Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 10 Sep 1897, p. 2

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V i r THE NEWMARKET- ERA FRIDAY- SEPT V v Advertisements Now A Now Fall Bale Lloyd to A Notice to Lloyd Notice Property for Business College Notice Hughes Farm to Bent W Dawson Patents Marion Marion fa UP MUX GROWS BRIGHTER AND WITH ISSUE The Printed FRIDAY SEPT 10 1897 deposit of coal or something Tory like baa been in the North Country being gobbled up by a syndicate The deposit crops out over about acres of land In Baxter near It was first no ticed the blackness the waters of a little lake near it which empties into the There are no fish in lake ana the colour of Ite water started with the result of the discovery of coal It la stated In the city press that the Hon Mr against P for Ontario Mr will not go to trial Mr Smiths lawyers sue carried on negotiations the solicitors of Mr until the latter agreed to accept a public withdraw- I of the slander and a printed apology Mr Smith now withdraws trie charge that Mr sold the of registrar of deeds for Ontario County and expresses regret for having made the statement Slanderers mast bo made to to time and bridle their unruly tongues The Toronto Star revives the rumor that Mr Ryan will be the next Commie of Public Works Hitherto he has been a warm Conservative in Dominion bat in Provincial affairs he hold with Oliver Mowat Within the last couple of Mr By an baa practi cally himself a supporter of Hon Mr Hardys Government The Star goes on to say that Hon Mr not improving He present stopping with bis friends on the Thousand Islands His resignation has been offered to Govern- meat and he anxious to retire After the next session resignation will be ac cepted At the Liberal convention In East York on Friday last Mr- John Richard eon was again as the party candidate next election to tbe Legislature The attendance was large and the meeting most harmonious enthusiastic Alter the nomination addresses were delivered by Premier Hardy Hon E J Davis and Mr the nominee No one seemed to that bis Conservative opponent of tbe Metropolitan Street Rail way would prove at all troublesome to Mr Richardsons triumphant East and West York are now In line with nomina tions and we expect the will shortly be made for banner Riding of North York to place its nominee before tbe people No doubt the Provincial Secretary will be the but it is necessary to go through the formal proceedings Justice is sometimes apparently slow but the mills grind fine and scire in tbe course of time We have a case in point arising out of the sanitary condition of the buildings in Toronto Fourteen years ago tbe Warden of this county was served with a mandamus re anew County Court House on the alleged grounds of the condition of tbe Adelaide street buildings and surroundings but Immedi ately after this the responatbUlty of provid ing a court house was shifted from to city yet the buildings are still used And now tbe sanitary condition of Hall Is reported to be so unsatisfactory that recently Judge Armour was obliged to move the court down to the Adelaide at court that was condemned by the late Judge and County Attorney and reported against by a score of grand juries Meanwhile Toronto has in curred a million and a half of debt for a new court house and the pile is still finished Great is Toronto for humbug Tux Mail of Saturday in a leading edi torial makes this observation j Form- province received seventy or eighty thousand dollars annually from licenses the balance going to the treas uries to lighten the load of taxation our people pay Now the province takes about 300000 from licenses was and last year It was Of course the more the Government takes the smaller must be proportion which the municipalities receive With tbe statement of fact respecting figures we Mike no exception but with our conclusion we do not agree Govern meat by its legislation allows local muni to impose a fee up to a limit above the amount ever before received by local sum Imposed for provincial revenue purposes whatever to do with the amount Imposed by municipalities to state that the more the Government takes the must proportion which the receive Is misleading to Bay the least There Is no must we local corporations can in dependent of what the province demands just the same did when local Issued the licenses themselves Tub North Ontario election trial ie an nounced to fit to morrow It is understood among and the legal proceedings will bo merely formal On Saturday last Hon Mr Fielding Minister of Finance left for England His business It appears is to borrow parliament authorized last session addition to pre viously authorized Tim election petition against Mr P Brant up be fore Mr Justice on the let and no being aub- mitted This another In seat for tho Commons Ottawa away bobtail tho ego talks to its of Dominion proAmerican policy Tho Toronto Star suggests that one aend an almanac for 1897 la no policy in Canada this year Ah American exchange A num ber of who preferred to invest their money in West rather than at home have learn ed that havo a tract of land four foot under water being made on tho instalment plan from Ottawa that Mr Smart Deputy Minister of the Interior and Mr Frank of Toronto Super J ton dent of Immigration are in the Lake John Investigating the progress of movement for the of from the United States Tux Inhabitants of New York consume about two hundred million gallons water day at an average to each consumer of than one cent for two hundred A very upon the entitled Forty Miles Underground la contributed by 3 Perot to Round of September A press from Ottawa on Friday last stated that Mr W Barker Post Office Inapector at Toronto has been superannuated at bis own request having been in the service for forty years It la said that Mr Barker preferred annua to removal to London where ho to have succeeded tbe Daniel Spry Mr Barkers salary a year Dominion Premier Wilfrid found it impossible to roach To ronto during the Industrial Fair but he has decided not to overlook the Young lib erals and will accept their offered reception on the 25th This information baa to the Young Liberal As sociation and preparations are now made for a grand demonstration on the date named Tab value of a postscript to a letter was demonstrated in Wilson Y other day The Star of that town remarks The important part a womans letter fa in the postscript A Wilson girl wrote a fourpage letter last week to a young man explaining why could not him and then added a postscript saying On second thought I have decided that I will marry you after all A jeweller exhibits in the Main Building at the Industrial Fair week an exact duplicate In onehalf size of the Imperial Crown of England It is made wholly of solid gold and oyer 600 including diamonds pearls emer alds rubles and sapphires as shown In the Crown Canadians who never expect to visit the Tower in London who have ex amined this piece of precious handiwork now have a fair knowledge of what this emblem of royalty like Ok Friday evening last Mr Whitney Opposition leader in the Ontario Assembly held a political meeting in The attendance During the course of his address Mr Whitney reported to have denied very strongly the newspaper reports that he had been in Toronto the week previous conferring with Hon and Dr Montague to the plan of campaign for Ontario It Is just an other instance of repudiation of the men over tbe way T AwatH of Kingston Ontario recently contributed an article to The Reformed Presbyterian Witness of Glas gow Scotland in whloh he referred to the of Voltaire that Christianity would perish before tbe end of the present century Some interesting are to show the strides made by Christianity during the past hundred years More bibles have been printed In a single decade of the present century than were published altogether before year Truly Christianity shows no sign of decay and it will to bless the world long after critics are forgotten Babbie Ont Sept Shortly be fore ten last night fire broke out In a frame stable In the roar of the Grand Opera house It is not known how the fire originated but if spread with amazing rapidity everything be ing so dry There was scarcely a breath of air but the smoke and flame drifted towards the operft house the roof of was soon in a blaze The peculiar shape of the roof to gether with its height made it very difficult for the firemen to reach tho fire which gradually made its way trie rear as far forward as tho auditorium roof it was two oolock before the flamea were extinguished Most of the damage was done to the roof and to the interior decorations by water Two thousand dollars will cover the loas to meet which there insurance house one of the prettiest and most complete in tho dominion and was just com pleted a year ago at a cost of about Society Column POINTS PLEASANTLY Mr Charles spent Sunday In town Miss in tho city week Ramsey left on Wednesday for Ottawa Banker Rosa enjoying his holidays on hie wheel is visiting in the week Mr Trull of Orono spout Labor Day in Town Mr Jacob Johnson of was in Town of Brooklyn is home for her holidays Mr and Mrs Simmons of visiting at Mrs P Fletcher of was home on a viait of Gait the guest of her cousin Mr Wm Miss from Florida visiting with Mies Miss of Hamilton la tho guest of her aunt Mr and J Green over Sunday with In tho Mr of Berlin made bis aunt Morton a abort vlett this week Miss Murray is a couple of weeks with frleuds in Georgetown Mrs and children are her slater Mrs Smith in Toronto Mr Den ham of Montreal Is the guest of aunt Miss Smith at The Cedars Miss Kathleen is visiting friends in the for a couple of Mrs returned from Pickering where ahe apent the holidays 4 number of young people spent a happy at Rose Lawn Friday Mrs and Ramsey of Orillia were the guests of Mrs Dr Stuart thia week Mr and Mrs Dunn of Trenton parents of Mrs Dr Scott were here over Sunday Mr A teacher of voloe and violin as well as pianotuner vlalts Aurora professionally every Satur day Mr Edward Caldwell of York US waa visiting Mrs W Bo- and brothers for a few days thia week Mr of Toronto is spending a week or two with Mr George Bray and wife of Chatham oyer Sunday with sister Mrs Robertson Barrio Examiner Miss of Newmarket is visiting her aunt Mrs A Reeve Robertson and wife Day at being the birthday of his mother Mr Taylor and wife of Allendale were visiting for a few days with Mrs Richard Alderman has returned after a six weeks tour through Manitoba and the Territories Mr Wright of Howell spending a week with bis cousin- Worship the Mayor Mrs Amos of Sharon who has been visiting in England arrived hire yes terday on her way home Miss Hancock of left for her home on Tuesday after spending all sum mer with her sister Mrs Bonney Miss Maud of Toronto and Mies of Port Huron are visiting at Mr Mortimers Union St Rev A Miller of Hamilton spent Wednesday with his Mrs George Moore at Constable Savage attended the annual meeting of the York Constables Associa tion in Toronto on Wednesday and was elected on the Executive Mr and Mrs Adams of Leamington over Sunday with his sister Mrs Little Crawford of Oak Is two or three weeks with her grandmother Twin Pine Farm of Wbitchoroh Pratt Rev Mr Bell of Newmarket spent a couple of days in Acton last week a guest at the home of Mr James Clark Mre A Allen and daughter after speeding months at Ooeaulo Atlantic Highlands and AaburyPark New Jersey i returned to Toronto last week Mrs and boy of Richmond Hill is spending a week or so with her brother Mr J Davison Mrs of is also visiting at Mr Davisons Prof Byron Oliver and bis brother Art who have been enjoying the holidays at the Lake and in Newmarket left last night to resume duties at the Academy of in Wooater Ohio Miss Rachel Wright of who spent the past two months with Mrs Jackson left for Toronto on Tuesday where she will visit with relatives for a week before going home Rev A Bell of the Baptist Church Toronto was Town two or three days last week soliciting tlons toward paying the thechuroh and met with good success We clip the following from the Victoria Daily Cane of is at the New Mr Cane baa been retained to look after the Interests of the settlers on the railway lands and he will today meet Messrs and who been commissioned by the Dominion government to Into in dispute Mr p a toother the Mayor of and many friends hero will to that ho is Interests We rejoice with the Farmers in the prospect of old time prosperity with big crops and better prices than we have had for many years Prospects were never brighter Our interests are identical with those of the Farmers and we look forward with confidence to a very large increase in our business and expect to share with you the coming boom NOW FOE BARGAINS NEW DRESS GOODS Handsome Rough Cloths the Very Newest Goods 44 inches Remnants mostly Dress Lengths Half Marked Price Finest Silk Warp Henrietta always sell at for Allwool Serges Newest Shades special at LI Pure Linen Towels regular at per pair Large Bath Towels regular at per pair Pure Irish Linen Table Damask at 23c Bleached Table Linen 60 inches wide price special at Mens Suitsj New Patterns made well regular 600 at 4 Mens Fine Tweed Suits Double Breast well made very special 5 See our Superior Suits at 995 in every way superior to Ordered Clothing Boys Two Piece Suits regular 200 and 225 to clear out at Another Lot of those Splendid Tweed Pants at BOOTS AND SHOES We do a big business in all kinds of Footwear and it will pay you to look over the stock Leading Furniture Undertaking House If you want Cheap Furniture Just call and see our prices If you want a Good Set of Parlor Furniture in which there is no deception and will last a life time call on and Embalming a Night attended to at residence Street Ip THIS The men who advertise will get the moat of It they do in good times or dull Those who axe after their share of the business and as much more as they can get are now making the preparations To advertise in the most effective and expeditious manner USE THE ERA The At Cottage Wednesday Sep 1st to Mr and Mrs Geoffrey Silvester AltSlK Thomson At the Parsonage by Hey tf tbe H Thomson of Brock to Catharine Ttomeon of Bruce 9 At on the 1st of Sept by Rev A H Brace Mr Harrison Proctor of Bt East to Maria Cameron of Wood lie Co Victoria the residence or the Inst by Rev Hector or A of Tomb Goode In East on Boot Ann in her year has it that Mr J Whitney leader of the Ontario Opposition not having inspired the that Dominion House leaders anticipated is to have his hands strengthened by aisoci- with him the Hon Peter White ex- Speaker of the Commons Mr Whitney with Mr White as first lieutenant It Is surmised that Dr and Mr dont like Petitions have been received at Ottawa from Algoma protesting against the to impose an ex port duty on Canadian logs and pulp- wood Little Lila who on Saturday August died Monday in Peterborough Ont A lad named Elliott who was passing the girls home shot at a bird and the ball entered the childs stomach At a fiveyearold daughter of Mr P Henderson shot fatally by two young men were driving past her fathers farm and shot at si bird Market a Bept9 i Interred at Aurora on Wednesday In Whitchurch on the 3rd lost daughter of Henry Sheri dan aged raws and days Aug Bireetln bis year In King on the Henry years In Toronto on Mr Ruben of Newmarket aged 21 years and months Interred In Newmarket Cemetery on Tuteday I Main St North All will Prompt Attention URHITURE Flour per barrel New Wheat per bushel White Wheat per bushel Red Goose bushel Buckwheat Barley per bushel per bushel bushel COO Bye per bushel Bran per ton per ton CO CO Butter per lb Butter tub per lb Potatoes per bag Appleeperbbl a a a a a a a a 000 Pork per dwt dressed lb pair 0 Ducks per pair 000 Prompt uttaillou to all with the above result An inquest I was not considered necessary Wool per lb- Hay per ton Windsor A horrible Beef per story comes from a small Pork town on the Lake Erie and Detroit River Railway about miles from Windsor On Wednesday Mrs Enoch McLean went out in search of a hog which had strayed away from the premises and while passing through the woods the animal suddenly rushed out and without warning attacked her Mrs was knock ed down and when her soreainB hid brought her daughter to the scene the latter was horrified to that the Buckwheat per bushel brute had hewed up her mothers left j Barley per arm in a terrible manner the fleah I per bushel bushel Apples per Hay per ton Pork per Beef Mud SCO 0M 0 0 a CO a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Toronto Toronto New Wheat per bushel 070 a Hod Wheat per bushel White Wheat per bushel hanging from it in strips The plucky girl unarmed as she was attempted to drive the infuriated animal off but was in turn down and trampled upon She however managed at fast to get rid of the brute and then carried her mother to a place of safety- It was disco that Mrs McLeans arm was fractured at wrist ana was badly lacerated from the hand to the One of Mies McLeans arms was also badly torn physicians I lop f i

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