Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , January 28, 1898, p. 8

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i J a toco who sotir fndlgcttion are prompt J sured by mi do their work 9 THE and thoroughly dinner AH Prepared hTC I Hood Co flub WIDEAWAKE AND TO Lowell Mas I The with Hood TORONTO yid up Kcectvcrt Fund nearly pi I- A of this established at BRADFORD nostra aro received of 1 watdMmdIntcrtaldthcrtonattlKlighti current rate Wo of Discounting Farmers Holes And Koto at LOWEST RATES For further Information apply to ELLIOTT Agent sot of for 8100 GOO ft A Rood eel of for ft Crown work jj and painless traction Largest u Plates Free AT NIB Dental tor6nto A GALLOWAY Comer Lady Queen Ifltant I Toronto FARMERS ATTENTION I THE ISAAC USHER SON A la guaranteed to bo quite equal to any of Portland Cements for all sorts or farm uout Personal instruction free all work warranted For further Information Agent A line Ipsrle etc- mind a lowest YEARS EXPERIENCE Ml without Scientific ire bo of ftnf Term a- sold by oil beech cord wood is Belling on tho streets hero at last a team belonging to Williams ran into a and that was standing in front of post office horse jumped upon Mr and the other upon all falling together in heap Ono of hows got away after some scratching and ran into P Buttons yard whero after much it was The two were hold after getting up cutter was smashed nearly kindling wood j An oyster supper and will ho hold in Methodist Church on Thursday evening of Feb ruary Good have been secured for the entertainment includ ing Club Mr J Toronto Messrs Leo and Dewey Mr and Mrs Sparks Toronto Miss Miss Ada Brown Rev J and others remains late Mrs Chard brought from city for inter ment on Tuesday Deceased was a sister of Mr Stewart Bachelor Pancake Social in church on Monday evening a de cided success A load of young people tho parlor social of Mr Smith Whitchurch on Tuesday night and report a good time AURORA A meeting of the Directors of tho Aurora Dairy Association was held on Monday evening last when it was de cided to offer the factory and plant for sale Last Wednesday evening the senior Bible Class in connection with tho Methodist Church here visited their teacher Mr Reynolds and pre sented him with an address and hand some book and beautiful hanging lamp as a slight token of their ap preciation Mr Reynolds a suitable reply thanking them for their kindness After tea the evening was spent in a very pleasant social manner interspersed with music On Tuesday afternoon a young man by the name of said to be from Kino City hired a horse and rig from Mr iYisby to drive to Newmarket- As ho did not return on Wednesday Mr drove to Newmarket and found that ho had been there on Tues day and gone north No further trace has been found of either the missing rig or man horse is a chestnut and his foretop is clipped oft Strap harness open with an overdraw Comfort cutter painted red with white screen also two grey robes in cutter A warrant hasbeen issued for the arrest of Banner Mel and Miss Johnston of Kn were visiting at Mr Ceo lust Sunday plan of the Methodist Church which is to ha enlarged and remodeled Spring was laid true- lees on Tuesday afternoon Tenders will bo advertised for shortly- The first social given by the Ladies Aid of tho Church of this place was held on Tuesday last at the of Mr Smith A large gathering of young and old people met to encourago ladies in their good work supper was delicious and varied entertainment delighted all Games were provided in tho different rooms was pleased and success of tho future At is assured starting nolo the Christian Church and tho attend- each is large Tito Ladies Aid met at the homo of Mrs J J A pleasant was spent Mis Patterson a lady of years fell and broke a limb six weeks ago She is in a critical condition but slight hopes entertained of her re covery J J fell through a trap door in barn and broke two of his He is under doctors Miss Sister spent a couple of weeks visiting friends at Mount Albert Mis Sutton is under doctors care The funeral of late Mm Samuel Cook took place from her late resi dence to the cemetery hero last Thurs day A very large concourse of sor rowing and sympathizing Sends followed remains to last resting place The funeral of the Andrew of hut who lived most of his in this vicinity took to the cemetery hero on the insfr A number of our ladies attended the first meeting of the Ladies Aid of the Christian Church which was held home of Mrs Jonathan Baker on Friday last Henry Phillips formerly well known in this vicinity and now of is spending a few days with his nephew P P Steel Mrs Cook and daughter of Toron to are visiting friends hi this locality A Miller of Alt Albert spent combined choirs of tho Metho dist and Baptist churches and talent purpose grand sacred cantata Queen Esther in at an early dato The Loyal Orange District Lodge of King Township elected officers for year Sproulo D Egan O L Chaplain L Secretary Bond Fin Secretary O Tress Robert White L Ceremonies A Lecturers Bros Smelser and Elli son O At annual meeting King township Agricultural Society on inat thc30 officers were elected President Murphy 1st Vico Pros Neil Campbell 2nd A Dickinson A Wilkinson Treasurer John Directors Ferguson Dr Graham Ira Shaw J Deacon A Ferguson J McDonald J Winter J Davis Hon Directors- Dr J ton Manning Toronto Frank Brown J liar- and J Sutton every wide citizen should his or her share baa had its innings and it is generally its days are over- To have your share it is necessary to whats going means of finding this out is columns of North Yorks largest and popular newspaper A man darkness of hopeless case Is of all men most miserable doctors ond medicines innumerable have been tiled and found wanting and loving friends vainly urge upon him the food be cannot cat and which brings him no nour ishment or strength what is to be done Men and women who have sunken so fat into weakness and disease that the whole body seems to permeated and poisoned by It have found health and vigor through the transform in electrifying power of that wonderful Golden Medical Discovery which Dr V Pierce of Buffalo proffered thirty years ago to sick and suffering hu manity During all the yeara since then this mar velous Discovery has been building up weak and constitutions by its extraordinary influence upon the human nutritive system It gives the digestive or ganism keen and capacity to appro priate every lifegiving clement from the food taken into the stomach and trans- forms it into rich highly vitalized blood and healthy fleah bone sinew and nerve fiber Consumption in ail it earlier stages It arrested and counteracted by the tissue building fleshmaking lifepromoting pow er of this grand medicine and there is no darkness of bodily ailment so dense but it will shed upon sufferer the light of re newed hope Dr Pierces Pellets cure constipation- House to Let With and cellar garden attached Apply at Office In its columns will bo found a la local news the latest County news curren comment uptodate articles and good general reading When you get Era you get all that is worth having l8 sing our A lira CLUBBING RATES CAST For Infanta and Children fcTWO LOTS On Street Desirably Situated near tho old Woollen factory For Sale on Terms Apply to EJACKSON Heal Estate Agent day at Lemon his fatherinlaws Geo Broadway New York Canvasser Queen Victoria Her LI and has captured Empire Extraordinary wen send for Iomega Tho beat or Queen I Her kind letter or appreciation by thousands SAtis- Canvaaeers to weekly COMPANY BRADFORD MONEY you weaWcofct money that arc washed by ihorfo old era and by washboard out more by washing than by actual wear J can sell you a Washer that will wash as much In on hour a a lady will do In four hours the or dinary way A Trial will Cost You Nothing Study your own see If it not pay you to buy Knoll DoubleAction Washer Coropctcd with over all over the world Chicago In and was suc cessful in Premium and Cold sold already Agent Newmarket of Butcher Shop The Marquis of has accept ed the position of Honorary Colonel of Battalion Light In fantry A RELIVES IN A moat symptom ert or or the of breath weak or at night heart Toe brain mar a- causing vertigo ahort flutter or jr tb red jtjj 52W Agoew Car ft yet vlf ad core aboTter There no less than three run aways in town on Tuesday The annual meeting of the Bradford Reform Association was held on Wed nesday of last week The attendance was good Mr Wright candid ate of the party in the coming elections was present and delivered an able ad dress A resolution was passed re commending the appointment of Mr Elliott as Returning Officer for at approaching elections Tbe following officers were elected President- Geo 1st VicePre8 A Thompson 2nd A J H Treas Campbell Executive John A Mc Lean J J Kilkenny jr Geo Coombs Hill Sutherland Baker A largo quantity of marsh hay went up in smoke on Wednesday night of last week we understand about tons in all There stacks each of which at least from to yards apart It was no doubt the work of a fare fiend inas much as heavy rain that day had dampened the stacks to such an ex tent that it would be impossible for one to catch from other therefore it would bo necessary to sot each stack on fire separately Moreover tracks in snow from each stack were quite visible next morning and wero traced down the Holland Landing branch of the river a considerable dis tance Ernie was tho heaviest loser his loss being some stacks containing tons Jack Holly lost tons and Ben tons in a stack besides three tons of hay in Dr Clements stable was al so consumed along with a hay loader belonging to the SUTTON It cost Messrs Summer to have their dynamo repaired in To ronto On Friday evening last Mrs Powell on her way to the social and entertainment at Egypt lost a valuable shawl The Oddfellows treated themselves and- a few invited friends to an oyster supper on Monday night After the luscious feed was over company in dulged in some in way of several solos by Messrs and K Greenwood and short speeches etc by Messrs John Tay lor Bo en P Dr Crittenden of Portage la Prairie A very pleasant evening was spent The Rev A Crews General Sec retary of Epworth Leagues and Sun day Schools gave a magnificent ad dress in the Methodist Church under the auspices of the League on Tuesday evening A splendid audience greeted him and greatly enjoyed the lecture The President Mr occupied the chair During the evening some half dozen little girls sang sweetly two or three choruses with Mies Jessie as accompanist on the apoloharp Village officers for Howard Clerk Treasurer Geo Cuttle Assessor Collector A and Fry Auditors Simpson Homer and Moore Poundkeepers A Millard and Horner Fence Viewers member Board of Health for three years Dr Noble sr Sanitary Inspect or Truant Officer and Constable The annual meeting oft he and Agricultural So ciety was held bore the The annual report was presented by the Treasurer Mr which appeared to be very satisfactory to all concerned showing a balance on band of Mr J Davidson was re elected President and Mr J A reelected VicePresident Tho Di rectors appointed wore For Messrs Tomlinson Gal- John Kay and Duncan for Sutton Messrs Daley Donnell and LVroo- for Messrs Bennett and At of meeting the Directors mot and appointed Mr for current year a Jan 22 Ten Sultan has determined to send soldiers to Palestine in honor of Em peror Williams visit there The garrison of Beirut and Damascus will be reequipped and his Majesty will also give the German Emperor a piece of ground at Jerusalem which accord ing to tradition was the site of the Last Supper which different Chris tian communities have hitherto vainly sought to acquire It understood that Emperor William will transfer ground to German Catholic missionaries It was just three weeks ago that the marriage of Florence Ada to William Field of Toronto Junction took place- Today bride of three weeks ago is a widow and the sym pathy of the people goes out towards her Mr Field was a on the P and Thursday morning about oclock as the train was pul ling out of station he was walking on the top of the cars towards the engine when he accidentally slip ped on the fuosty roof and fell to the track between the cars He was in stantly killed and tho body was great ly mutilated about 19 cars passing over him Mr Field had only been out on ihQ read a few days after bis return from his honeymoon Swindling An ingenious swindler is doing the country with a scheme that is decided to his own benefit but injurious to his victims H13 plan of operations which can be testified to by a Queen Street lady is as follows A few days ago the man came to the door of the Queen Street home and engaged a room and board offering to pay for a week in advance if the landlady could change a ten dollar bill The necessary change was secured and given him and new boarder went Now On fit opposite the imdeialgucd to Rent or for Sale terms Will take a horse part pay and will sell either one lot or thrio with the house Apply to I JpTiVELEx ffino IN ADR Tor Sale Cheap or Property for WW Newmarket Era and Montreal Weekly Star with premium The Era and Weekly Mail Empire 1 The Era and Weekly Mail Empire and Farm Fireside 1 The Era and Weekly Globe The Era and Montreal Witness The Era and Toronto Daily World The Era and Toronto Evening Star Tho Era and Toronto Ladys Journal 1 The Era and New York World 8 a week 1 Era and Farming 1 Era and Farmers Sun And so on through the entire list of papers that you may wish to subscribe for You can save money by clubbing with the Era 25 it a Year Commence at any Cash with all Clubs L JACKSON ERA NEWMARKET Farm to Boat West half or lot con Township Fall wheat In fall ploughing done In good order well watered acres For further to GowKe Ham- say farm W J LEV J Notice to Creditors OF- North YonrEleetion Election day Is now at and every moo went a vote So better than to purchase that farm on known tbe John Millard farm comprlalngSlOacrefiiaOout i5 which la a good hardwood bush balance It state of on which Is erected a splendid flrstclaas and out- There is also a aplcndld young leas than two miles from Newmarket Price very low considering lo cation terms to purchasers For full particulars enquire of T J WOODCOCK Newmarket Jan 15 Vendors Agent P MARY JAMES DECEASED PURSUANT to the provisions of the Re vised Statute or In that behalf tots and all other persona having claims of Mary James late or the Town of Newmarket In the County of widow deceased who died on or about the day of August are or before the Cay of to send Into J Robertson of wW Town of Newmarket Solicitor for the under signed of the Estate of said their christian and surnames address full particulars of their claims against said a statement of their an the nature f their securities If any and mediately after the raid day of the assets of the said Mary James he distributed among the parties entitle thereto having regard only to those claims of which the undersigned Executor shall bed have had notice and PROMPTLY SEGURED TUSTSfes OF VALUABLE HOTEL the Town of Newmarket The undersigned Trustees of the estate of the Hewitt deceased have given InstmctioDS to Esq Auction eer offer for Auction on flaiurdnjr dny at the hour of eleveji oclock In the forenoon on premises North Ameri can Hotel In the jDowq of Newmarket following valuablefreehold property name ly J Lot of Main St In the said Town of according to Peter Gibsons new plan of theTown This has a of 122 on Main Street a uniform depth or alongside of the Town Market In tneTow- There Building on the pre mises with brick In a thoivugb stnte of repair The stabling are largo and commodious second to none In tbe County The yard Ib large sufficient for all pur- be liable for the assets or part thereof any person of whose claim he not had notice at the period of distribution JAMES W63 Executor Oswego Dated at Newmarket the day of Jan GET RICH QUICKLY for fascinating story of poor made or of your Invention- and we wiU promptly tell you if It la and probably Tough cases rejectod in other foreign References Honor able prop of La Honorable A- Ross leading a special In SO Temple James St The only Ann of the transacting patent exclusively -THE- THE YORK WORLD EDITION Pages a Week 156 Papers a Year Snap for Readers The premises art licensed and the property Is rented annual rental of about per annum existing lease cod- until tbe flrft day of March A and sale will thereto out for a- walk And perhaps he is ft v I poses while the business done there is one of yet for he never came back heurgeatinthefown no he never came back Upon in ve3tigation it was discovered that the bill he left for his board was only a bill raised to a ten by pasting on a cipher Thus for one dollar ho would receive about seven in change jethrigbttopemove the same from the Keep your eye open for him Berlin chase money will be paid down In cash to vnjnWMM tale and thereafter without lo om- will bo offered for sale The small bull on the corner occupied shop Is the said shall HEUM RELIEVED IN I DAY SKIN ttV AN DR It Is Ilotrsv of and fiv chase money Vendors oleIt balance within tercet The pro bid sale apply to subject to a res For further and condition of and HAWTHORNE ESQ St Paul Edition of the Thz York la first among all weekly papers In size frequency of and the and variety of Its contents It has all the merits a great 13 daily at the price of a dollar Its po litical news Is prompt complete accurate and impartial as all Its readers will testify It against the monopolies for the people It prints news of the world having special correspondence from all important on globe It has brilliant for the household and womens work and other special depart menu of unusual Interest Wo offer this newspaper and tho ERA together one year for lobe It has brilliant Illusi ons by great authors capital humor page complete departments VTEWSPAPBH IN CANADA A book of two hundred pages containing a catalogue of about six thousand being ail that are credited by American for with having issues of LX0 copies or more AUo separ ate State maps of each and every Bute of the American Onion naming those towns only in which there more than December to any of one dollar Ad dress Goo P Bprpce St New Tor FOR TWENTYSEVEN YEARS POWDER THECOOKSBESTFRIEND Canada- Kokpix QotD Wo Came upon the about three weeks ago vfnll good aire Owner Is perty pay charges and ieM4 to prove It away ART J1te Murray End Newmarket Great Offer -OP- THE LONDON FREE PRESS J O Free Press desiring to Its subscription list the olL lowing great offer to the farmers and of Canada subscribersr to the Weekly Free Press will get ONE YEARS PAPER I The Free Press has made tith Veterinary Publish ing Co for a number copies of their book l The Vettrinarr Science the pried if which is This book treats fully aad in plain tbe Anatomy Dis- acd Poultry a full of sod Receipts to test every farmer can bo his own veto J for the Weekly Free Press and Farm and for one year price and a rtclenco price for one year price and a copy of the Veterinary rtcieoco price will be malted to any address upon receipt of TWO DO not miss this chance We cannot af ford to continue offer Our in making It now is to secure snimmedlate a liberal might fall to Attract by sesdlng for book you the Weekly Press Farm and Home ONE YEAS Agents wanted AdArees all a Oat J Blacks FOR SAiEi vrDKNN kept

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