low gossip and ques tionable morals Lady Aberdeen writes to the press that the Victorian Order of Nurses will send four trained nurses to tbe Klondike They will start by the end of March The outfit for each will cost at least and this the women of Canada are appealed to to contribute Knox church Hamilton lias now the thiid largest Presbyterian congre gation in Canada its be ing Cooks church Toronto and Knox church Gait are slightly ahead of it Knox church ford must come in about fourth with its members A gang of articles who we sup pose call themselves men procured a quantity of beer at one of the hotels in South Monday night and proceeded to enjoy themselves See ing four little loys between the ages of seven and nine they persuaded the youngster by means of coaxing and to drink enough beer Io make them drunk They had lots of fun watching the drunken antics of the children and thought they had done something real clever A phrenologist would no trouble in reading those creatures heads He would pronounce it a shell devoid of brains PIloB whether Itching blind blooding relieved by one application of Ointment 35 CENTS And la 3 to Dr M writes Sand ma mora of X large titles of In It la a wonder worker In akin and a croat our for piles St E LEHMAN Agent Newmarket A rumor is very much like a mat It may be laid at any mans door A man takes off his gloves upon entering church while a woman puts here on Fortyfive fishermen have been drowned off the north coast of Norway in the storm answer to the question whats matter with our is unquestionably this of pa rental control Pure Blood CELEEIV LUNG KSSIK purely loolo Imoks good ill I Nursery Stock Book Agents Agricultural Implement Apts Or anyone to better position and Increase their Income should us demand for homegrown 8tock la on the Increase We need more men If you want steady pay work write us fmDiah nil free We bare the In the Dominion We sola end We engage either whole or fltme man our Stock We furnish purchaser with Certificate Government inspector oar Is Scale Our Nurseries comprise over and growing stock In large quantity enables us to sell at closest flgu re Men Succeed with who have Failed with others It will you nothing to learn what wo can do for you Dont unices you mean business and want profitable employment Stone Wellington Toronto Pedigreed Bull 2wS Dark Bed eleven months old J A M Lot Whitchurch VandorfPO One thorough bred Milch Cow Durham also one thorough bred Holstein Milch Cow young and good milker For particulars apply to P FOB SALS Peas Oat Clove an Apply on Lot No bury Seed Potatoes con PARI SALE OF VALUABLE Under and by contained a ccrtali which will be produi upon which default there will auction at AT TOWN OF Tuesday day of April at twelve oclock valuable lands and East half of Lot the sixth Concession of t In the Ing one hundred acres of the Power of Sale registered mortgage at tbe time of sale and ay has been red for sale by pubUo HE remises vis Eighteen Township of in East y of York contain- ro or loss ted on the pronert new loam There are asld to be a good frame House Barn Soil is a good sand Ten per of purchase money to be paid down at the time of Term for payment of will bo made known further particulars to item VcndlrV Solicitor 3S Freehold Toronto Bitots As similating iteToodflndRegula- Ikig Stomachs and Bowels of H THAT THE FACSIMILE A SIGNATURE Promotes neither OpnimMorpliine nor Mineral WOT NARCOTIC- Remedy for Constipa tion Sour StonvachDiarrhoea Worms Convulsions sh ores and Loss OF SLEEP Tec Simile Signol of HEW IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTXE Is p la Unit la balk alio to yoa Us a jea or ft Is jnit as goad and will Do you think of THIS SUMMER If you do write TE1 MIS LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT And get prices of Vaneered Doors A Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match at Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows ISO Artistic Effects t in Inside Woodwork Largest in Canada for the manufacture of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc We and Repair all kinds on short notice The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET rREET NEWMARKET Dont punish yourself by eating bread made P Manitoba J THE BEST ON THE MARKET We have it also Irelands Oat Meal Corn Meal Rolled Oats and Breakfast Foods- Hams and Breakfast Bacon always on hand delivery to any part of Town ALBERT BLOCK n-

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