Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , January 7, 1898, p. 2

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J j i THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JAN Clearing Sale Co White A A Sudden Drop J A Fresh Groceries Co Atkinson Hotel Sale Notice to Creditors David Graham Cemetery Mooting Annual Meeting Convention Cheese Man Wanted Co Wanted Lost Wright Canvasser Wanted Men Wanted j Piano to Rent A Card of Thanks Mm Thompson Servant Wanted Mrs for Sale Thompson Oar PERSON AX POINTS paragraphed LETS UP BUT BRIGHTER AND WITH ISSUE FRIDAY 1898 evening giving lo elated to bo authen ticated that ho will bo pro- about middle of this month one flic date later than the 20th Possibly the may immediately fol low at any party organization may well net ready for the fray and thus bo for any theory respecting queer financing in to affaire amounts to anything it Implies a of the Local Government for liivhfceicf PrisonProvincial blind and Nor mal School at Ottawa and mom equipping Agricultural Collide and Ex- Farm at for the ad- of the fanning community The money expended on these institutions a part of our Provincial capital Will our point out to the country which of these institutions not have been in order to find oat jutf where the censure should come in General de- of so broad a nature an not to be not adapted to this matter of faot age and not regarded a factor in discussing the financial aitnatlon intelligently The country been surfeited with ua something more specific A from Ottawa dated January 3rd following par- respecting Mr recent trip to Washington lie returned to Ot tawa on New Years Day and the report stales the Hon of the Interior 11 wout on business connected with the pro posed United States relief expedition to Dawson They purpose starting a train of or attended by the neces sary men to take about tons of pro visions to the people who are supposed to be in want of food and who happen to be nearly all United States citizens Mr agreed to furnish an escort through Canadian territory of fifty of the Mounted Police The idea is to start about the 1st of February and to use the White Pass Soto the interior The United States Govern ment also contracted rnan named Boyle to convey several hundred of provisions by means an ice locomotive down the Yukon In the matter of customs complaint had been made of a charge of a day imposed- by the United States for the attend- of customs officers from and on goods passing to Canadian terri tory just oyer the summits of the and White an impost conaid red more vexatious than necessary The authorities at Washington agreed to abolish thin The Secretary of the Trees- expressed himself as anxious to do any thing in power to facilitate travel to Canadian territory Mr ton informed your correspondent that he was pleased at the cordiality of bis reception by the mem- of the United States Government and Other officials at Washington I Mb Editob In the last issue of your paper I noticed an item calling down the Ontario Veterinary Association of which I was President for the aland it took in the recent testa with if you had wished to be fairs in this matter you would have given the objections of the Association in full of only taking one sentence suited your con The real objection t is this Cattle once tasted with wilfnot respond to a second test A farmer teste his and finds some of them diseased he sends for the Government Veterinary who testa the a second time Of course this test fails to show any signs of disease and the cattle are allowed to bo shipped away As soon as the animals are killed the fraud is apparent The As sociation objects to the of becoming too common because of tho dis repute whioh it would bring upon the test In this country you not think Mr Editor that it would answer the purpose of argument just well to of Veterinary their ptoper titles inetead try ing to belittle the profession because it does not happen to agree with your opinions in this- matter Lloyd MraV is improving slowly Miss visiting In Barrio Mr Car Proascr spent Saturday la Barrio Mr Gilbert of Watford was here for Now holiday s Mr and Mrs I were visiting In the oily oyer Sunday Mr and Mrs spent New Years holidays at Fergus Mrs Robertson is visiting fa London with Mrs Andorson Greenwood is making a visit with Mrs worth at Mr Sep Morris of Aurora was on friondsin Town last Friday Miss and Miss have gone to sohools sgain Mrs leather Dennis has from recent illness Mies A of Aurora is vletting with Miss Partridge this week Mr John from Springfield on the was in town yesterday Mossrs Chester and Woodcock the this year Miss Ada Lehman has gone to to a Mrs Roe has to St Thomas to pay Mrs J Robertson a visit Mrs ft Johnson of Toronto Is visiting slstor Mrs Mr Will Montgomery of at Lindsay was homo during the holidays MIssos Earl of Toronto spent Christmas holidays at Mr I Mrs Park spent New Years Day with siator Mrs Canon Murphy of Mr Knight of Oakwood Is visit ing his Mr Knight of Sharon Mr and Mrs of Bradford took dinner on New with Mrs Marshall Millie Johnston spent the holidays with brother Mr J Johnston at Snow ball Mr Geo Simpson is from to accept a sit in Ontario Bank Mr Roche is in Clinton this week ho has purchased a bankrupt stock Rev Chas Belfry was from to spend Now Years holidays in Town Lawyer and family spent New Year holidays with brother the Sheriff Mr Frank Hughes and hie sister of Lefroy are visiting at Hughes Mr went Out to for Christmas and is laid up there with sciatica Mr and Mrs John attended wedding of her brother in Toronto on Tuesday t Mr continues very poor ly It is three months since be was out of the house Mr John Proctor has received an in vitation to spend a few days in Toronto oh the jury Mrs of is spending a few days with her sister Mrs If to Mrs and Dr A and wife spent New Years at Dr Stephens vet has been laid up for a week with rheumatism but is getting around again Miss Ida Barry and Mies Kathleen spent the New Years holidays with friends In Barrio Mrs of George has been visiting with her mother Mrs for the past week Mr and Mrs Isaac Brelsford were guests of Mrs Rogers Main St during the new year holidays A company of young people were en tertained by Miss on Thursday evening of last week Barrio Gaxelie Miss Ida Barry and Miss of Newmarket are guests at the Bouse The editor and wife had the pleasure of spending Tuesday with Rev J Locke and wife at Bradford Mrs Garrett of Bradford and Mrs Arthur Garrett of Orillia spent Tuesday in Town with Mrs Stewart Mrs Bailey and Mrs Lewis of Toron to were here week owing to the of their mother Mrs The Eba congratulates the editor of the Bradford Witnas on being elected to the Municipal by acclamation Word has been received from Rev J Gardner who is at Nassau Bahama Islands that bis health is improving Mr Wellington of Aurora and Mr Joel of Stonewall Manitoba New Years with Mr J P Hunter Mr of well- known here as Auroras bloyole racer was in Town on New Years calling on the boys Dr Watson wife and daughter re turned to their borne in on Toes- day after spending a few weeks at Maple Mr Wilson of Montana visit lag at Mr Mr Albert Rogers and wife of Toron to wore remaining two or days with bio father Mr John Rogers Yoogo St notice by the Brandon that Mr on tho staff acted as groomsman at a wed ding in Prairie Province oh Christmas Day A family gathering celebrated birthday of MrThoe Webster at bis reel- deuce Queen St the other 4ay All the immediate were present number ing about Mr A Caldwell of Now has our thanks for an artistio easel Calendar by Brotherhood of Commercial of which order bo has the honor to be the Secretary Word has been received that Mrs Malloy and her daughterMrs wore to leave Kansas this for New Mexico to try the effect of the air there up on the health of the latter Il Is learned by a dispatch from Fergus that Conductor Snider the known railway man and so soriouBly 111 that hie Is despaired of About six weeks ago his health failed and ho suffered a general breaking up of bin Messrs Elmer and Clifford Snowball King Township were Mr Isaiah Johnstons Aye dar ing the holidays Elmer who fa only 14 years of age won Medal at the Roye1 Templars Elocutionary Contest Aurora on Wednesday night of last week against Ave competitors Mr Joseph who some years ago was a in left yesterday for New route for Europe and will spend the en MiUm six months touring through England and on t continent visiting and points of in Franco Germany- Switzerland and Italy a sail on the Mediterranean and returning again to Canada about July next We thank our many Customers for the best Holiday Trade we have ever had This week furnishes another very successful year by many Thousands of Dollars better than any previous year in our history We recognize that real success only comes by hard work lots of push honest advertising and Honor Bright work from January to December We are in a better position than ever before to serve your interests and depend upon WE WILL DO OUR BEST TH c OLD a Ontario Legislature We will clear out the following odd lines only Mens Beaver and Lamb Caps regular at 1 Mens and Boys Overcoats at a big price cut to clear them out 25 Linen Towels at per cent Discount 20 Odd Wool Blankets at Big Reductions 4 doz Mens all and Drawers regular each at 50c Mens Ties a Lot at three of flessione on week in the of an amount very good work Mr Whitney said when it was announced that the Gov ernment had decided to have but holidays that he and hie Spartan band had decided to go in for a of training and make It as unpleasant as possible for tho Government that dared undertake so much work But no such couree was taH- en no obstruction was used and in the three days more good sound sensible busi ness than there had been any other since the House opened It a week of sensible legislation In the Acts that were adopted or foreshadowed it will be seen that the wise Government controls the destinieB of this Province quick to discern the needs of every locality and of every profea sion or trade or collection of people and having discerned to waste no time In in troducing such legislation as will complete- remove all the difficulties had been suffered So during the holiday week the Govern gave evidence that they were very much alive to the need of preserving the forests in the north and of regulating the water courses in New Ontario The hill relates to the forests is one of great importance The subject of cannot be overrated If for no other rea son than for the preservation of the water ways in the north the forests must remain At the present time the States in the north west of the United 8tatea aro about to ex- millions of dollars go preserve the source of the Mississippi If wise and far- seeing governments like that of Ontario had controlled these States in years gone by no such expenditure would have been necessary now To provide for this and to wisely preserve for ourselves the mighty foresU which we have at the present time regulations have been made for reserving certain timber and for protecting the growth in others There will be no system of tree planting nor any kind of expenditure at all yet the Province will be protected by a wise control which will saye for ua our timber and our valuable streams Another bill reserves for the Province the water powers on Grown lands and to in this way proteot these valuable courses from being monopolized by private com To these important bills the Con servatives could find no fault but when it came to the of Colonization roads the of the alarmed was raised on high But what effect has such a cry when the complaints are not based on facts The same lamentations have been heard for years but never yet have he mourners pointed but money was expended recklessly In the Accounts Col himself the first lieutenant of the forces of the Opposition pointed out that years ago the overseers got per day salary was reduced first to and now to crowded out Appalling AND INJURED London Jan A hor rible occurred here earnings during were an increase of 8- over the earnings of 18116 and Undertaking Mouse ing shortly after nine oclock in the City Hall An immense audience numbering over persons was there listening to the of the successful candidates in the municipal when a portion of the floor gave way tumbling over 200 persons down into room below and thence into the cellar A large safe and a heavy steam coil followed un fortunate crushing into almost shapeless masses of humanity and the place with blood tongue can describe the horror of the scene Those who saw it turned siok at the sight of the mass of crushed and bleeding humanity some of whom were uttering shrieks of pain and despair while others struggled in vain to free themselves from the seeth ing To add to the unspeakable horror of it a cry of fire was raised The hundreds in the room who had not been sucked down into the vortex of death below now made desperate A Time for a Change AnotherShake Old Year old tbinge in general Shake the old furni ture That relegate it Let it go awTr n I N furniture will make your home more efforts to escape by the doors and win- is said that England has guar anteed a loan to China of Grove Rev Percy Fletcher of Oehawa home for New Years and assisted in the the Christian the evening Miss Wright of Toronto spent the holidays with the Misses Mr Vance was also a visitor there on New Years Day Messrs Bert and Caldwell of Now York spent Monday with their io valid father at Prospect Aye Mr and J Smith of Toronto spent New Years with Mr Albert Mrs Smith and children remaining here for a month The annual entertainment of King Mission Sunday School was held on Wednesday evening Deo 29th and was well attended A sumptuous tea was served after which a good pro gram was rendered Recitations were given by Miss of Aurora Vocal selections were given by Mr Stevens Miss A Stevens and Mr Wesley J Hams also vocal and instrumental music by Bingham Aurora Ac by the school The by the school were exceedingly well rendered At the conclusion Miss was with an address and a beau- water sot by her Sunday School class Mr J M Walton of occupied chair Among the visitors that are wel comed relatives this week are Mr of Oaklake Man who spent New Years with his having been absent about years Mr P Stephenson also of Manitoba Misses M and Watson of Newmar ket Mr Pox of Detroit also Master Charles and Miss Pearl Bingly of Aurora Loves Miss Gra ham of Mr Warren teacher of Aurora at Mr Elliotts Mr Art Mann of Michigan at Mr Sirs of at Mr Miss Davis and Miss Tressie Proctor in the city this week at tending the wedding of Mr and Mies Bertha Howard only daugh ter of the late Stephen Howard of Bond Head Mrs John Lloyd and Miss Gertie have returned from a trip to friends up at London Bugler Dan spent New Years with friends here Our Miller Mr Love with the assistance of some teams succeeded on Tuesday in getting his engine and boiler out from Aurora Dont tell the Newmarket people about the Foresters Oyster Supper on the Miss Rachel Ramsay was made the recipient of a beautiful plush veil holder one evening last week by her class in Sabbath School is sufficient to let people know what an estimable teacher she has been skating rink hero is doing a very thriving business Misses Love Maggie Spink and Jennie Walton and Mr Love drovo to last week and took part in Sabbath School anniver sary exercises Sat evening of this week King City Division will visit attraotiye and more pleasant New ture costs less than you imagine If you havent bought furniture in recent years is necessary in breeding feeding and Off to the Central i Will be ft common saying among Young Men and Women Throughout our Province on MONDAY JANUARY 3RD When the winter session of the CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Of Toronto begins Those who attend this School of Business Training en- the best facilities to be found In Canada Telegraphy and Practice Shorthand and Typewriting tho roughly taught Students assisted to situa- guaranteed New Prospectus ready Address Principal Gerrard Toronto Western Dairymen THE AKKUAL CONVENTION WILL BE HELD AT LONDON ON AND 1ST Dairying is one of the most impor tant branches of agriculture To pro duce the finest quality of cheese and butter at a profit the dairyman must have an intimate knowledge of all the details of the process from the time the milk is taken from the cow till it is manufactured into the finished article The science of dairying can not be learned in a way Systematized and well directed effort you will be astonished at the of price J Opposite Royal Hotel Newmarket Undertaking and Embalming A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence 126 Street The Morrison In East Dec to K Morrison and son flltQP Thorn McDovrELiAtthe Methodist Church Aurora on the Inst by Rev Dew ey Mr Edmund J Thorn to Mies Jessie McDowell all of Aurora Robinson Richmond At the Manse marketjDco 2nd by the A Joseph Peter Robinson to Martha Gladys Richmond both Bradford Brown Watson At the residence of the brides father on Wednesday Deo by RovFrtmlth Mr Joseph Brown of township to Susan third daughter of Mr Watson of the Scotch Settlement Armitaoe Bradford on Wed Dec at the residence of the brides mother by Rev Matthews of market Mr J A third daughter Phillips so of Paris to Thomas At the home of the bride near on Wed Jan by Rev Timothy to Me- of King Howard On tho of January at tho residence of brides mother Sus sex Toronto by Roy Harper T Aurora to Bertha A Howard only daughter of the Stephen of At home of the bride by Rev Shorts on Inst Mr A Caldwell of New York spn of Mr Caldwell of Morrison daughter of Mr A Morrison of Toronto oaring for the dairy to make her produce to her utmost Par ticular care and attention required in preserving the milk in a pure and unadulterated condition for the mak ing of butter or cheese and to convert milk into good butter and cheese no little skill is required It will thus be seen that if we are to supply tho British market with the finest of goods and no other than the finest quality should be sent forward our dairymen should be thoroughly educated and trained so as to produce the finest quality Ottawa Dec Napoleon Mill- tee of this left here some weeks ago to work in the timber limits of the E Eddy Company above While engaged in felling a tree the tree fell in an opposite directon to that intended and was pinned beneath it His head was omened to a jelly The body was brought home yesterday had a wife and two children Ottawa to the Toronto press dated A high con stitutional authority has stated that Parlia ments power to do anything in regard to the Manitoba school question has away Newmarket Jan A composed of Judge of Montreal and Mr ap pointed to investigate certain made against of the Nest Pass Railway of treatment to men em- ployed in line S St Main St North All Order receive Careful Prompt Attention Son- Undertaking and Aopftirin Prompt attention to all orders Flour per barrel 5503 White Wheat per bushel 0 SO Hod Wheat per bushel Wheat per Buckwheat Barley per bushel Oats per bushel Peas per bushel Rye Bran per ton per ton CO Butter roll per lb Butter tub per lb Potatoes Wool per lb Beef CO Pork per dressed lb 05 pair SO dressed a a a a a a a a a OSS Old a CO a a CO 080 oeo a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a

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