Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 5 Nov 1897, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET- ERA FRIDAY NOV XT Goods Co Homo J Millard Lehman Farm to Rout- J Farm Hand Wanted to Loan Box Dwelling to Lot A to Pt BUT AND WITH The Pointed all NOV It been decked by Ontario Gov to rebuild homed at now Btrootoro will bo flroproof with stool tor ana sprinklers The editor of who la now nominated as Liberal candidate for one of Ridings of at general elections makes this observation Ontario surplus Tho Ontario surplus amounts to flvo mil lion dollars It Is a good nestegg Mr Whitney Bays is no sarpluaatall bat ho makes this out bv figuring up all annuities and railway alt bear ing interest arid if bad all to bo paid off band instead of when fall duo tboro would bo no surplus They a Bourco of to country and a good Ofctaxxxa authorities and property holders of Ottawa making to got Ihoir hands in the public Its are loud in demanding authority and power to tax the Federal Parliament Buildings and offices for local purposes in short they urging a making a sort of independent muni cipally governed and maintained at Dominion expense They seem to forget that the city would be wore it not for millions the country has already expended in that municipality- they also appear to ho oblivious fact that were it not for multiplied thousands expended as a consequence of its being Federal Capital it would not have grown to the dignity of a city for half a century to come very source of its growth and life they now want to burden by taxation in order still further to the private wealth of property holders who have already profited by unearned increment on real estate and this top at the ex pense of the general public who out side of Ottawa have their own local and municipal improvements and in- to maintain without the ad vantages of expenditure of thou sands upon thousands of dollars of salaried officials deriving their income from the public chest Just now the request is only for a limited grant but to accede would be admit ting the thin edge of the wedge for future Without the Federal buildings and offices Ottawa today would be another Hull would have eclipsed its pal greatness on account of its waterpower and manufactures Hence we maintain that the whole country has no right to be burdened for the benefit of propertyholders at Ot tawa and any Government yielding to such demandSj as they very well know will have to answer for the blunder at the hands of the electorate generally when next appealing to country with Monday last second edition of the Globe Toronto baa boon dis continued and all furnished with the early morning edition the sub scription rate to been placed at instead of as heretofore dead sports as and sometimes away oat In tholr game laws if North Star la cor rect especially In regard to salmon fishing Tho Siar says spawning of trout fa now at its height and fishermen having hauls taking right off apawningbods Quito townsmen also out at spawning bode catching salmon trout by of trolls shore is lined with Indiana all of whom trolling or fish for sopplioa By tho cIobo season arrives last fish will finished spawning and have gone into water for tho winter What a farce is close season The following from the Evening gram adapted to other than Toronto and la suggestive Now while the winds are snatching the last shred of summer finery from the gaunt trees the tired property owners remember that leaves have their time to fall and yearn for that other time when the tax rate shall fall like the fading leaf or the wages the hired man after harvest making to the that a widespread rumor to tbo effect that meteorological observatory to bo removed from Toronto the rises to remark in a somowabt ionofrtht of Toronto is not dependent upon the favor of any government Bo far this city baa made Us way with very little assistance from the provincial or national governments the railways or the banks And fur ther Toronto is what ft is without any help and if Dominion Govern- removes tomorrow leas will not bo to the No I we suppose not tho observatory per haps does not add so yory much to the wealth but when the made its- way with very little assistance from the provincial or national government it strains record tension to a limit that awakens astonishment in the minds of those who have knowledge along this lino Let look at obverse side in the light of the of our and then ask is Toronto dependent upon any government The truth ie the Queen has been papfed and pampered no other in Ontario and a reasonable division of the advantages to its public institutions maintained whole or in part from the provincial chest among of Ontario would have materially lessened its wealth growth and As a Hamilton paper very properly observes What with the buildings and and the horde of the annual meetings of legislature the Central Prison the Mercer Reformatory the Toronto varsity and other educational institutions the Normal School the Observatory the subsidized Fair and other institutions maintained in whole or in part by the people the province Toronto to be most dependent upon the Provincial Gov- The fact suggested by this extract seems to inspire the notion that to take away all these sources of help and ad vantage from Toronto would be an exceed ingly serious thing for the city and quite disproves the idea of its nondependence upon Provincial institutions for much of its growth and greatness Fakirs at Tub Provincial Sunday School at Hamilton waa a magnificent success About delegates were present and the Centenary Church having a seating of between and filled to overflowing each evening Much mis work waa done during the year In and other settled the Province it a jubilee convention in the fact that the Association out of debt and pledged to carry on the work the coming year Another printer A J Dooly o elected to the presidency It is quite likely that the next convention will be held in Hamilton Is a very pretty city and the delegates were entertained royally The editor and wife were the guests of ex- Mayor Charlton and his good lady who lost no opportunity of showing the eights between the No person seen Hamilton without a ride on the incline railway up the mountain There are many handsome residences The Public Library is a splendid building containing also the noted art school and a fine museum noticed in the that Mrs Charlton has contributed a very val uable collection of relics gathered in her travels in the West Indies Egypt and the Holy land Opposite the Library is the Young Ladles Christian Association building where a school of practical aoienca under the presidency of Mrs Charlton In this place theycuag in the CohimefoUt at the High are given practical instructions in the art of- pastry cooking and making bread and prizes for ate given at the close of the term The ambitious To the Editor of the Bra Would please answer the following questions May an Agricultural Society legally allow any games of chance to be opened on their fair grounds during a fair If they can are they held re sponsible if games are proved to be illegal May the Government Grant to any Agricultural Society be withheld if they allow gambling or games of on the grounds during the day la it the duty of a magistrate to issue a warrant for the arrest of party or parties carrying on praotises if legally applied for What is the proper method of pro to prohibit such practises If they are illegal 1 Yours c 1 No 2 Yes The Act says 1 The officers of any such association or society may by their rules or regulations prohibit and prevent all kinds of theatrical or irons or acrobatic performances or shows and also regulate or prevent the huckstering or trafficking in frail goods wares or on the exhibition grounds or within yards thereof and any person who after doe notice of such rules and regulations violates the earns shall be liable to be removed by the police men or constables of said association or society and be to the penalty pre scribed by the next preceding A fine of from to The of any such association or society shall prevent all kinds of gamb ling and all games of chance at the place of the exhibition or fair or within flOO thereof and any association or society permitting the same shall forfeit all claim to any Legislative grant during the year next ensuing Yes Complaint before a of the Peace Ouf Society POINTS j Mr spent Sunday at Mies Cunningham in Barrio over Sunday Miss Simpson is homo from Toronto on visit Rov Will and family are moving to Toronto this week of visiting with Miss Brigloy Mr Tom had great look duck- at the last week of Toronto thoguoat Morris last Friday Mies Poregrino of is visit with Misa Annie Bacon for a few Geo Moore music teacher has removed to the corner of Chorob and Lot streets Mies May loft on Monday to take a course at Toronto Hospital Eli Donne and family left on Monday for Bat Portage where they to realde Misses Simpson entertained a party of young people at The Wilder- noes on Monday night Messrs Anthony and Smith Newmarket were in town Sunday Mr wheeled to Totten ham on Sunday to see a relative Mr Travisa accompanied him to Bradford who is suffering from rheumatism is atthehome of his mother past two or three weeks Mrs Arthur Low who has been with her father Mr Thos Bacon for the past month returned borne to Toronto Mr wife and daughter of Montreal are in Town for a few days on a visit with his brotherinlaw Mr Millard and calling on Markham Miller who been the past three with Mies returned home to Newmarket on Tuesday Mrs Ed Williams and children of Ohio returned homo last week after spending a month at her father-in- laws Mr Addison Williams Wood- aide Bandmaster of High landers promisee a better Concert than was given on the night of the Fall Fair when he Visits Newmarket with his Band on Thursday evening Nov Mr John loft on Thursday of week to visit his two sons who are now practicing one at Waterloo Out and the other at Port Huron Mich He to bo gone two or three Mr Wright Fogg the energetic Sun- day School Superintendent of spent Sabbath in Town with hie daughter Mrs and visited the Methodist taking part it the service Mr W Trull of moved to Newmarket and occupies Mr Richard sons residence on Prospect Ave Mr Troll is a very active worker in the Christian has been Conference Treasurer for many years Word has been received of the arrival of Rev Norman at Japan The Missionary Board stationed him at a on the west about from Tokio but be is not to go there till the beginning of the year He it costs about as much to live there as in Ontario Mr CD of Bay Mills been appointed assistant postmaster at Marie Mich to whioh place he just removed with his family Mr a grandson of the late Eleanor Hewitt and eon of Mrs M P of town Speaking of the appointment the Boo News says He been In the employ of the Hall Co for sever al years and is an expert bookkeeper and accountant besides being a gentleman of affability with whom it is a pleasure to become acquainted Principal of the Model School Reeve Robertson wife and Mies Amy Robertson attended the Normal School ReUnion in Toronto week Mr Robertsons father the first head- Normal School The fol lowing an extract from a letter by Mrs Clark of San Francisco Cal read at the unveiling of- his portrait Since I left Canada I have been associated with learned men and famed but have not seen Mr equal as a an original thinker a humanist or a while in ability he stands peerless Another snap in Ladies Coats came our way this week We bought for cash an other choice lot of German sample Coats and can now repeat the wonderful coat selling of the last two weeks These are the best lot we have had yet and will go out quick They are all the very newest styles and the best selected cloths and the way we bought them enables us to discount regular prices by at least twentyfive per cent We have the best selection of stylish Dress Goods in the trade New Covert Cloths with trimmings to match per yd at c New figured Dress Cloths all shades special 50 New Plaids for childrens wear special Special line Silk and Wool Plaids 50c at Something extra nice in Tweed for Girls Coats Mens Black Beaver Overcoats- with velvet collar best farmers satin lining latest cut special 7 Mens Frieze Ulsters with storm collar and extra heavy tweed lining special 4 Mens very nobby allwool Tweed Suits special 00 Our Mens Suits at 790 and 995 are equal to tailormade suits at 1200 and Why not let us save you money 1500 We want Bags of will pay the Highest Price ound Potatoes for which we Leading Furniture and Undertaking House Sale Nov Stuart of will have an unreserved- Auction Bale of bis valuable household end rigs at his residence Main Street Terras Cash to begin at i Klondike Winnipeg Man Oct Law passed through the city east yes terday having in his possession a threepound gold nugget from the range east of Lake This country lately prospected by Mr Law rich inpiacer and quartz and is likely to outshine the Klondike The region easier of being situated on the head waters draining out of the Yukon Mr Law believes he has discovered mountain quartz from all the gold on the Yukon and other streams original ly came He from a solid ridge of quartz forty long contains more gold than quartz place is north of Cariboo the Klondike of years ago and in the aamo of raoun tains the Is a pleasure rare what other joy can with this compare At the bargains we give every heart should leap the goods are bo excellent and so wonderfully cheap afford to ignore our furniture Oar parlor outfits are unparal leled for the money Opposite Royal Hotel Newmarket and aiming A SPECIALTY attended at residenoe 125 Street The Manse Delhi on to theltov E and Mra a daughter In Mount Albert on ct wife of Mr William Johnston of a daughter Kin on October the wife of It a son ROSS At Aurora on the wife of J Hoes of a daughter Miller In Town on the Nov Mra E Mllcrof aeon on Wednesday by the Rev E Bradford Mr Joseph to Mies Annie of West At Farm Richmond the residence or thebrldVa mother on the by the A Grant Archibald to daughter of the late Harsh The Tomb Clinton Ohio beloved wife Robert eon of Mrs Lewis and brother It of this Town aged about years J Main St North 9W AH Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention r To read and always remember what we say The foundation stone of all business success is the giving of honest values We place before you our line of Woolens for the Fall and Winter Seasons and ask you to judge us solely by our Goods our Prices and the serviced we shall render you M Patent Hangers Free with each order MY TAILOR NEWMARKET We have made a Special Study of the Human Eye If your Sight is Failing or your Eyes trouble you it is important to have them care fully examined No charge is made for test ing- scon OPTICIAN Next Post Office Markets Flour per barrel Wheat per RpdWTi eat per bushel per Buckwheat Barley per bushel Oats per bushel Peas per bushel Rye per bushel per ton 0 Butter roll per lb Butter per lb Oil Potatoes per bag Wool per CO Hay fl CO Beef per Pork per llvo Pork per dressed lb pair Ducks per pair- live 005 Turkeys per lb- dressed a a a a a a a a 50 a 0 a a OK 060 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Son QOZEiianhtz Good beef cattle for shipping pur poses bringing from to around Mr Geo of had left leg broken last Friday while exercising his horse in a hunt club run Bert aged son of the foreman of the South N was caught in the machinery and killed Instantly A boy named aged IB of Alberta is custody at Toronto Not Red bushel o White Wheat per Wheat per bushel Buckwheat per bushel Barley per bushel Oats per bushel OSS Peas per bushel per bushel 43 Butter roll per lb Potatoes per Apples per Wool per lb 21 Sogifiug Prompt attention to all orders juries charged with murdering a Beef fore companion named Redmond aged Ho throw a knife at Redmond causing IW Chickens per pair per pair lb a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a OS OK CO k i

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