Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , January 7, 1898, p. 6

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THE ERA FRIDAY JAN COR FIND WOnTHY HOLT Our boo started again under management of Mine Look of Albert George and Walter Blizzard have returned Dakota Mrs A Pink and son of Toronto calling on friends- past Mrs Dr and were homo from Toronto over New Years Ed moved to Union Street 1 MUTUAL CORNERS New Day wont off on account of so muofl sickness in neighborhood Wo are sorry to say that Mr Joshua is vory ill William of Pleasant Vallpy has been spending a few days in this Miss Willson was calling on last Tuesday Quito a largo number from this place attended too TeaParty at West- toy last Tuesday night and re port a good- time SHARON OAK RIDGES 1 Mr Geo sale on Wed of last wok was very largely attended Mr Harper disposed of a considerable amount of farm stock Of implements and vehicles Mr Gregory of Dresden and Mr Ernest Gregory of Miohigan returned to their homo hero annual school meeting of this was hold on Wed of last week Mr Albort was appointed t6 again as and arrange ments wore made for providing wood for use in the sohool this winter Mr Redman butcher of Richmond Hill has to live In Mr Thomas house Mr Fisher having removed to so as to bo nearer tho begin ning of the mail route little son of Mr Jos of Wilcox Lake who had his leg broken ago is getting along nicely Morton is attending High at Newmarket Mr Mann of was visit ing his grandfather Mr Caleb Mann who has been ill for somo time Our neighborhood will bo vory quiet now for some tirao until of students return from the seat of learn ing Mm is homo from Northwest on a visit with her fathor Mr Christopher It very quiet around during the holidays there being no election Miss Annio Davidson is appointed organist E and Miss Alice Winch assistant in place of Miss Christy Winch who has gone to in Toronto Mrs Geo and Mrs of Mr A were visiting their here last week also Mrs of Toronto Mr Harry and wife and Roy spent the holidays here Mr Ja3 Dafoe passed through here on Now Years on his way to to visit friends Mr Ira Crittenden is homo from Portago La also Mrs Earl from Chicago LASKAY The holidays are now past and every one is looking forward to a Happy New Year Laura Leola and Willie Graham formerly of this hamlet but now in Toronto returned home after a pleasant week among friends here Mr Geo has again changed clerks and now Mr Willie smiles behind the counter Mr J Sinclair of spent New Years Day with his mother here Mr J Dunning left on Monday to attend High School at Aurora Mr Murray of Toronto is the guest of Mr Watt Mr Smith who is runningan skating rink here offered a A prize for the fastest half mile skater J A number from the neighboring parts competed but Mr J Rolling of town was too swift for any of them A load from here spent a pleasant time on Aurora Rink on Saturday last while many others enjoyed the oysters at Hope Mr W Rolling has retired from teaching profession for a time He anticipates attending Normal in To ronto Mr Cairns sold his farm stock and leaves for Bruce County in a few days Mr Frank Wood left on Monday to attend High School Miss Bella and Jennie returned from their visit to The first masquerade on tho skating rink here was held on Tuesday night A large number from many parte assembled and success drowned the managers efforts The following prizes awarded Best gentlemans A West- brook ladys costume Miss I Sin- boy or girl comic skater gentleman skater Mr A Carson gentleman and lady skater and Miss Rupert A parlor social was held at Mr Gillies on Monday night A few fcorn this village attended and had a The annual dinner in connection with Sharon Lodge A A M No was hold on St Johns Day Dec Visiting from Nowmarket and Mount Albert shared hospitality of Sharon Lodge Tho of Masonic District paid bis official visit About sat down to joy good things provided by mine host Mr After dinner tho brethren resumed labor and fol- brethren wore installed into their respective offices by Hardy of Lodge Uxbridgo in a very efficient impressive manner P M J M W F Wight Rev Sturgeon Chap A J J Bro J I Hill Tyler Bros and W Bros J J Terry A Board of Directors Among distinguished brethren present were Bro past D who assisted installing officer R present D D of 11th Masonic District Worship Bros Anderson Card of Leredotha Lodge Uxbridgo W ton of Tuscan At the regular communication of Sharon Lodge A A held Jan 4fch tho J T Power assisted by J J Terry in be half of tho officers and members of the Lodge presented a watch and chain to Bro Pearson and the following address To Pearson Seoy We the under signed committee on of officers and members of Sharon Lodge A A No desire to express our gratitude to you for your services Secre tary of this lodge and also to express in tangible form our esteem for you as brother The lodge with one accord recognizes tho fact that your zeal energy and devotion to the are worthy of a greater oration than receive for your services The faot has been the unanimous opinion of all the masters of the Ma- District that no hooka are better kept and few are well kept as those of Sharon Lodge We are sensible of the many sacrifices yon undergo to so faithfully disoharge your arduous never missing a communi cation and transacting the most difficult correspondence with consummate Kindly accept this Gold Watch and Chain as a slight token of our appreciation of your services and recognition of your indefatigable efforts to promote the welfare and harmony of the lodge May you be permitted to live long and admire noble order and when summon ed hence may you be able to stand before the Great Arohitecb of the Universe un stained by vice and unspotted by sin- Signed on behalf of the lodge by Bros J Power Wight J J Terry Milne Mr Pearson gave a suitable reply thanking the brethren for thoir ex pression of good will towards him Our Christmas was quiet but pleas ant some homes were gladdened by the company of absent ones Mr James Kavanagh of Toronto was home for Christmas also Mr T Irwin of Detroit Mr Charles Eyre is again into our midst We are glad he has recovered from his accident Miss Annie was home for the holidays also Miss Eva Thorpe Mr Bert Phillips has returned home from North- West with a wel come from all Mr- and Mrs T spent Christmas at their olof home at Innis- i Borne of our young folks spent Saturday afternoon at Newmarket rink and report ft pleasant time Our rink was opened on Saturday evening with- a fair attendance and splendid sheet of ice Mrs Abb had the pleasure of the company of her sisters on New Years Day Blessed are they who keep their sidewalks clear of snow and some one elses Why cannot all as well as a few How much better it would bo for old and young to travel It could done as well as not Mrs Emily MoArthur is visiting in Auror Mrs Rodney is visiting her daughter in Hope HOLLAND LANDING Mr John took a and died on Tuesday Ho leaves ft wife and four children Mcthodisfc Sunday is negotiating for of an addition to library Mrd Rhodes spent holidays with ohildren in Toronto A city van doing up town this week I Whats the with Hes alright Peggs counted Its the boy that has rig gets the girl The Star rink is almost complete The boys are more than hustling to finish it this week Rev Mr Piper of Jar vis is here calling on friends this week Tho old folks party last Thurs day evening was a grand success 200 couple wore present All nations wore represented in honor of Vic torian era Our now teacher opened sohool Monday morning with a large attend anco Be sure and send your kids now Miss Tena is spending a week at homo also Mr Jack who has been in Owen Sound for tho past few months The wedding bolls will ring in near future Mrs is visiting friends in Toronto Mr Lester MoKonzio who has been visiting at homo the past week returned to Bay Mills on Monday evening last Fred was At Homo on New Years with a few friends Snow Ball UDORA- of a library sooioty lias been organized At first public meet ing Messrs and their supporters held forth in debate on subject resolved that Fire is a more destructive clement than water Both good RAVENSHOB Rev Mr delivered an sermon on Sunday afternoon Miss Minnie White was visiting relatives in last week George Norns left on Monday to take a course at Toronto Miss Eva Atkinson has of Mt Pleasant school for another year Death has again entered the home of Mr George Micks and taken away a bright little follow about years of ago Croup was the cause of death A good Berkshire Pise WW THOMPSON at Apply to for Tho Town Hall belonging to tho Club will be rented for tit per night order at A Good General required Apply I A I Prospect WANTED Industrious Men of THE 8ol ft QOL wortb pay COSfPANY Limited Toronto Five dollars In or at containing money In bills and about flvo ward for its return to owner J AS WRIGHT Landing p of to ere thanka for the aoh and in alt- with biro and all they kIndncee shown to for our comfort relief KESWICK On Wednesday evening last about fifty of the members and adherents of Methodist Church hero met at the residence of Mr in tho way of a surprise party During tho evening the following address was read by Mrs A Dear We meet hero tonight as of the Choir and to express appreciation of services as Loader of the Choir in the Methodist at for so many Your uniform to all and the deep interest yon have taken In success of the also the you have mani fested when diftloultics had to be met have won onr admiration and esteem We are aware yon have yonr fall sharo of of and that It has been often for yoa to find time for Choir practice That you have overcome these difficulties for so long a time has made us valus efforts more highly We aek to accept this clock as a token of onr regard for and our ap preciation of your work leader iho Choir Wishing yon and your esteemed partner in life a Happy New Year we are sincere ly yours on behalf the Choir and Church Signed A John Mrs A The clock is a beautiful eightday timepiece and was procured from To ronto through Mr Atkinson of Newmarket Mr Marritt being so completely taken by surprise could only make a very brief reply thanking his friends present for their kindness in remembering him in this way After enjoying the good things pro vided by the ladies a very pleasant and profitable evening was spent Be fore separating the company joined in singing Blet be tho tie that binds and Bros Gilpin and Oldham led in earnest prayer for Gods blessing upon the church and choir Mr has been leader of the choir for about years Elder commenced a series of Special Meetings in Christian Church here this week Mr of Nowmarket was out on Monday evening to try and a singing class He received so much encouragement that he will be at the Temperance Hall next Monday night to give a lesson and if possible com plete the organization We wish him success The K T M hero elected their officers for the coming year on Tues day night Following is the lists Commander Monroe I John Finance K Chaplain A t Sergeant 8 8 1st Henry 8 K 2nd l A Bootes K Sentinel Dr Greenwood v Installation on the 8rd Tuesday of January when there will be an oyster supper provided at which the wives and a few intimate friends of members arc to be invited On Friday evening the Methodist choir wore invited to Mr John for and moat royally entertained They up with a short service At election of officers in the Methodist School last Thursday evening John was elected Superintendent and Mr A Treasurer reported on and the Secretarys re port shows the average attendance last year at about ZEPHYR I An oyster supper and entertainment was in the Town Hall on New Years Night by the Building Com mittee in aid of the building fund It was a success Miss Gertie has resigned hor position as teacher of the Provi dence Miss during her term of three years has won the esteem of both parents and pupils Miss Galloway of Uxbridgo has been engaged as teacher for the ensuing year we i BETHEL CORNERS Revival services have again re opened at Bethel Church An evan gelist Rev Mr Jenkins of Hamilton Conference is assisting our pastor Mr Powell Dont fail to hear him Death has again visited the home of Mr Micks About two weeks ago thoir eldest daughter of about six years died with diphtheria and now their boy has been called away Mr and Mrs Micks the heart felt sympathy of tho neighborhood Mrs Arksoy has moved in with her son John for the winter Mrs T Bennett is on the sick list Mr our Superintend ent has been unable to attend to his duties for thrco or four weeks on count of Jobs Comforters Mr J Kellington brought home a barrel of coal oil the other day There was quite a home gathering at Mr for Xmas His son Mr and family from NWT also Mr of Mr and Mrs Morton and family of Newmarket and Mr Wm from Sutton line Miss F Cuthbertson friends in Toronto THOMPSON Holland Landing Notice to Creditors In the of of the of Baldwin to the County of chant Insolvent Village orh Iter- la hereby given that above nam ed Charles has made an assignment to mo or HI bis and effects In trust for the benefit of all his creditors Creditors will be held at JhpAlblpnllotcUnthoCity of Toronto on Friday the seventh day of January at p for tbo appointment of Inspec tors and the giving of directions for the dis posal of said estate All Creditors of the said are hereby required to their claims with duly on or before the Wth day of January after which date I shall proceed to distri bute said estate hi only to which notice having regard to those ihnll then have due DAVID GRAHAM Button West Deo B9l TRUSTEES OF VALUABLE HOTEL PROPERTY In Town of Newmarket The undersigned Trustees of the estate of tha late Joseph Hewitt deceased have given instructions to HJ Esq Auction eer to offer for by Auction on at of eleven oclock In the forenoon on premises namely North Ameri can Hotel In the Town of Newmarket the following valuable freehold property nam number west side of Slain St to in tho said Town of Newmarket according Peter L Gibsons new plan of Town If are and Strong If you are above foolish prejudice against canvassing for a good book write and get my proposition information will cost no I hundreds of men way of money of whom arc now rich I can do good things for you if you and will work hard T Toronto Queen Victoria Her Life and Reign has captured British Empire Extraordinary testimonials from send for copy free Tho best Lite of the Queen I have Her kind letter of appreciation by thounands gives enthusiastic faction Canvassers make 15 to weekly COMPANY Limited TORONTO Newmarket Cemetery Temperance Newmarket Ev Jan 1 7th 1 898 Section of Officers A full at tendance of lot holders is requested as mat- oflmportance will up for By Order JACKSON President Secretary is Jennie Sherman Lindsay was visiting week Miss J Hill of Queensville was vis iting Mr last week most central business part of Town Therois a good Building on the pre mises with brick front In a thorough state of repair The barns and stabling are large and commodious second to none in the County The yard Is large and sufficient for all pur- while the business done there la One of bo largest in Town The premises are licensed and the property rented annual rental of about 9fff per annum The existing lease will con tinue until the first day of March A and sale will be made subject thereto The small building too corner occupied ebon is reierved from the sale and the said shall have right to remove the same from the premises TERMS OF per cent of the pur chase money will be paid down In cash to the Vendors on day of sale and balance within thereafter without in terest will be offered for sale reserved NORTH 0BS Agricultural Notice Is hereby given that the An nual Meeting of the above Society bo held at the Council Boom Newmarket -on- Wednesday January 19th at hour of oclock p m for the re ception and adoption of Annual Report Election of Officers and other business A general attendance Is requested KEITH Presidents SeereCary listing Board will be held at the same place at oclock a m on the above day AURORA subject to a reserved bid For further partltulars and conditions apply to the Trustees HAWTHORNE ESQ of St Paul and Newmarket Solicitor for Trustees The Fifth Annual Convention of the Baptist Sabbath School Union of the Counties of York and Ontario will be held in the Aurora Baptist Churoh beginning Thursday evening January and A good program is being provided and a cordial invitation is extended to all Sabbath work- ers to be present and to feel at liberty to take part in all discussions in con nection with Sabbath On Tuesday Mr Harper was married to Miss Howard of Toronto The happy bride is granddaughter of Esq Kettleby Dr J Stevenson is confined to his house through illness Miss and Mr Russell also are sufferers The wedding of Mr Thorn son of Thorn Esq foreman of the Works to Miss Jessie youngest daughter of Rev Mr McDowell was a brilliant affair One of the prettiest weddings that have taken place in this town was that of Tuesday last The Methodist was filled from nave to gallery with the friends of the principal participants from all the country side around also from Toron to Newmarket Montreal from far- off Minnesota from Oregon and from points still more distant The town was all on the qui for both the groom and his talented bride are dear to the hearts of Aurora The bride was dressed in pure white silk her tastefully decorated with blossoms Her little niece was maid of honor and looked fairy like in her white silk Miss Louie the sister in cream silk and Miss Sadie Wells in over green silk were brides maids Dr McDowell acted as groomsman The bride was given away by Mr her brother-in- law Mr T Harvey Winter and Mr A Burton acted as ushers The ceremony was performed by the brides father assisted by Revs and Miss presided at the organ The cabs for the wore brought from Toronto About people were present and when the bridal party took there de parture for Toronto was any quantity of rice thrown upon the happy pair JEWELERS Thank their many pat Tons for the liberal pat accorded them during the past year and wish them one and all a very happy and prosperous New Year ANNUAL CONVENTION OF THE Butler and Cheese Association Of Western Ontario Will be held la Opera House Jan 19 and 21 Hound Trip Single Fares by all railways This is tho Great Annual Reunion of Dairy- men Practical Addresses by practical men on every phase of successful Dairying For Official Programme A if P GEO President Koaey to Loan At per cent on firstclass farm and village property by Davidson Commissioner for taking affidavits H J- and Real Estate Agent Agent for the following reliable It anceCoand Northern Life Assuxanoe Office Brooks Mount Albert The Leading Drug Store The Annual meeting of the NEWMARKET DAIRY ASSN- Will be held on Wednesday Jan At the hour of Chamber of P m in the Council for and By order M STARR Secretary The Annual Meeting of QueensvillB Will beheld in GEO WRIGHTS Wo keep all the Standard Remedies -for- Chemist and Drii Sunday Sours to i On Monday at oclock All Shareholders aro invited to attend J Secretary HILL East GwilpuiyJtel Society la hereby given that Of above Society win bo held at pall Jan At the hour oil for and Annual Report of and other A general attendan is A meeting of existing Board will bo held at the same place oclock on novo WOIW J Si

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