Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , January 7, 1898, p. 4

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r THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JAN 1 a J at and Maintains of In Hoods If ft euros you slok if It make U question that merit 1 That is Just tho truth about Wo know it or or ft hundred but in and of Wo know It absolutely permanently when all otnorj Fall to do any good wbatovor Wo repeat Blood farmer IT cure nausea Fills biliousness Best Advertising Medium York County On Monday last at Justice of North Went Territories In Administrator of nomination of a auoooasor to Mr EL Mackintosh A at London Out- on Monday last By falling through of a portion of floor of tho City Hall were speeches wore killed and than one injured yory aorlougly Tub Georgetown Herald aenti- of a good many when it that should date of nomination day it at present our says it it vory diilioult to present at nomi nation a satisfactory for A week later than at would bo let Monday iii January by could analyze printed up to December and thua intelligently of councils Pain Past Q WITH of State for Colonios forwarded a Friday to the of Dominion an- that Her Majesty had been pleased to of the honor of knight- hood being upon Burton information to the Justice with Excellency congratulations ye- lections to the Dominion present Liberal took in very considerably ftdded to of their supporters on flow of Parliament Of the twenty- their accession twentyfive have resulted in the of Liberals than eight constituencies which returned at the general election have at byeelections returned The World of Friday it had got a reliable whisper that the Ontario elections wpuld bo Axed for tho last Tueaday or Thursday in February and that House is to prorogue by Wonder who has boon confiding- to oar And all things going to take place while North York Liberals have not even selected a or member for West York got with his piggery Somebody must been the World surely now we are told that even the are protesting against al leged severity of the Canadian mining regu lation but the country at large will rather regard this protest as a tribute to the wisdom and necessity for these the Star observes The gold in the Klondike belongs to the people at large The miners did not plant it or en- growth Some one found it in Vast deposits and the miners simply flook- there to dig oat and grow rich at the of hardship for tho Inter colonial Railway for past year continuo to show a it is gratifying to that undor proaont the working 60858 Joss than thprovious tho being by a faliinf off in of road of with year Had hi on lino yioldcd amount of rovonue for year ending June for tho lino would shown a surplus will ho a mattor of to tho gentle man who occupied of of Hallways in preceding A hue boon introduced by the Don Provincial Treasurer ancl road a flrat respecting of and other contain liquors Prior to aeasion druggists woro at liberty to aoll a quantity of liquor not ox- without ft doctors tifloate It was represented to tbo meat hat druggists under this privilege wen- soiling liquor as an ordinary beverage this led to the enactment of tho to prohibit selling altogether without a doc tors cortiUcate At tho timo no one thought this prohibition to pro prietory or patent but private proseoutions had been taken undor tho and this bill was to make that sort of thing and to allow druggists and country merohanta to sell patont medicines containing not more than per cent of alcohol without being to prosecu tion 5 At annual festival of the Now England sooioty in the city of New York held recently four hundred members of the association were present The princi pal speeohos of tho evening were those of Governor Black and Senator of Colorado In the coarse of his address the latter gentleman observed that while it may be premature now to sub ject he had no doubt that an agreement would be eventually whereby id rotor for a large and valuable of rich territory adjacent to oar far north western States we would give for her needed seaport faoilities and ap proaches the State of Maine and a of northern New Hampshire and Vermont From these observations it would seem Senator would like to trade off a New England state or two in order to obtain possession of the Canadian Klondike gold fields On second sober thought however the Senator thought he wouldnt trade it might make hard feel ings in other eastern atatea Council Tub Hon Minister of Agricultures bill to prevent the running of wheels of fortune and other gambling devioes at country fairs was read a second time in the As- last week In the Agricultural Association a clause had been pot In the law provided that any Buffering these fakirs to operate on their grounds would forfeit the Government grant has not had the desired effect because people to be informers but the preaejit bill will be more effective AM8PATCU from the that John Hall private banker of Holland an assignment with liabilities The hard earned money some poor Manltobana may possibly be in failure For Borne on the part of the people that all private bankers should be by legislation to give flame protection to those having dealings with that it now required to by chartered restitutions and subject to like inspection The necessity for is growing factorable impression made by Can ada the Jubilee celebration in Is producing splendid results Refer ring to the proposition of the American Government respecting the eh ring trouble comes the following under of Deo 28th from London Lord Salisbury the Premier has written to United States Ambassador Hay in re- to Americas latest proposals the Sea controversy her request being that Great Britain should enter into an agreement with the United States Russia and Japan to atop sealing Great Britain declines to enter Into each an agreement Lord in has communicated with the Canadian Govern- the foremost interest in the sealing and that Canada is unwilling become a party to each en agreement as la proposed by the United Therefore England continues Interest is but slight would not bo Justified in acceding to the Salisburys the of England not to In terfere foreign met Deo 29 pursuant to the of the Mayor for general business Present Mayor Smith Cody Manning Mo- The following bills were passed Express J Caldwell market ticket wood for Thofl John Blonooe Thompson mlecellaneoos to be to county John Manning Pay Sheet No Property Committee Andrew Hunter Cleaning Council Cham ber Jas The following were referred to Inspector for investigation and to be paid if found correct via W Starr J Mrs Smith Jos Gould The accounts J and were referred to the ByLaw and Printing Committee and to be paid If found The account of the Eleotrlo Co was referred to the Fire Light Committee to be paid If found correct The direction in the report of the Fire Light Committee presented on Deo for the payment of to the Cane Sons Co was varied by making the amount to be paid The use of the Town Hall for one for an entertainment for the benefit of the Childrens Hospital a Toronto was granted to Hugh Blake Hewitt for the sum The account of for of gravel at a load amounting to waa paid said amount to be to account The corrected account of Ellas Rogers Co for for Fire Light presented Dec waft paid The annual grant of to the North Agricultural Society woe ordered to be paid soon they shall properly ex ecute theagreement with this Council The account of tho A Boas Co of Nov amounting to was paid till Jan f Could Not Hand or Foot and to bo Fed and Tho Doc- tora Told Him a Impossible ho Attends to Business To- Day From the Reporter Rheumatism has claimed many vic tims and has probably pain than any other ill affecting man kind Among thoso who beon its victims few suffered than Mr Coon now proprietor of a flourishing bakery in Hampton but for a number of years a of when his oc curred To a reporter who interview ed him Mr Coon tho following particulars of his great suffering and ultimate Soma or yearH ago said Mr Coon I a of rheumatism At first I did not pay much attention to it but as it steadily growing I be to doctor for it but to no trouble went from bad to worse until yoars after the first symp toms bad manifested themselves I be came utterly helpless and could do no for myself than a young child I could not lift my hands from my- side and my was obliged to cut my food and feed mo when I like eating which was not often consider ing the torture I was undergoing My bands were swollen out of shape and for wcoks tightly bandaged legs and feet woro also swollen and I could not lift my foot two inches from tho floor I could not change my clothes and my wife had to dress and wash I grow so thin that I looked more like a skeleton than any thing pain I suffered was almost past endurance and I got no rest day or night I doctored with many doctors but they did me no good and some of thorn told me it was not possible for mo to get better I believe I took besides almost every thing that was recommended for rheu matism but instead of getting better I was constantly getting worse and wished many a time that death would end my sufferings One day Mr storekeeper at me a box of Dr Williams Pink Pills and urged me to try them I did so somewhat reluctantly as I did not think any medicine could help me However I used the pills then I got another box and before they wore gone I felt a trifling relief Before a third box was finished there was no longer any doubt of the improvement they were making in my condition and by the time I had used three boxes more I began to feel in view of my former condition that I was growing quite strong and the pain was rapidly sub siding Prom that out there was a steady improvement and for the first time in long weary years I was free from pain and once more able to take my place among the worlds workers I have not now the slightest pain and I feel better than I felt for seven years previous to taking the pills I thank God that Dr Williams Pink Pills came in my way as I believe they saved my life ana there is no doubt whatever that they rescued me from years of torture Dr Williams Pink Pills strike at the root of the disease driving it from the system and restoring the patient to health and strength In cases of paralysis spinal troubles locomotor ataxia soiatica rheumatism erysipe las scrofulous troubles etc these pills are superior to all other treatment They are also a specific for the troubles which make the lives of so many women a burden and speedily restore the rich glow of health to pale and callow Men broken down by overwork worry or excesses will find in Pink Pills a certain by all dealers or sent by mail postpaid a box or six boxes for by addressing the Williams Medicine Company or Sche nectady N Beware of imitations and substitutes alleged to be just as good AURORA On Ohriotmao afternoon Mrs J Ross about poor children in town a treat by way of a Christmas tree at her residence Catharine Ave was beautifully decorated and lighted with candles and small Chinese lanterns and was loaded with presents for tho little ones Following compose tho for Mayor Floury Reeve Deputy- A E Taylor COUNCILLORS North Ward Hastings Dr Hillary Jos J Davis South Ward J Geo A Pollock John Webb Centre Ward P Bond W A Winter TItUSTKKS North Ward Holland Centre Ward Lennox South Ward Bailey A meeting of North York Farm ers Institute will bo hold in tho town hall hero on Friday forenoon January at when the following subjects will be introduced by the gentlemen named 1st paper Clover Culture of 2nd paper Prac tical hints on Swine Industry A of Now Dundee paper Breeding Horses for Profit of Newmarket th paper Tuberculosis of paper Rear ing and Feeding Calves for the Dairy herd A of New Dundee gentlemen are well posted in the subjects which they will introduce and it will be to the advantage of every farmer in the neighborhood to be present and hear them On Christmas night after an illness of nearly two years duration Mr of Victoria street peacefully away at comparatively early ago of years Mr carried on harboring here for several years and succeeded in working up a good business Although suffering severely from that dread disease diabetes ho attended personally to his business until a few months ago when he was compelled to lay by and gradu ally sank until death came to his re lief as stated above The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon and was conducted by the Masonic fraternity of which order he was a member The fire brigade also attended in a body deceased being treasurer of that body for some time He leaves a wife and two children to mourn his early decease A very pleasant gathering took place last Wednesday afternoon at residence of Mr Wellington Willson of the first concession of Whitchurch the occasion being the marriage of his youngest daughter Alberta Louisa to Mr Hugh Scott youngest son of the late Mr Walter Scott of Maple Leaf Farm The guests were numer ous chiefly of Mr and Mrs Willson and of Mrs mother of the groom Three was the hour fixed for the ceremony The bride on her appearance looked the groom wasathis best After the ceremony was per formed by the Rev Walter Amos the company sat down to dinner Mr and Mrs Willson had provided most generously for the guests After am ple justice had been done to the good things prepared the happy couple de parted amid the heartiest good wishes of all for their future welfare We must add that the presents were nu merous beautiful and very appropri ate Banner Jan Ed Eat While we admire Mr Drapers good sense In reaigning his nomi nation arid thereby saying the the coat of an election we fail to seethat any the have right to step out and put him In by accla mation as your correspondent puta it In weeks Itema from this place We have go a Council and I fail to see how it would be changing any of them It is the large that elected our when any new material ia introduced let them run the race and then the whole Township say who will sit at the Board the and Deputies have to stay away from Toronto nomination day is a tamo affair In this Township and few of the electors came out but if they were very for Mr Draper or any other man to a seat the Couuoll would see that be got there on Saturday lie rather than run down ft woman and a Utile girl who were transfixed with fright and unable to out of way gave enfctne so sharp a that he was thrown beneath it and lalted The killing of farmers occasional ly is another illustration of the policy of keeping much money about the house It is almost certain to be come known if a man is in the habit of keeping much money about his and the amount is sure to be exaggerated and when it is known it stands in the nature of an open in vitation for a visit from thieves and murderers The place for a man to keep his money is in some bank where it can be guardian and where robbers can bettor be repelled A farmer al most takes his own life and the lives of his family when he shows that he has money in his house in these times of tramping and thieving I have need Cherry Pec toral la my family for twenty years and recommend It to others for coughs and colds and whooping cough Have never known a single case of whooping cough that It failed to relieve and curd when Scoff and Cough i The scoffs at friendly advice to take something for that cough will keep on coughing until he changes hie mind or his earthly residence Singular isnt it how many stubborn persist in gambling with health the stake when they might be of cough cold or lung trouble by a few doses of Cherry Pectoral it This testimonial will he found in full In Curcbook with a hundred others Free Address J Ayer Co Mass T Next time you Come to Town Call and get a bag of Ogilvies Manitoba Flour and please your Wife We guar- that there is no grown wheat in it and it makes FirstClass Bread nothing sticky about it ALBERT TRAVIS8 PROPRIETOR Orders delivered around Town on short notice Do Not To read and always remember what we say The foundation stone of all business success is the giving of honest values We place before you our line of Woolens for the Fall and Winter Seasons and ask you to judge us solely by our Goods our Prices and the service we shall render you MY TAILOR NEWMARKET- Patent Hangers Free with each order Do you think of i If you do write THIS SUMMER LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT 1 I I A -Hi- VifW bane is the fading or falling of Luxuriant tresses are for the matron than to the maid whose casket of is yet by time Beautiful women will be glad to be reminded that falling or fading hair to those who use Ayers Hair Vigor And get prices of Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows J LITEST Artistic Effects Inside Woodwork lArgeat in Canada for the manufacture of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHESPINS Etc A if I- and all on no loo The WmCanb Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET J

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