Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 5 Nov 1897, p. 3

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Keeks WHAT IB GOING OH IN ABOUT TOWN Wild Geese Largo of wild Newmarket on Friday morning flying southward A few wore peon on Saturday morning bat not many tho day previous- The regular monthly meeting with Womens Missionary in connection with the to take at the residence of on of Thursday Nov The Beautiful Train from North report a fall of night or early on Friday last week almost of the season about and sidewalks wore wagoned hero Convention County Sunday School Convention which at Aurora tonight promises to bo except tonally interesting and very largely attended from all parts of North York Headman wno is to conduct a Primary Conference this morning and a this afternoon took part in Hamilton Convention last week and large audience that was pat m was a vory large market last Saturday Lots of eggs wore bought at per and good butter at but wore lowest flguros Poultry was offered in abundance both live and dressed We paid for docks but some people asking a pair Pork and mutton were offered in large quantities by quarter at and So par lb Cook ing turnips per bag Vegetables generally of excellent quality and large quantity Fruit dwindling down in quantity winter apples per barrel fall apples per barrel i On Oof a was at the residence of Mr Itobt Barber of East it being tbe marriage of his daughter Mies to Mr Charles Watson of East bride was attired in old gold and blue trimirkd with yellow silk and wore yellow chrysanthemums She was attended by her niece Miss Jennie Horner of Sutton who wore dark green and white chrys anthemums Mr Harry Fogg of Queens- villa acted a best man and the officiating minister was Rev who tied the knot in his usual good style The bride was recipient of many beautiful and costly presents Wedding On Wednesday afternoon of last week a number of relations and friends assembled Hall the residence of Mr Red mond Simpson 3rd Con of Whitchurch to witness the marriage of his second daughter Miss Daley to Mr George of Tintern Ont Miss Madge Simpson was bridesmaid the groom being assisted by his brother Mr John heller of Newmarket Misses Simpson and Eliza Stephens were maids of honor Rev HV Thompson perform ed tbe ceremony after all eat down to a sumptions dinner The presents were numerous and costly which shows the high esteem in which Mr and Mrs Fierheller are held The happy couple by the evening train for their home in amid showers of rice and the best wishes of friends Mrs Phil Irwin an old lady over eighty years of age residing on Avenue and her servant girl were nearly asphyxiat ed with gas from a coal stove on Saturday night and their condition was unknown for nearly three days When found life was almost extinct but two doctors were immediately summoned and by strenuous efforts it is hoped that both lives will be saved It appears that the coal fire was started on Saturday evening for the first time last spring and the air being heavy in the chimney the stove did very well and in addition to this the dampers must have been turned before the coal was properly ignited and the gas escaping from crevices In stove put the occupants of the house on retiring to bed that evening in a etupifled condition Between morning and Tuesday afternoon her son Mr Irwin called at the residence three or four times but always found the place quiet arid doors looked He then called on her bro ther J J Pearson Esq to ascertain where his mother had gone to Mr Pear- son had not aeon anything of his sister and had not heard of her going away so that the two men wo house about three in afternoon and forced ah en trance into it The smell of gas was still very strong and going into Mrs Irwins bedroom found her uncon scious upon the- floor in her nightdress and cold as death The girl was also found unconscious in her own bed Every thing possible for their restoration was done at and we are pleased to that both arc progressing nicely though Mrs Irwin has been exceedingly weak Nothing hut her strong constitution sav her at such a Opposite Robertsons Bakery Open every day W wt Sunday Drag Stores thai have boon open on Sunday evenings have agreed to in future Experience that thoro not sufficient call to warrant the of those In in as usual The Baton At Trade Sale on Wednesday and Thursday Toronto Roohe Co made large pur chases of Silks Dress Goods Jaokote and goneralDry Goods at very low prices They bought Bilks at reductions Industrial Home The Board of Audit met on Monday and passed accounts amounting to Elootrfoian finished wiring the Main Building on Wednesday and Homo is now lit by The work on the new Hospital Wing progresses slow ly- R Bod Hole Tho attention of the Road and Committee of Township of East is called to a washout in the side of the road leading from to the Cemetery just south of the new bridge The other evening a young man driving along in a was pitched out and received in bis side accident would have boon more serious had not horse been quiet animal and stopped tbe moment it was spoken to Should somobody else get hurt it would leave the Council open to an for damages consequently it should be attend ed to at High School At meeting of the Board on Wednes day ail teachers were reengaged for next year Finance Committee pre- sen ted a report showing how the finances were affected by the present regulations of the Education Department as well as County Council and they were instructed to draft petitions to both bodies embody ing grievances mentioned Regret was expressed that the Town Council had not made any provision for reducing the loan of on permanent improvement account as requested by the Board attendance has fallen off some this term also affected the estimates on wrong side of ledger The revival meetings are continuing with and large numbers are openly professing Christ at every meet ing is well filled at every service and on Sunday night last it was packed to the Rev A H has proved himself to be a man of more than ordinary ability and exceedingly zealous in tbe Masters work He is full of life and energy and inspires bis hearers with confidence in God forgiveness of sins and lives of usefulness His sermons are logical and powerful pleadings earnest and impressive and hie methods quiet and He floes not think so muoh of converts as doing a good work hence no record is kept from night to night but the is wonderfully awakened in a spiritual sense Any person who misses hearing Mr misses a treat The subject tonight is After death What There is also a meeting this afternoon Subject Fire Fire I Fire Prayermeeting on Sunday morning at oclock Love Feast at sermon at by Rev A Subject The divine alchemy followed by the Sacra ment Mr Ranton will also preach in this at on Tbe modern dance and in the evening on Rocks If you wish a you will have to go early There has not been so popular- a preacher in Newmarket sinoe the visit of Rev Mr Hammond about years ago The closing meeting will take place on Monday evening Hot and The chief event in Town next week will he the Hot Fowl meat and Vegetable Supper and Lecture in the Christian Church on Tuesday evening We venture to say that the supper will be better than any public house proprietor could afford to give for a head and yet the ladies are only asking a quarter and In addition have gone to the expense of bringing to Newmarket- probably tbe moat brilliant orator in the city of Toronto at present time Rev Morgan Wood when in the States was spoken of as the of Detroit and the opportunity of hearing him for virtually nothing is the of a life time The Journal Indianapolis Indiana Mr Wood is a tall lank cadaver ouslooking individual with Sam pacinian looks of black His forehead is high and bis classical features and piercing eye betoken an intellectual giant He is evi dently of a very nervous temperament his gestures while speaking are sharp and rapid as they necessarily most be to keep pace with the speed with which he rolls out proposition after proposition and deduction after deduotion He talked last night aa If he bad a three hours speech to make and had but two hours to deliver it and catch a train He is a speaker who most necessarily command the attention of an audience if the subject is one in whtoh it is interested for by a moments inattention a halfdozen important links In tbe of thought he might be and the effort to follow him wonld then be The was foil of wit and delivered to an ap preciative and responsive Dont miss hearing him next Tuesday night or you will probably It long aa you live eoryod from to and to bo taken by Hon J Davis Townspeople should go early to to give those from a distance a to got thing to cat without choking off St Johns oh sorvioo was hold Monday morning All Day and also on AH Souls Day Highlanders Coming Again Our many readers will bo pleased to learn bo A Q has secured tho Highlanders Band for an other of their justly in tho Town Hall Nowmarket on Thursday evening Nov In addition to attractions Major of the Pipers has consented toaooompany Band on this occasion The Com of Management regrets that it will conflict with usual prayer- mooting services of the Town but this date was most suitable to Highlanders and so clash could not be avoided Remember the date Full particulars next week inmost Centenarian A brief paragraph in Era last week informed our readers of tho death of Oldest resident Eleanor Hewitt whiob occurred on the of at the ad vanced age of nearly years The funer al took place on Sunday afternoon and was attended Rev Thompson rector of St Pauls conducted the service pallbearers wore Messrs Allen A J E Jackson A I and John whose ages average over Beautiful floral tributes were sent from Montreal Toronto and in New- market The following rolatives from a distance attended the funeral Mr and of Bradford with their son and daughter Mr and Miss Jessie Dr and Mrs Vardon Hewitt and wife and Albert of Gait Mrs Fleming and daughter Stephenson Mr Geo Hewitt wife and child of Toronto Mr and Mrs Haw thorn of Montreal Mrs H Clarke of and Miss Grace of Hill Deceased was born in Kingston In her maiden name being Eleanor Mo Her father John wd a native of Ireland and to Can- as a Loyalist and in recognition of bis services In the war of obtained a grant of land near removing here when the subject of this obituary was but six years of age Before she was years of age she married the late Joseph Hewitt who previous to coming to Can ada was a Captain in the Regi ment He took an active part in the Rebellion of and was wounded during the engagement at Lane After settling in Newmarket he was employed by the Government to guard the supplies go ing through from Toronto to end his sword he always when on doty is now one of the relics in OddFellows Hall For 46 years the above couple were engaged the hotel business in Newmarket When the late Joseph Hewitt bought the property from the late Timothy Millard where the North American now stands it was all forest through here except the width of a field on each side of Main street The Hewitt tavern was widelyknown as headquarters for the Mail Coach whiob left for Toronto every other morning and came back tbe following evening horses here and going on to the Landing where it met boat bat passengers al ways stopped at Hewitts for breakfast or supper as the case might be route was owned by Hewitt Weller who did a profitable business until the opening of the Northern Railway the first railroad in Canada in Mrs Hewitt was the mother of seven children five of whom survive her namely Mrs M Of Newmarket who is now years of age end with whom she has lately resided also Mr Robert Hewitt and Mrs Irwin Mar shall of this plaoe and Mr Wm Hewitt of Gait She lived to see 17 grandchild ren and greatgrandohildren Deceased was conscious up to a few hours of her death and her last words were a benedic tion on her faithful daughter Emily who bad been so attentive to her wants for many years A wonderful test of her memory was made two ago when in the presence of a comber of relatives who bad gathered to celebrate the anni versary of her daughters birthday Mrs she recited quite a lengthy poem she had learned when she was a girl though at that time she was in her year frequently conversed about the rebellion of her sympathy always be ing extended to those in favor with Lyon These stirring events were more deeply Impressed upon her be cause that her only brother Mr John was banished to Van for the active part he took therein Having resided In Newmarket for over years deceased was well acquainted with ell the early settlers and saw the growth of a small hamlet to the proportions of a Town with all the development of the century from the tallowdip to the light Aunt Nellie as she was familiarly called was a model landlady Everything Had to be attended to with great regularity and her regard for guests was tender and motherly Those remem ber the old North American of forty and fifty years ago still speak of the orderly manner in it was and the quiet which prevailed about the estab lishment on the Sabbath That she was beloved and esteemed by all who had pleasure of her acquaintance was amply attested by large number of very elder people who attended her funeral obse quies Booming Owing to tho big run on them last week they to get in another largo lot Sales tar this fell ahead of the whole of last foil This chows they are mantle Made 3 White Eiderdown Blankets per pair 46inch Silk Chiffon in Black Pink and Cream per yard Tweed Dress Goods per yard Ladies Black Cashmere Gloves 10 Mens Heavy Ribbed Woolen Shirts and Drawers Fancy Shot Silk per yard Heavy Pure allwool Tweed 2I 36inch Factory Cotton Full range of sizes and qualities in Childrens and Ladies Wool Vests Sar W A BRUNTON8 Baking Powder ST a 1 J Have purchased several Thousand Dollars worth of the English Goods held in Bond by the above firm consisting of And General Dry Goods At such Low Prices that will enable them to give customers Bargains will mean money saving DAN CHE CO THAT ARE J AND CLOTH That universal choice of all toilefc articles keeps the skin so white and soft Cures chapped hands etc For gentlemens after shaving is by far the best article TOOTH PASTE Such Beautiful Teeth How do you keep them so pearly white To answer this use Euthymal Tooth Paste Sheffield Dentifrice or Zonweiss Paste I LEHMAN BENTLEYS PHARMACY Sunday to p to SooondSank Stoves for Cook Stove fl Grand Jewell and Parlor Coal Art Sul tana order Apply HA Visa FEED Main St We are showing the LARGEST BES Assorted Stock of Readymade Clothing Gents Furnishings Boots and Shoes and Hats and secured on with dies to cut worn and old ran life oh for act J J Iff Come in and take a look You are always welcome It will do good to see the CHEAP STORE

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