Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , January 28, 1898, p. 5

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to SaMa to Pray kw Pray toothy I Auctioneer for York Co his diaciplea hem of ftbloaehiti bo to wont on to portray J lift kingdom by it law Tbon ho gainst tlio spirit of in almsgiving prayer ami timet for Wo ayotovitcd to draw near to God who pco3 hour And Our Father fur oar ashing Wo should wo to bo forgiven AVERT HAPPY MAN Despaired of Chattel flulca will receive attention or Newmarket P -pancan- Auctioneer for Co of Goods sold on commission Tombs reason- able Farm Bales attended to A trial solicited Street Hall Main Boutii of Piphor 1 fa 1 MISCELLANEOUS Simpson Main 8t Sundries and Fancy A KEBi to do Bowing atpri vat guaranteed through J latest PO prompt of Culture and Violin words of Mrs Win of Out doc tors hud proscribed and she had taken very known heart remedy Dr Cure for Heart gave relief in almost time than it takes to tell it it a wonderful euro in a caso of long standing and today she says I am a well woman Dr for the Heart lias no case recorded against it where it hot give relief inside of minutes Sold by E Pharmacy Newmarket Bombay Jan details of massacre of the British surveying party under Captain Burns on the of boon re- dived Captain Burns had formed a on coast one hun dred miles from where a British tele graph officer Groves had been killed The natives friendly at first attacked tho camp Burns and rode one hundred miles to telegraph station at but of his one hundred and fifty followers were killed r f Spread of Tuner of and all 1 MrT R Baxter says After tbouso of Bottles of Paints Celery Compound I was Perfectly Cured and Feel Young Again The Great medicine is Victorious flfter Chen Foil This Almost Miraculous Vastly Increased of Compound In Maritime Provinces or the bra Waiting bard to boar a arose of Tia hard to strive with Tb indeed to turn a But to watt Tia hard to at hour And breath Of loved ones whom lower harder still to watt ft doth uuo lor Moat Deo- Cases fc Co Dear Bins I desire to lot you know my wonderful by your wonderful medicine Celery Compound was aflHetcd by three complaints that my a misery and a burden I had erysipelas for forty years bleeding piles for fifteen years and sciatic rheumatism for over a year I tried doctors and all of medicines but no relief or help was afforded me and I could not cat or sleep I was then advised to Celery Compound and oh what a mighty change use of first bottle enabled me to cat and sleep and after using seven Iwttlcs I was quite another man was perfectly cured and felt young again AH that I have written can bo proven by merchants doctors magistrates and three ministers of Gospel and by scores of other people I shall always thank you and your wonderful medi cine Celery Compound 11 Karsdale I certify that Celery Compound has made a well man of Thomas It Baxter Tiiornk Justice of Peace hard to to rain When is Mo When their in vain But harder to wait hard to oar depart To know vacnto j Our and hearts to wait Tia hard when compaa To hoar our And Bay that tlwy would do thus But aull to wait waiting than grief It cankers than hate It our ooaU our peace Tie indeed to Wait Keswlok Jan S S Convention MARBLE WORKS I l w J AM ment Farm t J j VUeuDdoraiv jolnform pic of that he has leaaedtho I AttOalleryontno corner of Mala street and Park Newmarket and bavin rcmoddled the premises and most approved apparatus to all orders approved apparatus patch I an expert who at galleries In fdCfilAaKOand taohosltatlc ivlngthst none the fca of the Influent Phase of Disease Immediate Help From Dr Catarrhal Powder Fifty Members of Parliament Testi mony Grippe this season attacks the head throat with groat severity That remarkable remedy Dr Agnews gives instant relief Bennett P for East fifty other members of Parii- toiiniony over their signatures to the virtues of here remedy It is known the continent over Archer Maine says I had catarrh for several years Water would run from my eyes and nose days at a time Dr Agnews Catarrhal Powder was tho only remedy that gave substantial re lief and since using it I have not had an attack Bold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket Out Jan 18 About noon today Daniel pro prietor of mills about two miles east of Pioton was found dead in his mill Marks of the cogs of a wheel were found on the side of his head wheel is supposed to have struck him white engaged in fixing the machinery Mr was a man about sixty years of respected in the community Abscess Was Lanced- I had an my hips It was lanced and never healed Hospital treatment failed The next winter I baa three abscesses I began taking and found It was helping mo When had taken about all bottles I was oared Mas Nova Scotia Hoods are the best family and liver Gentle reliable sure I a Marriage following or London Montreal To- Mam Is J ie best Family and at right delivered Flour any of the i 7 Nut Stove and Egg Coal on hand Call m Storehouse Cor Main liow has natural gas for lighting and manufacturing purposes Hamilton women propose to erect a jubilee memorial building at a cost of to be used by all womens organizations Karls Clover Root Tea for Constipation the Beat an if after using it you dont Cay so paokae and get money Bold by Lehman According to a Cairo despatch a party of friendly natives captured the dervish post at taking ten prisoners and obtaining possession of quantities of supplies Catarrh Cured A clear head and sweet breath scoured with Catarrh Rem edy sold on a guarantee Nasal injector reo Sold by Lehman The excitement in Paris over the Droves continues at fever heat and a regular riot took place at a called to tho matter t A Says Cents my wledee gained in observing the pur Care In of I arr to say To tho Divisional Court at Os- Hall Toronto Mrs Foley applied for a now trial of ac tion against township for 10000 damages for the death of her husband She was nonsuited by the trial judge the evidence showing that her husband was drunk when tho ac cident occurred through which he lost his life He was riding in a cab and was overturned Hove You a Skin Trouble Have You Tried NinetyNino Remedies and Oint ment One in a Hundred That Never Falls and Only Cents For scald head and eczema in baby tetter salt rheum ringworm blotches barbers itch ulcers and oth er skin eruptions in older people Dr Agnews Ointment is tho peerless and never failing cure One application relieves the skin distress in a trice A few days treatment effects a per manent cure Cures piles in from three to five nights Sold by Lehman Bentleye Pharmacy Newmarket Jan The Govern ment will probably introduce legisla tion in Parliament this session de fining the position of unorganized territories in the Northwest and de claring them formally to be under the of Federal authority The Executive of the Northwest Territories at seems to be laboring under impression that they some authority in the Yukon and Premier Haultain was credited a few weeks ago in the press with saying that the Executive intend ed sending up a party of officials to the Yukon their chief license inspect or to be one of them Womans Idea of Excellence Beat Dry Bona fa van cod II la over certain Sold by The economical and wise woman who has the management of a home knows from experience that when the excellence of any home necessity is established and guaranteed money and time are saved such goods are used The Diamond Dyes for home dyeing have a worldwide reputation and stand first in purity strength fastness and simplicity of use When the Diamond Dyes are used old faded and dingy garments are made to look as good as new at an exceedingly small cost Diamond Dyes like all other popu lar and perfect goods are largely imr Do not allow your dealer to sell you some inferior make of dye ask for the Diamond and see that you got them Send to Wells Richardson Co Montreal for valuable of directions and sample card of colors free to any address Win J Hill- man a in employ of Michigan Telephone Company engaged in transferring a ground wire on Wednesday afternoon touch ed wire with loft and instantly eighth annual Convention of Whitchurch Association wo hold in Methodist Church commencing on Tuesday even ing 11th and continuing all tho next day The attendance was large considering the disagreeable weather and delegates took a good interest in all the sessions first evening Mr Isaac introduced the topic Development of mind Ho said God has given such powers of mind as may ho wonderfully developed Agencies in this development 1st the mother 2nd father 3rd theS teach er tho day school teacher The mind of the child is subject to the in fluences of home literature and com panions To bo useful we must study human nature First study ourselves when we know ourselves we will know others tatter natural laws of childhood are 1st activity keep along the line of activity 2nd mirth- fulness this should not he dis couraged 3rd naturalness the child acts what he feels imitation endeavor to copy others An affection for childhood must bo genuine After a short discussion on this topic Rev Amos the Convention on The Sabbath School teacher his aim and the means to secure it When we undertake any work we have an aim but the teacher too often has not that definite purpose be fore him to ensure success Christ in His work had a clear and definite aim to save the lost upon the aim that Christ had This aim was worthy of Him and is most worthy of all who are endeavoring to teach The means to secure it the Teacher and the Word of God Christ never got beyond the Word of God This book shall be used by the teacher as by Christ Himself Study the Bible in telligently Study particularly the lesson text but never cease working in the great Mine of Truth The teacher should bo one whose life is noted for honesty and uprightness and one who is filled with the Spirit Divine On Wednesday morning Rev A P Kennedy introduced the topic Fruits of the teachers labor as manifested in the future life of the scholar The teachers labor pro- dudes in the mind of the scholar a strong belief in God and a conscious ness of his own sinfulness and al though no fruits may he seen at the time yet after many years a trans formation of character is often mani fested Only in eternity shall we see all the fruits of our labor upon the young After discussion MrsI Guy taught the lesson for Jan She had good control of the class and showed ability as a teacher bringing out many practical and pre cious truths and teachers could learn much from her methods that would be useful to them in their own work Revf gave oh How the teacher may his class for Christ He said Bo patient with them be in sympathy with them in their veryday life I3t lesson have a practical illustration Bo im pressed with the grandeur of your work address the last evening was given by Rev A Sanderson Ho depicted the great evils of the liquor traffic but said hotelkeepers were not so much to blame for the ratepayers made their business a legitimate one It is our duty to wrong difficult and right easy last address was given by Rev A P Brace on work When we seo the of the as wido as universe as deep as ocean as high as tho firmament- working silently but pro gressing wo cannot but think it is a grand work Only those who are en gaged in it can truly appreciate it work is uplifting and ennobling reason for dark ages was that the youth were neglected It was when work was taken up that manhood became more enlightened It is mightiest factor of the age Faithfulness is the great demand of If we do our duty we will bo a restraining influence and ad vancement will follow after a while Wo should be in dead Some people have plenty of resolution and good intentions but they need stirring r MS t AND Fruit AT rt Choice Stock 1 up This most excellent Convention closed by singing God be with you till we meet again Lesson helps and how to use them was introduced by Rev A Bedford in the afternoon Lesson helps are a necessity We need all the helps possible to enable us to un derstand the Bible properly Get the best uptodate helps but dont think that they will take the place of the Spirit Divine Use them at home in preparation but not in the class A few notes may he used in the class to good advantage The following officers were elected for the ensuing year President VicePresident J Stephens Secretary A Starr Treasurer Wilson Executive Committee J Wal lace J I Pike Hoover John Crone Win Rush Richardson A primary class was taught by Mr P Truths impressed Be follow Mo Christ do good For Bra fllgoma as a Country To the casual passenger or excur sionist sailing through the waters of tbe North Channel with its rocky islets bold headlands and mountain ous background Algoma hardly strikes the fancy as a farming country If he is from some portion of the country where the land is uniformly good and arable he smiles with the pity that is akin to contempt at any claim put forth for as offering attractions to a farmer The beautiful scenery is all right but it will not grow wheat and he is satisfied often with his hasty judgment never con sidering that he has seen but the fringe of a vast territory whose bold front hides in many places large stretches of well tilled lands with prosperous and contented populations having their and churches and pood roadsor beautiful valleys waiting the magic touch of the pioneer to be transformed into this condition Too much has sometimes been claimed for as a farming country it is not all good land and we do not disparage our District by admitting that there is much waste land Waste as far as the farmer is concerned and that in parts settle ments must be isolated but what is called waste land by the farmer often contains tbe possibilities of riches whose development may furnish the farmer a home market for his produce for years to come Much of the land too that at first appearance is judged waste and that can be got for a song will be one of sources of wealth in the future We have not yet counted the possi bilities of sheep and cattle ranches in a District where every ledge where vegetation can take root red and white clover cover hills that cannot be ploughed and make them blossom as the rose Prices are better in Algoma for al most everything the farmer produces than in lower Ontario and the proba bilities are that they will continue for years to come Supplies for the lum ber camps exhaust our output from the farms and much has to be brought in Mining which is but in its in fancy in Algoma but promise of rapid development will also make a home market for agricultural products and help to sustain its prices above the lower Ontario quotations If statistics were obtainable it would surprise one who saw in only magnificent scenery to learn the number of cattle shipped from our ports also the eggs fowl and dairy products and also if he would travel inland and see the Tehkuramah and Carnarvon townships the country back of Gore Bay all on the Island or the large stretches of good farming land back of Thessalon Mines and in Macdonald Laird and surrounding townships or in or Toulias Bay or St Josephs Island which claims to be the garden of Algoma These sections named the writer has seen are but among the many prosperous farm ing seotion8 in the District But particularly would a passenger smile if you talk to him of our fruit crop and we are surprised ourselves sometimes at what we see grown here forgetting that successful fruit culture means but the- patient naturalization of the most favorable varieties for climate After the display of fruit that St Josephs Island made this year we cannot doubt that Algoma will own supply and plums and possibly other fruits It cannot be Algomas a tot me but to the Ah her of waste land at Your Price Robertson- beading Baker Grocer and Confectioner 1 MB a U We do not allow any Office to outdo us in this line either in style or price If you want any kind ol Printing done- see what work and terms can get at the Era Office before you order Our promptness is pro- a and many lakes separating settlements is preferable even on that account to the dead level monotony of the fertile prairie There is something more in estimating a country than the number of of wheat or tons of hay it will produce to the acre and while we do not all or any of us always recog nize it the view of mountain and lake and woodland the tun gleaming on the bright waters the combination of all three gives a tone and life to a per son not so readily recognized in those who see but their circle of green or brown or white every day from their prairie cabin Mac Mr J To make Good Butter one must have good milk and from healthy cows The blood must be kept clean and pore and the digestion good to ensure this result There is nothing so good for this purpose as Dicks Blood This preparation is speci fically made for milch cows and possesses real merit and power to do what is claimed for it Given regularly with good food it will convert a mere hide and bones structure into a profitable member of the herd Cents a Package Ceo formerly V Teacher of Vocal Instrumental Desires a limited number of at residence Cor Lot and Church Newmar ket Terms moderate PRIVATE SCHOOL English French and Music Pupils receiving primary instruction hero have stood after examinations CAUTION Notice Is hereby that my wife Amelia left my home and board without any or provocation Any person keeping her or trusting her will do bo on their own responsibility as I will not responsible of her debts after this date Jan JACOB Holt DICK a CO roprUtert PUMPS THAT ARE I manufacture and sell the Cheapest and Beat Pumps on market I put In Gal vanized or Wooden Piping Guaranteed to work easy up to feet I also put In FORCE PUMPS CISTERN mad Cheap from WellDigging done Cheap and all pumps repaired on shortest not Any person wanting any work of done sen mo a postcard and it tended to at once and you will savnion doicg so have a large stock on JOHN BEN Box S3 of kind be by iETT If You are Enerjyfc and- Strong If you are above for proposition- 1U coat thing J put of la making mo I can do an hard

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