Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , January 28, 1898, p. 4

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j i A THE NE falls Hoods Talk and modi has enjoyed ana other proprietary medicine simply It possesses greater merit and product greater cures than any It is not what we but Hood docs that story All of Hoods fiaraapatllto it self ore honest Wo have never deceived the public with Us superlative medicinal merit is why people have abiding In It and buy charged to the of royalties JEfc mixed politically Heroes comparison commissioners Now York and Ontario it the fjtory Billy about Government making people pay than arc worth Thirteen of On school books used Manitoba and fourteen in tho Territories This shows their valuoaa for comparison as to cost fol lowing tabic result of in quiry Now York or a Isaac of Library by I Boston It that quoUd Old as having authority religion baa de clared Mr to bo one of most vigorous of modern Isadora Algebra and Sarsaparilla Almost to exclusion of all Try fio I Co Jewell Mass are the only to flOOU PIUS I Best Advertising Medium wjn York County divert I per Nonpareil lino for per lino for each Tie von itmous Geography Grammar History Drawing and Tern 1 J In Mail fltlll Its demftnt to from Cablet precedent no prccedciil I SO J mo mo i mo WIO unaccompanied with writ- ton Inserted until and charged will no changed once If desired each month composition must he paid for at regular rated Changes for contract bo In by noon on Wednesdays to Kent Articles Lost and Found etc Revision In closing their com- Wo may that contracts with under which various hooks published contain certain provisions entitling De partment of Education to mako ar rangements with other publishers on similar tonne for publication of the same books so that cannot bo a monopoly in feet same of these hooks published under by more than publish er but competition has not reduced prices showing that the original prico was not expensive TmiSMresjM Mr will again bo for Kingaton If ibo which are carried are aiioooaiful Wo from tho ijo- simply that ft to withdraw opposition to Mr on condition that Con allow Hod Mr to bo sleoted by aooUmatjon All this very for hot how about the 1 If to bo bargained off and parcelled this way what use of putting to expense of an election at all I Where does come in Is suoh a political arrangement among party Jcad- In lutoreata of tho I It too much tho deal of trading off elec tion protests without tho of the Revision of Statutes in the of Ontario is a decennial matter now practice was commenced under the direction of Lieut Governor while acting as Attorney-Gen- oral in 1877 after being in office about five years with avowed object of striking out all the dead law from the annual volumes and collecting what JOiearioH convenient form At ibatipti of ftir Oliver entrusted ire revision to a coinmis- and 5t was carried out in a more con- ativo way than has characterized subsequent revisions In 1887 ten years thoro was an along the line of greater classification in revision then made but the work did not assume character of a Provincial In 1897 came closing period of another and wo a third decennial revi sion and although not altogether as suming the classification anticipated J yet we are assured by who have examined the of the work that irypreseats very considerable advance long the line of codification as corn ered with previous efforts from this feature the consolida- our Provincial Jaw in one is of importance and and those having to provisions from the highest to lowest functionary will be pleased being relieved from overhauling annual volumes of the past ten Jo ascertain actual legislation ihat taken place in regard to the various issues presented for decision and administration Referring to the work of the Com mission and the legislation of last ses sion in regard thereto the in his speech from the throne at the prorogation of thJjegis- lature makes this observation It is a source of satisfaction that the entire body of the public laws of the Province has been again consolidate and revised and you have confirmed and approved of the work so faithfully performed by the Com- misaioners that pur- pose new volumes of the statutes will without doubt prove to be of great convenience to the public and especially to the Bench the Bar and the Magistracy EDITORIAL Hail of Friday to the notion that of Hon being turned down in North York this If all tier prophetic of our like this the pre sent Opposition will continue to on left of Mr Speaker next term as euro as aro plain talk and manly offer of self- sacritloo on tho part of Mr Gardiner of Hamilton respecting the Wont- worth should constrain Hon Mr Gibson to do that gentleman and ivo him an A Minister of Crown has no to provide for alt his relatione to sacriflco of men who upon party I men desirous of education bat whoso moans smell might And It of advantage to to editor of Christian Roston Mass for information his proposed Bible sohool where persona la exchange for labor may tho logical instruction Mr Bastings proposes torn- a farm into a bible school as he an- in the January leauo of The Christian The Opposition loader in tho Commons having reported at stating ho to the question of coercion of Manitoba on the school Issue or that effect the Telegram remarks thereon II for the last Government to undertake a attslnst Manitoba at bidding of Quebec bishops but if Charles Tapper the Pope to him back to a moat unprofitable job ho would be guilty of iho crime of murder Ontario of his grand old party out Ontario Legislature the Globe of Saturday Rev Mr Friz- well known in Newmarket as a former pastor of Presbyterian Church here gives Roy Principal Grant a- drubbing for his published views on When Rev took the flguros of a State Maine against patients In an at a Provincial comparison of Idiot he made almost on idiot of to speak The Hew York Legislature has under consideration a bill to authorize the authorities to purchase a tramp farm somewhere in the vicinity of New York The bill authorizes courts of and magistrates to commit persona for lengthy terms to this farm who are con victed of being tramps the object being to make tramps work and earn a livelihood instead of roaming about the country and leading an idle and dissolute life Ik October last up in a couple of young ladies were riding in a baggy when the horse attached there to became frightened at a at the side of the highway and ran away The two young ladies were thrown oat of the rig and one has since died from Injuries received The father has now entered an Action the Township and master of the road division for allowing milk stand to be erected on the road way decision will he looked forward to with interest by all municipal men and overseers of highways A trial has boon granted In the case of Mrs of who a short time was found guilty of poison ing her husband This is not regarded as being a upon finding the judge or jury hut simply that the Government considers with the evi dence now produced it la within the range of that a different might have been reached the affidavit of the coroner refers to the fact of embalming fluid found In the dead mans sto mach which contained poison comes from Quebec that the of the late Hon Letelllerde St Just who was dismissed from the office of Governor in alter the do feat of Mackenzie Government are about to petition present Ottawa Govern ment that a sum of money equiv alent to whlah the gentleman would have received as Iiient Governor had he not been This would mean over Bat Do minion treasury has no right to be taxed for a Provincial affair the Province of obtained Its subsidy other parts of the Dominion not be taxed for ft matter local Ontario School Books Ojq fast a commission by the Government of Judge Morgan Mr Bain Librarian of flie Free and Mr son President of the Westminster Publishing Company to inquire into vthe coat of books and to as- certain whether any reduction could I made in of books fixed by various agreements enter- into between of and the publishers of text regard to the are warranted flidinarv At Young Liberals banquet in To last week Sir Richard Gartwrtght Dominion Minister of Trade and Com merce speaking the evident signs of prosperity under liberal rule Stated that for the fiscal year the exports of 9109915000 In the fiscal year the first Liberal Administra tion these exports hod risen to 9123933000 all own produce In the flret fie months of the fiscal year 1897 our millions over the correspond ing period of the previous year No wonder his remarks were oheered have our table the of Current History The value of this work depends not only upon the amazing of the field which it covers hot also upon its characteristic regard for and Impartiality of statement its elimination of and its preservation of due proportions In treat meet events In all these respects the high standard which has enabled Corrent History to win Its way during the last seven years to an assured position in favor The delay in theappear- the number does not detract its value Price a year The New En gland Publishing CoVl0Bton A The question of using a chalice or of in dividual communion oops at times of sacra mental in the Methodist Is considerable proportions It was to extent at Toron to Conference and referred to a special committee fora deliverance thereon That committee met at Toronto last week to consider the reference present Dr Stone President of Conference Dr Potts Dr Dr Johns German Wallace Webber Dr and Mr A We are told the question of Indi vidual communion on tbe one hand and one ye oil of this on the other was discussed very consider able length to merits and demerits and scriptural summing up the were very evenly divided and considering tbe importance of the question it wee decided to refer it back to conference have It there and then for warded to General Conference for a deoi The General Conference meets next September Herb are facts as showing the tendency of the people In of temper ance and prohibition There are municipalities In Ontario Of these or per cent have no licenses of any kind municipalities only end not more than two licenses are Issued In municipalities or per cent either no tavern license la issued or not more than two while in or per cent no shop licenses are issued An other proof is found in the fact that com mitments for drunkenness last year were while twenty years ago with far leas population the commitments for this cause numbered The sentiment of the age is now against drunkenness Because Hoc J Davie was elected a vicepresident of a financial that recently failed in Toronto the Hail com ments Wo hold that in ac cordance with precedent and in interests of the Province Mr Davie ought to have withdrawn from public life The Hail has become exceedingly sensitive British precedent and provincial interests but while his patron saint the late Sir John A wee connected with Institutions of a similar character our was not particularly too bled Id that way and when the Scandal was he waited until the people from Treasury Benches and even then did not withdraw from public life precedent didnt coons worth a cent then and in later day when the ConoMck etc all were held up to public condemnation for all British precedent the Joggjd along without any qualms of- beautiful illustration of the whose ox was gored But more singular a till the next day when a notice was sent to that journal by frjkun9fon I the financial manager elating J Davis who was company that iJ r is over and parlia ment has and pcoplo of Province have now an opportunity to decide end soon must decide on tho great question before them It is not necessary for mo to say in this place that a voter in casting his is exercising the highest and noblest right of a British subject for by that means ho became and remains a free man And it is not necessary for me to point out that a Government of a country is the citizens of that country and executive governors arc the servants of voters of Province Accordingly now two parties two seta of servants asking from tho people of Ontario their support As to the men who are mainstay of those two parties I will not say a word No has ever said that the personnel of the compared at all with that of the which has ruled destinies of this great Province during the last score of years No would ever expect then that on the ground of incom petence any honest and intelligent elector would think of turning the present administrators out I will consider accordingly a few of issues which come before the people Without a doubt most impor tant question for the people of On tario is the question of finances There was this very year an excess of revenue over expenditure of There is a surplus today of assets over liabilities of which is ex clusive of many items which generally are added to such statements Dur ing the regime of this Government more than million dollars have been paid out to the counties Can the country be going behind with such a surplus Can the assets be Incom ing depleted when they yield such a revenue On December 14th two treasurers in the two largest provinces in Canada delivered the financial statements I would have these two compared Hon Mr of of Quebec thus began his speech I have some hesitation in rising for the purpose of showing to this House the financial position of our Province This situation I regret to say ia not what it should be and in order to put it on a sound basis I shall be obliged to have recourse to extreme measures which I will hesitate toadopt and for the carrying out of which I rely upon the good will and support of the mem bers For a long period ever since Con federation the people of this Province and its Government have accustomed themselves to look upon its resources as inexhaustible The consequence has been an era of prodigality during which the Legislature with the view of encouraging improvements and local undertakings of all kinds has pro- voted away the public moneys in subsidies This policy has resulted in annual deficits and the accumula tion of a public debt payment of the interest whereof already absorbs a considerable portion of our ordinary revenues Hon Mr said The Province of Ontario stands alone in this regard of no deficits Over and above its every obligation it lias mil lions of dollars to the good it is regu larly in receipt of large sums of money representing interest on its invested funds j it will have a clear surplus on this years transactions of The Province has year by year greatly extended its business opera tions and divers lines of pub lic usefulness establishing at one time a Provincial Board of Health- at an- other a Bureau of Mines and later a Bureau of Forestry aiding raining ehools and dairy schools in tho east and west and north con stantly initiating different branches and services each of them helpful to the pursuit of agriculture providing in a systematic way through paid officials for preservation of game and fish setting aside largo of forest for purposes of public parks founding a de partment for the of waifs and neglected children taking measures improving tho condition of our and highways all of which Of necessitate increased and annual expenditure And all this and much more Air has been without turn ing any time a deaf ear to any meritorious plea for public aid or neglecting in any way old and time honored services which from its earliest days the Province has so lib erally aided and encouraged to policy regarding revenue between the two pat tics is one of direct taxation and the pre- sent system The Opposition oppose license system succession duties and Crown Lands Revenue If these were removed direct taxation must- tho consequences But the policy of two Govern ments differs in other respects and I must most briefly mention them Hero is difference in the timber policy Both parties say that timber must be made lumber in The Liberals say wo have mi agreement with license holder which lasts until next May Wo cannot im pose that manufacture clause until May without breaking faith and be ing dishonest The Conservatives say bo dishonest or break faith or do any thing but impose it now railway policy is much the same Both parties say that while tho United States has an alien labor law no province aided railway should employ Americans as laborers in con the road The Conserva tives say not only all Americans but all foreigners should be excluded and thus this country which needs more thnn anything else population and which is seeking immigration in all quarters should shut out desirable im migration In other subjects the followers of Mr Whitney find no fault with the Government A large number of Government measures such as tho Mining Bill the Reforestry Bill Registration Bill and a dozen others met with no opposition The Conservatives went out after scandal and spent an entire session in the Public Accounts talking about a piggery out of which nothing ever came except the proof of the littleness of the prime investigator The Conservatives talked about a school book issue and said many school are too costly and royalties should not be paid to authors Three very estimable and independent men investigated and reported a couple of weeks ago They said the hooks were as cheap as could be and could not be replaced by Irish readers and that the royalty system is the very best Every alleged scandal was exploded The secret interview was made public and now is in print The tran sactions of the Moore Lumber Co are public property and the piggery issue is as dead as the member who gained notoriety through it So here are a few matters to con sider The Conservatives made suggestions no motions and as not a complaint can be made against our present servauts what claim has the Conservative party to replace them ah a gets an begin with in time can Ayerb This others MAIN STRE Next time you to OgilyieManitoy please your Wife We and it m sticky A Call and Flour an antee there is no wheat FirstClass Breadsnothing it it Town on short Orders delivered around For people to think we re going because we Dry Goods ifcess On Tuesday evening was in darkness for an hour owing to a mishap to the electric light plant and next evening the lights were out again for a couple of hours Essex people will petition the Ontario Government to shorten the open season for quail to one month November to December General William Booth accom panied by Commander and Col left New York for Boston en route to St John B where his Canadian tour will begin W And undersell any hou Toronto mm ITS CURES THAT COUNT Many socalled remedies are pressed on the public attention on account of their claimed large sales But sale cannot determine values argue good salesmen shrewd mffery or enormous advertis- Its cures that count It is cures that are counted on by Its sales might be boasted It has the world for its market But sales prove nothing We point only to the record of as proof of its merit YEARS OF CURES mcmj For Coughs Colds Sore I Spruce Gum I Do you think of If you do write TO IS SUMMER And get Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Screen THE UTS Artistic Effects Inside in Largest PAILS TUBS WASH rir r CO L-

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