Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , January 7, 1898, p. 7

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a CHINA JAN Weeks Itoeal WHAT IB GOING OH IN ABOUT TOWN Help I Help IboproposcdEntortainmontiuthoTown Halt Wednesday evening in aid of Hospital at Toronto by talent of Una section should of Institution a moat worthy one and embarrassed by a dobt The following offered their Mr of Bradford Mm and Mr Hewitt Mayor Cano will occupy of Town their patronage bills nil Our Co lOo and Tables Finest and Most Hand- Assortment of Japanese China ever soon in Newmarket SEE OUR WINDOW Our China Tea Sot makes a and useful Christmas present A big snap in Vase and Hang ing Lamps Job Lot of Silver Novelties at Co and Death of Wo following paragraph from tbo St Louie Star totho death of of Mr Wright of Georgia A Wright a moat and capable young lady employed during four years by tbo real firm of as and died at tho Bap list Sanitarium at pm yoaterday after a of only too daya Whon alio loft time aho in comparatively good health In a few aftorwarda Buffering pain from appendloltiat and upon being removed to tbo hospital an operation without delay but it aaid that a postmortem examina tion of baa that ft would been for her to have lived of of operation Miaa Wright in the presence of bar father and mothor Mr and Mra J Wright and the aiater with whom tho doooaaod mado her homo at avenuo IS org eld deeply deplore the of tbo young lady valuablo acrvloea and moat excellent of heart and mind to all who had pleasure of her acquaint ance While Buffering intense agony to laat she conscious and at her special taken remains for burial to land of her birth Canada at tho village of ERA DAY JAN Lost Sunday Mr Boot clout from Knox proaohed sermon annual Sunday School mooting will tako this a Broken A young man Henry who about a south about two Inches John by a majority of i f- t municipalities County Election Mil majority vote Monday in Sharon Division for election of- a for to fill vacancy in County Council occasioned by resignation of J A Esq resulted in the election of Mr i THE knee on tbo pond at thai place on Now Years night It purely his foot turning up Bad Jam On Thursday afternoon of last weok Bart son of manager atthe Works mot with a very painful accident Tbo end of Index finger on bis loft hand caught in a machine and jammed badly that amputation was Since then and Jim also calls follows Ward St Patriots Ward Spoiled 121 Fully Stocked with the best quality of Fruits and Orange Lemon and Citron Peels Cluster Table Raisins very fine quality Finest Selected Rais ins in 14 and lb Grenoble Walnuts Filberts Figs from Co to lb Something very in our lb cans of Tea and to finish off we certainly advise everybody to have a pound or two of our famous Excebior Blend of Coffee best quality can find ft The Leading Grocer J Cor Main Timothy Sts CHRISTMAS PRESENTS We are showing a Fine of Toilet Articles Dressing and Travel ling Cases and Novelties in Silver Leather Celluloid and Plush Goods also Purses and Fine Perfumes Examine our Goods and you will find our prices right cons Next Post Office Jan S W a Wblto Wheat per Wheat per bushel Buckwheat per bushel Oata per bushel I Peas per bushel ie a Egg Butter roljnor lb jr potatoes flbocpsicJDa Hay per ton per Beoffqro4 Beef hind Gee6epirlb pair per lb OH on boo BIO SO a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 08i Division A of tba Division Court held hero on Wednesday when ad journed and new were dieposod of Hie Honor Judge Morgan presided till about when he left per aftornoon train leaving J Robertson Esq to conclude the ot the court There were two or three caaea of interest One was a by against of North Gwillimbnry on an account Defendant disputed some and pleaded what termed in common parlance the baby with regard to the whole that bis solicitor pleaded the statute of but the could not it in that light and this was a in which he could exeroiee discretion and in the present ha to do bo it would give defendant a lesson in hon esty He would therefore judgment for the plaintiff In all personal ad vantage to defendant The next ease of interest waa that of Shier on a promissory note De fendant disputed that it was his note he had not given a note to plaintiff for The latter however showed that the note had been discounted in On tario Bank and judgment was given ac cordingly There were Granger suite for claims on orders for atoklegrindera aprayera etc Some of these were allowed others adjourned vs was likewise a case that created considerable fun Plaintiff claimed but after the items judgment was finally given for These were about the only in whioh the in court took much stock Methodist The services last Sunday were of a very special character on account of the presence of Rev Dr Carman General Superintend ent of the Methodist Church in Canada Notwithstanding his aged appearance the Dr a lively specimen of oldtime zeal Hie morning upon of prophecy and the certainty that the Christ shall reign oer all the earth In the evening Hon EJDavis Pro- Secretary gave a fine logical half hour address The three traits of character necessary for a successful missionary are sympathy desire to help and selfsacrifice and the missionary spirit is the life of the christian church today He of the Master the great missionary and the object everywhere which enow the benefit of missions and bow that our asylums and other public Institutions are the outcome of Christianity Hie dos ing point give for the approval of Christ was well made Dr Carman followed and said that it a consideration of great satisfaction that public men graced the missionary platform and he did not know but what the same platform waa a great honor to the public men He Incidentally mentioned the names of Balfour Gladstone and in the same and pro ceeded to show how that men responded to the claims of the family and citizenship aeetbeclalmsof the missionary It acoeleratea the progress of the coming of the Kingdom of Lord Christ a religion which telle the joya of pardon and eternal peace Empires and monarchies have gone down because of fiin and only those shall continue the Word of God The and subscriptions during the day behalf of missions amounted fObvorFrjd more to follow Monday was a beautiful day for bringing out the voto though a little cold Inatallation of officers at the A O Lodge next Monday evening Colo of Button is expected On behalf of the poor of Newmarket we have been requested to thank Hon for his double sundog last Saturday a storm but it waa not serious one Board meets Tuesday evening Mrs Wilkins on Ave undergoing a furnace for the of a new tenant Now dont forget the Bible meet- on Friday Jan Yon will regret it if you fail to bear Rev Smith St Catharines fellow that caught stealing ten derloin at the North End Friday look ed rather sheepish The Georgetown Herald remarks We have received a very sample of printing from Mr of Newmarket A horse and empty dashed down Town on New Years Day and loft quite a wreck in front of Lehmans drugstore Another cutter was amaehed to pieces on Friday afternoon Mrs bad quite an ride but escaped injury Exceptionally seasonable weather holidays and excellent The waa ton below zero again last Sunday morning Ramsays entertainment in the Town Hall night under the auspices of the Citizens Band Majority for 81 for EAST 1 44 101 488 DEALERS IK- Hardware Paints Oils Glass Carriage Hardware Woodenware Bar Iron and Steel M for 102 Elections AURORA Daville See Aurora Items for remainder HOLLAND Reeve reelected Vote Councillors J Goodwin W Lane Moore and Alex Shields Voto Goodwin Hodges 21 Lane Moore Shields Trustees J Grantham Robert Longburat and Lane Grantham Lane Long- hurst Sullivan ham aWILLIlMJORY CO CO CI CI I I I 1 1 S3 CI S3 Council Newmarket Jan 1898 Council met adjournment Mayor in obair Present Reeve Deputy- Reeve Messrs Manning Cody Smith Following aocounts were passed Cana dian General Co Express Co re County Council I M lumber and Job Millard Bell Telephone Co Joseph Snider Lepard Property Grand Trunk- Co L Jacob Buck Jos R 75o Ieaao Brock Gray snow cleaning Frank wood Frank wood for Market Account of Lloyd amount ing to referred to the Mayor Mr Hunter presented the Report of the Property Committee giving a list of property belonging to the Corporation under the of Tools Band and Supplies in stock in connection with the Light Plant which adopted satisfactory and put on file Mr Hunter presented Report of the Chief of the Fire Brigade giving a detailed statement of the number of times the Fire Brigade had been called out during the year also details Fire Equipment making certain recommendations Report adopted Following accounts were passed by Com mittees The Royal Electric Co trans- former for use Rink The Novelty Manufacturing Co for valve at Station to correct the con denser trouble print ing J Binna printing A rebate of half of the taxes for on the Clerks office waa granted to the Clerk on consideration of the made by the of the office Moved by Mr Robertson seconded by Mr that the for in breaking up take occasion to their regret At losing the services of Mr J P Hunter who has for the last six years been an member of this Council and also at losing the presence of Meaare Richardson and retiring members of the Carried adjourned sine die 5 rt CO A o a C Cook and Coal Stoves Furnaces Tinware Graniteware House Furnishings Shot Guns Rifles Revolvers and Ammunition of A fa and General Enter the Now Year with a Fine Fresh Stock of after the rush and crush of the Christmas Trade 3 a fa fq I o Reeve Griffin McClelland Fob Councillors Kay Moore 8 Snooks 69 CO to 4 46 total 61181 22142 Our Pure Coffee roasted or ground at 2fic Our Fine Old Government Java and Mocha at are riving great satisfaction Our Ceylon Blend Tea is proving its superiority over package teas at and the demand for it is increasing rapidly Our old favorite the Japan never lets up but cheers thousands of people for very little money California Dried Fruits Peaches Apricots Prunes Muscatel Raisins Figs c Try our Pan Dried Rolled Oats and Molina Boiled Wheat Our Flour is free from chemicals Please call and examine our stock DAVISON The main features of Premier Hardys bill to amend the Election relates to denning what may be person al expenses of the candidate ae follows The hire heating lighting and in which the candidate delivers addresses tolls on toll roads ordinary hotel expenses of one speaker for each meeting not including treating who the to meeting the hire and keep of horses end conveyances In go ing to and fro from public meetings and In canvassing his constituency the charges for use by the candidate of not more than one team con and driver on the day of the poll tbo carriage of vot ers to the poll by the candidate in conveyance shall not bo a violation of the aot The meaaare further provides that In the township assessor or collector shall as deputy returning that In not mora than 80 paid for polling booth Oaf Toronto The ViceRegal ball at the Armory last week was immense and as unique it was brilliant The of this will never forget the temporary residence of Lord and Lady Aberdeen here The only social event So compare with it the dress ball given by Lord and Lady twenty years ago Mrs Hastings who was convioted of shoplifting at the Simpson Co sent to the Mercer for a year She purloined a 817 bat and a pair of boys trousers Geo A Whiting of Thornhill who came from Ipswich England about years ago shot himself through the heart in this last week He was engaged to of Thornhill The cause of his rash a mystery unless It be that his mind became unbalanced through strong drink Their Excellencies Lord and Lady Aber deen returned to Ottawa for New day leaving many warm in this city During their temporary residence here the season has been one conatant round of social events The next Assize Court for York will open here on Monday the mat On New Years Day Sir Oliver held his first reception at- Government House as Lieut Governor Over of Torontos called to pay their re spects J At the waterworks North Toronto on Friday night some mischievous per- pulled plug from the reservoir and allowed 76000 gallons of water to go to waste leaving the munici pality without water the greater part of Saturday The strong wind Sunday tore down a sign oyer restaurant In its fall it or ashed through a largo plate glass window The Mayoralty election resulted in the return of Mayor Shaw over A by a majority of The annual rally at Hall on New Years Day was a great aucceaa It attended by over children and about of their teachers and friends A very pleasing and drawing- room concert was given last night at residence of Mrs Aid Bhoppard support of the Childrens Aid Frank toigh Willis of Whitchurch was as a lunatic by son J was elected in for In No of the County Council For people to think we are going out of business because we are slaughtering Dry Goods Clothing and Boots Shoes WE ARE HERE TO STAY And undersell any house in the trade Try us JOBBIN 111 fl A Fresh an AT- Choice Stock at Your Own Priced A P Leading and

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