Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , January 28, 1898, p. 7

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vi wd a Provincial fioeretany Unanimously Grand Reception It by and ratified by a vofe The convention- was fiuccowlod by a public which opened with able address by I I In lo the call of North York Association ate a standard hearer party in election to tho Assembly the Town Hall Now packed to its fullest with iuprJorters Tuesday lost probably not loss than a number of ladies was tastefully decorat ed with mottoes bannerols d and platform overhung with bunt ing Along with the speakers of the a number of prominent liberals of Biding occupied scats on dais In the absence of Cane Esq President of the Association through illness Floury Esq Vice- Presi dent occupied chair In opening meeting ho expressed his own personal regret that Mr Cane was un able to bo with them to take hie accustomed place in directing the conduct of the meeting and felt euro that ho but voiced tho sentiment of tho large gathering present in expression of regret Attention- was then briefly called to ohjcot for which they had assembled acid in a few well chosen remarks ho outlined business before thorn viz to nominate a candidate to contest the Riding at approaching Provincial elections Before entering upon this work he understood tho Executive desired to present two or three resolutions for considera tion The following resolutions were then carried unanimously by standing Moved by and second- by Stephen the Reformer of the North County of York like bar Aral opportunity the Hop A beon placed In the of Premier of Province Ontario to our of the of public We farther wide well of Integrity and fit him for the position be now and it time time enables to folly place our in the ad- which be it the head i doalre on one who are Associated with the of Provincial and especially In the table Davie who recently been with the office of Provincial and in whose political welfare a of- North York take the interest also take In bat of North York gives Rotation the Dominion and olil feel that on the present administration and management of the affairs Province giving it a anpport and in pre to tbe new strong working majority Howl by Me J E tie the Biding of at this affoided them since vert to party of their at tbe place on record their pleaareat position of filled I If ad fitaieecaan HON J DAVIS afiSwt reduction of Assist reduction of taxation All the indications ho to return of Gov ernment in coming election by a majority than won or- on id or seek out children whoso parents M too dissipated to provide for them to orphans who had no natural guardians to protect them Although law establishing societies for- cave of such bay been in In warm and fitting terms Mr Davis sense of his appreciation of the lienor which had been conferred upon him by Liberal electors of North York Ho voiced tho which lie shared with meeting the absence of Mr Cane and paid a high tribute to that gentlemans ser vices to Liberalism to York and to the country Mr Davis reminded his hearers the length of time during which ho Mr Davis had been the servant of the of North York either in the capacity of School Trustee municipal Councillor or rc- in the Legislature Wlicii ho was years of ho was elected School Trustee and two years inter h Councilman in King Township He went through various grada tions until his retirement from muni cipal llfo in In he was elected a member of the Legislature by acclamation and ho had continued in that capacity In Mr Hardy hod honored North York by asking their representative to become mem ber of Government It was for the to say whether during his twentyyears of public life ho had been a worthy representative of their interests and opinions Ho identified jrosts with those of his He had he said resided all his life in North York His was hero and his friends and associations Mr Davis did not profess to an angel but he ob served that more hard things Were of him about election time than iff other period He authorized Wy his friends to deny any charges wrongdoing might le against him in the constituency during the campaign and he said if accusations were proved the expenses of the arid give to the County Mr Davis appealed to friend and foe for a straightforward campaign In twenty years life he said that he had never made an unfair statement atbut apolitical opponent i Provincial Secretary devoted himself to an explanation of the considerahlo of discriminating in North York who generously supported him in past Ho had ho said to win and to merit the confidence of his con stituents and to be of service to Province at large The speech of Secretary was punctuated by frequent outbursts of applause following resolution was thoti carried by a standing vote Moved by Mr Cane seconded by That this mass meeting to in Hon K J Davis or the earning On- Mr long Banner Riding in the Local in a manner highly gratify to many admlrere and In of Provincial Secretary in the Government he baa brought honor York It in a a whoso ability and real worth ro through and breadth of tho Pro vfneo and that bis are much in demand not only a a member of but as s orator In the Province generally Knowing that during campaign Ida time will be large ly taken up in addressing meetings in different of Province wo hereby record our determination to do all we can individually to make campaign alive and interesting hie absence from the Hiding wo will work with a will to a splendid verdict at the polls and we believe and look forward to old North York doing her full duty as baa in the past and return ing the Hon Mr Davis with an increased majority only they being educated for future usefulness and hut that those assumed guardianship of thorn are benefited by heir services Had there booh no appointed is doubtful any thing could have been accomplished salary proposed was only Mr Whitney voted against ap pointment believed that the of a few dollars for the purpose of rescuing children from and poverty wan a wise expenditure The Drainage Act Asylum Protection of our forests the Ottawa Bridge Pro vincial Roads Commissioner and Se parate Schools were all dealt with at some length as well as Mr Whitneys action on temperance legislation County Councils Act and appointment of Provincial Auditor Mr Ross dealt at some considerable length with which have been launched by his adversaries at his administration of Education Department To say that his reply was conclusive is but to reflect opinion of the audi ence Net increase of exports for oyer OF To show that this accession of is not a were flash in pan and to bring the return tip to date thug covering Eighteen months of Liberal rule Mr the figures illustrative of the in crease in exports for last- six months of the year with period of The statement la as follows Prod a Produce of forest Animate and oxcetie Manufactures Coin and Total decreases 9 ini- WifLaurlertaeUtaaanoitue in pInaaoelawh6m j and issued in It Whfl M cord he ao fills op re In gentlemen who on the of end we gladly opportunity to clDRratnlptlons of y We of the long toxoid important poeUlons Jpjbtob fellow cUe4iham and of hearty jBOpport of the off the fanner Bldipbf Nortel j bated- to theinteret and of harming w expression Braes Baud 90 ton from ii0sg0yi number of that commended them to bo approbation of the gath- rtyateJof Sir that devolve unon tji ho has charge To illustrate the magnitude and variety of the duties upon him he Rave a few figures In the salary list was in it was 10100 an increase of In the number of letters received was in 13470 letters in 1874 in statutory returns in fees received in in The last item showed a departmental surplus of In addition to the performance of these important functions were under the control of the such as the registration of births riages deaths the public health the care of neglected and dependent children Beside all this tifere was management of six important pub lic institutionsthe Idiot at the Central Prison the Blind Institution at Brentford the Deaf and Dumb Institution at Belleville and the and Mercer Reformatories Minister spoke briefly of the system of purchasing supplies for these institutions Ho that proportion these supplies purchased by tender over 200000 worthy Only a email proportion which might ho by tender wore not so the contended that could procured wl- vanUgouely by tender livery muni cipal he said wits aware that tifere were certain of goods tftat could he bought on the open more advantageously TUB OF KDUCATION Sir Ross was received with tre mendous when ho arose to address the audience and made the speech of ho day He began by re calling the struggle for constitutional liberty which took place half a cen tury ago and the glorious part which had played in it by the veteran Liberals of North York Ho paid a welldeserved tribute to his colleague Mr Davis whose accession to the Cabinet lie said meant an accession of strength His experience of public affairs his abilities and the manliness of his character won him respect even of his opponents The Minister of Education also spoko of the pleasure he experienced at meeting his old Par liamentary colleague Mr Mr Ross availed himself of the oppor tunity afforded by the journals of Legislature to expose to the electors the record of the Opposition leader in order that they might understand Mr Whitneys views on some of tho ques tions submitted to Parliament since his election in Amongst other things the Minister said Mr Whitney claims to be interested in the development of agriculture The Government felt that agriculture was of sullicient importance to war rant the appointment of a Minister specially charged with the oversight of the Agricultural College and the further improvement of the dairy pro ducts of the Province A bill was introduced by the AttorneyGeneral for the appointment of a Minister of Agriculture This bill was strongly opposed by Mr Meredith then of the Opposition On of March he moved as an amendment to the Government bill that the clause providing for the appointment of a Minister of Agriculture be struck out For this amendment Mr Whitney and his colleagues voted Happily however as subsequent events showed the bill carried and the great development of the dairy in terests the increased attendance at the Agricultural College and the gen eral prosperity of the farmers of On tario fully- warrant the Change that was made J OPPOSITION TO CLASSES In 1888 the Hon Mr moved the third reading of a bill to regulate the shops The object of the bill was to fix an hour at which children and youngpersons might le gally claim to be relieved from Jheir daily labors as in the case of factories already settled by law -Every- hu mane person see such j lollop was both expedient and proper the broadest- public rlfcr WW vote recpijagUiBt Mr his be justly taken as an want of sympathy with Applause aid SOCIETIES hi Gibson a dependent Tho object of the bill wan J to provide means Net gala for alx ending December ft Net Rain twelve My Hardware Oils Carnage Bar Iron and Steel Cook and Coal Stoves Furnaces v Tinware Graniteware House v Shot Guns Rifles Revolvers and Ammunition of all kinds JI Mr was Riven an attentive and appreciative hearing Ho justified the appearance of a Dominion Minis ter on a Provincial platform under the present circumstances There were occasions he said when all good citi zens who took an interest in the wel fare of their country should direct their attention to matters that might influence it for weal or for woe Be fore the Liberal Government had been given an opportunity of implementing the pledges of the Ottawa platform Sir Charles eager to retrieve if possible his fallen fortunes had come to Ontario and joined with his followers in organizing for the defeat of the Local Government not because it did not serve the people of Ontario well but that he might get back to power at Ottawa The liberal Convention had in a policy representative of the varied interests of all Canada It had been declared that there must be an emancipation of trade if pros perity was to return and that such a trend must bo given to- the tariff- as would promote trade between Canada and Great Britain The tariff was en established fact and business im proving underwit Before it had be- law Sir Charles Tupper was de termined to prevent it going into operation and the direst prophecies of disaster were made The Conserva tives never tired of telling the people that a nation grew by a favorable balance of trade Taking their own doctrine to which he how ever did not subscribe he would point out what the results of the new order had been speak for themselves He submitted the following state ment of exports for the fiscal year ending July ft compared with those of the proceeding year Produce of ir Net for months ending December 937iB59lU The total exports of produce of Canada for the months ending De cember were and tho total imports showing an excess of exports for this period of The total imports for consumption for eighteen years between and 189G were and the export showing and excess of imports of under Tory rule PostmasterGeneral appealed to his constituents the electors of North York to know if were pre pared to put Sir Charles back in power and return to tbe condition of affairs that existed in Those he said who preferred to turn back the hand on the dial would vote for Sir Charles candidate who ever ho might be in North York As an indication of the progressive spirit of the Liberal Government he men tioned that the great undertaking of deepening of the canals with which the late Government had dawd led for years would he completed this year and that miles of inland navigation would be afforded ocean going vessels He expressed the firm belief that the future of Canada de pended on permanency of the present conditions Ottawa for some time to come and he added that it was of the importance that no expres sion of opinion should come from York that should indicate a reversal of what was now being done to promote the material prosperity of the country Mr speech was loudly and repeatedly applauded The chairman expressed the hope that Liberals would give attention to the election and win by the largest majority on record The meeting then closed after five oclock with cheers for the Queen Davis and Boss and General Tinsmifhing l J J A WALLAN -v- Enter the Now Year with necessarily a Fine Fresh Stock of after the rush and crush of the Christmas Trade are giving Our Pure Coffee whole roasted or ground at Our Fine Old Government Java and Mocha at great satisfaction Our Ceylon Blend Tea is proving its superiority over package teas at and the demand for it is increasing rapidly- Our old favorite the Japan never lets up but cheers thousands of people for very little money California Dried FruitsPeaches Apricots Prunes Muscatel Raisins Figs Try our Pan Oats and Molina On Buckwheat Flour is free from chemicals Please call and examine our stock DAVISON BUTTER it Animal and theft 93t4S2294 fand their 940868260 Ma QUEENSVILLE i Miss Fidel of Gait is visiting with Mrs Cooper for a week or two Everybody is looking forward to an interesting Sunday School Convention on Wednesday and Thursday of next week It opens in the Presbyterian Church on Wednesday evening and delegates are expected from every school in the Township- Mr Embury of Pickering has pur chased the Queens Hotel property at the snug figure of present proprietor riot being satis fied with the turn the deal had taken circulated a petition praying the li cense commissioners not to grant a transfer of license while at the same time Mr Embury was busy with a counter petition asking for the trans fer We have not heard of the re sult At the Cemetery meeting last week the following officers were elected President Geo Wright Br Secretary- J Treasurer A J Milne A large number of citizens duly- ob served the snow bylaw this week and a clean sweep of sidewalks Tho Presbyterian is in a flourishing condition according to tho statements presented at the annual meeting Following are the officers Superintendent Mr Miller Secretary Miller Miller Treasurer A J Milne 1 Organist Miss A MoKenzisv Asst 0rgani3tMiss Bella Smith Librarian Mr Wright The Public Library is steadily in general- favor Another addi tion of new books teready for circulation Vv Better Pigs and Calves BY USING THE BUTTERFLY MILK SEPARATOR Simple in iov in every respect Terms satisfactory Correspondence Solicited i Silvester Dougherty Agents We also sell Gasoline Engines f J of died In bis on W way ftonj he had at Stares you in the face Provide yourself with a comfortable Suit or Overcoat and we a are satisfied that no house in County or York can sell as Good goods at low a figure as we quote you Call and see Goods for yourself rs This cut shows how neat wiU as you A

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