Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 1, 1898, p. 2

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t J THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY APRIL SB p A Co Spring Goods Now Toronto Jobbing J Buggies Repaired J J Agents Wonted A ft Agents Co Notice Norris Bros Agents Wanted Boarders Wanted Mrs Card of Thanks Woodcock Seed Vn Homer policy of the present Govern ment in to eliminate advantage not being commensurate with Oh ox- and in thin view there can no doubt in regard to general country Without be ing efficient the old Act cost million and a quarter of dollars it enactment in Govern ment to tills cost The of Monday gives to a In city that Mr John M P for York is about to resign to supply ft cent in Legislature to Hon Mr Minister of Agriculture In an with member of the this wo Informed that rumor was without foundation Oar Society J RAND TRUNi RAILWAY a W a on fl 9 o a iv 1 S a w Tick th hut dont attempt answer How Is It iiotwIthetaudlnK tho to ho Need tho Yukon gold mines can bo reached lot of wo men feft el o1fc W a 1 Sewwarhct Bra UP I HUT AMD WITH The Pointed oil Om in tho mixed on the Yukon bill Frank was man through whom becamo premier of Coueervatloii At ecaafon of wo find Frank Smith tho on their Yukon policy and Sir Mackenzie fiowell him will all his ability dale Aurora March wo find following in a paper A mooting of tho Conservatives of North York Is held here this after noon to whether they will protest the of Hon J do ootoftheway and wonderfully things but it strain credulity of most people to even Mat that the leaders of the party In this Hiding thought of entering ft protest as intimated P It apodal agent Mr Carter who was sent up to Yukon to make enquiry Into the matter of routes has returned and reports that all to contrary by Seattle nowapapers tho all Canadian via tho to the Klondike by all odds the beat Ho the trouble about the duties on Canadian out- all been arranged Americana On a of to the Dominion Bon- ate declared its opposition to popular branch of Parliament and tho Yu kon bill If over body showed eigne of at of dignity and a true concep tion of its relation to tho constitu tionally Aenigned to it an on abovo vote Its act a direct violation of un written law agreed upon at Confederation A whit boon against Sir Mac kenzie Howell and fourteen of in tho for tho sum of being on account for floworb for funeral of Hon Sir John Thompson It flowers by then Con servative Cabinet on personal account a to deceased Of all party to the order only has paid his sharo of 76 others repudiate The Manitoba question has bo- a The Winnipeg of last week under that minority has definitely do to the provisions of settlement in tho meantime hoping for something moro In to With this in vlow It Is reported that In a few days at the most the separate will be tornod over and under tho provisions of the school law Following this Inspector will inspect the schools and public grants will follow in duo course to all that are up to the standard required The schools owned bv school so that all that Is necessary to la to let Mr proceed to APRIL Dominion Franchise Act of the methods adopted by deputy heads of departments under tho long refgu of the have duty to pay Canadians do not on at Ottawa An Ottawa On Tuesday of Hon Mr SolicitorGeneral moved reading of tho bill to oat existing Federal Franchise Act and substitute therefor Pro vincial for the future Dominion elections debate thereon at until the when the prevailed on a vote of yeas to nays fell costly enactment of 1885 which has already cost the Do- minion treasury ia wiped from statute book of country Apart too from this actual cost to v the Dominion treasury tho operations of Act has burdened aspirants to Parliament agents and local political organizations about half as much more and yet with all these facts and disabilities the Commons forty eight members opposed the economi cal changes suggested by this bill In- dependent Conservatives like Mr J Ross Robertson MP for Torxm- to boldly declared for the repeal of an Act which disfranchises thousands be cause of nonfrequent revison but old line party men who fear and in dependent revision by municipal coun cil and want legal machinery by and through which said lists may be man ipulated to suit the exigencies of party are not favorable to the Governments proposition Hon Sir Wilfrid opposed the enactment of with much spirit and declared in fa vor of a Provincial franchise at that time During the debate he that the Act as it now stands on the statute book is a perfect terror to members on both sides of the House is an incubus on members as well as upon the country and lie was glad to hear the leader of Opposition declare that he too was not satisfied with the present lawthe only dilH- between them being as to what should be the nature of the franchise on which members of the Commons should elected The policy of the- Government and of the Liberal party was that the franchise of the Prov inces on which members of their re spective Legislatures were elected should the Dominion franchise This would give a voters list without cost to the The tion leader favored legislation which would enable Parliament to keep the control of its own franchise In reply to this the Premier said he did not desire to controvert this position but he had this to say that when Partia lmeat should declare its willingness to accept Provincial voters lists it did not thereby do any violence to tho position taken by the loader of the Opposition If Parliament should so declare in favor of accepting said lists it would 10 act of its own volition Thompsons bill introduced in 1894 proposed to accept Provincial American cousins thought better of their law A done of their own in the Yukon lias re suited in opening to Canadians the Alaskan mines We are now told that an agreement has been reiohort by the Con Committees of the and at Washington on the Alaska land bill in reference to tho insertion of a pro vision allowing Canadian minors the rights In Alaska as are given by Canadian Government to the American miners Canadians will not have to be naturalized to take up mines in Alaska We are inclined to think with the King lVAr in regard to its critioiam of Hon Mr Blair Minister of There is no In mincing matters of thia kind Men who have worked for to place the parly In power have a right to ex their leader to be true to them when the opportunity offers Let the feeling once general that Ministers are not dis poned to have regard for the opinions of those who take an active part In the poli tical welfare of the party when dispensing legitimate patronage and they need not be manifesting itself when the next appeal is made for their support respondent to the Liberal organ at Toron to slates that no lees than three men re cently discharged given affidavits to the effect that though they were paid by late Government they were frequent ly by the officials of the department to their residences in the where they worked days often for the benefit of those deputy beads of depart ments and of other offioiala If this be true and discharged men have to the the present Government should bounce every other official guilty of the offence charged no matter how long or short In the service If they swindle in way they will take advantage in another Government count is in the ascend ant The of Saturday says Judgment was given by Mr Osier this afternoon upholding the con tentions urged on behalf of James In West Huron In of the ballots upon which judgment was re- One had the initials of the poll clerk upon it and the other was a torn ballot Both had been for Beck the Conservative Both are disallowed by Mr Justice Osier This leaves the result a tie and the re will be to cast bis vote This will increase the Government majority making two on a division Tax remarks of Sir Frank on the Yukon bill in the 8enate were more like a true Senator than the partizan obser vation of his Conservative leader in that Chamber He said am a Conser vative I am not a deserter nor do I in tend to be I no other object in view than the interests of Canada Therefore although we have power In this House I ay we should not use our power just to block the administration that happens to be of another party If the Government is incapable of discharging Its duty the people wlU soon find out and place in office those who are These remarks show a true appreciation of the relation the Senate should sustain to the Government and to the legislation approved by the elected chamber whose members are directly re sponsible to the people Oca Information from Ottawa is con firmed by a paragraph In a Toronto paper to the effect that the Department of Mill lie is very busy just now In making up outfits for the troops to compose the Klondike expedition men for this service will have their pay doubled and outfit is extensive as It is Intended to make the term extend for five yeara The kit will Include several suits of both for summer and winter wear Six headdresses will be provided including helmet sombrero canvas cap fur cap woollen and mosquito helmet Each man will have two suits of serge oilskin soils white duck suits and two sails of winner clothing The feet will be carefully looked after supplies including heavy woollen socks elk moccasins beef boots boots heavy walking boots and felt boots to be worn Inside the moccasins Several suits of heavy under clothing also bo aapplied to each man MOUNT PLEASANT Mrs Robert Hamilton has returned from the city and is still in very poor health Mr William Moulds has moved from Queen8ville back to the homestead on the con Master Jake Hamilton is on the mend and we hope to see him around again soon Mr Frank Watson from Orillia and also Miss Fair bairn from are spending a few days at Mr Thus Glovers Service at the Pleasant Church on the coming Sunday will be in the evening on account of Communion at in the morning We are sorry to hear that Miss Tillie Stiles is going to leave the choir as she is one of our most able singers Miss from King is visiting at Mr Richard Miss Bella Hamilton gave a very good address at the at last Sunday evening We notice our pastor wears a very smiling face lately surely something pleasant is going to happen before long Miss Hannah Williamson is at pre sent living with her brother Frank Mr Herb left for the last Tuesday The two Misses Shire from Uxbridge are visiting in this vioinity Some of our farmers around here have started to plough It begins to look like spring Dnop MOUNT ALBERT Mr H Boss is rushing up an ad dition to his store building in thesbape of a dwelling to be ready in months Mr Smart is making extensive improvements to his dwelling Mr Widdifield has removed to his farm near Mr Woodcock of Brown Hill is moving back to town Miss Thompson of Bradford has en gaged as head milliner for Mr Wal lace this season The woollen mill is so rushed with orders that they are now running several hours over every even ing bicycle nuisance has commenc ed on our sidewalks The wellknown stallion belonging to the estate of the the late John Leek was sold at the on Tuesday for a good price to Mr Geo Vernon of Scott Almost everything at the sale realized a good price Mr Walter Collins spent over In the city Mr Howard homo from To ronto on the sick list shows eigne of Im provement this week Mlsa Keltnan wont to tho en on a Mis- Clara loft on Tuesday to accept a situation at Preston Mis fiooltXinlcy of Norwood was vitiitlng with nor ecu Monday Mr Davidson Albert insurance man was town ycetorday Mies A returned home on Tues day after a weeks In Toronto Mr of Toronto was visiting at Mr Armltages over Sun- da Mrs Wesley of Zephyr visiting at Mr a couple of days this week Mr Win of Toronto spent over Sunday with his Mr John Brim son Mrs J and daughter of Milton are visiting at the Postmasters for a few days aire was called to Aurora on Wednesday on account of her motherIo ta death Mr George left for the city on Wednesday having a sit as dry goods clerk Mr conducted at the Amsterdam Sunday School last Sun day afternoon Mr Clarence leaves on Monday to take a coarse at Shaws Col lege Toronto Mrs Lyman Jones of Toronto was here a of day this week visiting mother Mrs Irwin Victoria Miss Bandera of Barrio Mrs Phillips and the Misses of are visiting this week at Mr Hoover Mrs in town vffl- terday on way to Bay View Villa fake the first camper of the season Mr Geo- and wife and also Mr left on Tuesday for North Dakota where they to locate Mr and Mrs Fred Trent At Home to a large of friends last Friday evening A pleasant time was Messrs W and conducted tbe Review In Sunday School fast Sunday afternoon Another of our men left for the Coast last Friday Mr Ben Man ning brother of the Alderman In St Pat ricks Ward omitted to mention last week that Bey P Fletcher of was here to see his mother who it very poorly but Is gelling better Mr Fred Flanagan eon of Mr Peter Flanagan left on Salarday for Crows Nest Pass haying a situation offered him in con nection with the pay car Our old friend John Rogers who has been con6ned to house for some time was In town Wednes day and gave a call Messrs Lehman Bower- men and Jackson reviewed the lesson for the past quarter in the Christian Sun day School last Sabbath morning Mr Birch wheeled to Toronto on Saturday evening bit came home by train on Monday morning He was the first to the city this season on a bike but he strain ed it The Secretary and Treasurer of North York Ag Society spent two days a the city this week and collected special prizes for the next Fall Fair amounting to Miss May and Miss Leila Boas returned from Bishop Bethone Col lege one week earlier than usual on account of breaking out In the school Word comes this week from the To ronto General Hospital that the operation upon Mr Graham has a hopeful sign The has commenced to grow on outside edge of the Xray burn Mr who is at present assisting Major Lloyd in his praotice took honors In two Important subjects Dis ease and Treatment and Anatomy at the recent exams at Ontario College in Toronto Mr and Mrs Fred Day returned from last week where they have resid ed for about three years Mrs Day will remain for a time at her fathers while her husband sees what the prospects are for work In the far West He left for British Colombia on Monday Mr Hill associate editor of the fix- was In Bradford on Tuesday foreman Mr King In last week We learn that Mr Duncan Monroe formerly on Era ft coming back from Gait to take charge of that printing office Mr J science master of the High School Is the present proprietor Mr J talks of removing to Mont real Mr Andrew Robertson Is making rangementa to leave this week for Wood stock where he has leased a large bakery and confectionery store and intends to con tinue the business family with the exception of Cecil will remain- for a few weeks when they will all take their departure In Mr Robertsons removal Newmarket loses one of its most active and enterprising business men During bis residence of nearly years he has been associated with every move ment of an aggressive character has been a member of the volunteer Fire Brigade moat of the time and also served In the Town Council He was ever to co operate with the business men In any mat ter that calculated to bring the Town into prominence and while sball miss him tho Mm every success in location His business JUowest in Price Highest in Quality o It is because our goods are well selected bought for cash and sold at extremely close profits that we can distance our competitors Kept busy all the time and quote prices like the following yds doublefaced Satin Ribbon in wide all shades regular for yds fancy edge Silk Ribbon in reg 5c at yds for doz extra fine plain Cashmere Hose at Extra heavy wide ribbed Cashmere Hose womeps sizes at this is the regular Ladies fine Muslin Blouses the kind they sell at 150 in Toronto rice 5c- 5 our 1 We are doing a big Dress Goods trade this season With a new stock and prices right no wonder we are busy Fancy blackfigured Dress Goods reg at All wool black 42inch Henri a regular 50c line at AH wool black Creponne in wide reg at 50c Fancy shot effects in Green Blue and Brown at Fancy shot effects in five colors reg at The finest showing on the second floor that we have ever made Real nice Union Carpet one yard wide 25c Extra heavy Union Carpet good patterns at Extra heavy Wool Carpet regular price at Good Tapestry at Choice Tapestry at and A showing of Curtains from to 4 r A very Nobby Suit for the little fellows at 1 A better Two Piece Suit sizes 4 to years at 200 and up to 3 00 Mens solid wool tweed Pants neat patterns at Mens spring weight worsted Overcoats dark shades and black reg 10 at 5 95 Special line mens fine all wool tweed Suits very neat patterns as well made and will fit as well as any suit you could have made to your order best trimmings all sizes good value at 10 this one lot at See the suits we can sell you at 4 75 We want ten thousand pounds of Farmers Cured Meat and will pay the highest price in goods Sale Supposed the Monday April Mr George Pollock will Wifes Had Baffled have a sale of of and implements on lot Si in Coo of East Gwil- Credit for months on sums of and over except for fat cattle and pigs Bale at 1 oclock sharp Kavanagb April Mortgage Bale of a splendid farm in East situate at Mount Albert to take place at the North American Hoteli New- market Bee advertisement for par ticulars Cradle In Aurora March wife of Mr Beaton of son West In East on March the wife of Mr George West of a eon In Aurora on March the wife of Mr Robinson of a ton Doak On March to Mr and Mr a god King on the the wife of Mr Geo Brown of daughter The Altai Dams On the alt at the Manse Newmarket by Re A Mr John Oddllo ville to Mies Minnie Draper of Allan- date On the at the Newmarket by Rev A Mr Wm J to Mar- J Marshall all of Zephyr Leading Furniture aud Undertaking House Doctors for Years Half a of American Rheumatic Cure Re lieved and Four Bottles Mr A Governor County Gaol writes My wife was a great sufferer from rheumatism was treated by beat medical men and used many remedies but relief was only temporary Read ing of the cures made by South Am erican Rheumatic Cure we procured a bottle and tried it Half the bottle brought great relief and four bottles completely cured her Its effects are truly wonderful Sold by E Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket in Toils and Dyspepsia Had Made her Prisoner of tamed to a Joy Bong Because Booth Ameri can Nervine Cured her Buffering Maria Edge PostMistress of Edge Hill says For nearly two I suffered agonies from acute indigestion and dyspepsia I could eat practically nothing without its producing the verest pain The doctors could do so little for me I about gave of recovery I was induced as a last re sort to give South African Nervine a trial Two bottleswonderfully help- ed me Three Bottles completely cured me and for six months I have health Sold by E Pharmacy Newmarket The Tomb BtouffviHe March Edgar son of Mr Jacob Jennings year and days In Toronto on March formerly of Btooffyllle In on March aged years 9 At Aurora on alt mother of the late of this town in her year Funeral today at 2 oclock to Aurora Cemetery J Main St North Newmarket Orders receive Careful and Prompt Attention Get a Move On work The gunboats and Anglo-Egyp- tian troops attacked on day destroyed the forts captured quan tities of grain cattle and amunition and liberated over GOO slaves mostly The dervishes lost men There were no on the AngloEgyptian side a a a a a a a and should be pleased to order your Painting PaperPanging Caisomin- Etc in all its branches Having engaged the Best North of Toronto we can the beat of In that line We can please you I Hewitt Head of Church Newmarket his new methods people Furniture for Easter Bpring Is tbe season Easter the oc casion for brightening borne and surroundings Every home should the greatest possible attractiveness and the moat possible comfort Its Impossible to have our home properly furnished unlets yon are constantly adding to It desirable pieces which will add to the comfort of the home J Opposite Royal Hotel Newmarket ID A Farmers sons or other In- W of fair I education to whom a month would be an Inducement I could also a few ladles I at their own homes It Toronto id Embalming A Wanted Christian Hen Women to Introduce of the Unseen the in oat marvellous book since the publication or the Bible Revealed religion Supernatural facta of the Bible no longer In doubt Rev Dr Austin la the editor Dr of Philosophy Victoria Tfaecoo- trlbutore are scholarly and devout men among whom are Dr Judge Henderson Her Chaplain Evangelist Crowley and many others Mar Flour per barrel ft White Wheat per bushel OW Bod Wheat Goose Wheat per bushel Buckwheat Barley per bushel Oauper bushel OK Pees per bushel Shorts per ton IT Butter tub per lb Potatoes per bag o Sheepskins Wool per lb CO Beefpercwt Pork per live CO Pork per lb Chickens per pair 60 Turkeys per lb lire Turkeys per dressed 0 per bushel per bushel per bushel CO a CO a a CO CO a 363 CO TOO 460 CO a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Toronto Red Wheat per bushel te Wheat per bushel Goose Wheat per bushel pit Buckwheat per kuihel Barley per bushel Oau per Peas per bushel Eggs per flow Wool per lb of Wesley Mark Harperton men The veil separating tho spirit land Is Jorcpercwt s that all may at least have a flllinpsi Full bound book nta worth twice that Experience ua- Hooka on time Freight paid commend him to 1 neceasary Sella on attended to residence J COHPAKy Limited ICO 8 ft 1 per pair Ducks per pair Turkey per lb a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a OSS 034 on 007 13 I J

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