Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 6 Aug 1897, p. 7

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THE NEWM ERA FRIDAY AUG 18 of Local IS GOING OH IN ABOUT The Friends Howard Nicholson a minister from Loo- Mooting mowing arid evening pobHo incited to atte exports week include oar ehccBO oar of wheat oat of floor of and heavy from Co but not In lots import of lumber of oar fruit oar oil oar Quarry the usual Presbyterian Church pastor Rev A op north on a vacation of four weeks daring pulpit will bo supplied by Mr Walker a of Knox College To ronto Word has boon that now boon expected for some will bo toady for on 1 The mooting last Sunday was by U Mrs Cody tbcohalr and Miss A presided at organ Miss Olivo gave a read ing and addresses wore by Revs Hoover John Rogers and MatthowB Iho meeting next Sunday in of Hie Friends End S R Between and four hundred people gathered at the North End on Tuesday evening to witness the Hook and Races in the paper last week resulted follows Hose Race four entries Mr winning First a Coal Hook and Ladder Race six Mr J Gibson winning First Prize Bee Time Ladder Race Lest week Mr Osborne foreman of tinshop put in for Mr John Smith East Mr and Mr John of King Township Now la tho time to got thorn in m Quoits Two ago Mr Phillips of St beat a at Last Monday same Toronto duds up and had another tackle at Dave scoring a Ho that should not anything bigger than Hoggs hollow ji CXI anted Two Montreal buyers Merlon end are to bo at Dominion Hotel Newmarket on Friday of weak to buy two oara of horses from to years old Home Tho mot on Monday and regular accounts and also on Building Account Tho Building Committee mot yesterday In order to tho work of con S N Blouses for Foundation Sinking nearly all tho departments at Canes rushed with work factory will have to shut down for repairs shortly foundation that holds one of the mm en bo balance wheel shown signs of sinking and a oarload of quarry has arrived to make tho sary repairs Cut On Wednesday afternoon Mr Walter Collins one of employees at- Canes Factory had his hand oat between the first two fingers by a circular saw It is not a bad accident but it will probably lay him off work about ten daye A boy named got the end taken off his finger at the on day previous On Tuesday evening there came nearly being a serious break in family of Eld Pressor Bis daughter Miss Mela accidentally took a ized of Epsom salts and had not the mistake been observed about twenty minutes afterwards it might have had a fatal termination The family phy sician was promptly called and the trouble was averted This shows necessity of having drugs of all kinds labelled A great many housekeepers guilty of neglect in this respect but an hour or two taken to do the job may save a whole an xiety and a doctors hill Great fiomoofour farmer friends been doing tall talking this season regard ing of tome of their pro ducts but Mr McMillan of them all in shade with bis samples of timothy feet inches long However it has been reserved for Mr John Hurst of Jersey to occupy the top seat A sample his timothy which gave on Wednesday morning ft and he he about the same length Mr Hurst however was in having a good deal of bay in the wet last week Cheese At the meeting of the Cheese Board in on Thursday of last week boxes of were boarded and four buy ers wore present The Liverpool cable a little easier Newmarket factory sold boxes at Albert sold boxes at the same price and Sutton got boxes With the ex ception of boxes all were sold on Board Considering the large quantity of cheese that is being exported from Canada the price is encouraging to dairymen with the year or two lower than hoped for Flattering Dr Fred on behalf of American Society for the Extension of University Teaching has been delivering a number of lectures in Philadelphia and elsewhere The press of that city have devoted considerable attention to Mr lectures and apeak in no measured terms of his ability as a lecturer and a scholar may be interesting to our readers to know that Dr is a son of ifo Sykea and nephew of Mr Samuel of He born at and spent a good deal of his school in Newmarket where Ma parents at that Dr resigned a pro- in the Western University London to accept the position of staff lecturer in literature and editor of We are glad to see that an- other Newmarket boy is making hie mark the world Prod There was a good general market last Saturday From to were the ruling paid for butter and to for Everybody asking per pail for but only a few sold at that price was the ruling figure and towards the close of the market they wore sold for indeed several paile wore Bold at Black currants commanded per quart and rod currants were sold at Black raspberries were Offered at To per box and red raspberries sold at and per lb any quantity at per quart New potatoes sold at loo per peck and green beans at per gallon Splendid cabbage Go per head Mr Moses Toole Is brightening bis deuce by a new coat Citizens Band engaged to play at a Garden Party at Holland Landing next Tuesday evening There was no quorum at the regular meeting of the Town last Monday evening Whats the matter with the Town Band The citizens will like to hear some more these fine Saturday nights Mush room out of season for eating though they can be used for catsup They are being sold in town this week The continued rise in the price of wheat makes the outlook particularly floury Rural schools reope on Monday Aug Town and incorporated village schools on Wednesday Sept 1st More new sidewalk at the north end of Main at this week at the Primary School makes a great improvement Who has the best garden in town Hewitts looks well On account of rain Wednesday even ing the Church Garden Party postponed again till evening The genera complaint is that white wheat in this section was badly Injnred by wet weather last week man Early morning Mr of got up and left not boon seen since He has been noting very queer for somo time and it thought that ho Is out of his mind Hie making anxious enquiry Mr Jones showed as yesterday an Indian picked up at Sand- ford Scott about years ago It Is the bowl of a pipe peace Quito a number of of this kind found tberb about that time and it is supposed that an Indian burying ground was located thoro While and Fred Lloyd woro driving to last Saturday the tongue broke causing the to ran off the side of the road and upset were thrown out and escaped injury though Mr Lloyd so badly shaken up ho was to the house for two or three on returning home Worth York pal A meeting of the Board took place Monday afternoon when a commencement was made at drafting the Prize List for tho County Fair at Newmarket is to bo held on the 28th of next month As the time is getting short another meet ing was held last night The list should be out inside of two weeks to give exhibi tors a chance to ret ready The Directors are making a big effort to make the fair year an unparalleled success Floral Hall is now getting two coats of paint and presents a neat appear ance while flooring the inside of the build ing will bo a grand Improvement First Form The following is the result as announced by the Education Department in the re cent High Sohool examinations at New market Anna A Bennett I Cane Clark honors Doyle J Dickson A A French J Harding Haines A Leary hon ors Meyer M McCaffrey Ough Hoe J P Smith Simpaon Sutherland J Storey honors Wesley Williams Lete The marks of unsuccessful candidates will be sent to High School Principals or Public School Inspectors after the re sults of the other form examinations have been published It is expected that the results of the second form examination will be announced next week Compared with other schools the New market High School has a splendid record not equalled by any other school In the County Out of pupils 25 succeeding in passing The other three named above wrote here but were not pupils of this school Corsets for Bruntons Baking Powder is Absolutely Pure CORNER STORE In an appeal case at be fore Judge bis Honor de cided that the poles and wires of the Bell Telephone Co were assessable and liable to taxation by the town The peach crop in Niagara County this year promises to be larger than ever before The limba of many of the trees are propped up owing to the heaviness of the fruit upon them A despatch from Athens says that a sharp engagement took place between Turkish troops and the armed population of the village lying between and general store at has assigned to Bailiff of Newmarket Three thousand men engaged in the building trades went on strike in Now York on Wednesday The tannery of Mr Frank at was destroyed by firs Wednesday loss By a majority of 16 a local option bylaw was carried in Wainfleet Town ship County Three business failures represent ing combined liabilities of over were announced in Montreal yesterday A company has been organized in Montreal for purpose of send ing an expedition to the Yukon district upon the cooperative plan The miners engaged are to have a share the profits Alaska boundary question which the United States Senate loft among its unfinished business is like ly to cause trouble between the United States and Great Britain owing to the richness of the gold finds in the disputed territory A man known as Prof known in private life as McDonnell whose parents reside in Toronto was killed at Brooklyn on Sunday night while attempting to ride a bi cycle along a trolley wire some seventy feet from the ground The second naval division of the Turkish fleet consisting of seven war ships sailed for the Isle of Crete It feared that this may lead to a collision with tbe international fleets as the foreign admirals have decided to oppose by force the landing of Tur kish reinforcements John is in the habit of visiting Rankins planing factory and called there on Wednes day morning last One of the band saws was running at the time and while fooling with it his hand came in contact with the the forefinger at the and bad ly lacerating the second and third finger and thumb Aug News by steamer tells of the outbreak- of the volcano Mayon on the Island of Luzon Phil ippine group It began June and up July persons have been killed The lava streams had then reached the cities of Cacacay and anti their destruction was cer tain Fifteen smaller towns had al ready been destroyed The death roll the reports said would reach liOOO gtvrtitttttA During the Month of August we will sell BOOTS SHOES HATS AND NTS AND We are bound to make room for New Goods that will arrive shortly Come and get some of the that we offer We keep the Largest Stock of Boots and Shoes and Mens and Boys Clothing in Newmarket Remember that this is a Genuine Offer that we will Sell Goods Cheaper than you ever bought them before MONTGOM THE CHEAP C HUG This week got in a lot of Ladies Belts Elastic Belting Silk Belting Buckles Laces in white and cream Heliotrope Ribbon Ladies Ties Ladies Cuffs and Collars Silk Gloves and Mitts and a big lot of those fine AMERICAN COTTON OUR BICYCL the time of year the Quarterly were wdl attended The Love especially good meeting The pastor Rev Mat thews Officiated The Quarterly Board Meeting on Mon day evening well attended and the re were quit equal to a year Mr was appointed to the Financial District Meeting to e held in Newmarket on the next month program- for the League and School Convention in con flection with the District Meeting is ly completed and a very interesting gather ing anticipated The Secretary ex pect to them next week to all the and Sunday connected this denomination in the Bradford Di8triai Next evening Roy Mr Will to preach and the Meagre broth- es are to alng No doubt there will be a congregation Dp Dentist Robertsons Bakery Open everyday a School A meeting of the Board took place at the Secretarys office on Wednesday afternoon following were present Messrs 3 J Pearson Father Morris Ceo Rose A I Leppard and Jackson report ed the receipt of Government and County Grants for A number of accounts were passed including for expenses in connection with the recent High School Exams It was found that the fees from candidate only amounted to leaving deficit to by tbe Board In view of this state of things a Special Com mittee was appointed to enquire into the expenses of the examinations ana see what can be done to remove the harden namely Webb Pearson Jackson Morris and Rose In figuring the accounts the Board regretted to find that the fees the past six months a fall- off of compared with the same period a year ago I order to meek the running expenses And that they will require to call upon the Town for this more than last in addition to tor permanent improvement The Board carrying a floating debt A which was used in the building in addition to the received from the new debentures and as tho old debentures ere now all paid off it la proposed to gradually redoes liability Charles a Montreal milk man living hear shot Bertram the tollgate at St Laurent While endeavoring to evade arrest Meech was and mortally wounded by a detective Orie hundred and thirty miles of the Beira railroad into Rhodesia have been completed carrying the line be yond the tsetse fly belt It has taken five years to build and for every mile of road two English lives have been sacrificed Premier Hardy arrived at Cache lake Algonquin park Wednesday and settled the location of the now build ings to be the official headquarters He will remain a couple of days to- the beauties of the great pro vincial park According to a paper the Formosa rebelsseem to have an un derstanding with the high officials China and their platl is to attack foreign offices and residences otherwise molftBt foreigners so as J start International trouble Mr McLeod Stewart the pi- Mayor of Ottawa had an interview Wednesday with Lord with reference to the Georgian and Ottawa canal and lie promised all the assistance in the Secretary of State for War When you go into a grocery al ways sample everything in sight figs candies nuts crackers cheese and dont stop at half a pound of lxlogna if it is lying handy It gives the grocer an idea that you are a liberal minded sort of person and if you had money you would spend it as freely as you take his If the grocer hints that thegoods represent so much money to him set him down as a stingy mean not worthy of your patronage During the heavy rain on Tues day evening of week the residents near lake were treated to a sight in the shape of a water spout The water from the lake Was earned right up into the clouds and it looked as if the muddy was going to be emptied com- As it was people near the spot state that the water covering an about an acre was taken up It could be seen for several miles and was accompanied by a great noise Sydney Aug Vaktin has reached Sydney with report of the Wtal loss of the steamer Sutton in off the Islo of She had on sixtyfive pilgrims returning from Mecca The seas were running high when the Valet fa saw the sinking The waves with sharks Tho captain of the called for volunteers and the whole crew came forward Just before the third and last Iwat was pulled alongside swamp ed and occupants devoured by sharks Are high grade at grade prices TheJTempest is a great favoritefor easyrunning and speed The Dayton formerly a wheel- is now for and for style These are all wheels that seldom puncture and run a long time before any repairing is required Dont forget to see our stock of Sun Hats Yours truly M HUGH So ROBERTSON BAKERY THIS WEEKS ARRIVAL Raspberries Cherries Cucumbers Cooked Ham kept constantly on hand Our Bread Cakes and Pastry has no equal Ice Cream and all kinds of Soft Drinks The Leading Baker Grocer and Confectioner

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